Inner strength of God keeps protects in Christ. If fig trees don’t blossom or fruit vines produce olive, no food or flocks in fold, or no herds in stalls rejoice in the LORD God of salvation in Habakkuk 3:27-18. The joy of the LORD is our strength in difficult times in life. Challenges in life endured by faith depending totally on God. If nothing seems to work make time to be in God’s Presence. Take time to sit still in silence to pray, sing, read, meditate on God’s words relevant to your situation. If your health is good and your doctor permits fast, praise and worship God Almighty. Dwell in God’s Presence and seek HIM don’t ask for anything. Thank God for your life, family, business, colleagues, etc. The Holy Spirit will come to comfort you and direct your heart and mind on what to do afterwards. Tell friends and family you need a few minutes alone to pray but can call if it is urgent. Sit or lie down, kneel, stand or best way you feel comfortable to seek God’s face. Repent of sins, pray for the specific topics in your heart. After worship you will feel better inside. Your circumstances may not change but your confidence in God will increase to trust HIM more. In perilous and dangerous conditions, personal relationship with God in Christ Jesus of Nazareth counts above all other things. World events globally shows life is dynamic God’s intervention is desperately needed to survive into eternity.


IMG-20190928-WA0017.jpgJesus Christ’s SUPERBLOOD DNA 2,000 years ago dripped on Adam’s creation site below. Jesus was buried but He rose again Jesus’ BLOOD DNA ran through stone wall fell on Adam in Jerusalem. Jesus cried out in loud voice gave up His Spirit that moment curtain of temple tore in two from top to bottom. Earth shook, rocks split, tombs opened in Matthew 27:50-51 the dead came out alive seen by so many people. An earthquake on day Jesus died made Jesus’ BLOOD drip through cracks in walls. Romans crucified Jesus who died for world’s sins has SUPERBLOOD DNA UNIQUE does not contain Y male chromosomes He was conceived by Holy Ghost miracle of God so doesn’t match human DNA Turin Cloth. Jesus’ Priceless BLOOD God created is incomparable to human’s DNA.20190928_184352.jpgUNIQUE Jesus’ BLOOD shed for mankind for forgiveness of sins on the Cross is a miracle! So Father God FORGIVES ALL sins as Jesus is raised from death in Jerusalem many people saw this wonder working Power of BLOOD of Jesus. Jesus said, “Father Forgive them for they do not know what they were doing.” He forgave Barabbas, chosen by “CROWD FROM ALL NATIONS under heaven in Jerusalem for Passover feast celebration. Barabbas is in Gospels of Matthew 27:15–26; Mark 15:6–15; Luke 23:18–24; John 18:40 Jesus forgave. IMG-20190928-WA0018.jpgThe trial of Jesus by Pontius Pilate a Roman governor confirmed Jesus is innocent so not worthy of death in Luke 23:15. Pilate knew Jesus hated by chief priests influence crowd to chose Barrabas in Mark 15:10 looked for a way to release Jesus. Pilate’s choice was for crowd to release innocent Jesus or Barabbas a murderer in Luke 23:19. In Matthew 27:25 but ALL PEOPLE rejected Jesus so said “HIS BLOOD be on us and on our CHILDREN. ALL PEOPLE FROM ALL NATIONS FORGIVEN by Jesus whether Jews or Gentiles all forgiven. 15696931614245162818366070061888.jpgReplacement theology lies Church replaced Jews but no one can replace Israel CHOSEN BY GOD JEHOVAH. Modern generation Jews had NO control over choice of predecessors. CHOOSE LIFE NOT be victim of death curses of the past. Choice of Barabbas a simple ‘yes’ answer but they further invoked death, “Let His BLOOD be on us and our CHILDREN. So modern generations pay the price for their past choice. GOSPEL’S GOOD NEWS IS JESUS FORGAVE same DAY! CLAIM FORGIVENESS BREAK FREE from the ancestors death curse Jesus ALREADY HAS FORGIVEN multitudes.15696930762004127569221499745546.jpgMatthew 27:25, His BLOOD be on us and our children misused by Christian anti-Semitism distorts God’s truth to promote racism. The Bible says the sins of the fathers will not be visited on their children not guilty of death of Jesus. The fathers will no longer eat sour grapes so the children’s teeth is set on edge. PEOPLE FROM ALL NATIONS under heaven in Jerusalem chose Jesus to be crucified not Jews. Future generations wrongly blamed in Matthew 27:25 hated by the Church but who made you a judge? On the Day of LORD they will be judged by KING of kings Jesus Christ. IMG-20190928-WA0015.jpgError of invoking SUPER SACRED UNIQUE DNA BLOOD OF JESUS blames His death on Jews but ALL PEOPLE FROM ALL NATIONS in CROWD sinned. Matthew 27:25 is misused to mislead people ignores the FORGIVENESS of Jesus. Jesus forgave Barabbas PRAYED for FORGIVENESS FOR ALL NATIONS present at Jerusalem. Receive FORGIVENESS Jesus paid the price for your sin so shed HIS PRECIOUS SHED BLOOD. Israel is not RESPONSIBLE for Jesus’ death on the Cross so is NOT replaced by Church or Nations. Adam DNA inherited natural sin in all humans God FORGIVES but you must accept Jesus or punished by God. 15697718851878301714933286254255.jpgPeople on Passover pilgrimage in Jerusalem  travel three times a year: Parthians, Medes, Elamites, Mesopotamians, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Phrygia Pamphylia, Asia Egypt, Libya Cyrene, Rome, Jews, proselytes, Cretans, Arabians people under heaven in Jerusalem. With resident Jews in Bible, “dwelt in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from all nations under heaven.” Some Jews by birth but among the crowd was Gentiles converted to Jewish faith and its CHRISTIAN follower Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus!!! Devout Jews together and proselyte Gentiles Christians present in crowd from all nations under heaven celebrated passover in the crowd.15696931104693004769993702182808.jpgIn Matthew 27:25 ALL THE PEOPLE said His BLOOD BE ON US why attack or blame Jews by antiSemitism. All PEOPLE of all NATIONS need FORGIVENESS OF JESUS whether Jew or Gentile. Replacement Church theology lie  must stop because nobody replaces Israel’s Covenant CHOSEN BY GOD JEHOVAH. Teach and educate people living history of the BLOOD OF JESUS and break curses of death. Heaven’s and earth’s cloud of witnesses say CHOOSE life blessings not curse CONSEQUENCES that lasts GENERATIONS in Matthew 27:25. Jesus BLOOD gives LIFE but Abel’s blood cries out for God’s vengeance punishment in Hebrew 12:24. IMG-20190928-WA0016.jpgGod is COMPASSIONATE FORGIVES by MERCY, GRACE RECONCILES us to Jesus who prayed to FATHER God FORGIVE THEM for they know not what they are doing. On Cross Jesus FORGAVE is OFFER you CANNOT REFUSE or be punished by God on Judgement day. The crux of matter is ACCEPT the FORGIVENESS of JESUS MESSIAH LORD AND SAVIOUR’S GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE. Its spiritual death if sin separates you from God by rejecting Jesus no other name will save you.15697634998624618490773650867844.jpg20190928_180959.jpg Christ is the Hope of GLORY don’t hate Jesus or kill God’s MESSENGERS sent to SAVE you in anger by hating Israel. Israel lost children of Jesus’ generation of 0-2 years old Herod’s jealousy slaughtered coast to coast in all the twelve tribes in Israel. Some prefer hatred of Jews hate Jesus angry He didn’t save Jews from Roman bondage. Scribes, leaders hate Jesus due to fear of His popularity of crowd. Jealous, Jesus’ large crowds wanted to make Him King will take power from them. Paid people to lie chose Barabbas set free pardon granted on compassionate grounds yearly.15696927527911641221047547043538.jpg Precious BLOOD of Jesus is Holy so Sacred not ordinary blood passing sin to 300 generations if punished by God. BLESSINGS for families to the 1000th generation sin of fathers not transferred to descendants from the past. New generations weighed down heavily by DNA encumbered sin God forgives by SACRED BLOOD OF JESUS. ALL NATIONS are FORGIVEN by JESUS SAVED from curses of sin of death over their future children. Those who target Jews need to understand ALL nation implicated in CROWD that day all nations under the heavens in Jerusalem. Crucifixion of Jesus is a corporate punishment by association implicates ALL NATIONS present in Jerusalem. REPENT to CHOOSE LIFE not death of innocent Jews accused of Jesus’ BLOOD shed. Jesus is giving His BLOOD to save, heal, clean all sins do not live in error to perish in Jesus Name.15696928877838231693452752180389.jpgEarthquake on day Jesus died dripped blood on Adam’s site is promised Seed of woman sent by God Jesus. God says MY PEOPLE perish for the lack of knowledge sin forgiven by Jesus GIVES FORGIVENESS GOD’S GIFT TO ALL NATIONS. Attacking Israel against God’s plan is judged by Yahweh for harassing Jews. God CHOSE Israel as HIS role model to bless to all nations on the earth. Make informed choice don’t follow crowd to sin against Yahweh Elohim Jehovah CHOOSE LIFE for you/r CHILDREN in Deuteronomy 30:19 WORDS have CONSEQUENCES to generations. As said crucify Him let His BLOOD be on us and our children in Matthew 27:25 Jesus’ BLOOD is giving eternal LIFE unlike the blood of Abel in Hebrew 12:24 crying out for God’s vengeance. FEAR GOD WHO KILLS THE BODY AND SOUL there is no rest for the wicked souls in hell fire. Be EDUCATED in BIBLICAL HISTORY to help you make better decision for you/r familly. In Isaiah 62:7, God said, Give HIM NO REST day or night to MAKE JERUSALEM A PRAISE ON EARTH.

15697719168722568944145576865301.jpg IMG-20190928-WA0012.jpg IMG-20190928-WA0013.jpgJesus gives COMPASSION FORGIVES by His MERCY, GRACE, PEACE RECONCILED to God all people. Jesus prayed to FATHER FORGIVE THEM they know not what they were doing. Jesus FORGIVES, OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE. FORGIVENESS OF LORD JESUS MESSIAH our SAVIOUR in the GIFT of eternal death. Stops spiritual death of sin separating from God so removes sin by Jesus Christ Hope of GLORY. BLOOD OF JESUS is for ALL WHO ACCEPTS FORGIVENESS OF JESUS SAVED from sin of death by GIFT of eternal life in Christ Jesus.15696915482765091568587023211655.jpgWoe to the world offence will come but woe to man by whom offense comes in Matthew 18:7. Life in less perfect world is full of offence but God FORGIVES IN CHRIST so forgive yourself and others. Respond in love forgiven by God’s pardon of sin to forgive all who hate you. With God,“all things possible” in Matthew 19:26. Stop stress plaguing people by an unforgiveness for forgiving stops stress says Dr. Don Colbert, MD. Choose to forgive for your physical and mental wellbeing stop toxic stress by an unforgiveness harboured. Refuse to live in anger, bitter hatred, projecting racism on others in Jesus Name. In John 10:18, Jesus said none took His Life from Him He laid it down Himself by POWER  to lay it down and POWER to take it again as received of HIS FATHER GOD ALMIGHTY. Jesus said if He liked He could command God hosts of armies to defeat the people but HE GAVE HIS LIFE to redeem us in HIS BLOOD and FORGIVE us all.15696927527911641221047547043538.jpg In precious BLOOD of Jesus Collosians 2:12-19 says you are baptised in Christ risen in Him by faith in God from death. 13 In Christ your sins and all trespasses FORGIVEN. God BLOTS OUT 14 handwriting of ordinances contrary against you taken out of the way NAILED it to His Cross. 15 Spoiled principalities and powers He made a show of them openly triumphing over them. 16 Let no man judge you in meat, drink, respect of holyday, new moon, sabbath days. 17 These are shadows of things to come in the body of Christ 18. Let no man judge you of your reward in your humility worshipping God intrude in things they don’t vainly puffed up by fleshly mind. 19 Christ the Head of the Church joins His body bride knit together increase in wisdom and favour of God.

15696928877838231693452752180389.jpgEarthquake caused Jesus blood to drip down on Adam’s site of creation. Forgive, help and do good for total healing of mind, body, soul, Spirit in Jesus Name. Stop curse of BLOOD OF JESUS COVER AND BLESS YOUR CHILDREN IN JESUS CHRIST NAME. Judging or attacking the Jews or Gentiles is digging a pit to fall into because God CHOSE Israel HIS role model THEOCRATIC Nation to bless all nations. So have you been to Jesus for His cleansing power in Blood is God’s only GUARANTEED REMEDY for sin? Forgive the crowd and priests and elders who misled them vengeance belongs to God Yahweh. Salvation is the greatest miracle into eternal life in Christ so whosoever calls on the Name of the LORD shall be saved in Jesus Name. In John 3:16, For God so loved the world that HE gave Jesus HIS ONLY Begotten SON that whosoever believes in Jesus will not perish but have eternal life in God’s Presence forgiven of all sins in Christ.


0a689ec5474def42cb9a156937da1147Bible in Jude 1:14 says Enoch 7th from Adam prophesied, Lord Jesus Yeshua COMES FROM HEAVEN with ten thousands of His SAINTS to execute judgement God’s wrath. Yeshua the MESSIAH COMES with ten thousands of His SAINTS believers to judge sinners. Jude said Enoch distinguished from Enoch son of Cain in Genesis 4:17 was third from Adam. EARLY PROPHECY refers to SAINTS COMING BACK TO EARTH ALIVE from heaven with Jesus. It second COMING of Christ revealed. SECOND GLORIOUS COMING Enoch predicted things in last age of world. Jude in ancient tradition revealed precious fragments of antediluvian history preserved providence of God. So Jude discerned genuine ancient story of heavenly hosts following Jesus. Redeemed and angels, with armies riding white horses accompany Jesus are witnesses of His VICTORY. In joy of Triumph not engage in war. Jesus boldly and with courage as KING His vast army defeats by greater power than enemy’s arm of flesh. With Jesus LORD God fights our battles in Jesus Name in 2 Chronicles 32:7–8.20211008_160632 In Deuteronomy 33:2 Moses said saints and heavenly host army of God witness victory of Jesus at Armageddon. Enoch prophesied before his Rapture into heaven ALIVE didn’t die. Jude’s account from God tries reforming wicked in age lived. God’s prophecy in Jude 1:14 is Lord Jesus comes with ten thousand of His saints glorified holy ones with legions of angels ON EARTH. To execute judgment to pass sentence, as ποιησαι κρισιν rendered to all by their respective works. Enoch looked beyond flood to convince told the εξελεγξαι witnesses confronts ungodly among judged by God sentence passed. Their ungodly deeds of wicked actions committed by fear concern God. The LOVE of God given through Christ saves humble but defiant face the Justice of GOD’S wrath to hard, impious, atheist scoffs in speeches against Jesus Christ in ignorance. Jesus gave mankind an eternal life by taking on Himself punishment. Death was taken by Jesus in excellent ransom SACRIFICE to save unworthy in Hebrews 11:38 or vilest of men.Jesus-ReturnsArmy of SAINTS with Lord Jesus as Head of His army COME to attack forces of antiChrist. COMING battle of Armageddon takes place before Christ sets up His Millennial kingdom in Joel 3 v.1-2 as God directs final battle. The Lord Jesus with heavenly SAINTS COMING to DEFEND His people Israel! Armageddon war gets rid of antiChrist and all evil to RESTORE all back to YAHWEH. Jesus’ Second Coming predicted by Zechariah Lord Jesus My God, shall COME with saints to fight to defeat the antiChrist. Weapons used by nations against Christ and Israel to take eight years to clear land of Israel after war. Jesus Messiah comes with ten thousand of His saints will execute the judgment of God to destroy the wicked to reprove carnal action. Ungodly commit evil against God resolved by Jesus in Repository, vol. xv. p. 86. Book of Enoch prophecy belief in expected MESSIAH Ethiopic version was translated by Dr. Laurence, Oxford in 1821, republished in 1832. Full account, contents of article by Prof. Stuart in Bible Repository January 1840, pp. 86-137. Lord Jesus COMES WITH His SAINTS from Heaven and angels, armies from heaven in Revelation 19:14 this is the Testimony of Christ.all2see
Matthew Henry’s Commentary on Jude 1:18-16 says false teachers deny defile grievously wound souls deceived. False teachers have a disturbed mind, evil spirit powers not from God in Romans 13:1. Satan wishes to take the place of God tempt people to worship him as antiChrist. Jesus prevents fake power over so enraged God, Christ wins Armageddon war. JESUS COMES with His saints heaven and life forever change wheat from tares. Some men begin in Spirit ends in flesh dead, fallen state evident proof of their hypocrisy away with them into hell fire. False teachers expect hell punishment from GOD’S KINGDOM on earth.3791307_origEnoch says Jesus will come in Scripture texts proof Jesus believed. Christ’s COMES to judge prophesied as early as in times before flood. The Lord Jesus COMES in A GLORIOUS TIME to save all who believe but time of dread for those condemned by GOD’S Wrath. Jude 1:14, says Enoch seventh from Adam one of those prophesied saying, the Lord COMES with ten thousands of his SAINTS. Prophet Enoch the son of Cain in Genesis 4:17, third from Adam knew about Jesus a Promised Seed of woman Eve. In Jude 1:4 -17 prophesy is pending and relevant hope of deliverance for all. Repent sinners know COMING of Christ is revealed to Adam. JESUS’ SECOND COMING foretold is future things to conclude last age of world. Jude knew ancient books confirmed in other Revelation messages in history preserved by God. Jude told genuine truth in ancient story stop mocking God’s plans coming on earth.6dae6-raptureEnoch prophesy tells Jude’s account of Jesus Coming with SAINTS. God employed him like Noah to reform wicked age lived inspires to warn to deliver prophecy Jude. Lord Jesus COMES with ten thousand of His saints Holy ones will descend to war to execute God’s judgment, pass sentence ποιησαι κρισιν on all according to respective works on earth in Hebrews 11:38. Jude confirms COMING of Christ revealed to Adam is the Seed of the woman and Second Adam. Jesus’ SECOND COMING with saints in living history expects MESSIAH to COME to complete salvation by Special Grace, Mercy, Compassion of God. So Jude warns mankind repent, escape GREAT TRIBULATION. Jesus comes after the Rapture from heaven from God with all who believe is the testimony of Yeshua. Jesus will come to restore earth and God COMES BACK to earth. Those who don’t worship beast image, receive mark on foreheads hands in heaven, COMES BACK to earth rule with Messiah in 1000 years Millennium in Revelations 20:4.Jesus Christ welcomes. Gloria Gold Ministries blogDeuteronomy 33:2 Moses said heavenly host of SAINTS and angel witnesses know Enoch’s prophesy. Jude’s account reforms wicked of his age is in Revelation 19:11-21 as John saw heaven opened and behold white horse and He that sat upon it called Faithful, True and in righteousness will judge and make war. 12 His EYES as a flame of fire on His Head many crowns. Has NAME written unknown but He Himself. 13 Is clothed with vesture dipped in BLOOD 14 His NAME Word of God. Armies of heaven arrayed in fine linen, white and pure follow Jesus on white horses. 15 From His MOUTH COMES sharp SWORD strikes down nations and He will rule with rod of iron. He treads winepress of wrath of God Almighty. 16 On His robe and thigh He NAME written, KING of kings and Lord of lords. Out of his mouth a sharp sword, He Rules the nations with rod of iron and tread the winepress by the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God.4bedc-gods-wrath-from-heaven_rev-6-thru-8Jesus KING OF Kings and the Lord of LORDS directs battles. 17 John saw angel standing in the sun;m cried with a loud voice, saying to all fowls flying in the midst of heaven, come to the supper of the GREAT God; 18 Eat flesh of kings, captains, mighty men, horse/riders, men free and bond cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. The beast, and kings of earth armies, gather and make war against Him that sat on white horse against His army. 19 And he deceived all those who received mark of the beast all who worship image of the beast. 21 Remnant saved before the sword of Him that sat on whit horse and sword out of his mouth kills flesh fowls eat.ezekiel-38-39-battle-armageddon-gog-magog-rightly-dividing-kjv-1611-bible-believersGod’s covenant with Israel through teachings of Christ dedicated teachers, saints writers in Matthew 27:52; Acts 9:13; 26:10; Revelation 14:12. Six of Paul’s letters to Church address saints: Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. New Testament Saints just sainthood. Living individuals who dedicate themselves to worship; serve ONE TRUE God YAHWEH in HIS Son Jesus, saints. Saints sanctified in 1 Corinthians 7:14-15 are considered undefiled in paganism parent if a Christian. All saved are sanctified by Blood of Jesus not all sanctified saved. Jewish and Gentile Christian called saints and believers.end-times-events-jesus-returns-second-coming-of-christGlorified SAINTS, joint- Heir with Holy One of God COME with Messiah saves believers in world. Gentiles in 1 Corinthians 1:2, “those sanctified in Christ Jesus called Holy saints Christians. Gentiles who call on the Name of Lord Jesus Christ are SAINTS. Ephesians 1:1 Saint Christians in Ephesus faithful Gentiles in Christ. Paul in Colossians Saints are Holy faithful in Christ. Paul in letters to Christians Saints in Romans 1:7. Gentiles are God’s wild olive branches grafted into Kingdom of God in COVENANT of Abraham in Christ in full relationship are SAINTS. Jewish Christians in Rome gave gifts to Paul collects from Gentile churches calls them saints in Romans 15:25-33. Paul’s collects in 2 Corinthians 8:1-4 from Macedonian Church saint. Paul in Jerusalem accept saints contribution, Jewish Christians accept offer from Gentile Christians. In Acts 21 Paul in Jerusalem told Gentile Christians saints given access of faith in Abraham. Old Testament redemptive history in Abraham Father of ALL NATIONS in Jesus saints are grafted holy ones set apart for God in Christ. As King David defeats Goliath with heaven’s army so God Fights for all believers today.1-thessalonians-4-5-rapture-7-638As nations turn against Israel in dangerous last days be courageous. Actions show hearts of all who stand with the tiny nation of Israel God sees. Opposer enemies challenge Israel’s authority from God but do your best as part of God’s end-time plan for salvation for His people. Each day passes return of Yeshua Jesus draws nearer. There are still many who need to come to faith in Him. You can make a difference for Yeshua Jesus and God for Eternity by telling people God’s Gospel Good News. YAHWEH God is READY to set all things right not in distant future right now! God is ready to SAVE Jerusalem to show His GLORY to Israel first and then to all nations in Isaiah 46:13. Reference to God’s heavenly armies in Bible reveal JEHOVAH Nissi God is Mighty One in Battle. Heaven’s armies and the saints clothed in fine linen white follow Christ on white horses in Revelation 19:11-21 Christ, the glorious Head of the church, is on white horse, emblem of justice and holiness. Has many crowns on His head He is KING of Kings, and LORD of Lords. He is dressed in robe dipped in blood conquering in POWER enemies. Is victorious and prevails. Armies from heaven follow Him on white horses, clothed in fine pure white linen symbol of overcoming to the end. In Revelation 2:26-27 overcomers or keepers of God’s works to the end given power over nations. 27 He will rule with the rod of iron break His enemies to pieces. Jesus from Father God 38 Is given power is morning star God’s chosen head of Heavenly armies, saints, hosts in Revelation 14:1-20. Jesus will stand on Mount Zion split mountain with heavenly hosts army to rule and reign 1000 years in Israel.

Bible Texts on Lamb of God’s Coming

Revelation 17:14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: …

Psalm 68:17 The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: …

Psalm 149:6-9 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword …

Zechariah 14:5 And you shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley …

Matthew 26:53 Think you that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently …

2 Thessalonians 1:7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall …

Jude 1:14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these saying.

Revelation 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat …


loved-by-god.jpgGod’s LOVE is the highest relationship you need. In 1 John 4:7 Jehovah’s Love Chesed is highest loving kindness, God first loves you deeply, forgives your sins, sustains life. HIS love is a free gift lavished genuinely on you. God provides food, sunshine, rain, garments, health, family, friends and loved ones. God’s love in personal note to you in His Bible for intimate relationship with you. Celebrate romantic meals, gifts strengthen lovelife with joy, joke, laugh with a spouse but need Gods. Your maker God a husband and companion to the widows, father to fatherless, orphans and needy. God’s affection for you is HIS friendship, intimacy embraces you in lonely moment. Celebrate God in life, talk to God your personal friend through Jesus’ blood. Believers enter God’s Presence in Jesus  Name so give thanks to God for HIS LOVE and blessings. Perfect LOVE casts out fear. Honour, reverence for God is the beginning of wisdom. God loves you devote time to read and study your Bible to get to know God better. God’s love in Jesus Christ is the GREATEST LOVE OF ALL so celebrate God. None loves you more than God, Christ who laid down His life for you as your true friend in John 15:13-14. God gave Jesus in Genesis 2:8 the Seed to forgive all sin. God said its not good to be alone need special LOVE from God to adore, marry to live with, if you want it. Perfect love helps feel loved, accepted, affirmed, appreciated, confident, endorsed, fulfilled, happy, loved, true friend, loyal, faithful, dependable, reliable, trusted, instant in season as list goes on. It is God’s will people marry as great blessing if you finds the one receive God’s marital favour. Believers are bride of Christ as Bridegroom in wedding banquet of the Lamb of God.bridegroom jesus and churchJesus the head of the Church says love all, your wife as He loved His Church. Couples are to submit to each other in love. Psalm 91:14 says because you LOVE God HE will deliver you and set you on high. Because you KNOW God’s NAME and call upon HIM HE will bless you with full life. Trust God to help your love life because LOVE, marriage intimacy are God’s creation. God’s Biblical real love is to desire God’s kind of love. The family, Christian dating agencies help find love and others like millionaire / billionaire matchmakers clubs cater for their specific clientele. Some treat love matters as if its none of God’s business so attention shifts from Godly family approach they don’t seek God’s face. Abraham found a Godly wife Rebecca for Isaac his son. Modern methods encourage you seek the partner suitable for your standard. Then person is approved by friends and family, some not but love each other. The standard required single individual of 6 feet+ tall, handsome, has sense of humour, make laugh, healthy, fit works, earns, wealthy, rich, kind, travels, great in bed, loving, caring, six pack type of Hollywood superstar model preferred. The secular love standard is not like God’s one.jesus_is_my_valentineSome pin-up their prince charming secretly hope and pray their dreams come true. It is not fantasy image of affection true love is from the heart. Seekers go on the hunt like women in Iceland in search for perfect love in places. Many look for a perfect mate but only God who is PERFECT. Eye contact and body language, smile, voice, good manners being important. After dates know if gut feeling of love at first sight is right propose get engaged. Others develop love slowly to know each other better passionately deep affection for relationship to last a lifetime. Some choose not to marry or impossible to find anyone up to their own standards search until they find the one. God’s LOVE manual 1 Corinthians 13 helps in decision-making for relationship, marriage and sex. God is Holy but is interested in your love life. Selflove looks out for interests of other family member commitments, responsible. To ‘forsake all others to have and hold’ is God’s standard true love is not to abandon family. To achieved this God directly inputs into your life designed on right way protect you from a turbulent world. An unbearable partner hurts themselve and others. God says be satisfied in joy, inner-peace, good success in loving marriage with spouse.roses-and-chocolate-1366x768
Respect and value your spouse and family as God and Jesus always forgives you. An emotional or physical looks of sex desires for intimacy can be distorted in the fantasy books like the Mills and Booms by Barbara Cartland are not deep enough to sustain today’s commitment yo love. A story book love says couples ‘live happily ever after’ is unrealistic expectation so is not perpetual honeymoon relationship. A disagreement is resolved true love does not fizzles out. It requires regular input develops, grows into mature stronger relationship. Actors depict lust as ‘love’ in romantic films but you want true love. Valentine day celebrate kindness of a girl to a priest’s life he chose to honour God helps couple marry. True measure of God’s real love helps meet needs. Some look for others to fill their love tanks do not do the same for them. GOLDEN rule is do to others what you want from them reflect in deep prayer first. Don’t let body’s carnal fleshy feelings lure you momentary lust of intimacy blind love it causes pain for life. Genuine true love from God loves one and your family loves you even if don’t say it.love-clipart-kije9lyktYou are God’s favourite Love in Christ and HE preserves and strengthen your life have confidence in GOD’S LOVE. Be joyful, happy in yourself first and love others giving true love. Grow into mature love looking out for each other forever. After marriage couple grows with children if in the family. Friends, colleagues on a wedding day celebrate the marriage. Others choose partner based on romantic film drama. A real life experience includes trusted friend, therapists, support love to attain good success. Those willing to obey, eat good fruit of marriage physical intimacy consummate marriage. Attention, devotion to little things matter most with each other. God at centre of a relationship and older couple’s advise gives wisdom to younger couples. Marriage is not exclusive licence to reject others in family. Rebecca was brought by Abraham to the family to support not leave elderly father on his own. Leaving and cleaving is not to cut off other family members or love will become too close for comfort. It causes resentment as pressure mounts up if couple all things to each other and become isolated. be-mine-women-s-t-shirt.jpgGod’s love for a married couple includes a provision of future old age. Set up a good plan with respect, honour, humility, love in a real practical meaningful way. Prepare to face reality of love. Challenging transitions adjust to relate in new ways and integrate to accommodate the family. A teachable Spirit learns to love each other like God’s Greatest love in Christ Jesus for His Bride. Covenant marriage of love in 1 Corinthians 13; Ephesians 5:22-33 is to Glory of God. A Godly marriage in Jesus Name in personal relationship with God leads to eternal life. In Deuteronomy 6:4, Matthew 22:37 Mark 12:30-31; Luke 10:27, Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul and all your mind and strength. This is the first commandment a disciplined in Christ lives, reads and studies the Bible everyday.


Is-the-Hope-of-Rapture-to-meet-Jesus-Christ-Achievable.jpgElect believers caught up resurrected meet Lord Jesus in the air go alive into heaven. 1 Thessalonians 4:17 says are caught-up to heaven with Jesus. In Philippians 3:20-21 body changes into the glorified body for heaven. In John 14:1-3 Jesus takes elect into their mansions. In Hebrews 11:5 and 1 Corinthians 15:51,52 rapture will happen in the twinkle of an eye is seen by all nations.

maxresdefaultElect in Song of Solomon 2:8-10 Jesus will come for His bride Church. Seven Raptures in Bible are 1. Enoch in Genesis 5:21-24; Hebrews 11:5. Enoch was taken alive into heaven before flood to heaven is first man raptured into heaven in Bible happen again when Jesus Christ comes in the clouds. It’s not the second coming physical return on Moubt Olives in Israel for Armageddon war. Rapture takes believers in Christ ALIVE into heaven as Jesus promised in the Bible in the book of John.

tumblr_llig8qMvAV1qizvnso1_500Elijah was taken in 2 Kings 2:11 in chariot and horses of fire God sent from heaven to return in Great Tribulation in Revelations 11 as one of two witnesses. Resurrects after three days killed by antiChrist and rapture again into heaven after they evangelised in Israel. Jesus ascended in Acts 1:9-11 on Mount Olives ten days before Pentecost to to heaven. His resurrected body was seen in His Rapture by twelve apostles watching Him go into heaven Matthew 27:50-53

In 1Thessalonians 4:13-18 is rapture ALIVE “caught up” in the air in the clouds join Lord Jesus into His father’s house in heaven. All dead in Christ are changed into a glorified resurrected body at the trumpet call. And in Revelations 4:1 John saw a door open in heaven heard a trumpet with voice saying, come up I will show things..moradassIn Revelations 4:1, John saw a door open in heaven heard trumpet with voice saying, come up I will show things. In John 14, Jesus will take all ELECT to His FATHER’S HOUSE in heaven. After Armageddon war is millenial reign of Jesus. Two witnesses in Bible in Revelations 11:3-12 will rapture into heaven. Moses turned water to blood and plagues in Egypt. Elijah stopped rain 3 years returns in Great tribulation. Famine, drought kills people starved. In 42 months they preach to all left behind on earth in the Great Tribulations. two_witnesses_-_book_of_revelationThe world rejoices when they are killed to stop sharing the Gospel sees their dead bodies lying on street in Jerusalem three days. Risen, heads back on bodies STAND up into air disappear to heaven. Tribulation believers in Revelations 14:14-16 rapture from world saved in the Great Tribulation. Jesus gathers people saved in last half of Great Tribulation in Revelation 7:13,14. In 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17 dead believers in CHRIST rises first from graves. Jesus raises all believers ALIVE caught up with saints, angels into clouds to see the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY in heaven. Jesus warns ONLY GOD KNOWS exact, day, time, hour, year Rapture takes place. Only those IN CHRIST will escape to heaven. Elijah Enoch and Jesus ascended into heaven ALIVE seen by witnesses Jesus is at God’s Right Hand. 

The Gospel message is the POWER of God to save and graft with the Jews all nations. Jesus rescues ALIVE in clouds to live with God in heavenly mansions. Believers left behind are sealed and protected covered the by blood of Jesus. Noah’s family was saved during flood, Lot’s family saved from sulphur fire God sent to burn Sodom and Gomorrah. According to your faith receive gift of Rapture or choose to be left behind on earth. God does not force against your will. Jesus said two believers on farm one taken other left behind. Two grinding corn one taken other left behind. The Rapture is based on Bible prophecy. One group out of the vicinity or others remain in danger zone protected from destructions of God. World events prove birthpang endtime pain Jesus talked about 3000 years ago. Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, floods, cyclones, fire, tornadoes, hurricane, storms, hailstones, droughts, widfires, famines, locusts, seas, rivers turn into blood, sea dries up, a third of ships sink, third trees burns, sun scorch people in places. These signs beginnings of Wrath of God in Matthew 24 is a 70 year Daniel prophecy sealed for endtimes are 7 thunders and Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38. 8d90c1bee1d3a1410efbce297070d06a-1God respects freewill of people to rapture or stay during great tribulation. Believers agree to disagree on two options ordained by God. Each choice equally valid allowed by God. Elect raptured with the resurrected believers IN CHRIST. Others asleep in the LORD not rapture in first resurrection wake after 1000 year Millennial Reign of Jesus on earth. On His second coming on a white horse the saints, angels, fight Armageddon war to reign from Jerusalem in Israel. God comes down to live in the New Jerusalem from heaven on perfect sinless earth with mankind. No more sorrow, weeping, crying, pain or death God’s KINGDOM is forever on earth. GLORY to God for Jesus forgiveness Grace and Mercy through Holy Spirit in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Be ready for Christ to snatch you moment God decides. ENDURE Tribulation and be saved in rapture. God’s MERCY and Grace delays Rapture so as many people as possible will be saved God doesn’t t want you to perish. Do not get mark of the beast antiChrist. All saved in Armageddon in Revelation 14:17-20 caught up believers in seventh rapture. In Joel 3:1-2, Zephaniah 3:8 a final wrath of God falls on earth. Jesus visibly returns to renewed world a KING riding white horse with saints. The SEVEN RAPTURES ARE:

  1. Enoch (Genesis 5:21-24; Heb 11:5)
  2. Elijah (2 Kings 2:11)
  3. Jesus’ Ascension (Acts 1:9-11)
  4. Church Age Saints (1Thes 4:13-18)
  5. Two Witnesses (Revelations. 11:3-12)
  6. Great Tribulation (Revelations 14:14-16)
  7. Armageddon Revelation 14:17-20.

1. Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ Is Coming Soon, Is Coming Soon, Son of God Lord Jesus Christ Is Coming Soon, Is Coming Soon

Are you ready, Are you ready, Are you ready, For the Rapture, Are you ready, Are you ready, Are you ready, For the Rapture.

2. Day or night Jesus will Come so be ready so be ready, to escape GREAT Tribulation be ready for the Rapture.

Are you ready Are you ready Are you ready for the Rapture Are you ready Are you ready Are you ready for the Rapture.

3. Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ Takes all Alive in Christ to God, Yeshua Messiah Lord Jesus Christ Takes us alive straight into Heaven.

Are you Ready, Are you Ready, Are you Ready, For the Rapture,  Are you Ready Are you Ready, Are you Ready, For the Rapture.

4. Only God Knows the Day or the Time For the Rapture So be Ready, Only God Knows the Day or the Time For the Rapture So be Ready

Are you Ready, Are you Ready, Are you Ready For the Rapture, Are you Ready Are you Ready Are you Ready For the Rapture


20220117_132722The doctrine of Christ is His testimony and the Gospel message in 2 John 1:8-12. The Messiah is central focus in God’s Kingdom Almighty God named Mighty God. Born in the flesh as man, has body soul and Spirit. Christ is perfect and sinless took on the sin of the world. So Christianity is named after Christ Jesus the cornerstone. In Galatians 2:20 the Son of God loves and gave His life for all. In Colossian 1:2 He made peace with His blood of on the Cross reconciled all things in heaven and earth. Is the ruler in the new heaven and new earth with elect dwelling in righteousness in 2 Peter 3:13. In Hebrews 9:23-24; Isaiah 11; 35 Jesus destroyed sin. In John 12:31-32 He casts out the prince of this world forever. 20220117_135354In John 16:9-10; Colossians 2:10 by lifting up Christ on the Cross He cast down satan stops sting of death in Romans 3:25-26. All present and future sins Christ puts away in Hebrews 9:26. In Colossians 2:14 He blots out handwritings of all ordinances against us contrary to us and took it out of our way, and nailed to his cross. In Galatians 3:13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us, it is written, cursed is everyone who hangs on tree. The wages of sin is death but on Cross Christ paid all debts so removed all curses. Jesus gives access to God in Romans 5:9; Galatians 4:3-5; Hebrews10:10; 10:19-20; 9:15; 2:14-15. God comforts, strengthens to inspire love of Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s gift of eternal life. So Christianity is based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 20220117_135426Christ risen is preached and faith grows as Christ put away sin is Gospel message and important doctrine in Acts 2:24, 32; 3:15; 4:10; 5:30; 10:40; 13:30; 1 Peter 1:21, 23, 34; 17:31; 1 Corinthians 15; Phillipians 3:21. Christianity is a direct revelation from God. Jesus is called Lord in Act 4:33; 9:17; 16:31-31; Luke 2:11; Matthew 22:43-45. In John 12:21 Jesus is the first and the last in Revelations1:17 as Jehovah in Isaiah 41:4; 44:6; 48:12; Revelations 22:13,16. God says worship His Son like Him in John 5:23-24. In Hebrews 1:6 the angels of God worship Him. In Phillipians 2:10 at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess Jesus is Lord to the GLORY of the father. Christians love Jesus Christ they adore and worship Him in the presence of God in Colossian 1:20 made peace through His blood reconciled us to God in Acts 17:31. On God’s appointed day Jesus will judge the world in righteousness.


f9d9975e6ceddf223b967732e0cba030.jpgJesus LOVES you so much His PRICELESS ASSET treasured SOUL IN CHRIST. Father God’s real true love is in Christ for you. HIS Holy Spirit teaches brings remembrance of things studied in Bible to GAIN YOUR SOUL and win heaven. You are in this world but not part of it as God’s GREATEST ASSET in Christ. Jesus intercedes and prays for you God’s Children to listen and obey God. And all things WORK TOGETHER for good for those who LOVE God and called according to God’s PLANS AND PURPOSES. Tune into God’s will to refine your life with God. HIS WORDS of WISDOM give understanding to know HIM better. To make wiser choices in line with God’s plans for your life in Christ Jesus Name to show kindness to those in need God. Not all man-made ideas are up to God’s STANDARD its vanity unfulfilled.7e1f5d2cb2d3c40a2c8e835a229ff088.jpgAppreciate God to live HIS WAY daily in life, you are GREATLY VALUE by God is blessed be Spiritually discerning be ENCOURAGED. Live in HOPE share your Godly experiences and guide others to avoid your mistakes to learn God’s PLAN for their lives. You know and understand feelings to empathise with people going through pain. Your Spirit of excellence distinguished you overcomer to help others better. Give God thanks in all your circumstances and give HIM GLORY in Jesus Name. Even the experiences NOT caused by God used to testify of your gifts and calling to help others. Share your heart in-depth with others to continue BLESSING, sharing promises of God in Jesus Name.  God sustains life by HIS SPIRIT is the GIFT to use for HIS GLORY for your TESTIMONY. DEFEAT the devil by your testimony and by the Blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ in Jesus Name.


crownsChrist Jesus give rewards in Romans 14:10-12 in heaven when we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. Each gives account of himself to God. In 2 Corinthians 5:10 we must all appear before judgment seat of Christ each to receive what is due him for things done in their body, whether good or bad. Scripture says Christians, believers face the judgment seat of Christ for a reward/s. Believers give accounts of their lives to Christ. The judgment seat of Christ does not determine salvation by Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf in 1 John 2:2 by faith in John 3:16. And all sins forgiven never be condemned for them in Romans 8:1. Judgment seat of Christ of God not judging our sins God rewards Godly works.

20211115_005621The Bible says we give account of how we treat our bodies as God’s Holy Temple. The focus of judgment seat of Christ is rewards Christ gives believers on how faithful they served Christ in 1 Corinthians 9:4-27; 2 Timothy 2:5. The things judged are obedience to the great commission in Matthew 28:18-20. Victory over sin in Romans 6:1-4 control of tongue in James 3:1-9. Believers receive crowns for faithfulness in serving Christ in 1 Corinthians 9:4-27; 2 Timothy 2:5. Various crowns in 2 Timothy 2:5, 2 Timothy 4:8, James 1:12, 1 Peter 5:4, Revelation 2:10. James 1:12 given at judgment seat of Christ. Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial to stand the test to receive crowns of life God promised to all who love HIM in heaven. Test is testimony reward by God when you endure and overcome trials. In Isaiah 62:3-4 you are a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD and a royal diadem in the hand of God 4 You are not forsaken your land is not desolate Hephzibah. Your land is Beulah for the LORD delights in you so your land shall be married. During marriage crown tiaras are worn to signify marriage. At parties women wear crown tiaras to let men know they are married. God’s crown royal diadem signifies your marriage to the Bridegroom Son of God so you are no longer forsaken, married to God in Christ Jesus Name.


hqdefault-1Jesus will return in second coming on earth to reign. Jesus is eagerly expected in blessed hope of saints after Rapture. People ask how soon or when Jesus will come in Rapture. If soon why do anything. These conversations or questions on the mind of zealous believers of God ready for Rapture. Christian elect talk about God and work hard discuss the Bible. Greet each other with Psalms, hymns, encourage others with the Word of God. Pray as a family and study God’s Word in the morning first talk to God. And at meals discuss the Bible or out and about talk to God like HE LIVES in family. Impacts closeness to God in children’s mind retain God in life. In Church “God with us in Spirit worship HIM” so feel presence of God. And children understand physical face to face meeting of God by Moses for 10 commandments. Pray to God as Church members privately in your own prayer closets.v2.JPGJesus is coming back to restore God’s Kingdom with saints of God in the world. Focus on word of God for sound foundation in God’s word. Be passionate for God words you read in Bible to live in connection with heaven. Faith comes by hearing the word of God. Pay close attention to personal matters in line with God’s words. God knows you best study the Gospel daily. Learn God’s words to be blessed by what you learn in line with the law. Love God deeply make Christ your First Love. Jesus loves you gave His life to save you boldly enter God’s PRESENCE through His blood. God’s Spirit lives in you so study the Bible at home and observe God’s law of love.download.jpgChrist returns to reign a thousand years on the earth. Keep your mind focussed on God to be a loyal child of Godly. Your conversations in life reflect mind of Christ ready for the Rapture. Its frequent discussions in Bible study in meeting at home that helps better understand of Jesus. Rapture comes but plough, plant, sow seeds of agape love. Jesus is coming time is so valuable do Godly good deeds of goodness for God. The seeds planted in prayer to God bears good fruit if rain, weather help bumper harvest. So watch observe, partake at  your level listen to sound teachings on Rapture and second coming. They are two separate events by Jesus in the Bible.images-2First lesson is write notes to recall learning of Bible texts for various times and seasons. Bear in mind your dedicated study help expectation of Jesus. To harvest souls for God you must be always praying for Jesus return and ready for Jesus. Watch and pray as Jesus said share Bible and grow in the faith. Only God knows exact day, hour and time of Jesus imminent Rapture. Reflect and understand the Bible lessons learnt about Rapture. Growing as a mature Christian means God uses your talents, abilities and each day in the service of God. Paul planted Apollo watered God gives increase by the Holy Spirit. Faith is a mustard seed that germinates into a big tree. Rapture means watch and be instant in season for the harvest coming of Christ. imagesJesus takes time so more souls hear God’s word seed to grow to bear good fruits. Jesus said old seeds die like corn before new crop emerge. So plants take years to bear fruit some a year to 5-6 years or more. Enjo process of seeing change in your life though sin removed hurts the ego. Seeds grow, tree branches turn into trees, food or fruits harvested so faith grows to bear good fruits. The fruits of the Spirit are love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, meekness, gentleness faith and self control. Be planted in good field learn to patiently endure in anticipation that soon Jesus will come in Rapture. Continue to bear good fruit God says forgive others and be forgiven. The earth is changing fast to harvest souls of God waiting for Jesus return. All long for God reprogram earth in total peace. Focus on God and endure to the end to grow by faith. Follow Jesus to grow not the hybrid genetically modified seed. Don’t be the fast track Christian impatient for quick fix ‘miracle’ to be deceived. Mother nature’ is not rushed so wait for Jesus to come but grow waiting in the process.IMG_20160515_165830Only GOD KNOWS EXACT TIME DAY SO IS NOT RUSHED. GOSPEL MUST FIRST BE PREACHED TO ALL NATIONS FOR WITNESS To HAVE NO EXCUSE TO SAY THEY NEVER HEARD IT. GOD DOES HIS OWN THING. Continue seedtime and harvest plant, invest, make profit and interest be kind to people. Keep your eyes focussed on Jesus author and finisher of your faith. Glorify God and talk about Rapture. Reflect daily and be prepared knowing Jesus can come soon in the Rapture. As grass grows and soon withers  life in Bible children grow into adults soon old. Be encouraged about Rapture for that day will surely come for elect going ALIVE into heaven.c4fddde304b7426131a2521146fd33f0Bible prophecies confirm Jesus said 2000 years ago Rapture will take place ALIVE into heaven to live mansions prepared by God receives the believers IN CHRIST. Seasonal crops harvested in 3months, 6months, 3years, 6 years, 24 years  life consists of various time schedules of God. Adults in past generations lives with Jesus in heaven. Don’t ‘worry’ about times or seasons, passed before Rapture occurs. Global pressure for Rapture is strong because people predict false times. Listen and observing by faith Bible words with passion and zeal in life. Learnt the Sovereign LORD GOD’S words to change your life to please the God of the universe and time. However long it takes Rapture will happen as God is not like doesn’t lie. Rapture WILL surely come to pass all IN CHRIST Jesus takes ALIVE into eternal everlasting life to be with God in heaven. Be sure you receive God’s gift for you freely by your freewill in Christ Jesus Name.


wp-1580499368344.jpgwp-1580499432263.jpgwp-1580499392845.jpgIMG-20200217-WA001020200209_010905Biography 2013/07/31 is 37 years in 2022 is 45 years old she said as caucasian white Meghan.  20200206_02030120200210_15384820200522_064028










wp-1580499409395.jpgLeft behind clothes in storage in Canada despite intention to become British after marriage. Without clothes to wear given blank cheques to spend to excess orders clothes. Calculating ploy used to buy her clothes to copy Diana tricked Harry and took advantage of impressionable Harry to fall in love her strategy worked. Refused to wear tights, hats wore black nail varnish broke protocol for negative attention “racism” to justify her excuse of ‘intense media scrutiny’ to leave UK. A picture speaks a thousand words so her actions exposed by newspapers of schemes backfired as a con artist fraud. By the time she left her second husband Trevor, his $96million invested in the film dwindled to $12million she left not quite the billionaire lifestyle she craves.wp-1580499286808.jpgwp-1580506607825.jpgwp-1580506691734.jpg20200208_181713IMG-20200512-WA0006wp-1580563965874.jpgwp-1580513649728.jpgwp-1580513632101.jpg20200208_18184720200208_181809

IMG-20190813-WA0000None of these homes are good enough for them?IMG-20190819-WA0020


  1. 20200204_18204120200204_18191920200524_22021320200526_23412520200526_233330People pay for Wimbledon seats told to get up to empty seats ordered by Meghan so nobody allowed to take selfies near her at public stadium during a tennis match in UK. Her actions upset lots of people who look up to the royals as role models not to be self-centred attention seekers. People are not allowed to wear hats to block other’s views behind she put hat on breaks protocol rules. Exposed herself to seduce Ohanan instead of being at Balmoral said baby too young to travel. But flew him in private jets to watch Serena play tennis in US told not to attend because she distracts Serena with attention seeking behaviour is beamed on screen and her focus is on her husband not her game.




IMG-20200212-WA001520200207_16202020200209_010814People don’t care what you know until they know you CARE because ACTIONS speaks LOUDER than word salads. So all achievements in life is nothing if self-centred, selfish, self-indulgent and rude to her majesty bamboozled by lies. Says will stay at home for quiet birthday but flys on private jet to celebrate in Ibiza. Wants home birth money spent to build room warned against by expert doctors. She wore fake prosthetic moon bumps but pretended to be pregnant and given “birth” in private hospital. Wasn’t pregant but lied nobody asked if she is OK going through “pregnancy.” Baby’s detail kept secret, a first in British Royal family history created more suspicions hiding surrogate birth? The privacy ten commandments to neighbours is don’t talk, touch, ask, go near them so people obeyed, isolated themselves but moans nobody asks if OK. The fake pregnancy announced on Eugene’s wedding day at their family meal, megxit announced on Kate’s birthday, hands on belly 300 days till ‘birth’ hands on hair. Royals not hold hands in public office insult queen or a family publicly on TV washing her dirty linen in public. They sue British press or demand more “progressive royal family and their financial independence.” But £100,000,000 is wasted by their reckless squandering of tax payer’s money. Uses royal titles but complain family “toxic” she does not want their child raised yet none saw baby. Insults and sues media by her artogant rules against 1000 year established royal family’s rota contract over 100 years. Fixated newspapers and media exposes their shenanigans trying to pull wool over British people’s eyes. Told queen St George church smells to spray perfume during wedding. Wanted red carpet treatment like a celebrity of Hollywood. She wants painful memory scandal crown of Russian family killed to embarrass queen stopped spoilt brat behaviour of ‘what she wants she gets’ “she gets what she is given.” Merching clothes, jewel, endorsing adverts a with royal eats cake and have it but despises royal duty. Lies the press chases her like Diana killed by drunk driver in France. Rejects royal protocol on duty members obey and insults the British stiff upper lip. Refused to go to Balmoral baby too young to travel flew baby. Refused visit to queen Prime Minusters visit. Refused to join family Christmas time took away Harry loved bombed from his brother, family and UK people. Preaches climate change but flies more unnecessarily has high carbon footprints. Threw out staff of listed property and took whole house, stopped them using carpark, rebuilt this listed property outdoor kitchen without planning permission. 5 million total for this home not good enough to live. Plans queen absent at son’s christening thinks a minor royal. Wakes her staff at 5am to give orders non stop during day but the working day from 9am to 5pm. Rejects security advise so swamped in a market security steps in to remove her. Royals are not allowed to earn an extra money alongside the money given them but got contract from Disney to do voice overs she did a conflict of interest. Took Harry from military duty to red carpet Disney event to ask for work said “this is why we are here.” Rate of spending spree on clothes so high engagement dress alone £80,000, maternity to Morocco £98,000+ queen stopped high costs before royals get bankrupted. Refused to wear a dress in the royal box so royal paranoia won’t allow anyone near her at tennis cleared viewers sat in a public domain with her guests from US so her security told off a man taking selfie. Pharrel and Beyonce told, “British don’t make her life easy yet taxpayers paid for £50 million wedding including security. Private jets £500,000 baby showers not allowed in this Royal family in austerity Britain. Seven staff members resigned in 18 months for no consideration for others. Abandons her father, siblings, family, friends over 30 years except her mother. Claims “toxic” “racist” ‘suffocating’ family hates son due to racism but holds on to their title, as an “internationally protected person” funded 24 hour security but wants “financially independence.” And gets millions from royal family for pocket money. Don’t gain whole world and lose soul. Foresight could have set up better plans. Coincident birthday is 4th August of Queen mother, dogs corgies, so these actions people see through and call out is racism?

Articles rebloged from public domains are views and opinions of other people. So ‘Meghan can’t have it all’ says Royal author Anna Pasternak who warns that Meghan must realise she can’t live like an ‘A-lister’ while enjoying privileges of her role in the Royal family. Anna insists it is crucial to the monarchy to have respect, value to honour the queen and the nation as a whole. Do you think these views are fair and accurate? What do you think about these comments?