IMG-20190928-WA0017.jpgJesus Christ’s SUPERBLOOD DNA 2,000 years ago dripped on Adam’s creation site below. Jesus was buried but He rose again Jesus’ BLOOD DNA ran through stone wall fell on Adam in Jerusalem. Jesus cried out in loud voice gave up His Spirit that moment curtain of temple tore in two from top to bottom. Earth shook, rocks split, tombs opened in Matthew 27:50-51 the dead came out alive seen by so many people. An earthquake on day Jesus died made Jesus’ BLOOD drip through cracks in walls. Romans crucified Jesus who died for world’s sins has SUPERBLOOD DNA UNIQUE does not contain Y male chromosomes He was conceived by Holy Ghost miracle of God so doesn’t match human DNA Turin Cloth. Jesus’ Priceless BLOOD God created is incomparable to human’s DNA.20190928_184352.jpgUNIQUE Jesus’ BLOOD shed for mankind for forgiveness of sins on the Cross is a miracle! So Father God FORGIVES ALL sins as Jesus is raised from death in Jerusalem many people saw this wonder working Power of BLOOD of Jesus. Jesus said, “Father Forgive them for they do not know what they were doing.” He forgave Barabbas, chosen by “CROWD FROM ALL NATIONS under heaven in Jerusalem for Passover feast celebration. Barabbas is in Gospels of Matthew 27:15–26; Mark 15:6–15; Luke 23:18–24; John 18:40 Jesus forgave. IMG-20190928-WA0018.jpgThe trial of Jesus by Pontius Pilate a Roman governor confirmed Jesus is innocent so not worthy of death in Luke 23:15. Pilate knew Jesus hated by chief priests influence crowd to chose Barrabas in Mark 15:10 looked for a way to release Jesus. Pilate’s choice was for crowd to release innocent Jesus or Barabbas a murderer in Luke 23:19. In Matthew 27:25 but ALL PEOPLE rejected Jesus so said “HIS BLOOD be on us and on our CHILDREN. ALL PEOPLE FROM ALL NATIONS FORGIVEN by Jesus whether Jews or Gentiles all forgiven. 15696931614245162818366070061888.jpgReplacement theology lies Church replaced Jews but no one can replace Israel CHOSEN BY GOD JEHOVAH. Modern generation Jews had NO control over choice of predecessors. CHOOSE LIFE NOT be victim of death curses of the past. Choice of Barabbas a simple ‘yes’ answer but they further invoked death, “Let His BLOOD be on us and our CHILDREN. So modern generations pay the price for their past choice. GOSPEL’S GOOD NEWS IS JESUS FORGAVE same DAY! CLAIM FORGIVENESS BREAK FREE from the ancestors death curse Jesus ALREADY HAS FORGIVEN multitudes.15696930762004127569221499745546.jpgMatthew 27:25, His BLOOD be on us and our children misused by Christian anti-Semitism distorts God’s truth to promote racism. The Bible says the sins of the fathers will not be visited on their children not guilty of death of Jesus. The fathers will no longer eat sour grapes so the children’s teeth is set on edge. PEOPLE FROM ALL NATIONS under heaven in Jerusalem chose Jesus to be crucified not Jews. Future generations wrongly blamed in Matthew 27:25 hated by the Church but who made you a judge? On the Day of LORD they will be judged by KING of kings Jesus Christ. IMG-20190928-WA0015.jpgError of invoking SUPER SACRED UNIQUE DNA BLOOD OF JESUS blames His death on Jews but ALL PEOPLE FROM ALL NATIONS in CROWD sinned. Matthew 27:25 is misused to mislead people ignores the FORGIVENESS of Jesus. Jesus forgave Barabbas PRAYED for FORGIVENESS FOR ALL NATIONS present at Jerusalem. Receive FORGIVENESS Jesus paid the price for your sin so shed HIS PRECIOUS SHED BLOOD. Israel is not RESPONSIBLE for Jesus’ death on the Cross so is NOT replaced by Church or Nations. Adam DNA inherited natural sin in all humans God FORGIVES but you must accept Jesus or punished by God. 15697718851878301714933286254255.jpgPeople on Passover pilgrimage in Jerusalem  travel three times a year: Parthians, Medes, Elamites, Mesopotamians, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Phrygia Pamphylia, Asia Egypt, Libya Cyrene, Rome, Jews, proselytes, Cretans, Arabians people under heaven in Jerusalem. With resident Jews in Bible, “dwelt in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from all nations under heaven.” Some Jews by birth but among the crowd was Gentiles converted to Jewish faith and its CHRISTIAN follower Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus!!! Devout Jews together and proselyte Gentiles Christians present in crowd from all nations under heaven celebrated passover in the crowd.15696931104693004769993702182808.jpgIn Matthew 27:25 ALL THE PEOPLE said His BLOOD BE ON US why attack or blame Jews by antiSemitism. All PEOPLE of all NATIONS need FORGIVENESS OF JESUS whether Jew or Gentile. Replacement Church theology lie  must stop because nobody replaces Israel’s Covenant CHOSEN BY GOD JEHOVAH. Teach and educate people living history of the BLOOD OF JESUS and break curses of death. Heaven’s and earth’s cloud of witnesses say CHOOSE life blessings not curse CONSEQUENCES that lasts GENERATIONS in Matthew 27:25. Jesus BLOOD gives LIFE but Abel’s blood cries out for God’s vengeance punishment in Hebrew 12:24. IMG-20190928-WA0016.jpgGod is COMPASSIONATE FORGIVES by MERCY, GRACE RECONCILES us to Jesus who prayed to FATHER God FORGIVE THEM for they know not what they are doing. On Cross Jesus FORGAVE is OFFER you CANNOT REFUSE or be punished by God on Judgement day. The crux of matter is ACCEPT the FORGIVENESS of JESUS MESSIAH LORD AND SAVIOUR’S GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE. Its spiritual death if sin separates you from God by rejecting Jesus no other name will save you.15697634998624618490773650867844.jpg20190928_180959.jpg Christ is the Hope of GLORY don’t hate Jesus or kill God’s MESSENGERS sent to SAVE you in anger by hating Israel. Israel lost children of Jesus’ generation of 0-2 years old Herod’s jealousy slaughtered coast to coast in all the twelve tribes in Israel. Some prefer hatred of Jews hate Jesus angry He didn’t save Jews from Roman bondage. Scribes, leaders hate Jesus due to fear of His popularity of crowd. Jealous, Jesus’ large crowds wanted to make Him King will take power from them. Paid people to lie chose Barabbas set free pardon granted on compassionate grounds yearly.15696927527911641221047547043538.jpg Precious BLOOD of Jesus is Holy so Sacred not ordinary blood passing sin to 300 generations if punished by God. BLESSINGS for families to the 1000th generation sin of fathers not transferred to descendants from the past. New generations weighed down heavily by DNA encumbered sin God forgives by SACRED BLOOD OF JESUS. ALL NATIONS are FORGIVEN by JESUS SAVED from curses of sin of death over their future children. Those who target Jews need to understand ALL nation implicated in CROWD that day all nations under the heavens in Jerusalem. Crucifixion of Jesus is a corporate punishment by association implicates ALL NATIONS present in Jerusalem. REPENT to CHOOSE LIFE not death of innocent Jews accused of Jesus’ BLOOD shed. Jesus is giving His BLOOD to save, heal, clean all sins do not live in error to perish in Jesus Name.15696928877838231693452752180389.jpgEarthquake on day Jesus died dripped blood on Adam’s site is promised Seed of woman sent by God Jesus. God says MY PEOPLE perish for the lack of knowledge sin forgiven by Jesus GIVES FORGIVENESS GOD’S GIFT TO ALL NATIONS. Attacking Israel against God’s plan is judged by Yahweh for harassing Jews. God CHOSE Israel as HIS role model to bless to all nations on the earth. Make informed choice don’t follow crowd to sin against Yahweh Elohim Jehovah CHOOSE LIFE for you/r CHILDREN in Deuteronomy 30:19 WORDS have CONSEQUENCES to generations. As said crucify Him let His BLOOD be on us and our children in Matthew 27:25 Jesus’ BLOOD is giving eternal LIFE unlike the blood of Abel in Hebrew 12:24 crying out for God’s vengeance. FEAR GOD WHO KILLS THE BODY AND SOUL there is no rest for the wicked souls in hell fire. Be EDUCATED in BIBLICAL HISTORY to help you make better decision for you/r familly. In Isaiah 62:7, God said, Give HIM NO REST day or night to MAKE JERUSALEM A PRAISE ON EARTH.

15697719168722568944145576865301.jpg IMG-20190928-WA0012.jpg IMG-20190928-WA0013.jpgJesus gives COMPASSION FORGIVES by His MERCY, GRACE, PEACE RECONCILED to God all people. Jesus prayed to FATHER FORGIVE THEM they know not what they were doing. Jesus FORGIVES, OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE. FORGIVENESS OF LORD JESUS MESSIAH our SAVIOUR in the GIFT of eternal death. Stops spiritual death of sin separating from God so removes sin by Jesus Christ Hope of GLORY. BLOOD OF JESUS is for ALL WHO ACCEPTS FORGIVENESS OF JESUS SAVED from sin of death by GIFT of eternal life in Christ Jesus.15696915482765091568587023211655.jpgWoe to the world offence will come but woe to man by whom offense comes in Matthew 18:7. Life in less perfect world is full of offence but God FORGIVES IN CHRIST so forgive yourself and others. Respond in love forgiven by God’s pardon of sin to forgive all who hate you. With God,“all things possible” in Matthew 19:26. Stop stress plaguing people by an unforgiveness for forgiving stops stress says Dr. Don Colbert, MD. Choose to forgive for your physical and mental wellbeing stop toxic stress by an unforgiveness harboured. Refuse to live in anger, bitter hatred, projecting racism on others in Jesus Name. In John 10:18, Jesus said none took His Life from Him He laid it down Himself by POWER  to lay it down and POWER to take it again as received of HIS FATHER GOD ALMIGHTY. Jesus said if He liked He could command God hosts of armies to defeat the people but HE GAVE HIS LIFE to redeem us in HIS BLOOD and FORGIVE us all.15696927527911641221047547043538.jpg In precious BLOOD of Jesus Collosians 2:12-19 says you are baptised in Christ risen in Him by faith in God from death. 13 In Christ your sins and all trespasses FORGIVEN. God BLOTS OUT 14 handwriting of ordinances contrary against you taken out of the way NAILED it to His Cross. 15 Spoiled principalities and powers He made a show of them openly triumphing over them. 16 Let no man judge you in meat, drink, respect of holyday, new moon, sabbath days. 17 These are shadows of things to come in the body of Christ 18. Let no man judge you of your reward in your humility worshipping God intrude in things they don’t vainly puffed up by fleshly mind. 19 Christ the Head of the Church joins His body bride knit together increase in wisdom and favour of God.

15696928877838231693452752180389.jpgEarthquake caused Jesus blood to drip down on Adam’s site of creation. Forgive, help and do good for total healing of mind, body, soul, Spirit in Jesus Name. Stop curse of BLOOD OF JESUS COVER AND BLESS YOUR CHILDREN IN JESUS CHRIST NAME. Judging or attacking the Jews or Gentiles is digging a pit to fall into because God CHOSE Israel HIS role model THEOCRATIC Nation to bless all nations. So have you been to Jesus for His cleansing power in Blood is God’s only GUARANTEED REMEDY for sin? Forgive the crowd and priests and elders who misled them vengeance belongs to God Yahweh. Salvation is the greatest miracle into eternal life in Christ so whosoever calls on the Name of the LORD shall be saved in Jesus Name. In John 3:16, For God so loved the world that HE gave Jesus HIS ONLY Begotten SON that whosoever believes in Jesus will not perish but have eternal life in God’s Presence forgiven of all sins in Christ.


0a689ec5474def42cb9a156937da1147Bible in Jude 1:14 says Enoch 7th from Adam prophesied, Lord Jesus Yeshua COMES FROM HEAVEN with ten thousands of His SAINTS to execute judgement God’s wrath. Yeshua the MESSIAH COMES with ten thousands of His SAINTS believers to judge sinners. Jude said Enoch distinguished from Enoch son of Cain in Genesis 4:17 was third from Adam. EARLY PROPHECY refers to SAINTS COMING BACK TO EARTH ALIVE from heaven with Jesus. It second COMING of Christ revealed. SECOND GLORIOUS COMING Enoch predicted things in last age of world. Jude in ancient tradition revealed precious fragments of antediluvian history preserved providence of God. So Jude discerned genuine ancient story of heavenly hosts following Jesus. Redeemed and angels, with armies riding white horses accompany Jesus are witnesses of His VICTORY. In joy of Triumph not engage in war. Jesus boldly and with courage as KING His vast army defeats by greater power than enemy’s arm of flesh. With Jesus LORD God fights our battles in Jesus Name in 2 Chronicles 32:7–8.20211008_160632 In Deuteronomy 33:2 Moses said saints and heavenly host army of God witness victory of Jesus at Armageddon. Enoch prophesied before his Rapture into heaven ALIVE didn’t die. Jude’s account from God tries reforming wicked in age lived. God’s prophecy in Jude 1:14 is Lord Jesus comes with ten thousand of His saints glorified holy ones with legions of angels ON EARTH. To execute judgment to pass sentence, as ποιησαι κρισιν rendered to all by their respective works. Enoch looked beyond flood to convince told the εξελεγξαι witnesses confronts ungodly among judged by God sentence passed. Their ungodly deeds of wicked actions committed by fear concern God. The LOVE of God given through Christ saves humble but defiant face the Justice of GOD’S wrath to hard, impious, atheist scoffs in speeches against Jesus Christ in ignorance. Jesus gave mankind an eternal life by taking on Himself punishment. Death was taken by Jesus in excellent ransom SACRIFICE to save unworthy in Hebrews 11:38 or vilest of men.Jesus-ReturnsArmy of SAINTS with Lord Jesus as Head of His army COME to attack forces of antiChrist. COMING battle of Armageddon takes place before Christ sets up His Millennial kingdom in Joel 3 v.1-2 as God directs final battle. The Lord Jesus with heavenly SAINTS COMING to DEFEND His people Israel! Armageddon war gets rid of antiChrist and all evil to RESTORE all back to YAHWEH. Jesus’ Second Coming predicted by Zechariah Lord Jesus My God, shall COME with saints to fight to defeat the antiChrist. Weapons used by nations against Christ and Israel to take eight years to clear land of Israel after war. Jesus Messiah comes with ten thousand of His saints will execute the judgment of God to destroy the wicked to reprove carnal action. Ungodly commit evil against God resolved by Jesus in Repository, vol. xv. p. 86. Book of Enoch prophecy belief in expected MESSIAH Ethiopic version was translated by Dr. Laurence, Oxford in 1821, republished in 1832. Full account, contents of article by Prof. Stuart in Bible Repository January 1840, pp. 86-137. Lord Jesus COMES WITH His SAINTS from Heaven and angels, armies from heaven in Revelation 19:14 this is the Testimony of Christ.all2see
Matthew Henry’s Commentary on Jude 1:18-16 says false teachers deny defile grievously wound souls deceived. False teachers have a disturbed mind, evil spirit powers not from God in Romans 13:1. Satan wishes to take the place of God tempt people to worship him as antiChrist. Jesus prevents fake power over so enraged God, Christ wins Armageddon war. JESUS COMES with His saints heaven and life forever change wheat from tares. Some men begin in Spirit ends in flesh dead, fallen state evident proof of their hypocrisy away with them into hell fire. False teachers expect hell punishment from GOD’S KINGDOM on earth.3791307_origEnoch says Jesus will come in Scripture texts proof Jesus believed. Christ’s COMES to judge prophesied as early as in times before flood. The Lord Jesus COMES in A GLORIOUS TIME to save all who believe but time of dread for those condemned by GOD’S Wrath. Jude 1:14, says Enoch seventh from Adam one of those prophesied saying, the Lord COMES with ten thousands of his SAINTS. Prophet Enoch the son of Cain in Genesis 4:17, third from Adam knew about Jesus a Promised Seed of woman Eve. In Jude 1:4 -17 prophesy is pending and relevant hope of deliverance for all. Repent sinners know COMING of Christ is revealed to Adam. JESUS’ SECOND COMING foretold is future things to conclude last age of world. Jude knew ancient books confirmed in other Revelation messages in history preserved by God. Jude told genuine truth in ancient story stop mocking God’s plans coming on earth.6dae6-raptureEnoch prophesy tells Jude’s account of Jesus Coming with SAINTS. God employed him like Noah to reform wicked age lived inspires to warn to deliver prophecy Jude. Lord Jesus COMES with ten thousand of His saints Holy ones will descend to war to execute God’s judgment, pass sentence ποιησαι κρισιν on all according to respective works on earth in Hebrews 11:38. Jude confirms COMING of Christ revealed to Adam is the Seed of the woman and Second Adam. Jesus’ SECOND COMING with saints in living history expects MESSIAH to COME to complete salvation by Special Grace, Mercy, Compassion of God. So Jude warns mankind repent, escape GREAT TRIBULATION. Jesus comes after the Rapture from heaven from God with all who believe is the testimony of Yeshua. Jesus will come to restore earth and God COMES BACK to earth. Those who don’t worship beast image, receive mark on foreheads hands in heaven, COMES BACK to earth rule with Messiah in 1000 years Millennium in Revelations 20:4.Jesus Christ welcomes. Gloria Gold Ministries blogDeuteronomy 33:2 Moses said heavenly host of SAINTS and angel witnesses know Enoch’s prophesy. Jude’s account reforms wicked of his age is in Revelation 19:11-21 as John saw heaven opened and behold white horse and He that sat upon it called Faithful, True and in righteousness will judge and make war. 12 His EYES as a flame of fire on His Head many crowns. Has NAME written unknown but He Himself. 13 Is clothed with vesture dipped in BLOOD 14 His NAME Word of God. Armies of heaven arrayed in fine linen, white and pure follow Jesus on white horses. 15 From His MOUTH COMES sharp SWORD strikes down nations and He will rule with rod of iron. He treads winepress of wrath of God Almighty. 16 On His robe and thigh He NAME written, KING of kings and Lord of lords. Out of his mouth a sharp sword, He Rules the nations with rod of iron and tread the winepress by the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God.4bedc-gods-wrath-from-heaven_rev-6-thru-8Jesus KING OF Kings and the Lord of LORDS directs battles. 17 John saw angel standing in the sun;m cried with a loud voice, saying to all fowls flying in the midst of heaven, come to the supper of the GREAT God; 18 Eat flesh of kings, captains, mighty men, horse/riders, men free and bond cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. The beast, and kings of earth armies, gather and make war against Him that sat on white horse against His army. 19 And he deceived all those who received mark of the beast all who worship image of the beast. 21 Remnant saved before the sword of Him that sat on whit horse and sword out of his mouth kills flesh fowls eat.ezekiel-38-39-battle-armageddon-gog-magog-rightly-dividing-kjv-1611-bible-believersGod’s covenant with Israel through teachings of Christ dedicated teachers, saints writers in Matthew 27:52; Acts 9:13; 26:10; Revelation 14:12. Six of Paul’s letters to Church address saints: Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. New Testament Saints just sainthood. Living individuals who dedicate themselves to worship; serve ONE TRUE God YAHWEH in HIS Son Jesus, saints. Saints sanctified in 1 Corinthians 7:14-15 are considered undefiled in paganism parent if a Christian. All saved are sanctified by Blood of Jesus not all sanctified saved. Jewish and Gentile Christian called saints and believers.end-times-events-jesus-returns-second-coming-of-christGlorified SAINTS, joint- Heir with Holy One of God COME with Messiah saves believers in world. Gentiles in 1 Corinthians 1:2, “those sanctified in Christ Jesus called Holy saints Christians. Gentiles who call on the Name of Lord Jesus Christ are SAINTS. Ephesians 1:1 Saint Christians in Ephesus faithful Gentiles in Christ. Paul in Colossians Saints are Holy faithful in Christ. Paul in letters to Christians Saints in Romans 1:7. Gentiles are God’s wild olive branches grafted into Kingdom of God in COVENANT of Abraham in Christ in full relationship are SAINTS. Jewish Christians in Rome gave gifts to Paul collects from Gentile churches calls them saints in Romans 15:25-33. Paul’s collects in 2 Corinthians 8:1-4 from Macedonian Church saint. Paul in Jerusalem accept saints contribution, Jewish Christians accept offer from Gentile Christians. In Acts 21 Paul in Jerusalem told Gentile Christians saints given access of faith in Abraham. Old Testament redemptive history in Abraham Father of ALL NATIONS in Jesus saints are grafted holy ones set apart for God in Christ. As King David defeats Goliath with heaven’s army so God Fights for all believers today.1-thessalonians-4-5-rapture-7-638As nations turn against Israel in dangerous last days be courageous. Actions show hearts of all who stand with the tiny nation of Israel God sees. Opposer enemies challenge Israel’s authority from God but do your best as part of God’s end-time plan for salvation for His people. Each day passes return of Yeshua Jesus draws nearer. There are still many who need to come to faith in Him. You can make a difference for Yeshua Jesus and God for Eternity by telling people God’s Gospel Good News. YAHWEH God is READY to set all things right not in distant future right now! God is ready to SAVE Jerusalem to show His GLORY to Israel first and then to all nations in Isaiah 46:13. Reference to God’s heavenly armies in Bible reveal JEHOVAH Nissi God is Mighty One in Battle. Heaven’s armies and the saints clothed in fine linen white follow Christ on white horses in Revelation 19:11-21 Christ, the glorious Head of the church, is on white horse, emblem of justice and holiness. Has many crowns on His head He is KING of Kings, and LORD of Lords. He is dressed in robe dipped in blood conquering in POWER enemies. Is victorious and prevails. Armies from heaven follow Him on white horses, clothed in fine pure white linen symbol of overcoming to the end. In Revelation 2:26-27 overcomers or keepers of God’s works to the end given power over nations. 27 He will rule with the rod of iron break His enemies to pieces. Jesus from Father God 38 Is given power is morning star God’s chosen head of Heavenly armies, saints, hosts in Revelation 14:1-20. Jesus will stand on Mount Zion split mountain with heavenly hosts army to rule and reign 1000 years in Israel.

Bible Texts on Lamb of God’s Coming

Revelation 17:14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: …

Psalm 68:17 The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: …

Psalm 149:6-9 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword …

Zechariah 14:5 And you shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley …

Matthew 26:53 Think you that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently …

2 Thessalonians 1:7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall …

Jude 1:14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these saying.

Revelation 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat …


f9d9975e6ceddf223b967732e0cba030.jpgJesus LOVES you so much His PRICELESS ASSET treasured SOUL IN CHRIST. Father God’s real true love is in Christ for you. HIS Holy Spirit teaches brings remembrance of things studied in Bible to GAIN YOUR SOUL and win heaven. You are in this world but not part of it as God’s GREATEST ASSET in Christ. Jesus intercedes and prays for you God’s Children to listen and obey God. And all things WORK TOGETHER for good for those who LOVE God and called according to God’s PLANS AND PURPOSES. Tune into God’s will to refine your life with God. HIS WORDS of WISDOM give understanding to know HIM better. To make wiser choices in line with God’s plans for your life in Christ Jesus Name to show kindness to those in need God. Not all man-made ideas are up to God’s STANDARD its vanity unfulfilled.7e1f5d2cb2d3c40a2c8e835a229ff088.jpgAppreciate God to live HIS WAY daily in life, you are GREATLY VALUE by God is blessed be Spiritually discerning be ENCOURAGED. Live in HOPE share your Godly experiences and guide others to avoid your mistakes to learn God’s PLAN for their lives. You know and understand feelings to empathise with people going through pain. Your Spirit of excellence distinguished you overcomer to help others better. Give God thanks in all your circumstances and give HIM GLORY in Jesus Name. Even the experiences NOT caused by God used to testify of your gifts and calling to help others. Share your heart in-depth with others to continue BLESSING, sharing promises of God in Jesus Name.  God sustains life by HIS SPIRIT is the GIFT to use for HIS GLORY for your TESTIMONY. DEFEAT the devil by your testimony and by the Blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ in Jesus Name.


IMG_20200730_46567Count your blessings even in adversity you can God’s blessings in Deuteronomy 28. So  obey the LORD God commandments and the LORD God sets you high above all nations on earth. 2 God’s blessings comes on you to overtake you if you obey the LORD God. 3 So you will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. 4 God will bless fruit of your body, produce of your ground, increase your herds, increase your cattle and flocks. 5. God will bless your basket and kneading bowl. 6 Bless you when you come in and bless you when you go out. 7 The LORD will cause the enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face they will come against you one way, flee seven ways. 8 The LORD will command HIS blessing on your storehouses and on all you set your hand to do. God will bless you in the land the LORD God gives you. 9 The LORD will establish you as a holy people to HIMSELF sworn if you do you keep HIS commandments and walk in HIS ways. 10 All people on earth will see you are called by the name of the LORD, and be afraid of you. 11 The LORD will grant you plenty goods and fruit of your body, increase of your livestock and the produce of your ground in the land God gave your forefathers. 12 The LORD will open to you His good treasure in heaven to give rain to your land in season and bless the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but not borrow. 13 The LORD will make you the head not the tail; you will be above not beneath if you obey commandments of the LORD God and observe them. And do not turn aside from the words commanded you this day to the right or left to go after other gods to serve them.IMG_20200730_0704

Disobeying God’s Commands 

15 But it shall come to pass if you do not obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe all HIS commandments and HIS statutes these curses will come on you to overtake you. 16 Cursed in city and in the country. 17 Cursed in your basket and kneading bowl. 18 Cursed the fruit of your body and produce of your land, increase of your cattle and offspring of your flocks. 19 Cursed when you come in and when you go out. 20 The LORD will send curses, confusion and rebuke all you set your hand to do until you are destroyed and perish quickly because of the wickedness of your doings forsaking ME. 21 The LORD will send plagues until HE consumes you from the land. 22 The  LORD will strike you with disease, fever, burning, the sword, sunscorch, mildew pursued you till you perish. 23 Heaven will be as bronze and earth as iron. 24 The LORD will change rain of your land to dust. Heaven will come down on you till you are destroyed. 25 The LORD will cause you to be defeated by enemies so you go one way against them, flee seven ways before them; You will be troubled all the kingdoms of the earth. 26 Your carcass will be food for birds of the air and beasts of earth no one will frighten them away. 27 The LORD will strike with boils of Egypt not healed. 28 The  LORD will strike with madness,  blindness and confusion. 29 Grope in the day as blind gropes in darkness; you will not prosper in your ways oppressed plundered no one shall save you. 30 You will marry a wife but another man lie with her; you will build a house but not dwell in, plant vineyard but not gather grapes. 31 Your ox slaughtered before your eyes but not eat it; your donkey taken from you but not restored to you; your sheep given to your enemies and you will have no one to rescue them. 32 Your sons and your daughters given to other people, eyes fail longing for them all day long and no strength in your hand. 33 A nation you do not know will eat fruit of your land and produce of your labour, oppressed. 34 Driven mad because of things seen. 35 The LORD will strike your knees and legs with boils not healed from soles of your feet to top of your head. 36 The  LORD will bring a king set over you in a nation you or your fathers not know to serve their gods of wood and stone. 37 You will be scorned proverb among all nations where the LORD will drive you. 38 You will sow seed in fields but gather little for the locust will consume it. 39 You will plant vineyards but not drink  the wine or gather grapes worms will eat them. 40 Your olive trees will not anoint you with oil so without olives. 41 You will have sons and daughters but they shall not be yours; they will go into captivity. 41 Locusts will consume your trees and produce of your land. 43 The stranger among you will rise above you.54d5bf5499c6ff6c44a9dc9b41fc552d44 He will lend to you but you will not lend to him; he will be the head and you will be the tail. 45 All these curses will come on you, pursue and overtake you, until you are destroyed because you do not obey the voice of the LORD God to keep His commandments and statutes commanded you. 46 They will be upon you for a sign and wonder and on your descendants forever. 47 Because you do not serve the LORD God with joy and gladness or for God’s abundant supply. 48 You will serve enemies the LORD will send against you, hunger, thirst, naked in need of everything. God will put yoke of iron on your neck to destroy you. 49 The LORD will bring nations against you from far ends of earth as eagles. Nations whose language you do not understand. 50 Nations fierce don’t respect elders or favour their young. 51 They will eat the increase of your livestock and produce of your land until you are destroyed not leave your grain or new wine, oil or the increase of your cattle or offsprings of your flocks until they destroy you. 52  They will attack you at your gates until your high fortified walls you trust, come down in the land; They will besiege you at your gates in the land the LORD God gave you. 53 You will eat fruits of your own body, flesh of your sons and your daughters the LORD God gives you in a siege in desperate times enemy distress you. 54 The refined among you will be hostile towards his brother, wife and to the rest of his children he leaves behind 55 He will not give them the flesh of his children he eats because he has nothing left to eat. 56 So delicate woman among you will not set soles of her feet on the ground will refuse her husband, son and daughter 57 She will eat placenta after birth. 58 If you do not observe the words of the laws written in this book, to fear the LORD GOD 59 The LORD will bring on you and your descendants the plagues and sickness 60 God will bring on you diseases of Egypt to cling to you. 61 Sickness and plagues not written in the Book of the Law the LORD will bring on you until you are destroyed. 62 You will be left few in number though once as stars of heavenly multitude, because you do not obey the voice of the LORD your God. 63 It shall be as the LORD God rejoiced to do you good to multiply you, the LORD will rejoice to destroy you to bring you to nothing plucked from land possessed. 64 The LORD will scatter you among all people from one end of earth to the other to serve gods, you or your fathers don’t know, wood and stone. 65 Among those nations you will find no rest or sole of your foot rest. The LORD will give you a trembling heart, failing eyes and anguish of soul. 66 Your life sin before you; fear day and night. 67 In the morning you wish its evening and in the evening wish its morning!’ because fear terrifies your heart because what seen. 68 The LORD will take you into Egypt in ships not see your land again. You will be sold to enemies as slaves but no one will buy you. Israel was sold into Egypt when Titus took Jerusalem in 70 AD/CE all Jews over seventeen years old, men and women were sent by ships to Egypt to work in the mines. They were sold as slaves there but since the slave market was too full no one wanted to buy them many perished. The poor, disabled and elderly were left behind to till the land. Diaspora slavery and spiritual bondage without redemption of God means some people perish. Jehovah says MY people perish for lack of knowledge in perilous times count your blessing for breathing, eating, talking, walking, shelter. Thank God for your loved ones in Jesus Name. 




IMG-20200401-WA0002In 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 God says If I shut heaven so there is no rain, send locusts to devour the land or pestilence among my people; 14 If my people called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land. Pray and ask God to have mercy to forgive you. Pray loudly: Dear Father, Creator of heavens, earth, and universe we come humbly before you LORD in your Majesty, Sovereignty over all creation. We repent of all sins against you or others by rejecting Godly truth, counsel, we walked in wicked and deceit. Almighty God of all creation we bow our heads and submit to you LORD in agreement with the whole world we pray forgive us all in the Name of Jesus your dear Son. LORD God have MERCY on us. Let your compassion flow to us in Jesus blood shed to cleanse us from sin  wash and heal us from plagues. Forgive us LORD, PLEASE SHORTEN evil days to send Jesus in cloud in Rapture. Draw us to you to eternity in Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen. Thank you LORD for your Grace, Mercy and Covenant of Abraham to all nations. Jehovah Jireh provider of needs thank you for supplying all our needs.slide5-l15686371235835954419660177108723.jpgFamine in Canaan Israel led Abraham to Egypt in Genesis 12:8-13:2. Severe food  shortages caused hunger, lack of basic resources and hard times. Challenging circumstances affects people in history. In Proverbs 12:11; Proverbs 28:19, food harvested by working the land is ruined by bliss, drought pestilence, enemy raid, suffered by Gideon God intervened and saved his family. Current global events affects abundant food supply, resources and basic necessities. Those who chased fantasies to waste time produce nothing and are poor. Proverbs 12:11 says tilling land satisfies with food, so do not follow vain people, who lack understanding of real life chase worthless pursuit without sense to ruin lives. In Genesis 12:10, that famine sent Abram to Egypt as Genesis 12:8-13:2 says Abraham tried in vain to find solution. Genesis 12:8-9 economic conditions forced him to Egypt. On their way Abraham’s wife Sarai attracted the attention of kings who gave them great wealth. Abraham lived in Canaan from 2100 B.C.E.-1875 B.C.E with Isaac, Jacob. On return to Canaan in Genesis 15:1, the LORD appeared to Abraham in a vision said: ‘Ten years passed since you lived in Hara for two years and seven years in Egypt. Its one year since your return from Egypt after age 75 Abram left Iraq Ur to Canaan Israel. Then to Egypt back to Canaan Israel. In Genesis 26:1 second famine occurs in the days of Abraham. So Isaac in Gerar went to Abimelech the king of Philistines. The LORD appeared to Isaac and said, “Do not go into Egypt but live in this land I told you to live in so Isaac stayed in Gerar. After Abraham, for 430 years Israel is enslaved in Egypt from 1875 to 1445 B.C.E. Moses, Aaron in 1 Chronicles 5 are fourth-generation descendants of Levi son of Jacob. So 430 year’s slavery is generations of Isralites in Egypt new Pharaohs didn’t treat well.journeys_of_abraham_isaac_jacob-old_testament_map_1downloadfile-29In Genesis 26:12-33 Isaac sowed in the land in time of famine and same year he got hundredfold reward because the LORD blessed him. 13 He had riches so expanded his territory. 14. He possessed flocks, herds, servants Philistines envied him. 15 The wells his father’s servants dug in Abraham’s days the Philistines filled with earth. 16 And Abimelech told Isaac to leave as too strong in their land. 17 Isaac left pitched tent in the valley of Gerar and dwelt there. 18 So Isaac dug another well as Abraham’s was filled by Phillistines after the death of Abraham. Isaac called wells by name his father calls them. 19 Isaac’s servants found water in well 20 But herdsmen of Gerar told Isaac’s herdsmen, the water is theirs. So Isaac left Esek well, because they fought with him. 21 Isaac dug new well but Phillistines fought too so calls it Sitnah. 22 He moved to dig another well Rehoboth, the LORD made us fruitful in the land. 23 But moved to Beersheba 24 The LORD appears to him at night said, I AM God of Abraham your father so fear not I AM with you to bless and multiply your seed for Abraham’s sake. 25 Isaac built an altar to the LORD and pitched his tent there so his servants dug a well. 26 Abimelech went from Gerar to Isaac with Ahuzzath, Phichol chief captain of his army. 27 Isaac said to them Why did you come to me since you hate me and sent me away? 28 They said, The LORD is with you let us make an oath between us to make covenant with you 29 Do not hurt us for we have not touched you but did good by sending you away in peace. 30 You are blessed by LORD. Isaac made a feast so they ate and drunk together. 31 They left in the morning after oath so Isaac sent them away in peace. 32 Same day Isaac’s servants told him they found water in the sixth well dug. 33 Called city Sheba now Beersheba.jacob_map_15686470728505025652900209887770.jpgJacob took his family to Egypt in famine. Joseph interpreted famine of Pharaoh’s dream in Genesis 41:53-57 so promoted Prime Minister. Built silos in Egypt for harvests stored seven years to prepare for seven year’s famine God in a dream. Egypt tilled the land, stored grain, cured meat, prepared in advance. Egypt sold grains to nations and brought Joseph’s siblings to Egypt to buy grains despite jealousy hatred of his dreams and coat of many colours from Jacob their father. Jacob’s family moved into Egypt due to famine in 215 years after God’s promise to Abram. Israel descendants multiplied rapidly increasing their Jewish presence in Egypt, centuries. Toiled to built grand designs of Egypt, prospered at Goshen. Their hardwork built  nation but envy, jealousy of Pharaoh told midwives, kill boys. Some refused, blessed by God with houses in Egypt. Israel cried to God to save them sent Moses to deliver them. 1 Chronicles 7 Joshua is Moses’ successor is 12th generation descendant of Joseph Jacob’s son and Pharaoh’s vizier. And in 1 Chronicles 7 Israel’s 3rd to their 11th generations lived in Egypt since Abram, Isaac, Jacob left rich in Exodus of Moses and Joshua out of Egypt into wilderness. They borrowed gold and silver to repay them 430 years of slavery without pay, gave them abundant wealth to be used to build the tabernacle and provide for their families in a time of need. Instead, they made golden calf a god from gold God provided, many died except Levites who refused to join golden calf idolatry.20200402_224755bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-water-from-rock-moses 20200329_123354In Exodus 15:22-17:7 the LORD God had to provide water in the desert for Israel at Shur after crossing the red sea. Moses was told to hit the rock after three days without water in the wilderness. Marah is bitter fountain of Israelites in Exodus 15:23, 24; Numbers 33:14 no water to drunk. Moses asked God Yahweh’s help shown piece of wood Moses threw into bitter in Exodus 15:23,24 to make water sweet and fit to drink. Moses by God’s divine direction made the water safe to drink. two times Moses threw stick into the water good to drink at Marah. The LORD in Exodus 17:6 said, Behold, I will stand before you by a rock in Bible and you will bring water from the rock to provide drink for the people and the livestock.” In Numbers 20:10 Moses  hit two rocks to produce water instead of doing what God asked him to do. Moses grieved loss of Miriam so in pain but the Israelites complained more instead of showing him compassion. His followers faced challenges of desert so not Moses fault but blamed him anyway. Its Moses who bore brunt of their anger of change of location after they CRIED TO GOD TO DELIVER them from slavery in Egypt. It was their choice to leave Egypt so God did exactly what they demanded. Forgot miracle of being spared in all plagues of Egypt, miracle crossing of red sea whine and moan about Moses not caring about them. Exodus 17 and Numbers 20 are  two separate events for water miracles. But people quarreled with Moses forgot the first time God provided water so can do so again. Told Moses, “Give us water to drink although Moses was thirsty too did not care or have any consideration it was life in dry desert. Israel’s journey  in stages from Egypt, told Moses to give them water. Moses cried out to God who told Moses to toss stick into some bitter water to make it good to drink. But  the congregation assembled against Moses and Aaron and grumbled. These people blamed Moses, and said they prefer to be in slavery in Egypt than die in desert. They complained of food shortages and craved, leeks, cucumbers, garlic, onions, old lifestyle as slaves of the rich to eat crumbs than own land to grow crops. fish_and_fruit_basketIn Numbers 11:4-28, craved fish eaten in Egypt with the leeks, cucumbers, onions garlic and watermelons. Told God they prefer to die by the hand of the LORD in the hands of Pharaoh than endure their eleven days journey into Canaan Israel. Instead of thanking God for answer to their prayer to be rescued from slavery complained and cried for scrumptious, comfort food while wandering in desert. Their timing lacked their reality check for a few days to reach Canaanland for fresh food. And focused on inhospitable environment murmured against Moses Aaron and God for nothing to eat but just manna collected everyday. God was so angry he told them they will perish to never reach Canaanland. God wanted to teach them to fish to have more food but preferred quick fix hand me down token of silve masters. And God delayed their journey each they complained God added extra years as punishment in the desert. Instead of enduring eleven days stayed 40 years longer for the insolence against. Forgot they brought a hardship on themselves by a disobedience to God agreed in Covenant warned in advance. Jeremiah 14:1-6 on LORD’S drought of “Judah mourns at her gates and sits on the ground in mourning and they cry in Jerusalem so are heard by God. “Nobles send servants for water, cisterns but no water return so vessels empty in shame cover their heads. In Jeremiah in 13th year of king Josiah in 626 BC to the fall of Jerusalem and destruction lived 570 BC in Egypt. Josiah’s difference to father reformed nation Jeremiah commended for doing justice and right thing for his people. Jehoahaz ruled three months in 2 Chronicles 36:2 reign marked turning point in king’s attitude toward Jeremiah prophet of God to the nation of Israel. In Israel another drought and famine that hit the people in search of food to eat.488929_ruth-and-boazRuth 1:1 says in the days judge’s ruled a famine in the land a man of Bethlehem in Judah, wife, two sons lived in Moab. 2. Elimelech’s wife Naomi and two son’s Mahlon and Kilion died. So Naomi and Ruth returned to Israel to glean fields of Boaz, collect wheat grains married Boaz bore Obed and Jesse, father of David is bloodline of Jesus. In 2 Samuel 21:1-14 a famine in days of David for three years David sought presence of the LORD. The LORD said, “Saul’s bloody house has put Gibeonites to death are not of Israel but survivors of Amorites. 2 Israel swore to spare them, Saul’s zeal for Israel, Judah tried to annihilate them. 3 David helped Gibeonites “made atonement so to bless the LORD’S  inheritance. 4 So Gibeonites didn’t want silver, gold from Saul or his family but right to Israel in death. 5 Saul destroyed and decimated so no place in Israel. 6 Let seven of male descendants be killed, bodies before the LORD God at Gibeah of Saul by you as LORD’S chosen 7 The king agreed spared Mephibosheth son of Jonathan, son of Saul due to oath before the LORD of David and Jonathan. The king chose Armoni, Mephibosheth two sons of Aiah’s daughter Rizpah son of Saul, five sons Saul’s daughter Merab bore to Adriel Barzillai son Meholathite. 8 Handed to Gibeonites who killed them and exposed bodies on a hill before the LORD in the first days of barley harvest. 10 Rizpah’s daughter, Aiah in sackcloth,  beginning of harvest till the rain poured from heavens with bodies. She didn’t let birds touch them day or wild animals by night. 11 David told Aiah’s daughter Rizpah did 12 He took bones of Saul and Jonathan from Jabesh Gilead who stole bodies from public square at Beth Shan as Philistines hung them after stricking Saul down on Gilboa. 13 David brought bones of Saul, Jonathan and all killed so 14 buried in tomb of Saul’s father Kish, at Zela in Benjamin. And God answered David’s prayer to heal the land of Israel. wp-1579942333083.jpgFamines in 1 Kings 17:1 Elijah a Tishbite settler in Gilead told Ahab, “The LORD, God of Israel who lives says, there will be no dew, rain, three years, except by my word.”Do drought punishment in 1 Kings 18 Jezebel abused nation held to ransom 2 So Ahab in famine in Samaria told Obadiah his governor of house who fears the LORD greatly to look for water and grass for animals. 4 Jezebel cut off the prophets of the LORD but Obadiah took hundred prophets hid fifty in two caves fed them with bread and water. 5 Obadiah told go search land, fountains of water, brooks to find grass to save horses and mules not lose all the beasts. 6 They divide the land between them, Ahab went one way Obadiah to another. 7 Obadiah met Elijah, fell on his face so Elijah sent him to call King Ahab, he did but feared Ahab will kill him if Elijah disappeared…18 The LORD told Elijah in the third year go show yourself to Ahab and tell I will send rain on the earth. To prove to Ahab God is fed up with pagan evil deeds of Jezebel, who took Naboth’s vineyard, abused whole nation a carmel contest set up to serve God only. Elijah pours water on altar but fire came from heaven so burnt offering God accepted.  Elijah took the pagan prophets to brook Kishon and slew them there… 41 Elijah told Ahab, Get up, eat and drink; there is a sound of abundance of rain coming. 42 Ahab to eat and to drink and Elijah went to the top of Carmel; cast himself upon the earth, put his face between his knees prayed to God. 43 Told servant Go look toward the sea he looked but saw nothing. He said, Go again seven times. 44 At the seventh time, saw a little cloud out of the sea, like a man’s hand. Elijah said, tell Ahab, Prepare your chariot to get home before the rain stops you. 45 It came heaven had clouds, wind, a great rain so Ahab rode and went to Jezreel. 46 The hand of the LORD on Elijah took him faster before Ahab into Jezreel.IMG-20200328-WA0004In 1 Kings 17:7-15 Elijah met a widow at Zarephath when brook dried in drought caused famine. 8 There was no rain in the land. 9 So the LORD told him, Go to Zarephath to Sidon, stay there. A widow will supply your food 10 In Zarephath a widow gathering sticks he asks to bring a little water to drink 11 And bring me a piece of bread 12 She said as the LORD God lives I have only a handful of flour in a jar and little oil collected few sticks to make a meal for myself and my son to eat it and die 13 Elijah said, “Don’t be afraid. Go home and do as you said but first make bread and bring it to me. 14 This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘The jar of flour will not run out or jug of oil run dry until the day the LORD sends rain on the land.’” 15 So she did as Elijah told her and there was food every day for Elijah the woman and son. And Later God sent a golden chariot to Elijah alive into heaven gives a double portion anointing to Elisha. Elijah is expected as one of two witnesses to save this world, authorized by God send plagues of God’s wrath punishment. Bible says endtimes plagues of Egypt in Exodus 8:22; & 9:34 fall on the earth during Tribulation. In Revelation 2: 21 & 6:16 Revelation 22:18 prophecy of Bible says if anyone adds to them God will add plagues to those who distort the word of God. In 2 Kings 4:38 Elisha returned to Gilgal, during famine in the land. Told sons of prophets, “Put on a large pot and boil stew to eat.” The stew was ready but as bitter toxic leaves could not eat the food. Elisha sprinkled salt in the pot and food was eaten. In 2 Kings 6:24-25 Ben-hadad king of Aram’s army attacked Samaria. A great famine in Samaria so a donkey’s head sold for eighty shekels of silver, a fourth kab of dove’s dung sold five shekels of silver. A famine in Israel in dire times wildleaves food poison prophet cured with flour.20200328_193828 Children and babies died, some people ate grass, roots, abandoned infants died. Great famine in Samaria the LORD said the children eat a defiled bread among Gentile. Medieval Europe famines made some ate a dove or bird droppings, rats, cotton batting or kaolin clay. Their rich leaders abused powers to deny people meager rations. Some ate locust, insects, tree barks, mud, forage in Europe. Bible famine in Egypt and Canaan afflictions mean no food. Droppings of bird called ptarmigan delicacy parts of Greenland eat as haute cuisine. Dove dung “bird’s milk,”“bird’s dung” bulb roasted, boiled plant is “Star of Bethlehem” as Linnaeus botanist calls “dove’s dung. ” Parkinson, a British herbalist in 1800, said roasted bulb “sweeter than chestnut.”Is a white flower twelve-inch stem star-shape seed pods. New Jerusalem Bible says its wild onion Geneva Bible says dung used fuel for fire. Jewish historian Josephus it is dove’s dung salt substitute. Others say dove dung is falafel in Hebrew is locust-beans fruit of carob tree. 2 Kings 6-7:17 famine in Samaria attack by Ben-Hadad of Aram’s army so great famine in city. 26 King Jehoram passing on wall heard woman saying, “Help me my lord the king 27 The king said, “If the LORD does not help you how can I help you? All the threshing floors of winepress are empty. 28 What is the matter? So she said, “This woman told me, ‘share your son and so tomorrow we’ll eat mine.’ 29 We cooked my son and ate him and next day I told her, ‘Give your son to eat, she is hiding him.” 30 The king heard the woman’s words and tore his robes and the people saw under his robes a sackcloth. 31 He said, “God deal with me if head of Elisha son of Shaphat remain on his shoulders today.” 32 Elisha at home with elders as king’s word sent, Elisha told elders, “See he sent to cut off my head and when the messenger comes shut the door at the sound of his footsteps behind him. 33 A messenger of king said, “This disaster its only the LORD God who can rectify it to save the nation from the perilous times.20200328_192842Starving parents watch children die see no end of famine in sight cause of child eating of spiritual cause sin against God received punishment. Leviticus 26:22-29 says wild animals, people, eat children. In Deuteronomy 28:53 Ezekiel 5: 9-10 so parents eat children. Lamentations 2:20 &4 :10 says women cook children eaten. American skeleton of a 14 year teenage girl cannibalism in Jamestown colony is reconstructed by archaeologist of bones in 2017. Kelso took her remains of skull, tibia bone found in cave to Smithsonian. Dental analysis revealed her identity as Jane. Others use “ritual cults to get rich’ sacrifice children for wealth, plead with ‘gods’ during natural disasters to ‘avert’ tragedy of wars or gain evil “power” to rule the world. Or done for ‘fun’ online by a German. God deals with cannibals as HE created all the people attacked. To eat flesh is ‘normal’ to ‘imbibe’ power of their departed cooked to eat. American restaurants serve donated bodies eaten, reptilians eat human products. After the  seven years of famine in 2 Kings 7:1-11, Elisha said”tomorrow by this time there will be abundant food so the finest flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley a shekel at gate of Samaria.”2 An officer of the king doubted, “If the LORD opens floodgates of heavens this cannot happen. Elisha said, “You will see it with your own eyes but you will not eat it.  3 Four lepers at city gate said, “Why stay here until we die? 4 ‘We’ll go to the city, if the famine is there, we will die if we stay here we will die let’s go to the camp of Arameans. 5 They went to the camp of Arameans but no one was there. 6 So the LORD caused the Arameans to hear sound of chariots and horses their army said, “The king of Israel hired the Hittite and Egyptian kings to kill us.” 7 Got up fled, abandoned tents, horses donkeys, left camp and ran for their lives. 8 Four lepers entered the tents, ate, drank, took silver, gold, clothes and hid them. They returned to city with abundant riches. 9 So shared good news with royal palace.” 20200328_200539KurtRose17566236432710 City gatekeepers in Aramean camps told king lepers collected gold, food, saw 11 tethered horses, donkeys, tents, left behind. 12 But the king said, “Arameans know we are starving left their camp to hide to come so they take us into their city.” 13 The officers sent five horses to the camp to confirm testimony 14 Two chariots of horses were sent out to go to check Aramean army. 15 They went far to Jordan but found on the road clothes, equipment Arameans threw in flight as messengers reported to the king. 16 The people went into plunder camp of spoil of Arameans so a seah finest flour sold a shekel, two seahs of barley sold a shekel as the LORD said 17 The king put officer in charge of gate but trampled on in the gateway. 18 He died as man of God said. 19 Man of God told king finest flour sold sold shekel, two seahs of barley a shekel at gate of Samaria.” 20 People trampled on officer who doubted as God said. In 2 Kings 8:1-3 in another Famine a widow whose son Elisha brought to life told to avoid the LORD’S decreed famine in the land for seven years. 2 The woman did as man of God said. 3 So her household went to live in land of Philistines seven years. After seven years she returned to appeall to the king for her house, fields, left behind. 4 The king asked Gehazi the servant of the man of God, “Tell me all the great things Elisha did.” 5 So he told the king Elisha brought a dead boy back to life and woman is coming to appeal to you for her house and fields. Gehazi said, My lord the king this is the woman and her son, Elisha brought back to life. 6 The king asked the woman who told him so the king appointed a high official to her case to “Return all things which are hers and produce of her fields since day she left the land.” She got her house and lands with interest 14 Elisha was in  Dothan and horses, chariots and a great army that came by night surrounding the city. 15 The servant of man of God saw the army, with horses and chariots. He said, “Alas, my master what shall we do?”16 So Elisha said, “Don’t fear, those with us are more than those with them.14886 17 Elisha prayed, “LORD open his eyes to see so The LORD his eyes and he saw the mountain was full of horses chariots of fire around Elisha. 18 Syrians came to attack but Elisha prayed to the LORD, Strike this people with blindness so God did according to the word of Elisha. 19 Elisha told them, Follow me, I will bring you to the man you seek.” He led them into Samaria. 20 At Samaria, Elisha said, “LORD, open their eyes to see The LORD opened their eyes and they were, inside Samaria! 21 When the king of Israel saw them, told Elisha, “My father, shall I kill them?”22 He said, “Don’t kill those taken captive without sword or bow give food to eat and water to drink and go to their master.” So they were set free by Elisha. In Chronicles 21:12 a three year famine  or three month’s destruction by enemy with sword or three day’s sword by the LORD, pestilence in the land by angel of the LORD destroying all coasts of Israel. “The days are coming,” says the LORD God, “I will send famine on the land not famine of bread, thirst, diseases. Famine of lack of knowledge of God people face pestilence locusts and insects destroying produce of earth. Droughts, diseases are part of endtime birthpang warnings. In Italy money is so useless its thrown on the streets seen in these pictures. Love of money is root of all evil so what shall it profit you to gain the whole world but lose your soul? Money can’t buy God or save you from hell fire punishments so repent, accept Jesus to go in the Rapture alive to heaven before great tribulation.IMG-20200402-WA0001 IMG-20200402-WA0000Take heed, ask God for mercy in Jesus  Name. In Isaiah 51:19 two things befall the nations, mourning, devastation and destruction, famine sword. Ask God to forgive nations and comforts all in Jesus Name  In Acts 11:28 Agabus said, by the Spirit of God there will be great famine all over the world which took place in reign of Claudius. In Matthew 24:7 Jesus said, nations will rise against nations so kingdom against kingdom and in many places famines, earthquakes. Luke 4:25-27 says in truth many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah. The sky was shut three years and six months in great famine over all the land. Jesus warns of events and comes in Clouds in Rapture. Things get worse before it gets better so trust God so no weapon formed against you will prosper in Jesus Name. God is in control of your life hidden in Christ. In God live, move and have your being. Thank and Praise the LORD, Give HIM GLORY in all situations of life. Be ready for God’s intervention, confident in God. Pray God SHORTENS evil days.

Pray for God’s Peace on earth for God’s help and GIVE HIM NO REST DAY AND NIGHT UNTIL HE MAKES JERUSALEM A PRAISE IN ALL THE EARTH. All nations are connected to Israel and so belong to God. Your body is God’s Temple Holy so God’s Spirit dwells in you to help, teach, comfort, lead you to God’s Bible Truth. Value your life and your precious body is priceless take care follow instruction to be safe in Jesus Name. Keep in touch, check on others or text, phone, email, skype, letters. Pray and worship God at home it is well with you ask God to save you in the Rapture in Jesus Name. God bless you. Jesus appeared again in my dream three times is ready for Rapture. He is calling you to accept Him repent to rescue you in Rapture before its too late. Jesus warned 2000 years ago that these things will happen on the earth. Call on God to save your life so your soul will go in eternity on passing before Rapture. A peak view of heaven shows blissful life of joy, no more pain, grief, sorrow so no more death but eternal joy with Christ,  God, saints, angels, family reunion with loved ones forever in heaven. Ensure to have your name written in God’s BOOK OF LIFE. All whose names are found in book of life are Children of God go into eternal life in heaven in Jesus Name. Be sure to ask God to save you in Christ.  



IMG-20201219-WA0005Jesus said, Peace be still calms the storm down. Do you need peace in storms of life? As destruction of mankind is taking place on earth some say, peace, peace but the LORD ALMIGHTY GOD watching says its not a real  peace. They do anything before the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY say safe in Jeremiah 7:6, 9–10. But God says, “I AM WATCHING all in Jeremiah7:11. Say God will not do anything to harm us so feel safe and boast they will not see sword or famine in Jeremiah 5:12. So God says if sealed in Christ you have eternal life. As Jesus wept over sin and grieved over the sin of the lost God’s seal preserves all the people who weep and grieve over sin. God sees all sad and grieving over sin for God’s mercy. God seals them from HIS destruction in wrath. The stubborn people who refuse to turn from sin God’s wrath will befall them.  God’s elect and servants who accepts GOD’S COVENANT LOVE in obedience and loyalty can trust JEALOUS GOD LOVES them. IMG-20201219-WA0004
Jesus wept and grieved over Jerusalem as they ignored His Gospel message of agape love and salvation. In 600 hundred years after Jeremiah’s warning over Jerusalem Jesus  wept over their stubbornness of not listening to God. Jesus said, If only you knew who gives real PEACE you will accept God in in Luke 19:42. Jesus, Prince of Peace loves is calling people to listen accept God’s LOVE. Jesus real peace is in God’s agape love for eternal life not a religious peace, political safety. Jesus said Peace I leave with you; My Peace I give to you; not as the world gives to you. Don’t let your heart be troubled or be fearful in John 14:27. But the people did not accept Jesus. Jeremiah tried to lead people to God away from destruction telling telling thm “ask for God’s way and walk in it you will find rest for your soul in Jeremiah 6:16, but people say, “we will not walk in it.” He warns again, “Listen to sound of trumpet in 6:17 but the people, “Did not listen.”IMG-20201219-WA0002
God calls for repentance before the blast of the trumpet call in Rapture. The trembling blast remind us of sin in need of repentance. Sound caused mourning in the destructions of the first and second Temples. The priest leading people in holiness to the LORD did not know God. The shepherds sin, prophets prophesied by Baal went after things that do not profit in  Jeremiah 2:8. Why did a priest or prophet lead people away from God’s blessing and protection? And lead them into evil ways that cause destruction? Jeremiah said, the least to greatest all greedy for gain prophets and priests sin in Jeremiah 6:13. Jesua said a Temple of the LORD turns to den of robbers in Jeremiah 7:11; Matthew 21:13. Say money, come to me now or promise by faith donate with credit card so God will wipe away your credit card debts. But the LORD is watching and says, I the LORD search heart and mind to reward each person according to conduct, and deeds done in Jeremiah 17:9–10.IMG_20201219_51706
Receive reward of God’s promised PEACE in Christ. Unlike priests, prophets in Jeremiah’s day fell among fallen God punished warning to all believers as priests in Kingdom of God in 1 Peter 2:9. Be responsible not teach them “you are safe to sin no harm doing so in 2 Peter 2:21. The GOOD NEWS in Jeremiah is to trust the LORD have confidence in HIM to like a tree planted by the water. Its roots by the stream doesn’t fear heat its leaves are always green. Has no worries in a year of drought always bears fruit in Jeremiah 17:7–8. Trust in the LORD repent, change your ways and actions deal well with others and don’t follow other gods. I will let you live in the land I gave your ancestors in Jeremiah 7:4–8. Repentance brings the LORD’S plan for TRUE PEACE in life. Repentance means return to God turn from sin. God’s plans for peace is in Christ Jesus Prince of PEACE. God knows HIS plans for you to give peace not evil to give you a future and a hope says the LORD in Jeremiah 29:11. God’s plans ahead to create peace for the LORD God IS PEACE Jehovah Shalom. His peace and rest depart  in rejecting Jesus PRINCE OF PEACE its a sin in losing blessing, wholeness, completeness. David confirms, “Mark the perfect and the upright their end is PEACE in Psalm 37:37. Jesus is the Gateway whoever enters in will be saved. They will come go out to find good pasture in John 10:9. The righteous upright receives mercy through Yeshua, the gate of our salvation. His perfection covers us with His righteousness to make us complete in Him. Jesus is our Gateway to the Kingdom of God and Prince of Peace in an everlasting Peace. To us a child is born to us a Son given the government will be on His shoulders. He is called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God Everlasting Father and PRINCE OF PEACE in Isaiah 9:6.
New Covenant and Coming of the Messiah gives forgiveness for not keeping the laws of God. DNA so sin ingrained in mankind so repents and sins. Jeremiah’s generations, sin worse than ancestors didn’t repent. Did evil than forefathers each walked stubbornly in own evil hearts so didn’t listen to God in  Jeremiah 16:12. The LORD redeemed people from curse of death law required or perish forever. God gave a new covenant. The days are coming says the LORD I will make thr new covenant with house of Israel and the house of Judah. I will put my law in them and write it on their hearts. I will be their God and they will be my people. So no longer each teach his neighbour or brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ they will all know ME from the least to greatest says the LORD. I will forgive their iniquity and remember their sin no more in Jeremiah 31–34. All the bornagains sealed by power of Holy Spirit know the LORD in an intimate way prophets righteous men of ancient times wished they knew in Matthew 13:17. A New Covenant to believers as true Temple of the LORD. HIS laws are written within our hearts. Don’t you know your body is God’s Temple of the Holy Spirit, you are not your own, your are bought with the price of the shed BLOOD of Jesus in 1 Corinthians 6:19. This Holy Spirit dwells in us to feel conviction and shame over sins. Thouhh people knew they sinned rejected Jeremiah’s warnings to repent to seek God to remove shame. Jeremiah told them God did not totally reject them but HE wants them to repent and to live in PEACE.


People refused to accept the LORD’S free gift offer of forgiveness and grace in God,  clung to shame. 2000 years ago, destruction of Second Temple with dispersion of Jewish people to four corners of earth was due to a lack of repentance. This ancient teaching is sin against the LORD led shame so desires to forgive if sincerely repents from sin. In New Covenant provided final sacrifice for guilt is Jesus the Messiah in Isaiah 53:10; Romans 5:12, 21, 6:23. Give all guilty shame to Jesus Prince of Peace. Come to Me weary and burdened I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in Me you rest for your soul. My yoke is easy and My burden is light in Matthew 11:28–29. Thank you Jesus for all FORGIVENESS of sin giving us REAL PEACE in Jesus Name through Holy Spirit with all the GLORY TO JEHOVAH GOD. No matter the storms in life with Jesus in the boat you can smile at the storm in Christ Prince of Peace.


5581b66e33c304d251c5427201c01bb5.jpgJesus, 12 Apostles and 12 sons of Jacob, flesh and blood on earth are in heaven sitting on thrones around God’s Throne. Wear crowns on their heads cast at feet of Jesus. Jesus said before ascension in John 14:1, Don’t let your hearts be troubled if you believe in God believe in me. 2 In my Father’s house there are many mansions if were not so I will tell you. 3 I go to prepare a place for you and I will come to receive you to myself so where I am you will be also. 4 You know where and the way; Jesus said, He will take Apostles to heaven though flesh and blood. downloadfile-151.jpg5 Thomas said, Lord we don’t know where you are going how can we know the way 6 Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and life no man comes to the Father except by me. 7 You SEE Me you SEE My Father. 8 For Philip said Lord show us Father God. Philip wants to see God first before he believes Jesus will take them to heaven in eternity with God. In Ephesians 2:6, “Jesus raised us from death in Christ to sit with Him in heavenly places we are united in Christ Jesus.” Joint heirs, royal priests with Him Rule in Millennial Reign.b.jpg9 Jesus said I spent time with you yet you do not know God, Philip? He who sees me sees Father God why do you say show us Father? 10 I am in the Father as Father in me. These words I speak to you, I speak not of myself is from the Father dwelling in me, HE does the works. 11 I am in the Father and the Father is in me so believe Me for HIS work’s sake.great-council-in-heaven4-1.jpg12 If you believe in me, you will do works I do you and do greater works because I go to My Father. 13 Ask in My Name I will it do so My Father is GLORIFIED in me HIS Son. 14 Ask anything in My Name I will do it. 15 If you love me keep commands. 16 Father God will send another Comforter to be with you.IMG-20191211-WA0002.jpg17 Spirit of TRUTH the world cannot receive because it SEES HIM not or KNOWS HIM but you KNOW HIM for HE DWELLS in you. 18 I will not leave you comfortless I will COME  to you. 19 In a little while the world sees me no more but you SEE me, because I live you shall live also. 20 That day you will know I am in My Father and you in me and I in you. thought-1-1.jpg21 If you keep God’s commands do them if you love me and love My Father, I love you and manifest myself to you. 22 Judas said to Lord Jesus how will you manifest yourself to us and not to the world? 23 Jesus said to him If you love me keep my words so my Father will love you we’ll come to abide with you.14-1.jpg24 He that loves me keeps my sayings so the word you hear is not mine but from Father who sent me 25 I say these things while here with you but 26 The Comforter is Holy Spirit the Father sends in My Name, will teach you all things and lead into all truth I say to you and to countless believers promised heaven.052161_b2b167769f364d3ab1e6c8caceb1b53a~mv2.jpg 27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you not as the world gives let not your heart be troubled, don’t be afraid. 28 I say to you I go away and will come again to you. If you love me you will rejoice because I go to My Father GREATER than I. 29 I tell you before these things come to pass so believe me.IMG-20191024-WA0000.jpgjesus-and-the-angels-leading-the-rapture-1.jpgdownloadfile-130.jpgIs-the-Hope-of-Rapture-to-meet-Jesus-Christ-Achievable.jpgsource.gifdownloadfile-4.gif

the-rapture-header.jpgdownloadfile-110.jpgRapture “twinkling of an eye” changes flesh and blood to glorified heaven body in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 in Bible. Jesus will come in CLOUDS to receive believers IN CHRIST the dead raised FIRST go alive with the living to heaven. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17; 2 Thessalonians 2:1–10 on Rapture is blessed hope in Titus 2: 13 and in 1 John 3:3. Rapture tribulation avoids antiChrist GREAT TRIBULATION God’s wrath judges earth. Accept Jesus, pray to God to save you in Jesus Name eternal life in God’s Presence. Revelation 22:4 says people SEE GOD’S NAME written on the foreheads of all believers in CHRIST. Jacob-Israel’s 12 sons in heaven were once flesh and blood on earth. IMG-20201102-WA0012IMG-20201102-WA0013In John 14:30 Jesus said prince of this world has nothing in Me. 31 The world knows I love Father God and obey HIS commands. So the Twenty-four elders in Revelation 4:4 sit on twenty four thrones in heaven and wear white garments of God’s righteousness. This 12 sons of Jacob are elders on ancient Israel maps. New Jerusalem has 12 tribes and 12 disciples of Jesus’ named on 12 gates and 12 foundations in the New City Zion in heaven. Revelation 21:12 City’s great wall and twelve gates has twelve angels, and twelve sons of Jacob-Israel, 13 Names on east three gates; north three gates; south three gates and the west three gates.downloadfile-86.jpgIMG-20201102-WA0011 IMG-20201102-WA0007IMG_20200421_3529714. City’s twelve foundations named after twelve Apostles of the Lamb. 15 John saw angel with golden reed measure City’s, gates and walls. 16 The City’s fours quare length breadth twelve thousand furlongs, length, breadth, height equal. 17 Wall is a hundred forty four cubits measure. 18 Walls of jasper City’s pure gold clear as glass. 19 Foundation precious stone: jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald; 20 Sardonyx; sardius; chrysolyte, beryl, topaz, chrysoprasus, jacinth amethyst. 21 Twelve gates of twelve pearls, City street is pure gold transparent glass. Citizens of heaven on earth like 12 tribes of Jacob, 12 Apostles disciples of Jesus, “flesh and blood” on earth in Israel with Jesus PHYSICALLY in heaven’s mansion Jesus promised. To enjoy PRESENCE of God praising God 24/7 worship God in heaven. Rapture is Jesus coming for all IN CHRIST to heaven as He took 24 elders into heaven. Remnants left behind as sealed years later live with Jesus in heaven, saints IN CHRIST. New Jerusalem comes to Israel on New Earth with 24 elders: 12 Apostles, 12 sons of Jacob-Israel, saints and all countless multitudes from all nations, languages and all tribes all GRAFTED IN CHRIST, our Lord Messiah as God’s KING of Kings, rule earth.downloadfile-130map-12_Tribes-rm-g-02 4d3c580da97239be42c4af660a2425ddch5-the-apostolic-church-21-638IMG-20201102-WA0008




In Christ all are joint heirs, kings, priests of God united perfectly in millennial reign of Christ. This doesn’t mean loss of cultural identity as Jew or Gentile it means all citizens of heaven embrace each other in as one in the Messiah Yeshua. Abraham’s seed are heirs of promise in Galatians 3:27-29. Jesus is the one chosen by God for Christian  believers to read, study Bible like Bereans to know God’s truth for yourself. Learn from God’s trained ministers don’t rely on fake control freak cult pastors to manipulate your life to deceive. Messiah said discern word of God or believers can be deceived. God the good Shepherd feeds HIS Sheep soul food to gain knowledge. God says MY people perish, destroyed, lack of knowledge in Bible. God says study to show yourself approved to God learn Bible verses relevant to you and memorize it if you can. Apply the Bible to your need read specific text daily to help make informed choices and decisions.

Each one will face God alone on judgement day to give account of your personal life and how you treat others. God is interested in the social media count followers for souls won not size of bank accounts, mansions, private jet, size of family, status, class, colour or race. The Gospel message directs people to God in Christ. A Church attended or denomination irrelevant to God. In letter to seven Churches Jesus warned them Israel and Jews are first, then all nations. The people grafted united in Christ Jesus will fulfill God’s feast prophecies and Covenant promises. In Isaiah 27:6, God will cause them to come to Jacob and take root. Israel will blossom and bud and fill the world with fruit. The people of Israel return from all parts of the world. Israel is blessed people who bless Israel are blessed. Israel’s desolate deserts flourish exports food to the world. Isaiah predicted in the Word of God over 2,600 years ago fruits of the Israel bless earth. The fruits of God’s Holy Spirit in believers are good fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness,  humility and self-control. Zechariah says all nations on earth will go Israel the apple of God’s eyes to celebrate the feast of Tabernacles to worship the LORD of hosts in Zechariah 14:16. These prophesies of Isaiah and Zechariah prepares the way in advance for Messiah’s rule on His Throne in Israel. Jesus will rule the whole earth and all people know God in His millennial kingdom after rapture and later in His second coming on earth after Armageddon. The prophecy of Messiah says Jesus is KING of Kings and Lord of lords. Countless multitudes of people from all nations, tribes, languages, colours, united in God’s Kingdom. Yahweh is not a respecter of persons blesses all people who submit to HIS will in all nations. No one is bigger and stronger than God no matter how powerful they may feel in own eyes by inflated ego. imageJoint heirs, kings and royal priests of God in Christ Jesus Messiah rule nations.  Each has run the race  and won the prize rewarded is by God. On judgement day God remembers a list of actions recorded  in HIS books of life. God asks what each did according to Bible in lifestyle, helping family and others. A pastor guides with truth of God will give account of people’s lives they saved. All believers share the word of God in the great commission to preach, teach, tell others about the Kingdom of God in Christ Jesus of Nazareth Name. Life isn’t just about yourself Jesus says accept and tolerate others by agape love. If people love each other and family there will be love and unity in the world. Social media helps to gain followers Jesus told believers to go into  the world and make disciples of all nations. To start first Judea, then Jerusalem and to all uttermost parts of the world. God loves all nations and all people doesn’t want anyone to perish in hellfire all to be saved in eternal life into heaven. Continue reading