15707845127156653663316207345954.jpgIMG-20191011-WA0012.jpgIMG-20191011-WA0029.jpg15707893333604641602646104343632.jpg15707896148261001852730444443006.jpg15707893682718735345993973328976.jpgIMG-20191011-WA0010.jpg15707832578189072966147542290648.jpg15707834239151848095670456445962.jpgwp-1570802098371.jpgwp-1570802035747.jpgIMG-20191011-WA0008.jpg15707834472307571853684531947568.jpg1570786851350875126761037075326.jpg15707954609231414742855137602773.jpgwp-1570803375931.jpgIMG-20191011-WA0025.jpg15707901880905044044258918245073.jpg15707896521495228368066690777655.jpg15707898431401260540910340766071.jpgwp-1570797906437.jpg15707891823613489701966672795046.jpg15708085319268121818133374276907.jpgIMG-20191011-WA0022.jpg20191011_122801.jpg20191012_104224.jpg1570786970887877213663425578385.jpg15707945096213046886711061607208.jpgwp-1570799108967.jpg15707897063131288720652032018631.jpg15707903779064676578966512394624.jpg15707894111295276134005257790577.jpgIMG-20191011-WA0018.jpg15707956443157809948054158681191.jpgwp-1570800121779.jpgIMG-20191011-WA0028.jpg15707938539414257574867589042332.jpg15707939369261663485003269948842.jpg1570794013493934164119149072580.jpgIMG-20191011-WA0021.jpg1570792032491391043010104295969.jpgIMG-20191011-WA0023.jpg15708169551153682810323296415724.jpg15708166865724722342520839818077.jpg15708165532348064204112588561454.jpgPeanut oil processed mixed with nitrous oxide in a truck massive diesel engine. V6 engine run on regular diesel fuel to reach 220-degree before switching over to peanut oil. Nitrous oxide plus plenty of air turns turbo charger supercharger forced air in cylinders. The engine gets a spray of alcohol for cooling purposes.IMG-20191011-WA0030.jpgGroundnut, Peanut oil and vegetable oil wastes converted into biodiesel. Gallons of oil, grease from dining services converted to 100% biodiesel used, sold to motor vehicles. Chemical additive mixed into the biodiesel enhances the performance in cold winters. Biodiesel under various conditions when compared to traditional petroleum diesel analysed modified improves a production process. By-product of biodiesel production glycerin is material used in soap-making.



downloadfile-107IMG-20190823-WA0006.jpgIMG-20190828-WA0015.jpg15670181022068472870892802949715.jpgJESUS WAS BORN IN AUGUSTUS CAESAR’S TIME
IMG-20190818-WA0014.jpgJesus Bethlehem Star in Herod Roman ISRAEL15665444585456037928711354045433.jpgBC= (Before Christ) AD =(Ano Domini)15665438173193802429330246765213.jpgIMG-20190818-WA0015.jpgIMG-20190818-WA0016.jpg     CE = (Current Era is same as AD)IMG-20190818-WA0012.jpgIMG-20190818-WA0019.jpgIMG-20190826-WA0001.jpg15668144222191724282044097895602.jpgQumran cave scrolls found in jars says Isaiah prophesied Jesus is suffering Messiah wounded for transgressions years before Jesus’ birth. The nativity grotto manger cave is the place of His birth in Israel, Bethlehem celebrated.1566423816977775302544281360036.jpgThe walls are protected by the heavy leather drapes backed with asbestos. Grotto Manger is covered by marble. 15664241738113112520822431802471.jpgThe 14-point silver star marble floor Grotto Nativity words “Hic de Virgine Maria Jesus Christus natus est,” Jesus Christ was born by the Virgin Mary. 15664247415413966455054614853852.jpgBethlehem Church of Nativity altar is a cave rectangle 12 by 3 metres rock trough replaced by marble. On feast days cave is lit by 48 hanging lamps.15664825904808576486757094227569.jpg 15664265948953064182727094918725.jpgA small altar in Grotto of Manger is dedicated to Adoration of Magi, Three Wise Men in Matthew’s Gospel from the East to worship newborn Jesus.15664267378333176950932698485893.jpgThe crosses on original grotto pillar.15664262814155682875504643502475.jpgThis original manger feeding trough rock cut by Bedouins found in Megiddo like one Jesus slept in. Grotto was enlarged for pilgrims. Silver manger replaced stone trough of Jesus bed.15664736799232959997281084708902.jpgNearby Church of Nativity Bethlehem a cave on Milk Grotto street hollowed out of soft white rock sacred to Christians.IMG-20190822-WA0002.jpg1564765725974608829493392566377.jpgHerod was killing infants so Jesus lived in secret cave hide outs done to escape Jesus’ death before going into Egypt for many years until Herod died. So family returned to Jerusalem but moved back to live again in Nazareth hometown.156648475499118206631917729006.jpgChurches are built on many places Jesus lived as a child and to His adulthood. So people visit the various places and of His ministry on earth. Home of Jesus in Nazareth is like this ancient house.15665031256949219574567600189324.jpg15663236614986317289956720022642.jpg15662362640174233423692023829914.jpg15662362348833108589619410840358.jpg15662361693593675924940286115312.jpg15664940828772395510996587276684.jpg15662365140781068905542913250518.jpg1566236478995994813015487377863.jpgpictures-jesus-photos-images-jesus-christ.jpg15663394616698521787745321239378.jpgOn third day of wedding in Cana, Galilee mother of Jesus and disciples told Jesus, “They have no wine.” Jesus said to her, “Woman why concerned my hour has not yet come.” in John 2:1-4. She told them to do what he says so Jesus asked them to to fill jars with water He turned to wine.15669358452308775356471386031975.jpg15669357895561757365477922007520.jpgExcavations at Khirbet Cana in lower Galilee show evidence its town Jesus’ first miracle performed. There is discovered large Christian underground veneration complex site of worship in Cana of Galilee of early Christians. IMG-20190828-WA0010.jpg15670082031233262210970988777229.jpg15670082904218773792228080786170.jpg15670085105472130690804631178149.jpg15668144879756191493016025430071.jpg15670107870142772919909853508456.jpg1567011653567850557501939099228.jpgWidow’s coins minted for Alexander the Great in 336-323 B.C. used in Jesus’ time. Her offering pleased Jesus as she gave her all cheerfully and freely to God. In Mark 12:41 – 44 and Luke 21:1-4 Jesus in the Temple in Jerusalem specified two mites, in Greek lepta, worth quadrans. Is the smallest least value Roman coin in circulation in Judea about sixth of a day wage. Jesus sat near treasury and saw crowd put money into treasury. The rich put in large sums but poor widow put in two small coins. Jesus told His disciples, ‘This poor widow put in more than all the others who gave surplus wealth. So contributed her all though poor. Others gave to show off wealth proudly but she gave from her heart all her little to God.

15663249773947962716299888396233.jpgIn Capernaum Jesus preached, taught in synagogues Gospel good news, healed diseases, cast out demons. Synagogue in Capernaum with an artist’s impression.15663358055988475408216808120575.jpg15663358238894987569791949183702.jpg15664172581063736700920800346121.jpgCapernaum Byzantine Christian Church 15663326512346522450012154860155.jpgByzantine church home of Peter & Jesus.15663243739756729027642452721728.jpg15670815546847062269346887881642.jpg15662898597205896586587013407161.jpgMagdala stone from ancient synagogue to rest Torah on. Used during time of Jesus when they went into synagogue.15652753242012541944933542349369.jpg1567088090316862647094541099186.jpg15670876243245119766838690711785.jpg15670889467298907210550841406749.jpg15670851991408588309565971821284.jpg15670856556857654663206755445214.jpg15670885202274300226693725603084.jpg15670831312008915914056587105187.jpgJesus cast out Gadarene demoniac’s evil legion spirits run into pigs and drowned in sea, saved an evangelist in his town. 15670822830504673379061637071824.jpg15670836703732572662902447410981.jpg15670835520678301324301608397543.jpgJesus’ said prodigal son repented, went back to his father for forgiveness. So all mankind given chance to repent and go back to God the Father through Jesus to obey all God’s commands in the Bible. 156708789663047215162505234737.jpgTransfiguration of Jesus glory radiance on mountain in Matthew 17:1–8, Mark 9:2-8, Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18.15662912546075529512496030354082.jpgAs many times as Israel did not remain loyal to God exiled many times. Temples of Solomon and Herod destroyed. In 70 AD after 40 years as Jesus predicted fell destroyed by Romans rumbles remain. These are coins used during Jesus’ time.15662925580936803512405705657561.jpg156629322900342107636046674473.jpg15662926940426063586077841079287.jpgJESUS PAID TEMPLE & ROMAN TAXES15662926500811374526630168511865.jpg20190828_221510.jpg15670111831725599063996389985364.jpg15662925241803434292147364051315.jpg15668405886782239637014589755044.jpg15668487695326259794423146412809.jpg1566845019009123509438516231754.jpgIMG-20190827-WA0000.jpg15668159100026310704675091084098.jpgJesus said in Luke 17:2 in the Bible that if anyone hurts a child its better that a millstone was hanged about his neck to be cast into the sea than to offend little children. Jesus said do not cause a little child to stumble to lose faith in God. If a person does incurs the wrath of Jesus so better large millstone hung round neck.15668165507422226521038688812880.jpg15668160172793661401119101523099.jpgIMG-20190826-WA0011.jpg15668415689723957343237436326019.jpg15668371309423068194743376001348.jpgThis small ceramic and glass flasks pear shaped bottles dated to a period in time. Includes time of Yeshua from 50 BC till beginning of 2nd century AD type of jar used in Luke 7:37 to anoint Jesus’ feet.15668160745238101147809458323887.jpgPrecious oils cost lots of money as made from essential fragrance perfumes that anoint the body or used for embalming dead with perfumed oils during Biblical times. In Matthew 28:1, Luke 24:1, John 20:1.women took oils to prepare Jesus’ body after death but He had risen.15668490394053975909664804014148.jpgIMG-20190826-WA0014.jpg15668491466145424823508162907642.jpg15668483234634864725718773270260.jpg15668445698841008633996223022033.jpg20190820_223424.jpg15670852934774798800673806614724.jpgJesus healed the cripple waiting 38years by this ancient Pool of Bethesda ruins in Old City Of Jerusalem. Bethesda ruins in Israel excavated shows buildings, places Jesus walked and ministered. People all over go to Jerusalem three times a year for feasts God required Jewish males do.15670922314977885903453516038122.jpg15670882522765652044414096832105.jpg15666404128014194366947009658658.jpgIMG-20190829-WA0012.jpg15663181940934169181263354126930.jpgIMG-20190827-WA0001.jpg15668450565778109949425112341738.jpg15668418821692915175104095000323.jpgJersusalem Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed before trails, crucifixion and His resurrection. This is Mount of Olives in Jerusalem amazing urban garden, very famous place where Jesus prayed as His disciples slept but angel comforted Him.

IMG-20190828-WA0008.jpgIMG-20190828-WA0009.jpg15664135414271097513066499190994.jpg15664131185097414822708197235281.jpgMatthew 27:57-61 says a rich man from Arimathea Joseph disciple of Jesus went to Pilate for Jesus’ body. So Joseph took Jesus’ body wrapped in linen cloth and placed Him in his own NEW TOMB CUT OUT OF A ROCK. He rolled big stone at entrance of tomb and put body in. Mary Magdalene and other Mary sat opposite the tomb. Jesus died 3 p.m. as Passover Sabbath in John 19:31 begun at sunset Joseph acted quickly in John 19:38 went to Pilate discreetly. Luke 23:50 – 51, says Joseph was member of Sanhedrin ruling council of Judaism buried Jesus in cave fulfills prophecy Jesus buried with rich.15663180686217434891882956545879.jpg15664188782057439064172452035796.jpg15662947799909184051289945294166.jpg15664160380952703210444056131719.jpg15664177960142525595668191577811.jpg20190912_095055.jpgEpoch Times says tomb was opened in October 2016 said to be where Jesus lay for three days after Crucifixion. Tomb was subject to a restoration project in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem’s Old City. Fredrik Hiebert of National Geographic was part of the team and explained: “Tomb destroyed many times by fire, earthquakes and invasions over the centuries. It is a fake tomb created by the high priests to save face by embarrassment of resurrection of Jesus Christ. Paid soldiers to deceive people Jesus did not rise from death in Matthew 28:11-15. A violent earthquake and angel rolling stone from Jesus’ tomb guarded by governor’s soldiers shocked by fear collapsed to ground in Matthew 28:2-4. The angel told women at tomb Jesus had risen from death sent to tell His disciples. Guards at tomb went to tell chief priests what happened. 12 The chief priests and elders gave soldiers a large sum of money, 13 “Told to say, ‘His disciples came at night to steal body as while asleep.’ 14 If governor hears truth you will be in trouble.” 15 The soldiers took money did as instructed. This story known among Jews to this day Matthew wrote rumour in his gospel. If disciples stole Jesus body grave robbing is serious offence of death sentence? How did the guards asleep SEE who rolled the huge stone of tomb to lift Jesus? Why did they get away with not guarding Jesus’ body of death penalty? Guards said, disciples took Jesus body why did the authorities not deal with them to put them on trial?
Apostles were persecuted so put on trial for preaching Jesus is alive if they knew Jesus was not raised? The TRUTH is the stone rolled by angels Jesus came from tomb ALIVE by VICTORY over death. Chief priests tried to cover up truth with a lie for they did not believe Jesus arose from death. They hate Jesus seen radical who could upset social order in city of Jerusalem and followers threat to them. They did not believe in resurrection and chief priests felt guards of tomb lied and story will bring more people to Jesus to replace them as expected King of Jews. Its fake “Tomb” not used by Jesus so real tomb used is empty and in Jerusalem. 15662943207971563147261305293085.jpgAncient retaining wall uncovered under City of David during last century arrow on right in 1 Chronicles 11:8 shows city built from supporting terraces. Millo is extended by Joab to repair City. 7 David, resident in fortress City of David told his soldiers whoever takes rest of city will be captain. Joab son of Zeruiah, nephew of King David, commander of army won took city extended upwards. King David conquered Jerusalem in 2 Samuel 2-5 in Canaanite royal city Joab took Millo.15666400248286791627505959410494.jpg15662314547413347899319819000870.jpg15662945597882388846102832295170.jpg1566231546768786128824024332029.jpgIMG-20190820-WA0006.jpgPool of Siloam is a rock-cut pool on the southern slope of City of David. Siloam Pool is where Jesus Cured blind man in Biblical Archaeology. A Canaanite pool built by King Hezekiah’s Lower Pool. Is significant in John 9:7 mentioned in the Bible the pool is near the Temple sites.15662961420895759387409267980938.jpgThe Triple Gate on the Temple Mount is at the Royal Stoa southend of Solomon’s Colonnade by stairway of worshippers to outer courtyard of the Temple Mount. This Triple Gate is “Beautiful Gate” in Acts 3:2: the beggar healed by Peter and John in Solomon’s Colonnade Acts 3:1-11. The Temple Gate has a highly decorated stone called “The Beautiful Gate.” Jesus and apostles walked through this gate led to outer courts of Solomon’s Porch early church in Jerusalem met daily.  15662984895838916042761061226141.jpg15662992301654758318511346102690.jpgRobinson staircase once widestone arch stood at southwestern corner of  Temple Mount. Built as expansion of the Second Temple by Herod the Great at the end of 1st century BCE completed in at least 20 years after his death. This massive stone span constructed with retaining wall of Temple Mount. In ancient Jerusalem’s Lower Market area by Tyropoeon street to Royal Stoa complex esplanade Mount. overpass destroyed during Great Jewish Revolt, a few decades after completion.15662989486731074866030682879497.jpgThe Mikvah in first century used in days of Jesus south of Temple Mount at base of Double Gate stairs. Used to baptize some of 3,000 new Jewish believers on Day of Pentecost in Acts 2. Water is used by Jews for ceremonial washing, ritual baths to purify before or after if events make them unclean. Judaism requires submersion in a mikvah. Temple Mount south filled with mikvah to baptize the converted Jews in Jesus’ name change as a sign of new faith. Mikvah’s source is running water, spring, or fresh water rain. Mikvah large to immerse people. Stairs used to descend in and out of the mikvah. A wall separates the clean side from the unclean yet to be cleaned.15663136444944018069398915433631.jpgIMG-20190818-WA0017.jpg15670888942508890919960644943674.jpgIMG-20190827-WA0009.jpgIMG-20190827-WA0026.jpg15663164477812878629231246823882.jpgIMG-20190827-WA0022.jpgIMG-20190818-WA0013.jpgIMG-20190818-WA0020.jpgIMG-20190818-WA0018.jpg1566233011094615817986516559480.jpg15662092444831610928066468387198.jpg15662132613634254343354155873501.jpg15662184773413084311194003862594.jpg15662133863335980419097039675382.jpgIMG-20190818-WA0022.jpgJewish proselyte male converts from the whole world go to Jerusalem Passover.IMG-20190829-WA0014.jpg15674099287478925127510311752197.jpg15670927147571808113465177764769.jpg15670928244454442280400405526663.jpg15670930145905241487063085671002.jpg15670944795622528301894066437933.jpg15670943561933930112097596112003.jpgETHIOPIAN Eunuch baptized by Phillip15670946683088724137789873070593.jpg15670947325128349577097322478541.jpg15662319479053946165838556539094.jpgIMG-20190827-WA0031.jpg15662531969842340283848650706831.jpg15670879889012480806963422995676.jpgIMG-20190818-WA0021.jpg15666369890558135462993977521811.jpgIMG-20190818-WA0023.jpgThe Exodus ends 400 years of slavery for the descendants of Israel in Egypt.156623163646838325166646868832.jpgJourney of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. In Genesis 15:13 The LORD Elohim told Abraham, For four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in other countries enslaved and mistreated. 14 I will punish nations you served as slaves and come out with great possessions.15662205129971715746272086909865.jpgIMG-20190824-WA0001.jpg15666407099056762572369719790770.jpg15 You will live in and be buried at a good old age. 16  Your fourth generation descendants will go back for the sin of Amorites.” 17 At sunset, Presence of God by fire passed between Sacrifice by Abraham to God sealed the Covenant.15670880467304502790752470356315.jpg15666408718284068419412156589777.jpg18 The LORD God’s COVENANT to Abram said, “To your descendants I GIVE lands between Nile, Euphrates,19 Kenites and  the Kenizzites,  Kadmonites  20 Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites  21Amorites, and Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites.” You will be father of all nations grafted in Covenant with Israel as countless as sands of seas and stars in the heavens. 4000 years ago, God in the Garden of Eden, PROMISED Seed (Jesus) of woman (Mary) will restore all mankind to God after sin of Adam and Eve. Jesus’ Victory over sin and death brings mankind to God as Second Adam the Only Way God Chose to restore HIS of Gift eternal Life. 15670795163494228425110843377816.jpg15634398664748753317748116550906.jpg20190718_095342.jpg15669012257071536523316912386443.jpgIMG-20190827-WA0011.jpgIMG-20190827-WA0007.jpg15668153479111273704434683951209.jpgIMG-20190827-WA0012.jpgArchaeologist’s new finds at sites in the Holy lands of the Bible often make it in news headlines. Scholars show relevant discoveries in Israel, Sodom, the Exodus routes, ancient Jericho, David’s City and Solomon’s Temple ruins. Discoveries in highlight claims of Israel to Bible lands. Experienced archaeologist David Graves confirms historic biblical events of their past. New archaeological discoveries of pottery, inscriptions, seals, ossuaries, coins, manuscripts, artifacts. History in archaeology outlines characteristic role in Christianity. Excavation of significant structures reveal manuscripts for these transmission of Bible. Insightful book of archaeological photographs detail maps, charts and tables, glossaries, technical terms of extensive study footnotes and bibliography. Resource give information to help understand cultural or historical background of Bible archaeology. These resources show more Bible facts in life to help seminary, college classroom and church groups or personal study. Jesus is central person as the seed in Genesis to conquering Messiah in Revelations in the Bible. Living history documents life and ministry of Jesus and prophecies of Jesus. Locations of Jesus travels records miracles or judgement of fall of temple. References of Jesus homes and evidence of famous places for tourism in Israel. 

Author of Biblical Archaeology Book

DAVID E. GRAVES (Ph.D., University of Aberdeen) involved in teaching Bible and archaeology for more than thirty-five years and is currently an Assistant Professor at Liberty University Online, Rawlings School of Divinity. He is one of the worlds leading experts on Sodom. Has taught archaeology at Oxford University, England; provided tours of the Ashmolean and British Museums; traveled extensively in the Middle East; and been involved in Mount Ararat research. He is currently a supervisor at the Shiloh excavations, Israel and was part of the team who discovered and excavated the Dead Sea Scroll cave Q12 near Qumran, Israel (Jan 2017) and Tall el-Hammam (Sodom), Jordan (2005-2015); and is a member of the Near East Archaeological Society (NEAS). He is the author of Seven Messages of Revelation and the Vassal Treaties: Literary Genre, Structure, and Function; Key Themes of the Old Testament and New Testament; The Location of Sodom; and has authored a number of articles on the Bible and archaeology.


pastedImageTop 10 tips to building a baby’s brain as Blackpool Better Start believes, building a brain is a lot like building a house and so must have strong foundation. Strong foundation builds the stronger resilient communities to help parents, essential for healthy structure of child’s brain.”

1) Support

Get support to create a solid foundation by ensuring that parents and caregivers have the right information and support available to meet a baby’s needs. In UK, Blackpool and other parts of country, having parents attend their antenatal programme and being involved with your health visitor, midwife and other people are there to support you through your pregnancy is really important during that transition into parenthood.Reading_800x534

2) Positive nurturing interaction

Developing a brain is an interactive process. ‘Serve and return’ activities can help with this – that’s the “goo goo” and “gaa gaa”, when you respond to what your child is saying to you. It’s like a tennis match. Maybe your child gives you a tissue, you take is and say “thank you”. Embracing those ‘serve and return’ opportunities helps build those interactions.

3) Read, read, read

Research shows us how beneficial reading is to a child’s development. The evidence we have proves children who are read to, by parents or caregivers do better in school. The have higher self-esteem, develop better relationships with other children and are better behaved. We recommend reading 15 minutes a day to your child – that does make a difference to their development.

4) Talk to Babies Early

When adults interact and elaborate what the child is saying to them – like asking questions, sharing rhymes and songs – then children start to develop those cognitive skills and the tools they need to succeed. Even when the child is saying something that’s not particularly intelligible, start a conversation with your child and let them recognise that you will interact with them in that way.

5) Managing stresses

We know that some stress is considered to be good – like meeting a new person, that can be good for a child. It’s for children who grow up in chronically stressful environments, they might be subject to violence, abuse and neglect. Those children experience ‘toxic stress’ and we talk with families about what toxic stress looks like and the impact is has on that child. Caregivers should be aware of the environment a child is in, be able to comfort them when they’re upset and calm their emotions. Helping a child’s stress response system come back to normal levels is really, really important.Family_Singing

6) Be attuned, responsive

The relationship between the main caregiver allows the baby to grow physically, emotionally, intellectually. We know that babies and children need to feel safe, protected and nurtured by caregivers, to identify responds to the child’s needs. Unresponsiveness lead to difficulties socially, behaviourally and emotionally which may affect the child’s physical and emotional development.

7) Outdoors

Remember the importance of outdoor play by using open spaces, parks and other outdoor settings. Look for outdoor opportunities which are vital for brain development and we know that play is essential for a child’s learning and well-being. It can help the parents too. Being outside as a family, particularly if you live in a small house or don’t have much space, getting outside and doing some activity can make you feel better, is good for the child and it’s free!

8) Nutrition and diet

A poor diet can negatively affect a child’s brain development and nervous system. But for us, it’s supporting parents getting their child into solid food. We know breastfeeding is really good for nutrition, because the milk in a mum’s body changes everyday to give the child what they need. We also know that once you move on to solid food, it’s about looking at what kind and how you serve the food to a child. There needs to be a good range of foods that will address their nutrition and diet.

9) Mum & dad take care

Obviously a expectant mother needs to be taken care of during pregnancy, because that vital for the wellbeing of the baby, but that continues well after birth. Establishing regular routines for sleep helps with brain development and stress, as does physical activity. Being physically active for 60 – 90 minutes a day helps strengthen brain connection with motor skills, balance, vision and other abilities. It also helps combat stress for mum. We think mums who have good nutirion, who are acitive during pregnancy are able to have a healthier birth.4-ways-to-nurture-your-childrens-growing-brain-2

10) Communities

We talk about communities a lot, because it’s not just the parents that help grow the child, it’s the whole community and extended family. Studies have shown that children tend to do better from strong, supportive communities. Everything we do is based around gearing up communities and parents to do more for themselves, by giving the community members skills, making them more understanding about child development and what they can do to support that. Children centres, peer supporters and trained volunteers can offset poverty and other risk factors in early development.


TERREMOTO DE ARMENIA- 7-12-1988A father’s love and devotion for his son paid off when he dared to save son’s life against all odds. This brought tears to our eyes this morning as a good read for all to learn life lessons. God is Faithful in the most critical moment when hope is lost. Jesus delivers the child in this article encouraging parents to be there for their children in time of need. In the country of Armenia in 1988, Samuel and Danielle sent their young son Armand to school. Samuel squatted before his son and looked him in the eye. “Have a good day at school and remember, no matter what, I’ll always be there for you.” They hugged and the boy ran off to school. Hours later a powerful earthquake rocked the area. In the midst of the pandemonium, Samuel and Danielle tried to discover what happened to their son but they couldn’t get any information. A radio announced there was thousands of casualties. Samuel grabbed his coat and headed for the schoolyard. When he reached the area, what he saw brought tears to his eyes. Armand’s school was a pile of debris. And parents were standing around crying. Samuel found place where Armand’s classroom used to be and began pulling a broken beam off the pile of rubble. He grabbed a rock and put it to the side, grabbed another. One of the parents looking on asked, “What are you doing?” “Digging for my son,” Samuel answered. The man then said, “You’re just going to make things worse! The building is unstable,” and tried to pull Samuel away from his work. Samuel just kept on working. TERREMOTO DE ARMENIA- 7-12-1988Time wore on, one by one other parents left. Then a worker tried to pull Samuel away from the rubble. Samuel looked at him and said, “Won’t you help me?” The worker left and Samuel kept digging. All through the night and into the next day, Samuel continued digging. The parents placed flowers and pictures of their children on the ruins. But, Samuel just kept working. He picked up a beam and pushed it out of the way then heard a faint cry. “Help! Help!” Samuel listened but didn’t hear anything again. Then he heard a muffled voice, “Papa?” Samuel began to dig furiously. Finally he could see his son. “Come on out, son!” he said with relief. “No,” Armand said. “Let the other kids come out first, I know you’ll get me.” Child after child emerged until, finally, little Armand appeared. Samuel took him in his arms and Armand said, “I told the kids not to worry because you told me that you’d always be there for me!” Fourteen children were saved that day because one father was faithful. So faithful is God Almighty to us! Whether trapped by fallen debris or ensnared by life’s hardships and struggles, we are never cut off from God’s faithfulness. HE is true to His character, reliable and trustworthy and always counted on. So keep trusting God to the end, read the Bible and encourage someone. Matthew 18:1-4 says, the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. A child literally believes what is told so expects exact performance of promises. In this case the child knew his was there for him so reassures his friends that his will surely come for them. That promise kept their hope alive and kept them to hold on until they were rescued. In the same way, adults must trust God believe in Jesus so have faith in God who Keeps His Promises so cannot fail. maxresdefaultEarthquakes against people to distract or stop God’s blessings but God defeats opposer the devil. This is important to understand how the attacks of the devil tries to sabotage blessings and miracles from God. Earthquakes often as natural phenomenon process of changes in the tectonic plates of earth causes damage. So issue is man-made structure concrete not properly reinforced by shoddy work of construction. A loving human father defied concrete blocks to seek his son buried in the ruins. That bonding trust between father and son assured both it is well even in adversity. It pays off to allow a father to be part of a child’s life to interact playfully and to involved in disciplining children. Get on the floor to play with your children as playing with them does not diminish you as a parent. You enter their world and let your hair down for at least 1 hour everyday set a time aside in your diary, tell partners at work in board meetings unavailable to attend some projects. Remember they have only one childhood so embrace the precious years to create good memories for the future. Negotiate into contracts value of quality time with your family. A good ethical company provides for the children of their staff, time off for school runs, distance and location of job near as much as possible for couples to raise their children. Job markets cannot force people to abandon family unless a dangerously risky job so unsuitable that can children at risk. Many accomplish and achieve great things in the world so renowned but emotionally lost children. Human value is more precious and also more priceless than all material assets so do not be embarrassed to play with your children. IMG-20170818-WA0000Help children set up toys, play football, play basketball, tennis, go walking, run, swim with them to get fit yourself. The parent connected emotionally with the children gain financial security and also automatically takes care of emotional stability at a deeper level relationship. A child depleted from parental attention craves attention in the wrong places. A family bonding lasts into future years so ensure attachment making the children avoid vulnerable online predators. The child connected to parents will share an onset secret safely trusting parents to help them stop any ongoing threats of bullying and building their confidence. Expensive items provided in life is good enough but does not always meet their emotional needs. If bread winner, the house husband father can partake in the story reading too. It can be hard for mothers bearing children to let go for a father to join in to take over childcare duties and prefer the father to mother. Always treasure and loves enjoying the moments at the end of day by curling up with children to read bedtime story, to feel chaos of the day often slowly slip away. One night recently as snuggled up to a middle son Zevi, six with a copy of Charlie and Chocolate Factory in hand, a mother was told ‘wants Daddy today,’ sentiment again echoed by four-year-old daughter, Zeabella and son Rafael, who’s nine. A BBC newsreader reading for a living, said it was insulting enough to be elbowed out of responsibility that husband Phil too usually shared. IMG3297_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqzoK5uT2wTvu30RJXoHqq-ZAXHT4Ea86dTrIQm8CiHy8What really struck core was they all wanted Daddy to put them to bed, too. While on one hand high-fiving myself for being granted early dismissal from parenting duties, deep down felt hurt. This came days after holidays during which preferring Daddy became the recurring theme. It began in the taxi to the airport with three shouts of, ‘I want to sit next to Daddy.’ Then in departure lounge it was, ‘Daddy, sit next to me.’ Boarding the plane, they were pushing each other out of the way to grab the seat next to Phil, and for much of the week it was, ‘Daddy, hold my hand,’ and, ‘Daddy, swim with me.’ As they clambered all over him in the pool it began to really niggle. Spending time with him is more of a novelty working shifts allows me to be far more present but the sound of them shrieking and giggling started to grate. Why didn’t they want me? I had to bite my lip not to blurt out, ‘Without me you wouldn’t be on this holiday! Without me you wouldn’t have sun cream, goggles, books, iPads, clothes, sandals. Without me you might not even eat.’ Well, not the right meal at the right time of day, anyway. Perhaps, thats part of the problem as issuer of orders, the keeper of the diary, organiser, the taxi service familiarity breeds contempt for mother not fun like the nursery school. Mother has no time to mess about with them at bedtime or play games or just hang out. And become the consolation prize, the parent a child reluctantly sits next to if that is the only option left. It feels petty to be upsetting so mentioned it to Phil who certainly thought its oversensitive although admits can see it’s there. So try to shrug it off. After all the years telling kids not to be jealous of each other and constantly on the lookout for who gets more treats, time, attention or love than the others. The two boys often accused favouring of youngest child and only girl. Recently, Rafael asked why always talks to girl in a softer voice, ‘because you’re nine and she’s four as previously done. So now makes conscious effort to speak to them all in the same tone. In some ways blame father for if the child prefers him. Endless opportunities to gain affection by allowing more time on the iPad, more lenient bedtimes, sweets but never be short-sighted in parenting skills for the sake of earning popularity points. And do not create competition in marriage based on jealousy against love of your children either by father, family or grandparents. IMG_3448_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqKiXZQx93oSlqShjvKjhsvQeQxwNu9mZ1LooiSTYVBw4Perhaps Phil lets them get away with more than giving nagging more quickly, but on the whole we are on the same page and present a united front. In some ways I do not even blame them for preferring him he is always ready with a joke and more patience than the mother. So, may feel little pang of envy now and then focus more on the times children want and need mother often if feeling physically or emotionally hurt so make the most of freetime. If in summer holidays they fight over Dad then enjoy relaxing with headphones on and read your favourite books. Do not restrict or intimidate child to cut off a relationship with mother because you feel jealous. It is essential on other hand some dad’s struggle to bond and interact with their children like the father shared online in true story. Terrence Mentor a blogger who goes by screen name AfroDaddy,   recently publicly opens up on personal struggles of being dad and relationship with his younger son, who seems to be indifferent towards him.dadAfroDaddy hopes by sharing his story other parents all over the world will understand they do not need to keep beating themselves up but should be open and honest to themselves and their partners. Their first son was adopted so it was easier for him and his wife to take turns to feed and care for the child. This made it easy for him to have a bond with his adopted child and AfroDaddy said however, his second son was a lot different. Upon birth, his second son already had an intrinsic connection with his mom. That bond outlasted his newborn stage and continued on until he was a toddler. That made it difficult for him. On his facebook page, he wrote that “It is quite a thing to be a dad who can’t comfort his child, who is constantly told ‘No, I go to mommy,’ who never seems to have a real, relational moment with his son.” He also admitted that he was jealous and admitted that it was a bit childish. I know its silly and childish but jealousy was real and disheartening Mentor said. AfroDaddy said all that changed when his younger son started warming up to him. He said over the past few months, his younger son would tend to choose him over his wife, which made him somehow feel happy. “This child, who would cry when I so much as looked his way, came to me for comfort and calm. Not going to lie I got a little teary eyed,” Mentor said.daddadAccording to an expert family therapist, Leslie Seppinni: “it’s not automatic that you’re going to bond with your child. Usually it does take a little while.”You see some men do not understand the sacrifice and self denial involved carrying pregnancy 9 months, going through labour worst pain on earth, in pain breastfeeding after birth, the body bloated, and the man is envious and jealous of children being nurtured as their parents did for them. They put all their anger, bitterness, frustrations on for ” ruining ” their happiness. So put anger on innocent children by breaking their toys in front of them, bashing wall knocking holes in walls, kicking the dog, thrashing premises in temper tantrums. The children copy such behaviours for some men do not understand sacrifice, selfdenial so envious jealous of children put their anger, bitterness, frustrations on children so accusing them of ruining their happiness. Mother wisely told me just because man claims to love woman does not mean he includes the children. Some neglect the children because they lacked the natural automatic soul bond that ties a child to parents. Preoccupied with envy and jealousy of their children seeth with hatred, venom vitriol instead of giving them real lve and attention child deserves from them. Quite frankly some are tall children themselves so not really have a frontal cortex so not fully understanding parenthood. The stories remind us of God’s LOVE, Favour upon our lives in Jesus Name by forgiving us as a LOVING father when even unable to appreciate God’s Love for mankind. And most women need courage to leave the child in a safe father’s good hands. Get a support, help needed, required training humbly than trying in vain to change a partner. Do not get me wrong billions of great and wonderful fathers and responsible are men out there yet it is the stupid ones that rock my feathers.dadAt the same time as transition happens and the father eventually bonds with a child, the mother now feels rejected and abandoned after doing all the hardwork alone. These stories reveal the modern trends of lack of daily extended family support putting burden on the couples to raise children alone most of the time. A mother can feel jealous too if a child prefers the father over mother at times. Children grow up very fast and move on with their lives. So create the precious memories for the moment to recall their childhood of good times. At the end of a it all, the couple have to live with each other when the children flow the nest. Continue to build up own relationship first and teach the children to respect both parents. Team work betwern the couple establishes firm rules, discipline and work ethics children trained apply in their own lives and marriages later. Parents must understand sacrifices and be mature to be there for the children emotionally instead of treating them as opponents in a competition. Often many children hurt, suffer or lost lives due to a parent’s immature jealousy behaviour and actions impacting their lives into adulthood. Some cultures with extended family support daily have clear roles of childcare rules so this issues may seem strange to them to read about. However, these real life issues exist and children must be taught from early years love for family, tolerance and the understanding of relationship roles, needs of babies and todflers, expectant mothers moods, supporting each other, helping around the home by every member of family, healthy eating, sound sleep, work, rest ethics and family principles, discipline, interaction and socialising skills in the community.  Where both parents have extreme upbringing viewpoints there is need to create hybrid middle ground of compromise for their peace of mind and understanding. No perfect family exists on earth, do the best you can and leave the ‘rest’ of family in the HANDS of God.




Body ClockThree scientists unravelled how our bodies tell time and won the 2017 Nobel Prize for physiology medicine. The body clock or circadian rhythm is the reason we sleep at night, but drives changes in behaviour and body function. The US scientists Jeffrey Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael Young will share the prize. The Nobel prize committee said their findings had “vast implications for our health and wellbeing.” A clock ticks in nearly every cell of the human body, as well as in plants, animals and fungi. Our mood, hormones, body temperature and metabolism all fluctuate in a daily rhythm. Even risk of heart attack soars every morning as a body gets the engine running to start a new day. Science now explains in detail effects on body from changing routines impacting health and wellbeing. Hopefully will help to value, appreciate and take better care of the human life to maintain healthy lifestyle. .

body clock cartoon imageThe body clock precisely controls body to match day and night so disrupting it can have profound implications. The ghastly experience of jet lag is caused by the body being out of sync with the world around it. In the short term, body clock disruption affects brain memory formation, but in the long run increases the risk of diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease. “If that system is messed up it has a big impact on metabolism,” said Professor Russell Foster, a body clock scientist at the University of Oxford. He told BBC he was “very delighted” the US trio won, saying they deserved the prize for being the first to explain how system worked. He added: “They show how molecular clocks are built across animal kingdom.”The prize winners

The trio’s breakthroughs on fruit flies but findings explain how the “molecular feedback loops” keep time in all living animals. Jeffrey Hall and Michael Rosbash isolated a section of DNA called period gene, which had been implicated in the circadian rhythm. The period gene contained instructions for making a protein called PER. As levels of PER increased, it turned off its own genetic instructions. Levels of the PER protein oscillate over a 24-hour cycle rising during the night and falling during the day. Michael Young discovered gene timeless and other one doubletime. They both affect stability of PER. If PER is more stable the clock ticks more slowly, if less stable it runs too fast. Stability of PER is reason some are morning larks and others night owls. Together they uncovered workings of the molecular clock inside the fly’s cells. Dr Michael Hastings, researches circadian timing at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, told BBC: “Before this work in fruit flies we really didn’t have any ideas of genetic mechanism body clocks views.” He said award was a “fantastic” decision. He added: “We encounter body clock as we experience jet lag and realise it’s debilitating effect for a short time, but a real public health issue when body’s rotational shift work is in constant state of jet lag.” A lot more attention must be paid to a human body to nurture or preserve natural rhythm.



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Previous winners

2016 – Yoshinori Ohsumi for discovering how cells remain healthy by recycling waste.

2015 – William C Campbell, Satoshi Ōmura and Youyou Tu for anti-parasite drug discoveries.

2014 – John O’Keefe, May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser for discovering the brain’s navigating system.

2013 – James Rothman, Randy Schekman, and Thomas Sudhof for their discovery of how cells precisely transport material.

2012 – Two pioneers of stem cell research – John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka were awarded Nobel after changing adult cells into stem cells.

2011 – Bruce Beutler, Jules Hoffmann and Ralph Steinman shared the prize after revolutionising the understanding of how the body fights infection.

2010 – Robert Edwards for devising the fertility treatment IVF which led to the first “test tube baby” in July 1978.

2009 – Elizabeth Blackburn, Carol Greider and Jack Szostak for finding the telomeres at the ends of chromosomes.


Emilie Larter and Adam

Emilie’s journey started in September 2014 when the charity volunteering for in Uganda received a call about the new born boy in need. Baby arrived after the burial of a woman who died because of excessive bleeding after birth. So Adam was her child including 6 others yet had not received any breast milk or formula and no one able to care for him. Sadly, his biological mother left this world before even giving him a name,” said Emilie. All took to Adam with random acts of kindness in and she became the little one’s sole carer. And the sleepless nights were down to her, but they were no bother. She felt privileged to help the little helpless baby but felt she did not do much. Yet never a day went by to be bored to sit and watch him for hours.Emilie Larter and Adam

Over the next two years, Emily visited Adam as often as she could by working in a teaching job in the UK. But the short visits were not enough and she moved back to Uganda in August 2016 after finding work at an international school. Now Adam, who is two-and-a-half, lives with her full time while she tries to adopt him. Emilie said:  She feels like his mum already. We had such a strong bond every time I was coming out but especially now since he’s been living with me. Emilie has to foster Adam until August before applying to the Ugandan courts to legally be his parent. So needs permission from UK to bring Adam back to Britain as he call her mum. She is hopeful they will live together in UK by the end of the year. Emilie plans to fund adoption until she lost her job in December. So prompted her to set up a Go Fund Me crowdfunding page to pay for the process. Emilie’s parents help to support her living costs as she takes her teaching positions to cover Adam’s fees. AdamEmilie admits becoming a mum at age 25 though not on her agenda, she does not regret the path she has taken. It was not in my plan but the last two-and-a-half years in Uganda and Adam is all she thinks about. So either talking about or thinking about him imagines perhaps may not have kids for another 10 years but does not regret her decision and choice to be the mum to Adam. So will be amazing to bring Adam home as her own finally.” While Emilie received overwhelming support for her decision, some online comments question why she wants to remove Adam from his home country. She is coming back to Uganda for him so wants to continue to do that,” she said. Emilie does her best to keep Adam in touch with the village he comes to see siblings or neighbours. Emilie does her best as his mum though mother’s love is the best most important things. And Adam will never get natural biological love from his mother because unfortunately she sadly passed and he was orphaned. Adam’s story is how God turns what devil means for evil to turn to good blessings. So what is impossible with man is POSSIBLE with LORD God Almighty.  God bless all the kindhearted generous donors in Jesus Name. In a similar true story a little 2year old white who girl chose black doll was asked if she did not want white doll like her. She answered both are doctors and equally beautiful playing with black doll.


Katie Cooke, Dr Colin DohertyRunning the extra mile is a doctor who helps his patient become better among  runners since the woman collapsed on the ground frothing at the mouth. For a short time she is lost to convulsion and she scrambles to her feet and sprints away. Katie Cooke will not let epilepsy get in the way of a race. The 19 year old student from Cherrywood South Dublin, her specialist doctor says “has arsenal of epilepsy, contends with 15 convulsions daily that makes her unconscious. Katie said, “her whole body shakes feeling her muscles jump, like everything has been sucked out of her so cannot breathe. So every single day she often loses control.  Despite coping with multiple seizures, Cooke won prestigious events of her age group in the Dublin City Marathon and she runs 5km in under 17 minutes. She is seen pounding streets with running partner, Dr Colin Doherty, who is her consultant neurologist. But she was not always so athletic.Katie Cooke with a running trophyDiagnosed at age nine with frontal lobe epilepsy, she managed condition with medication until it deteriorated when puberty hit and her hormones started “kicking up.”She was not able to get out of bed, unable to do anything for herself could not speak. Mum was dressing and showering her. Cooke was admitted to Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin, she remained for 10 months. Despite being involved in numerous medical trials she regressed, lost control of her back and hips, and by the time she was discharged she wasn’t able to walk. She couldn’t hold herself up in a wheelchair for seven months but being stubborn person wanted to prove to people what she could do. After lot of physio started jogging everyday started to absolutely love the freedom out of the wheelchair.Katie Cooke in a wheelchairCooke runs every day and says a missed session sees the tiredness and dizziness of an earlier condition return.  Running alleviates her symptoms, it has not been a cure. The raised heart rate brought on by running triggers more seizures than if she did not run Cooke says improves her general well-being so the negative worth accepting. Her neurologist, Dr Doherty, has weighed up the pros and cons from a medical perspective. “The particular challenges of having epilepsy and long-distance running is similar to walking challenges too and I think the general benefits outweigh these risks,” he says. “If you took the average long-distance runner and measured all their health parameters against someone who does not run you find no matter the disease or disorder, they are better off.” Health condition affects starting exercise important so consult doctor. Dr Colin Doherty explains epilepsy:Various scientific images of brainsThe brain consists of about three billion cells and all of these cells are active, but they do not fire together, the brain is a de-synchronised machine. A signature of epilepsy is the cells fire together in a synchronised way. If a million cells fire together it causes change in behaviour, when all three billion cells fire together causes convulsion or fit. The 40 distinct types of epilepsy in some cases people will stare blankly but others wander around in a confused state and there are those who fall to the ground with convulsions. Competitive running was initially a non-starter for Cooke. As soon as she had a convulsion during a race paramedics withdraw her from event, but a chance comment at one of her consultations led Doherty to offer himself as her running partner and he kept her on track ever since.  He says: “I’m a specialist in epilepsy but my role when running with Katie is stop people from taking her off in ambulance. I just stand there and say ‘Katie’s fine, I’m her doctor, she’s going to recover.” Despite Cooke’s seizures, the nature of her epilepsy means her body does not require lengthy recovery time, she is able to immediately get up and run again. Doherty believes it is her fitness levels which help with recovery._93538541_mediaitem93538539.jpgTo hear more from Katie and Dr Colin listen to the BBC Ouch talk-show to find out more about Katie Cooke, Dr Colin Doherty and their running partnership. “Katie is a very serious runner, and she trains properly. I’m very confident this is a really positive experience for her,” he says. As well as sport, college, Cooke navigates a social life and relationship with partner Jack, a role most daunting at night when Cooke’s seizure’s make her scream, thrash around, cause the bed to shake and shudder. Cooke says: “He’s one of the most chilled people I know and sleeps through my seizures which is a bit weird. He wakes up for the odd one because some are quite violent and slapped in face before, but he just falls asleep again.” In terms of intimacy Cooke says sex does not trigger seizures but fit can occur at such times, and women report increase convulsions around time of ovulation and period.Jack and Katie CookeHer nightime seizures are accompanied by hallucinations of shadowy man who she says “comes for her” and it is these which leave her most exhausted. She does not sleep well at all,” she says. Her education suffered and she missed the majority of secondary school. Despite that, she managed to cram three years worth of curriculum for Irish Leaving Certificate in one year, secured a place at college to study sports management. Doherty calls her a “remarkable young woman” for all she has achieved while handling so many severe convulsions on a daily basis. When people watch Katie drop to the floor mid-run it is alarming but Doherty believes being public about it will help others with the condition. So there is need to facilitate people to live a normal life as possible and they need to be encouraged to do everything, he says. The biggest barrier is not safety issue but the perceptions of other people.”

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_93856458_img_3770Childbirth loneliness transition affects mothers in isolation without extended family support. As many experience, Molly Forbes is a sociable person but became very lonely when she had a baby. A commission started by murdered MP Jo Cox is investigating loneliness in the UK, which is an epidemic affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. Here, two young women share their stories. In 2010 Molly Forbes had her first child, Freya. But after the birth she was confronted with something she had not prepared for: loneliness. A “sociable person”, Molly – then 26 – was one of the first of her friends to have a baby. Her husband was out at work all day and she did not have close family living by. The loneliness of being a new mother was a real surprise for me. It just hit me,” she said. You are suddenly at home with a baby. You feel safer there so you stay home but it makes you more isolated. “When you go out, you want to be seen to be doing a good job and being happy. If you admit you’re lonely, you might be labelled as not coping. Molly Forbes says you want to be seen to be doing a good job and being happy says Molly. The commission planned by West Yorkshire Labour MP Jo Cox before she was murdered last June – says a fifth of the population privately admit they are “always or often lonely.”_93856435_photo-17
But two-thirds of those would never confess to having a problem in public, it says Molly, from Devon, said that rather than being honest about how she was feeling, she had “put a brave face on – and that can make you more lonely”.
“Looking back, I was definitely feeling quite anxious. “I was worrying about money, about whether I’d go back to my job – and when you don’t have someone to talk to, these worries can spiral out of control.” Molly had lots of friends, but found she couldn’t talk to them about her post-baby concerns. She started writing a blog and made connections with other mums online, and from there I started meeting up with people and found friends that way. The commission says three-quarters of people who are lonely on a regular basis do not know where to turn for support. It is looking for practical solutions to beat loneliness. Molly’s advice for new mums? “Spend time making friends with pregnant women, so you have a support network ready to go once the baby is born.” Find other mums to provide support network Molly said._93885386_ornstein

Who is feeling lonely? Parents – Action for Children found 24% of parents surveyed were always or often lonely. Teenagers – 62% are ‘sometimes lonely’ and one in 20 never spend time with friends at weekends. Carers – 8 out of 10 carers feel lonely or isolated as a result of looking after loved ones. Refugees and migrants 58% of those surveyed in London cited loneliness and isolation as their biggest challenge. The elderly 1 in 3 people aged 75 and over say feelings of loneliness are out of their control. The deafblind charity Sense has said that up to half of disabled people will be lonely on any given day. Have you experienced loneliness? Do you have advice or tips about how to deal with feeling isolated? Talking is key says Michelle so avoid ‘Bottling’ it up. For Michelle Ornstein who has a learning disability, there is nothing worse than being alone. “When Iam here on my own, I feel really down and anxious,” she said. The 22-year-old, from Essex, said her anxieties had got worse in recent years, leading her to leave college. There was an incident on school bus where Michelle was wearing her hearing aids close to a group of people being loud. “I just burst out in tears on the bus. I got myself so worked up and thought this is it. I cannot do this Michelle said. At one point I couldn’t be left on my own at all, I would not let [my parents] out the door. Spending time out of the house and with friends is key to countering loneliness but, Rossanna Trudgian, the Head of Campaigns at Mencap explained, a third of youngsters with learning disabilities spend less than an hour outside their homes on a Saturday. “Social isolation and fear of negative attitudes can remain huge barriers towards feeling welcome and included in society,” she said. But things have got better for Michelle. Talking things through with her family helps and this week she starts a new course. Michelle’s advice is talk she said: “If you keep it to yourself, you will bottle it up to build up anxieties so not go out.”‘Few admit it.’ Michelle is not the only young person experiencing loneliness. _93856429_photo-2

The Mix is an online support service for under-25s. This year, it has seen a 26% rise in the numbers of those accessing loneliness support service, compared to the previous year. Jo Cox begun setting up the commission before murdered in her constituency last June. Community manager James Pickstone said loneliness was an underlying issue shared by many people who visit the service though it was “rarely discussed openly.” He said: We see a lot of young people feeling very isolated at college and university, living away from home, not having the social life expected associated with university experience.” Younger people experience loneliness differently from how older adults do. Prof Graham Davey from the University of Sussex explained “Younger people appear to be focused on the friendship networks and number of relationships they have and experience loneliness as a function of the fewer friends they have.” In today’s society, friendship networks represented nowhere more obviously than on social media. Whether perceived to be a successful user of social media is with many followers one is likely to have impact on feelings of loneliness, anxiety, paranoia and mental health generally,” the psychology professor said. But you won’t find too many status updates about feeling lonely because ultimately Prof Davey argued loneliness has a stigma and few people want to admit they’re lonely. Have you experienced loneliness? Do you have advice or tips about how to deal with feeling isolated? Email your comments to

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hqdefault-3GLORY to God protests of current events are endtime signs Jesus warned about so is the test runs to GOD’S KINGDOM coming soon to take over all world kingdoms as predicted by Book of Daniel in the Bible. So only THOSE IN CHRIST God calls His Children although all human beings are GOD’S creation. God allows only His Children to be part of His KINGDOM. This current changes taking place will soon turn into Rapture when Christ accepts only those in Christ into heaven alive before the great tribulation commences. All who reject Christ as GOD’S Chosen Ambassador will be left behind. And during the Reign of Christ on earth after His Second Coming only those who accept Jesus will belong in GOD’S Rule over earth. All others face wrath of God so judged then condemned into hell fire. So the action to take is have a personal relationship with God in Christ through the Holy Spirit to qualify for God’s GIFT of eternal life FOREVER. Sadly, God will turn away those who reject His Son Jesus Christ the MESSIAH so take action make to belong to God in Christ Jesus.
4221396001_5290771649001_5290764851001-vsMankind needs a change of heart and new mindsets to love and embrace one another by respect and kindness to live in peace and unity together. Everyone requires a mind of Christ to please and obey God’s words. For no man can save mankind except God and in fact God says cursed be those who put confidence in man rather than Trust in God to SAVE them. Look up to God not mankind’s actions thousands of years that prove there will be no peace until the PRINCE OF PEACE Yeshua takes over to Reign on earth in Perfect Peace. Draw near to God and GOD DRAWS NEAR to you always with you so never alone in Jesus Name. This world event verdicts are evidence of precedents to warn all people before it is too late to be saved. God is everywhere so you cannot run or hide from God. The Bible in Psalms 139:7-10 says, where shall I go from God’s Spirit? Or where shall I flee from God’s presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. Jesus calls and warns to wake up now to seek God today to intercede for yourself and loved ones including perceived enemies. God Loves you deeply so do not be deceived by the devil to reject Jesus God’s Son the only Hope of Glory for mankind so be saved for eternal life.