IMG-20190928-WA0017.jpgJesus Christ’s SUPERBLOOD DNA 2,000 years ago dripped on Adam’s creation site below. Jesus was buried but He rose again Jesus’ BLOOD DNA ran through stone wall fell on Adam in Jerusalem. Jesus cried out in loud voice gave up His Spirit that moment curtain of temple tore in two from top to bottom. Earth shook, rocks split, tombs opened in Matthew 27:50-51 the dead came out alive seen by so many people. An earthquake on day Jesus died made Jesus’ BLOOD drip through cracks in walls. Romans crucified Jesus who died for world’s sins has SUPERBLOOD DNA UNIQUE does not contain Y male chromosomes He was conceived by Holy Ghost miracle of God so doesn’t match human DNA Turin Cloth. Jesus’ Priceless BLOOD God created is incomparable to human’s DNA.20190928_184352.jpgUNIQUE Jesus’ BLOOD shed for mankind for forgiveness of sins on the Cross is a miracle! So Father God FORGIVES ALL sins as Jesus is raised from death in Jerusalem many people saw this wonder working Power of BLOOD of Jesus. Jesus said, “Father Forgive them for they do not know what they were doing.” He forgave Barabbas, chosen by “CROWD FROM ALL NATIONS under heaven in Jerusalem for Passover feast celebration. Barabbas is in Gospels of Matthew 27:15–26; Mark 15:6–15; Luke 23:18–24; John 18:40 Jesus forgave. IMG-20190928-WA0018.jpgThe trial of Jesus by Pontius Pilate a Roman governor confirmed Jesus is innocent so not worthy of death in Luke 23:15. Pilate knew Jesus hated by chief priests influence crowd to chose Barrabas in Mark 15:10 looked for a way to release Jesus. Pilate’s choice was for crowd to release innocent Jesus or Barabbas a murderer in Luke 23:19. In Matthew 27:25 but ALL PEOPLE rejected Jesus so said “HIS BLOOD be on us and on our CHILDREN. ALL PEOPLE FROM ALL NATIONS FORGIVEN by Jesus whether Jews or Gentiles all forgiven. 15696931614245162818366070061888.jpgReplacement theology lies Church replaced Jews but no one can replace Israel CHOSEN BY GOD JEHOVAH. Modern generation Jews had NO control over choice of predecessors. CHOOSE LIFE NOT be victim of death curses of the past. Choice of Barabbas a simple ‘yes’ answer but they further invoked death, “Let His BLOOD be on us and our CHILDREN. So modern generations pay the price for their past choice. GOSPEL’S GOOD NEWS IS JESUS FORGAVE same DAY! CLAIM FORGIVENESS BREAK FREE from the ancestors death curse Jesus ALREADY HAS FORGIVEN multitudes.15696930762004127569221499745546.jpgMatthew 27:25, His BLOOD be on us and our children misused by Christian anti-Semitism distorts God’s truth to promote racism. The Bible says the sins of the fathers will not be visited on their children not guilty of death of Jesus. The fathers will no longer eat sour grapes so the children’s teeth is set on edge. PEOPLE FROM ALL NATIONS under heaven in Jerusalem chose Jesus to be crucified not Jews. Future generations wrongly blamed in Matthew 27:25 hated by the Church but who made you a judge? On the Day of LORD they will be judged by KING of kings Jesus Christ. IMG-20190928-WA0015.jpgError of invoking SUPER SACRED UNIQUE DNA BLOOD OF JESUS blames His death on Jews but ALL PEOPLE FROM ALL NATIONS in CROWD sinned. Matthew 27:25 is misused to mislead people ignores the FORGIVENESS of Jesus. Jesus forgave Barabbas PRAYED for FORGIVENESS FOR ALL NATIONS present at Jerusalem. Receive FORGIVENESS Jesus paid the price for your sin so shed HIS PRECIOUS SHED BLOOD. Israel is not RESPONSIBLE for Jesus’ death on the Cross so is NOT replaced by Church or Nations. Adam DNA inherited natural sin in all humans God FORGIVES but you must accept Jesus or punished by God. 15697718851878301714933286254255.jpgPeople on Passover pilgrimage in Jerusalem  travel three times a year: Parthians, Medes, Elamites, Mesopotamians, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Phrygia Pamphylia, Asia Egypt, Libya Cyrene, Rome, Jews, proselytes, Cretans, Arabians people under heaven in Jerusalem. With resident Jews in Bible, “dwelt in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from all nations under heaven.” Some Jews by birth but among the crowd was Gentiles converted to Jewish faith and its CHRISTIAN follower Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus!!! Devout Jews together and proselyte Gentiles Christians present in crowd from all nations under heaven celebrated passover in the crowd.15696931104693004769993702182808.jpgIn Matthew 27:25 ALL THE PEOPLE said His BLOOD BE ON US why attack or blame Jews by antiSemitism. All PEOPLE of all NATIONS need FORGIVENESS OF JESUS whether Jew or Gentile. Replacement Church theology lie  must stop because nobody replaces Israel’s Covenant CHOSEN BY GOD JEHOVAH. Teach and educate people living history of the BLOOD OF JESUS and break curses of death. Heaven’s and earth’s cloud of witnesses say CHOOSE life blessings not curse CONSEQUENCES that lasts GENERATIONS in Matthew 27:25. Jesus BLOOD gives LIFE but Abel’s blood cries out for God’s vengeance punishment in Hebrew 12:24. IMG-20190928-WA0016.jpgGod is COMPASSIONATE FORGIVES by MERCY, GRACE RECONCILES us to Jesus who prayed to FATHER God FORGIVE THEM for they know not what they are doing. On Cross Jesus FORGAVE is OFFER you CANNOT REFUSE or be punished by God on Judgement day. The crux of matter is ACCEPT the FORGIVENESS of JESUS MESSIAH LORD AND SAVIOUR’S GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE. Its spiritual death if sin separates you from God by rejecting Jesus no other name will save you.15697634998624618490773650867844.jpg20190928_180959.jpg Christ is the Hope of GLORY don’t hate Jesus or kill God’s MESSENGERS sent to SAVE you in anger by hating Israel. Israel lost children of Jesus’ generation of 0-2 years old Herod’s jealousy slaughtered coast to coast in all the twelve tribes in Israel. Some prefer hatred of Jews hate Jesus angry He didn’t save Jews from Roman bondage. Scribes, leaders hate Jesus due to fear of His popularity of crowd. Jealous, Jesus’ large crowds wanted to make Him King will take power from them. Paid people to lie chose Barabbas set free pardon granted on compassionate grounds yearly.15696927527911641221047547043538.jpg Precious BLOOD of Jesus is Holy so Sacred not ordinary blood passing sin to 300 generations if punished by God. BLESSINGS for families to the 1000th generation sin of fathers not transferred to descendants from the past. New generations weighed down heavily by DNA encumbered sin God forgives by SACRED BLOOD OF JESUS. ALL NATIONS are FORGIVEN by JESUS SAVED from curses of sin of death over their future children. Those who target Jews need to understand ALL nation implicated in CROWD that day all nations under the heavens in Jerusalem. Crucifixion of Jesus is a corporate punishment by association implicates ALL NATIONS present in Jerusalem. REPENT to CHOOSE LIFE not death of innocent Jews accused of Jesus’ BLOOD shed. Jesus is giving His BLOOD to save, heal, clean all sins do not live in error to perish in Jesus Name.15696928877838231693452752180389.jpgEarthquake on day Jesus died dripped blood on Adam’s site is promised Seed of woman sent by God Jesus. God says MY PEOPLE perish for the lack of knowledge sin forgiven by Jesus GIVES FORGIVENESS GOD’S GIFT TO ALL NATIONS. Attacking Israel against God’s plan is judged by Yahweh for harassing Jews. God CHOSE Israel as HIS role model to bless to all nations on the earth. Make informed choice don’t follow crowd to sin against Yahweh Elohim Jehovah CHOOSE LIFE for you/r CHILDREN in Deuteronomy 30:19 WORDS have CONSEQUENCES to generations. As said crucify Him let His BLOOD be on us and our children in Matthew 27:25 Jesus’ BLOOD is giving eternal LIFE unlike the blood of Abel in Hebrew 12:24 crying out for God’s vengeance. FEAR GOD WHO KILLS THE BODY AND SOUL there is no rest for the wicked souls in hell fire. Be EDUCATED in BIBLICAL HISTORY to help you make better decision for you/r familly. In Isaiah 62:7, God said, Give HIM NO REST day or night to MAKE JERUSALEM A PRAISE ON EARTH.

15697719168722568944145576865301.jpg IMG-20190928-WA0012.jpg IMG-20190928-WA0013.jpgJesus gives COMPASSION FORGIVES by His MERCY, GRACE, PEACE RECONCILED to God all people. Jesus prayed to FATHER FORGIVE THEM they know not what they were doing. Jesus FORGIVES, OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE. FORGIVENESS OF LORD JESUS MESSIAH our SAVIOUR in the GIFT of eternal death. Stops spiritual death of sin separating from God so removes sin by Jesus Christ Hope of GLORY. BLOOD OF JESUS is for ALL WHO ACCEPTS FORGIVENESS OF JESUS SAVED from sin of death by GIFT of eternal life in Christ Jesus.15696915482765091568587023211655.jpgWoe to the world offence will come but woe to man by whom offense comes in Matthew 18:7. Life in less perfect world is full of offence but God FORGIVES IN CHRIST so forgive yourself and others. Respond in love forgiven by God’s pardon of sin to forgive all who hate you. With God,“all things possible” in Matthew 19:26. Stop stress plaguing people by an unforgiveness for forgiving stops stress says Dr. Don Colbert, MD. Choose to forgive for your physical and mental wellbeing stop toxic stress by an unforgiveness harboured. Refuse to live in anger, bitter hatred, projecting racism on others in Jesus Name. In John 10:18, Jesus said none took His Life from Him He laid it down Himself by POWER  to lay it down and POWER to take it again as received of HIS FATHER GOD ALMIGHTY. Jesus said if He liked He could command God hosts of armies to defeat the people but HE GAVE HIS LIFE to redeem us in HIS BLOOD and FORGIVE us all.15696927527911641221047547043538.jpg In precious BLOOD of Jesus Collosians 2:12-19 says you are baptised in Christ risen in Him by faith in God from death. 13 In Christ your sins and all trespasses FORGIVEN. God BLOTS OUT 14 handwriting of ordinances contrary against you taken out of the way NAILED it to His Cross. 15 Spoiled principalities and powers He made a show of them openly triumphing over them. 16 Let no man judge you in meat, drink, respect of holyday, new moon, sabbath days. 17 These are shadows of things to come in the body of Christ 18. Let no man judge you of your reward in your humility worshipping God intrude in things they don’t vainly puffed up by fleshly mind. 19 Christ the Head of the Church joins His body bride knit together increase in wisdom and favour of God.

15696928877838231693452752180389.jpgEarthquake caused Jesus blood to drip down on Adam’s site of creation. Forgive, help and do good for total healing of mind, body, soul, Spirit in Jesus Name. Stop curse of BLOOD OF JESUS COVER AND BLESS YOUR CHILDREN IN JESUS CHRIST NAME. Judging or attacking the Jews or Gentiles is digging a pit to fall into because God CHOSE Israel HIS role model THEOCRATIC Nation to bless all nations. So have you been to Jesus for His cleansing power in Blood is God’s only GUARANTEED REMEDY for sin? Forgive the crowd and priests and elders who misled them vengeance belongs to God Yahweh. Salvation is the greatest miracle into eternal life in Christ so whosoever calls on the Name of the LORD shall be saved in Jesus Name. In John 3:16, For God so loved the world that HE gave Jesus HIS ONLY Begotten SON that whosoever believes in Jesus will not perish but have eternal life in God’s Presence forgiven of all sins in Christ.


p088r43fThe Queen’s royal speech addressed nation with a message titled, “we will meet again” to tell people life goes on despite Covid-19. The Palace  stressed unity and giving thanks to the frontline workers so the broadcast is designed to reassure and inspire all people, in times like this. People across the UK gathered to watch the Queen’s address. But most of all the recast of coronavirus crisis is a defining moment for all nations forever in efforts to save vulnerable lives. NHS staff under enormous pressure to work without PPE adequate equipment. Like second world war metaphors of that moment, the Queen remembers by direct reference to her first radio broadcast in 1940. The Queen a young princess and her sister Margaret spoke to all children and those who were evacuated.

The Queen said, We will be with our friends again, we will be with our families again we will meet again. Reminds times of innocence of childhood, sacrifices of earlier generation long perspective on Britain’s history. Echoes struggles, 1940s defined Britain’s self-image, through broadcast. Winston Churchill said, after fall of France in 1940, after a thousand years Britons, “still finest hour.” The Queen said history will judge the nation and “those coming after say Britons of this generations are as strong as any.” “Life of who we are is not just our past it defines our present and our future. The Queen celebrated communal feeling existing applauds for carers essential workers. She said, “expressing our national spirit” with a symbol of rainbows drawn by children displayed on windows shared hope in perilous times. Talks of peaceful national trait of self-discipline, quiet, good-humoured resolve” “fellow-feeling” of common good of nation self-isolating trusts God in Christ.20200411_195113Queen’s eldest son Prince Charles was seven days isolated tested positive for coronavirus. The queen’s speech is about collective effort to help each other. Together we are tackling a disease,” she said. “If we remain as united and resolute, we will overcome it.” “We will succeed,” she said, “and success belongs to each and every one of us.” Time for some great-grandmotherly wisdom for all lonely, offers thoughts to the self-isolated. UK, front pages carry photograp of her majesty Queen addressing the nation from Windsor Castle.A family watching the Queen's coronavirus speech on TVA family in Hampshire watched Queen’s TV address on coronavirus. Daily Mirror and Sun picked same message headlines, We will meet again.” Daily Mail said historic address evoked memories of Vera Lynn in “Britain’s Blitz spirit.” A Guardian’s writer John Crace said the monarch’s address is clear moral leadership many political leadership failed to provide in current crisis. Its only a certain amount of head of state who speaks in times like these in reference to government efforts to tackle outbreak notably absent important to support each other. The prime minister in hospital with corona virus has recovered.A family watching the Queen's coronavirus speech on TVThe Queen’s speech encourages all people to seek God, if a believer pray, meditate or non believer reflect. God’s earth facing changes happening globally from Bible. In Isaiah 24 apocalyptic events happen to whole earth. 1. The LORD God makes earth empty to waste some places scattered inhabitants abroad. 2. Cataclysmic events shakes all people priests, servants, masters, maids, mistresses, buyers, sellers, lenders borrowers creditors, debtors 3 Land is empty plundered the LORD’s said. 4 Earth mourns, languishes, proud panic. 5. Earth is destroyed as inhabitants transgress God’s laws and breaks Covenant. 6. So curse devoures earth and some dwell desolate the inhabitants of earth burn so few left. 7. New wine fails, vines languishes, merry-hearted sigh. 8 Sound of tambourine ceases, noise of jubilants ends, joys of harp cease. 9 Will not drink wine with song, strong drink bitter to who drinks it. 10 A city of confusion, broken down, houses shut no one goes in. 11 Cry for wine in streets, joy, pleasures of land is gone 12 City is desolate its gates with destruction. Prince CharlesThe Queen’s prayer said for all nations as 13. Land shakes like olive trees gleaning grapes. 14 They will lift their voice and sing; People sing on balconies and majesty of the LORD is heard loudly from the seas. 15 Glorify the LORD at dawn of light the name of the LORD God of Israel is heard in coastlands of seas. 16 From ends of earth hear songs “GLORY to the righteous God. Some say, they are ruined ruined and the treacherous dealers dealing treacherously 17 Fear snares inhabitants of earth. 18 All who flee noise by fear fall in pit caught in snare. Windows on high open and foundations of earth is shaken. 19 The earth broken, splits opens is shaken. 20 The earth reels to and fro as the drunkard are shaken. Transgressions falls some not rise again. 21 Comes to pass that day the LORD will punish exalted ones on earth and kings of earth. 22  Some gathered prisoners shut in the prisons after many days are punished. 23 The moon changes Sun’s flares, for the LORD of hosts will reign at Mount Zion in Jerusalem with HIS people GLORIOUSLY on earth. Be sure God’s mercy reaches you so saved in Christ.

We’ll meet again
Don’t know where
Don’t know when
But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day
Keep smiling through
Just like you always do
‘Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away
So will you please say hello
To the folks that I know
Tell them I won’t be long
They’ll be happy to know
That as you saw me go
I was singing this song
We’ll meet again
Don’t know where
Don’t know when
But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day
We’ll meet again
Don’t know where
Don’t know when
But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day
Keep smiling through
Just like you always do
‘Til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away
So will you please say hello
To the folks that I know Tell them I won’t be long
They’ll be happy to
That as you saw me go
I was singing this song
We’ll meet again
Don’t know where
Don’t know when
But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day

1 God be with you till we meet again;
By His counsels guide, uphold you,
With His sheep in love enfold you;
God be with you till we meet again.

Till we meet, till we meet,
Till we meet at Jesus’ feet;
Till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.

2 God be with you till we meet again!
’Neath His wings protecting hide you,
Daily manna still provide you;
God be with you till we meet again!

3 God be with you till we meet again!
When life’s perils thick confound you,
Put His arms unfailing round you;
God be with you till we meet again!

4 God be with you till we meet again!
Keep love’s banner floating o’er you,
Smite death’s threaten wave before you. God be with you till we meet again!

A 99-year-old war veteran raised £23m for NHS is guest of honour to open Nightingale hospital in Harrogate. His £1,000 for all NHS Charities Together by completing 100 laps in garden before 100th birthday. This veteran, born in Keighley, West Yorkshire via video link at opening on Tuesday. He said, honour and chance to thank NHS workers directly. May God bless all NHS workers sacrificing precious lives in frontlines to help others in these times. Thank you all soooo much.Harrogate Convention CentreCapt Tom, lives in Marston Moretaine in Bedfordshire, said: “I am still amazed by the amount of kindness and generosity from UK public who continue to give uncertain times for many think amount raised demonstrates how much we all value dedicated sacrifices made by our NHS workers. I fought during a war they are fighting in war. NHS Charities Together said truly inspired, humbled by his efforts. Great example to all no matter what going through do what it takes to help and support others. No effort is too or small too insignificant to make a difference. Captain Tom is so encouraging and Rest in Peace.

IMG-20210202-WA0007Simon Stevens, chief executive on behalf of NHS gave a heartfelt thanks to Captain Tom Moore for his remarkable fundraising effort for NHS charities. “Invited Captain Moore to be guest of honour opened NHS Nightingale Yorkshire, Humber. Harrogate Convention Centre will be used for 500 beds the first of the field hospitals to be built outside a city. The veteran, served in Myanmar in Second World War, praised by Duke of Cambridge, described, “one-man fundraising machine.” Prince William donated undisclosed amount God bless royal family people in Jesus Name GOD SAVE HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN.



Bronchospy intubation is a pulmonary function testing overview describing the bronchoscopy procedures and what it can be used for according to the experts from National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Information pamphlet by the Thoracic Society describes the fiberoptic bronchoscopy and reasons its used and risks. After procedure a pulmonologist tells you how airways look right away. A health expert inserts and extracts these ventilation tubes for patient, dangerous procedures for clinical staff. Leads to a risk of exposure to aerosol generation a box designed to contain the coronavirus airborne prevent it from contaminating doctors and nurses ventilating a patient.The shield fits over the head of a patientDuring intubation and extubation of a Covid-19-positive patient, is increased risk of contamination to the clinicians carrying out the procedures. Brainwave neurology of the frontal cortex ability to understand risk or consequences affects some patients by morphine medication. Patient’s delirious aggressive behaviour doctors must not to label patients after administering morphine alters patient’s behaviour must use other pain killers. wp-1577915774187.jpgLab results take longer one to four days, time varies depending on the type of a test. Bronchoscopy is safe and painless procedure though first few days after a procedure may experience sore throat, cough, muscle aches or a hoarseness. Serious side effects uncommon but if experiences a chest pain, develop fever, difficulty breathing cough up more than tablespoon blood contact pulmonologist the immediately for further check up. wp-1577915760911.jpgA patient is required not to eat or drink after midnight before their procedure. If taking insulin, a regular essential oral medications pulmonologist gives special instructions to follow to ensure health is good for best results of bronchoscopy. If allergic to sedative or any medications notify doctor before the procedure takes place. If given sedation, must be driven home following procedure so arrange for a ride. Cannot eat or drink anything until numbness in throat wears off in which one to two hours. wp-1577918661230.jpgwp-1577915788742.jpgPulmonologist use the bronchoscopy to determine and assess the causes of lung problem. Bronchoscopy is used when a patient has: ​Lung Infections, Lung Spot (abnormal finding in an X-ray film or CT scan), Ongoing Lung Collapse, Bleeding, Tumors, Excess Mucus, Noisy Breathing/ Airway Narrowing, Airway Blockages of (piece of food, foreign objects in a lung). Before beginning procedure some given medication like Novocain, which numbs your nose and throat area helps prevent need to cough or gag during procedure.wp-1577918681619.jpgwp-1577915800617.jpgAlso for Diagnostic procedure, Alveolar hemorrhage, Malignancies, Infections or for immuno- compromised patients. Equipment Materials of Bronchoscope. Vacuum and light sources plus a Saline solution. Specimen trap. Given sedative through IV line help relaxes feel sleepy.  May have no memory of test preformed.

Bronchoscopy procedure allows your pulmonologist to examine your lung’s airways, bronchi, bronchioles, carrying air from windpipe to lungs. Procedure: a tube-like instrument bronchoscope is inserted through nose or mouth run down into lung airways. The tube’s tiny camera at tip carries images to a video screen. A procedure take 20 minutes, set up or post procedure observation takes about 2 hours. Some patients requested to be in Department for observation in rare cases stay in hospital overnight.wp-1577918704558.jpg A patient went to hospital complaining of back pain and fever doctors pulled the 7.8-inch blood clot shaped bronchial tube from his lungs. He had a breathing difficulty, low blood pressure, coughing up blood by doctors’ accounts published in BMJ Case Reports. He was placed in Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust intensive care unit in London receiving treatment for sepsis on ventilator. A CT scan show pulmonary blockage in lung.wp-1577918641457.jpgThe clot stuck to his lungs impaired his breathing tube then removed from his lung. (BMJ Case Reports 2019). He began coughing up blood, doctors discovered through a bronchoscopy he had a “large pale blood clot” stuck inside his lungs so breathing tube optimum performance minister. Attempts to remove it through suction unsuccessful. Owing to the time of night, resources required for rigid bronchoscopy unavailable,” his doctors wrote in case report. “Having verified a grade I view of the epiglottis, the patient was paralyzed, sedated and extubated under suction in effort to remove ETT and contiguous clot.wp-1577918728845.jpgwp-1577918693134.jpgRemoving clot immediately improved breathing, but body could not recover from another underlying ailment. (BMJ Case Reports 2019) The removal was a success and so his breathing improved immediately, but he could not recover from his various other ailments. Photos of procedure show blood clot attached to end of endotracheal tube as removed from the patient’s chest. Another shows the clot formed in a perfect cast of the bronchial tube, and measured longer than his doctor’s finger. Video camera shows some objects on bronchoscopy.  wp-1577918741587.jpgFor three years a 30 year old man went to the hospital complaining about pain in his left leg and occasional chest pain. Never had thrombosis prior blood clots complications thought it was pain from bicycle riding or skating falls over the years. When he told his doctor about his inability to breathe and the chest pains further tests done revealed blood clot in his legs the first time. Several attempts to medically flush it in theatre intensive and critical care shifted the clot into his lung. Blood transfusion to help increase oxygen circulation due to his low blood pressure did not work. So clot lodged in his lungs, affected his breathing despite the air bag high tech ventilations. By the time a final attempt to flush it without bronschopy, using veins his exhausted body with low oxygen did not make it. If you read this article go for check up and do not be shy you are bothering doctor that is his job. If having a chest or back or leg pain with difficulty breathing get checked to be safe than sorry. If unable to afford medical bills or medication tell people around you to help with costs. If you hide illness it costs more to pay the funeral bills as same people for pay for burial ceremony. Above all, loved ones prefer you live to continue in this life as long as possible on earth. With medical advances do yourself a favour to get checked before it’s too late, prevention is better than cure. And listen to those encouraging you to get checked. Some willing to give you lift to appointments and accompany you if you ask them in advance to put you in diaries. And look after yourself and loved one’s priceless gift of life and value life. Foreign objects in lungs or other part of body unknown to person so get checked early and insist on scan even if reassured you are doing fine. Its your body that goes through the painful changes so if in pain or if feeling uncomfortable get checked early anyway.


IMG-20200219-WA0003 True love brings joy in marriage, single life celebrating love with people happy for couple to support the relationship. It is a festive season of affection so people  enjoy their company. But rift or damage of love needs hope to endure to adapt in healthy ways to adjust to family life. The couple not doing well need to know love is not just happy times. First count your blessings despite adversity you surprise others with what the LORD does in your life. Thank God be grateful for your life. 20200206_121949Write down good times in your life you felt most happy within yourself and felt good about yourself. What made you so happy and content you felt life is good and wonderful? When you felt happy can you recall how you celebrated those times. Did your happiness last long or did you self sabotage by indulgence that ruined the moment and you regret loss?20200206_122049To bounce back from hopelessness and loss to pick and start life over again. To learn from experience to grow wiser to repeating problems changed your heart, mind, feelings emotions into good for your sanity. Be honest with yourself in a choices or decision making for the good outcome to stay strong not compromise. The “love tank” syndrome is the mirage of shifting your love life to be “filled” by another person. Impossible, unrealistic, to expect to live your life by piggy back lovd void of genuine love and affection. wp-1580750543586.jpgTina Turner song says what has love got to do with it?  To expect love life to face no challenges and no uphill struggles is delusion causing pain of dissatisfaction. Life is tough so demanding perfection in a relationship of two people adjusting in a couple’s life is insanity driving people crazy. There is no such thing as perfect families though grass seems greener it’s a different story on a closer look. IMG-20200206-WA0007Changing circumstances in relationship can be shocking so cause anger, hatred bitterness and disappointment because if unmet needs or expectations. Its good to know NO SINGLE INDIVIDUAL is able to fulfil your entire life exclusively. This is why no wo/man is an island everyone in your life is put there by God for these reason to build you up and to encourage you. Do not cut yourself off from family or loved ones in the name of love it is a coercive controlling behaviour abuse.IMG-20200219-WA0003Recall the good times of personal joy of things you DID BY YOURSELF and made your life happy and feel fulfilled. Loving yourself FIRST is a command: Going for walk, read a book, listening to favourite music, write a story, visit, invite friends over, don’t isolate yourself. Meet up in a public place with friends, swim go for a massage in a reputable place, don’t wait for people to validate or tell you what to do. Do not think a damaged relationship means your life is destroyed beyond the repair of your circumstances. Although you may feel sad, recall past times you overcame and recovered your life. You will feel better than before what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and WISER.wp-1580750500770.jpgAvoid repeating the mistakes to lose the precious time and waste money to miss friends, family, lose houses and lands, family but remember Creator God owns people not you. God restores a hundred times the loses in life and in life after no matter how wonderful your love life is you will account to God for your life, abilities, gifts, skills, God given talents. Its God who gives POWER  to get wealth to eat is a gift from God so look to God your maker your Source of life. Do not put anyone on a pedestal above God in your life. Celebrate the people in your life in your life, remember to celebrate yourself too. Don’t abandon your life to be controlled by anyone its not love, its coercive abuse Stockholm syndrome.13980530_f496Dr Carmen Bryant on you tube channel daily teaches on Narcissistic love bomb and educate people broken hearted or getting out of complex relationships. In her words in an excellent book is found further details describing a narcissistic behaviour of people. Most people do not realize narcissistic relationships. So find out everything they thought about their relationship was a lie. Hard to look over your life in a long-term or a short-lived relationship to find out the person you thought cared didn’t have capacity to do so because of their personality disorder. Personality disorder hides under charm and charisma destructive to themselves and anyone involved. It hurtful to find out that you were only an object/tool to accomplish their own personal goals so you were depleted of resources needed for their personal gain. The book allows you to look at the seeds planted through life and the thought process that led so many people into this type of abusive relationship. This book has honest look at real life experiences and emotional damage. And the reality of the lack of awareness within our society of how such individuals operate and leave trail of destruction everywhere they go.61FOQhSbQYLPRAYER: Almighty Father God creator  of Heaven and all things on earth we humbly come before You with thanks giving in our hearts, asking for Your never ending mercy. We lift Your name on high above all name that exist. Our Father and creator, we ask You to bless,
us protect, and pour Your supernatural favor upon us, our children, spouse and friends. God we ask You today a Divine intervention in our lives, for Your touch in all our lives, job promotion, freedom from debt, rebuilding relationships with our spouse and friends. And we pray for world peace, for your peace that passes all understanding in all Your children. We pray for your protection against the Corona virus and Your mercy on those who have fallen victim to it. Father any situation You touch, we believe is never the same. Father in heaven, let Your will be done in our lives as Your decision in our lives is the best and will always be the best, the please send double portion anointings and blessings in the quickest time to people follow and pray in Jesus’
Name. We worship and glorify you God in the name of your Son our personal Saviour, Jesus Christ. AMEN! We pray for protection during the storm and for those who feel unloved and unworthy. We pray for forgiveness of sins, healing and peace in our hearts. Jesus, You are our strength, We love You and need You, please heal family. LORD, thank you for wonderful days, food, work and day of life. LORD, bless our friends, enemies for all need You. The LORD bless you we pray you fulfill your dreams in victory. The LORD bless you with grateful heart in the Name Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you and your family working in areas of trauma witnessing the serious narcissist abuse, victimization and devaluation of people. Encouraging you to seek help on their behalf when no one believes them. Advocate and support abused people so worked hard to help them to restablish their self-esteem and self-worth. Guide in hope narcissism victim recovers from damage effects of abuse. To respond to people around the victim or survivor to tell their stories. To gve survivors hope to show what narcissist abuse looks like in action to outsiders. Books, knowledge to salvage their lives to restablish life.


4c5fac28b63b8d018ddf1f40a5193a8fChocolate’s cocoa history dates to 5000 years as cocoa-based confectionery the archeological finds says Ecuador people from ancient Mayo-Chinchipe culture ingested a cacao-based in 3,300 BC. The Maya civilisation peak from 250 to 850 CE is first evidence human’s consumed chocolate as hot drink. Aztecs made it so popular and dyed it red achiote seeds. It is “Food from God” nobility, kings, chiefs drank so is scientific name for chocolate is theobroma cacao. In mid-1700s Carl Linnaeus Swedish made classification of animal and plants species. Britain’s first shipment of chocolate was mistaken for sheep poo when a Spanish shipment of cocoa beans was off course, seized at a coast of Britain in 16th century assumed contents sheep droppings and burned it. Cacao fruit in an Ecuadorean rainforest is cacao-based substance first ingested. The Pope stopped the priests arguing in 17th century as two orders of Catholic monks ask if chocolate was a drink to be consumed if fasting. Pope Alexander VII decreed chocolate beverage drinks monks allowed if fasting.IMG-20191013-WA0004.jpg1570957965885497972497589516589.jpg20191012_224622.jpgPeople receive chocolates on Valentine’s Day since 1935. Although Chocolate was associated with rebellion. In France and Spain the chocolate drink was reserved for privileged and in England consumed by the intellectuals or political thinkers. In 1660s Charles II threatened to close down chocolate and coffee shops where radicals congregated. In the 1930s, a box of chocolates cost 10 weeks’ rent. Solid chocolate invented in 1847 big brands industrialised chocolate fondant centres was popular. Sold in handmade boxes decorated with silk tassel, lace, Cadbury Fancy Box. By 1930s, ornate confections popular is expensive the Rowntree’s box priced at 100 shillings a rent 10 shillings a week. Popular chocolate bars are 100 years old. From the golden age of cocoa-based creativity in 1920s,1930s products like Cadbury’s Flake, Fruit and Nut, and Crunchy bars in 1920s Mars Bar in 1933, Milky Way and KitKat in 1935, Maltesers in 1936, Aero and Smarties in 1937. First fondant eggs in 1920s but the Creme Egg Fry’s product branded later Cadbury’s.15709140345921898763941735144302.jpg15709577132403422594441858102305.jpg1570959284218922480331549334500.jpg White chocolate was made medicine for children in Switzerland in 1930s doctors wanted to give the children in hospitals a vitamin-enriched milk to drink. The children thought milk was babyish and cocoa butter added as white chocolate. This nutritionally enhanced chocolate product was popular widely sold and is modern still available in Europe today. Unofficial KitKat’s dark chocolate mixed with Ryvita in WWII. Second World War Rowntree’s stopped producing KitKats or Chocolate Crisps made guns factory workers and families missed KitKats so tried hand-making unauthorised filled moulds with strips of Ryvita. Poured in dark chocolate for soldier’s ration. Only one chocolate bar made from the British grown cocoa beans as plants thrive in equator temperatures of 16°C+. In 1932, workers at Rowntree’s factory in York grew cacao plants in Britain produced a plant in a hothouse, to harvest one pod of cocoa beans. This made a single tiny chocolate bar for Queen Elizabeth II. In 450 BC Aztecs in Latin America used the fermented cocoa seeds into powder and drunk bitter. Seeds had so much value it was used as currency. Then Westerners joined them and tasted it bitter so added sugar to sweeten cocoa drinks and bars. 20191013_101929.jpg20191012_223843.jpg20191012_223613.jpgTetteh Quashie from Ghana brought the cocoa seeds to Gold Coast and thrived so became a global commodity exported. A tropical temperature suited cocoa best it flourishes in Ghana, Ivory Coast and in Nigeria exported into Western countries Belgium, Britain Cadbury World, Nestle of Switzerland among top 15 countries. 15709666448414663460037240615432.jpgIn 1591 the first transatlantic chocolate cocoa reached Spain turns into popular product as demand grew. The cocoa tree planted from seeds grown is harvested by difficult process by slaves used in its production. History of cocoa process of industrialization of chocolate used slave labour on plantations to supply world with cocoa beans to make chocolate. international_chocolate_organizations_bg.pngThe islands of São Tomé and Príncipe a then colony of Portugal and West Africa archipelago were first to cultivate cocoa among the world’s largest producers in the 20thcentury. The increasing demand from Europe cleared more acres of this plantations. Slaves from Angola of more settlers and more machinery increased supply chain of cocoa and chocolates.15709669144015420792004222029435.jpg

screen-shot-2015-03-12-at-7-45-58-pm.pngThe British Journalist Henry Nevinson documented plight of plantation slaves in articles, magazines and book Modern Slavery published in 1906 in a Harpers Monthly Magazine.“A long line of men and women at intervals of about a yard, were clearing plantation. ..To the back of every woman clung an infant’s head lay between her shoulders, bumped against her back as she struck hoe in the ground.15709668577338478487483041897377.jpgscreen-shot-2015-03-12-at-7-11-13-pm.pngFive or six yards behind them officers stood, white men, or three parts white, dressed in traditional planter style of big hat, white shirt, and loose trousers. Each carried an eight foot stick of hard wood, whitewood, pointed at ends” Nevinson’s work included numerous photographs, descriptions of the working conditions that fueled controversy in Great Britain.1570913992381271102547401987556.jpg15709576587538243842794166318413.jpg157095762463894220843834516828.jpgwp-1570973939028.jpgwp-1570975857142.jpg15709616753066208273275664093074.jpg1570957416522359261156549676512.jpgIMG-20191013-WA0001.jpg20191012_223727.jpgIMG-20191013-WA0006.jpgDespite attention to business practices of Cadbury company of Great Britain as biggest owner then of these plantations manufactured chocolates. It publicised situation, shows complicated network dodges blame. Public pressure results in government intervention investigations court case. Cadbury stopped purchasing from São Tomé and Príncipe tranferred the cocoa plantations into West Africa.15709589640531476278166812542906.jpgwp-1570974323215.jpgIMG-20191013-WA0008.jpg15709581362018921958481800225620.jpg15709601948667178737729845178804.jpg15709574448313460189514792968319.jpg15709580230053693676271048576345.jpg15709580965951627154621136725728.jpg15709580676498724700736445595630.jpg1570958672381763599102141026146.jpg20191012_223649.jpgDespite official abolition of slavery the slaves were transported another 400 years and ongoing in parts of the world. In 2001, slave ship MV Etireno carrying several hundred children from Benin were reported missing refused entry to Gabon and Cameroon rescued children. 15709609201355720542936295948445.jpgUNICEF becomes involved investigating reveals slave trafficking operation links West Africa in Ivory Coast. Ivory Coast is the world’s largest supplier of cocoa beans provide 43 % of world’s supply. IMG-20191013-WA0003.jpg15709610769421398615502886880121.jpg15709612150727871124352297305669.jpg15709610018138559175942143094065.jpg15709613775144636840332272573726.jpg15709616191443179012462901860512.jpgThe 600,000 cocoa farms in Ivory Coast account for one-third of nation’s entire economy half the world’s supply for chocolate trade. Most people who are trafficked tricked and lied to with fantastic job prospects with good pecks assured. Find themselves enslaved and victims abused by such traffickers.15709127031975255928808816704229.jpg15709122732244232830728597531413.jpg
1570912315162438997010313738705.jpg15709152571901898279892588286755.jpg15709152270256971228287323585406.jpg15709151587383094067555383762175.jpg15709151843573151428979682105142.jpg15709143369542848624500990035780.jpgwp-1570979760414.jpg15709137549442769275504908743346.jpg1570912497702511151652750979082.jpg15709149883824262627048778293816.jpgHuman trafficking and child slavery in cocoa and chocolate industry continues today. The Freedom Project investigated series by CNN broadcasted on chocolate industry and government of Ivory Coast address modern slavery in plantations.15709138939523342688749804279542.jpg1570991586829225328139591335123.jpg15709915420956794392330243494243.jpgcacao_photo_8-498x327.jpg15709917056801320040547398428411.jpg15709916241188296576054514775087.jpg15709940654191196607743158215198.jpg15709963627551472745859322635130.jpg15709938622796684368964997672713.jpg15709940303113896639172690823035.jpgwp-1570994671869.jpgwp-1571007286187.jpg15710070494287827044677125274229.jpg15709974957951724047021802272273.jpg15709941748594251023928542528722.jpg15709949682263479862376989604565.jpgwp-1570996871409.jpg15710077035061774160667874051637.jpgwp-1570996769232.jpgwp-1570997036473.jpgwp-1570997695826.jpgChildren at seven years old are working harvesting cocoa pods and beans for the sweet chocolate delicacies of Western people. Education is not compulsory in some countries and due to school fees so many cannot afford to pay. Therefore children work family business to gain skills even if illiterate become farmers.  15709145074994809227748061131838.jpg15709142467478737125626412808158.jpg15709139495294799173970323903708.jpg15709146612125841173579566817033.jpg15709147119983881069686190393130.jpg15709143857771503011103315736757.jpg15709147788696943767045855007937.jpgCNN report felt public must know about it to take action and to stop it, said Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin with Rep. Eliot Engel of New York in response: “How many people know the wonderful chocolates they eat are produced by child labour.15709136806434425289464165586051.jpg15709135207818673941076417422835.jpg15709132986567961157504701423115.jpgAgreed a voluntary protocol signed by heads of chocolate industry to stop child labour to certify the cocoa trade as child labour free. The working conditions in cocoa growing bring awareness of a fair trade by consumers. A researcher noted lack of evidence of ethical consumption among end-user improved situations of the child workers on West African cocoa farms. Consider questions on the rights of cocoa farmers and conditions faced by producers. Concerns of safety or well being ignored by its sold to government as sole buyer. Western countries ensure West African cocoa grown is harvested to Belgium and G7 countries but these workers are not afforded equal rights.



He paid the debt He did not own, I owe the debt I could not pay, I needed Jesus
to wash my sins away
And now I sing a brand new song
Amazing Grace
My Jesus paid the debt I could never pay
He paid the debt He did not own
He cleanse my soul He set me free
my father Jesus wash my sins away
and now I sing a brand new song
Amazing Grace my Jesus paid the debt
I could never pay one day He is coming
for me to live with him eternally
What will be the Glory to see Him on that day and I will sing a brand new song
Amazing Grace
my Jesus paid the debt I could never pay



42e003b2c1f051f4b598c01a0bfa26f92bd9133160f26d5401befa43cb69d34f15698432023431116965982206699593.jpg15699142508062771455743708820086.jpg15699141555393790958264759214470.jpg15699141929581934321955801743973.jpg15699142859557406369596913260769.jpg15698432346042985829951550967121.jpg15698429075996565579057319166702.jpg15698429337804635485373522418729.jpg15698429665463892549231045639353.jpg15698429920103397991825800312975.jpgIMG-20190930-WA0002.jpg15698430539163469284438097312849.jpg20190930_125756.jpg20190930_130000.jpg15698439104257690850660375217374.jpg20190930_130055.jpg20190930_125431.jpg20190930_125346.jpg20190930_125107.jpg15698434074816953156001769154182.jpg15698451702404061392638172786685.jpg20190930_131450.jpg20190930_131220.jpg20190930_131101.jpg20191001_080937.jpgwp-1578394531480.jpgIMG-20191001-WA0010.jpg15699464509988218020009383848462.jpg20191001_172631.jpg15698431234448594999570023784723.jpgIMG-20191001-WA0007.jpgIMG-20191001-WA0008.jpg15699350907847276344739110901807.jpg15699505190877827946407510276986.jpgIMG-20191001-WA0002.jpg15699180544437914743716233252252.jpgThe banana “flower” is the lowest part of an inflorescence consisting of layers of bracts petal leaf-like parts that cover rows of  flowers. The female flowers are higher up can develop to fruit bananas. The inflorescence elongates to produce terminal male bud. The redder tougher outermost bracts of bud open upwards to reveal the yellow-tipped male flowers underneath paler closed bracts. Banana flower and bud eaten and inner bracts floret stamen and tough cover removed shows an inner core heart. The tougher outer bracts are used as serving plates for dishes or made with other parts of the banana flower in simple recipes. wp-1577054676427.jpg20190930_125236.jpg15698431532123024753818379545028.jpgwp-1578394531480.jpgBanana and plantain trees, stem, fruits, leaves, peels have numerous uses and great recipes made with a variety of the ingredients preferred. Fabrics, textiles and books are used made banana and the plantain tree barks. The leaves are used as plates, wraps, cooking, baking or steaming foods. Animals eat leaves and peels and stem is used as nursery to plant seeds. The fibre is woven as bags, fabrics, sanitory pads, floor tile. Banana and the plantain trees stumps regrow as new shoot to trees. Banana and plantain has many more uses than shown in the photos in this post.




We love our big bodies people call fat and able to do as much as we can by our talents and abilities. We work so hard to accomplish excellence in our fields of expertise yet our size seems to matter to some people more than getting to know us. We are ordinary people doing extraordinary things so enjoy life as much as possible. We decided to speak out on behalf of the people fatshamed to be miserable or to spend their whole life trying to be someone they are not. Some develop anorexia and bulimia by trying to be slim and control their weight. In the extreme cases lost their lives due to pressure to be stereotypical average size whatever that means. Magazine, TV, media, entertainment industry portray an unrealistic image of the majority of women. Young people look up to such images so refuse to eat properly. Photographer Alice Zoo speaks to six women on body positivity and fat activism to support people who face abuse daily go educate the public.



“I’ve been big from a young age. I was 10, I was diagnosed with underactive thyroid, so each year I’ve put on more weight. I was always really active, so it was strange. New lumps and bumps formed that I didn’t know what to do with. I was bullied a lot throughout my school years I hated my body absolutely hated it. It really affected my mental health. When I was in college, I went on a big, long-term diet and lost five stone. I was a lot slimmer though I was big but I realised I wasn’t a better person, I wasn’t beautiful, I wasn’t amazing. I was still same person, but a lot less happy. Then I discovered Instagram. I remember seeing the first girl that used a body positive hashtag and I thought she looked amazing. I remember seeing the first girl’s body positive hashtag so I thought she looks amazing. But one night someone commented on all of my pictures saying I was fat and looked like someone from Star Wars. I messaged her and asked her why she was doing it. Why she found it fun to hurt someone like that. She replied, and later admitted that she had hang-ups about her own body. She said she felt fat. It made me think that often people are just pushing their own insecurities out. Someone will look at me and think: ‘I don’t want to be that size, I wouldn’t be happy that size, so why should you be happy when you’re fat?’ It makes me sad to think about people struggling so much they think the only way to make themselves feel better is to put someone down. That’s not the way. You can’t be comparing yourself to other people. I know it’s not easy, but the sooner you start to see yourself, how great you are, the better. You won’t need to judge someone by their looks.



“I love the way I look and feel, because I’m comfortable, don’t feel any different from anyone else. I wake up and see myself as this normal person. I always tell people that I love my belly, I love my boobs. These squidgy parts might be seen as fat to someone else, but to me it’s just comfortable. There’s no-one out there who’s going to tell you that you’re not beautiful when you’re fat, simple as.

Find those who treasure and appreciate you and tell others how good they make you feel. Don’t be a person who always demoralises someone, or always being judgmental, because you have flaws. All have things they need to work on body.

“I have been waiting to be thin most of my life – to lose weight. I’ve put a lot of things on hold. When a kid growing up in Poland, I was quite sickly with upper throat infections and had to go to places we called sanatoriums to get better. Every time I went to one, they would put me on a low-calorie diet. They were always saying that I had to lose weight. Nowadays, when I look at photos from childhood, I don’t see anything wrong. I wasn’t skinny, but I wasn’t fat. But I was made to feel that there was something wrong. A few years ago, I started feeling a growing sense of anger so consuming a lot of feminist blogs and podcasts, and they talked about body positivity and self-love. I got to point where I thought, ‘There’s nothing wrong with the way I look, there’s nothing wrong with the way anyone looks. I’m just going to live my life.’ I stopped waiting to buy nice clothes, I just bought the clothes that fitted me. I started going on holiday. I started wearing a swimsuit and going swimming, which I always used to love when I was a kid. Now my attitude is:
‘Don’t like what you see look elsewhere else!’ N
o longer trying to change myself to fit society so trying to change society so it can fit me. Body positivity is not for fat people or skinny people it’s for everyone. Body positivity is the freedom that comes with being able to be happy with yourself. It gives you so much time to do other things, to travel, to think, to write, to make friends without having to worry about how you look all the time. Everyone could use a bit of body positivity in their life.”

MERCEDEZ, 28, LONDON / CHICAGO @missmermaidezpublic

“I was on a flight recently and I asked for a seat belt extender, I’m totally comfortable asking for – it doesn’t bother me. I was told I would have to pay for it. I said, ‘No thanks’, and they just ignored it, so I went without a seat belt from London to Morocco and back again. People think being fat is our fault. I struggled with not feeling desirable as a teenager. I thought I would never find a partner, that nobody would love me in the body I had. I look back at the time where I hated myself the most and I’m like – I was so cute. Why would anyone think these things? I do feel sensitive about desirability, through relationships and especially the way men have treated me as disposable. But I know that I’m hot. I know that I’m a worthy human being so it has nothing to do with my size. I know my body is some people’s greatest fear, to confront that is uncomfortable. To confront me being happy and living life and feeling healthy whatever that means threatens people’s desires to fit into beauty norm. I think it scares people you exist in the way you haven’t been told you can.”



“Sometimes being fat is awesome, and sometimes it’s difficult. Spaces aren’t designed for larger bodies. And public transport is a nightmare. You need two seats on an plane. But a big body has just as much right as a smaller body.I think as I’ve got older, I just care less. Or I care more about myself and less about what’s expected of me. Being fat feels rebellious. Being fat and loving yourself is something completely different. I used to hate it. I wouldn’t eat. I wanted my skin to be lighter, so when I was in primary school, cover myself in talcum powder. Now, of course, I realise there’s nothing wrong with me. It would help if there were fat dolls out there for kids. Dolls like Barbie, have an unattainable shape. For everyone – of any size, race, whatever it’s not manageable. As I’ve got older, I’ve grown into my body. That’s the best way to say it. It kind of grew on me. When I finally became happy with where I was, when I stopped always trying to improve, that made a big difference. My partner helped loads as well. People think that if you’re fat then you can’t be healthy. You can be really big, and not as healthy as you should be. But then you’re happy, so it’s about weighing up what’s more important. When I’m smaller, I’m a state. I’m a happy size, and a healthy size, for all of me. For my mental health and my physical health, which are almost the same thing.”


“When I was a kid, I didn’t feel happy in myself. I felt that I was ugly and my self-worth was really low bullied a lot. I developed and came out of myself a bit in my later teens. But it wasn’t until I found out about fat acceptance and fat positivity that I really came into my own. I was able to start looking at my self-worth as being more than whether or not I’m aesthetically pleasing to wider society. Now, some days I think I’m beautiful, other days I don’t. I have the knowledge that when things aren’t great, I can actually break it down and think OK Sharon, it’s not because you’re fat, it’s not because of you, it’s because of society’s impression of you.’ Because you’ve absorbed so many images from the media. There’s nothing wrong with you, it’s just the way that you’ve been made to feel. I’m a lot more in control of how I feel about myself. Fat activism is liberating fat people from social norms, and the discrimination and negativity that comes alongside that. We want society to accept us as human beings whose worth is not defined by weight, appearance or health. The biggest thing is to not make assumptions about why fat people are fat, or that they’re unhealthy. Just ask us. Ask us how we feel about our bodies. Be open-minded.”