loved-by-god.jpgGod’s LOVE is the highest relationship you need. In 1 John 4:7 Jehovah’s Love Chesed is highest loving kindness, God first loves you deeply, forgives your sins, sustains life. HIS love is a free gift lavished genuinely on you. God provides food, sunshine, rain, garments, health, family, friends and loved ones. God’s love in personal note to you in His Bible for intimate relationship with you. Celebrate romantic meals, gifts strengthen lovelife with joy, joke, laugh with a spouse but need Gods. Your maker God a husband and companion to the widows, father to fatherless, orphans and needy. God’s affection for you is HIS friendship, intimacy embraces you in lonely moment. Celebrate God in life, talk to God your personal friend through Jesus’ blood. Believers enter God’s Presence in Jesus  Name so give thanks to God for HIS LOVE and blessings. Perfect LOVE casts out fear. Honour, reverence for God is the beginning of wisdom. God loves you devote time to read and study your Bible to get to know God better. God’s love in Jesus Christ is the GREATEST LOVE OF ALL so celebrate God. None loves you more than God, Christ who laid down His life for you as your true friend in John 15:13-14. God gave Jesus in Genesis 2:8 the Seed to forgive all sin. God said its not good to be alone need special LOVE from God to adore, marry to live with, if you want it. Perfect love helps feel loved, accepted, affirmed, appreciated, confident, endorsed, fulfilled, happy, loved, true friend, loyal, faithful, dependable, reliable, trusted, instant in season as list goes on. It is God’s will people marry as great blessing if you finds the one receive God’s marital favour. Believers are bride of Christ as Bridegroom in wedding banquet of the Lamb of God.bridegroom jesus and churchJesus the head of the Church says love all, your wife as He loved His Church. Couples are to submit to each other in love. Psalm 91:14 says because you LOVE God HE will deliver you and set you on high. Because you KNOW God’s NAME and call upon HIM HE will bless you with full life. Trust God to help your love life because LOVE, marriage intimacy are God’s creation. God’s Biblical real love is to desire God’s kind of love. The family, Christian dating agencies help find love and others like millionaire / billionaire matchmakers clubs cater for their specific clientele. Some treat love matters as if its none of God’s business so attention shifts from Godly family approach they don’t seek God’s face. Abraham found a Godly wife Rebecca for Isaac his son. Modern methods encourage you seek the partner suitable for your standard. Then person is approved by friends and family, some not but love each other. The standard required single individual of 6 feet+ tall, handsome, has sense of humour, make laugh, healthy, fit works, earns, wealthy, rich, kind, travels, great in bed, loving, caring, six pack type of Hollywood superstar model preferred. The secular love standard is not like God’s one.jesus_is_my_valentineSome pin-up their prince charming secretly hope and pray their dreams come true. It is not fantasy image of affection true love is from the heart. Seekers go on the hunt like women in Iceland in search for perfect love in places. Many look for a perfect mate but only God who is PERFECT. Eye contact and body language, smile, voice, good manners being important. After dates know if gut feeling of love at first sight is right propose get engaged. Others develop love slowly to know each other better passionately deep affection for relationship to last a lifetime. Some choose not to marry or impossible to find anyone up to their own standards search until they find the one. God’s LOVE manual 1 Corinthians 13 helps in decision-making for relationship, marriage and sex. God is Holy but is interested in your love life. Selflove looks out for interests of other family member commitments, responsible. To ‘forsake all others to have and hold’ is God’s standard true love is not to abandon family. To achieved this God directly inputs into your life designed on right way protect you from a turbulent world. An unbearable partner hurts themselve and others. God says be satisfied in joy, inner-peace, good success in loving marriage with spouse.roses-and-chocolate-1366x768
Respect and value your spouse and family as God and Jesus always forgives you. An emotional or physical looks of sex desires for intimacy can be distorted in the fantasy books like the Mills and Booms by Barbara Cartland are not deep enough to sustain today’s commitment yo love. A story book love says couples ‘live happily ever after’ is unrealistic expectation so is not perpetual honeymoon relationship. A disagreement is resolved true love does not fizzles out. It requires regular input develops, grows into mature stronger relationship. Actors depict lust as ‘love’ in romantic films but you want true love. Valentine day celebrate kindness of a girl to a priest’s life he chose to honour God helps couple marry. True measure of God’s real love helps meet needs. Some look for others to fill their love tanks do not do the same for them. GOLDEN rule is do to others what you want from them reflect in deep prayer first. Don’t let body’s carnal fleshy feelings lure you momentary lust of intimacy blind love it causes pain for life. Genuine true love from God loves one and your family loves you even if don’t say are God’s favourite Love in Christ and HE preserves and strengthen your life have confidence in GOD’S LOVE. Be joyful, happy in yourself first and love others giving true love. Grow into mature love looking out for each other forever. After marriage couple grows with children if in the family. Friends, colleagues on a wedding day celebrate the marriage. Others choose partner based on romantic film drama. A real life experience includes trusted friend, therapists, support love to attain good success. Those willing to obey, eat good fruit of marriage physical intimacy consummate marriage. Attention, devotion to little things matter most with each other. God at centre of a relationship and older couple’s advise gives wisdom to younger couples. Marriage is not exclusive licence to reject others in family. Rebecca was brought by Abraham to the family to support not leave elderly father on his own. Leaving and cleaving is not to cut off other family members or love will become too close for comfort. It causes resentment as pressure mounts up if couple all things to each other and become isolated. be-mine-women-s-t-shirt.jpgGod’s love for a married couple includes a provision of future old age. Set up a good plan with respect, honour, humility, love in a real practical meaningful way. Prepare to face reality of love. Challenging transitions adjust to relate in new ways and integrate to accommodate the family. A teachable Spirit learns to love each other like God’s Greatest love in Christ Jesus for His Bride. Covenant marriage of love in 1 Corinthians 13; Ephesians 5:22-33 is to Glory of God. A Godly marriage in Jesus Name in personal relationship with God leads to eternal life. In Deuteronomy 6:4, Matthew 22:37 Mark 12:30-31; Luke 10:27, Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul and all your mind and strength. This is the first commandment a disciplined in Christ lives, reads and studies the Bible everyday.











IMG-20200812-WA002520200503_140012Your Majesty’s 95th birthday on April 1926 apply the blood cover of Jesus over your life in Jesus Name. God Save the Queen thank God thrives by stiff upper lip dignity of resilience, tenacity and never complains or explains approach is a great example to all. Happy birthday to you as head of the Church, army, wife mother, grandmother and Godparent, aunt, too numerous roles to list, too many hats to wear (no pun intended) juggling them all. We pray to God Jehovah Nissi Mighty One in battle defend you, make way for you where there is no way in Jesus Name. So God Bless and keep you, God make HIS  face shine on all royal family members evermore in Jesus Name. God bless your majesty, Elizabeth IIGettyImages-3303609

John F. Kennedy and Queen Elizabeth II

President John F. Kennedy, First Lady Jackie Kennedy visit royal family England: Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.



Photo of Dr Roberts helping her colleagues by securing bin bags on their headsDr Robert shows alarming facts medical professionals who care for critically ill patients for 13 hour’s day use plastic bin bags for personal protective equipment (PPE) out of clinical waste bags, plastic aprons and skiing goggles. The public keeps social distance of two metres but NHS staff are asked to examine patients suspected of coronavirus at a distance of 20cm without any proper protection. Nurses in ITU(Intensive Treatment Unit) doing procedures at risk of the aerosol spread of virus. They wear theatre hats with holes, don’t provide any protection. The government’s distribution problems affects national supply team and armed forces “working around clock to deliver equipment. NHS England said a million respiratory face masks delivered on 1 April with no mention of much-needed head protection or long-sleeved gowns. Dr Roberts says hospitals don’t  receive help from the government is cause for concern. The respiratory protection face masks used past best-before end dates:  expiry 2009, 2013, 2021 so are recycled.20200405_144317Dr Roberts pulls expiry dates from a face mask's packaging20200405_180527IMG-20200411-WA0004Intensive care doctors need correct PPE to patient use ventilator to support their breathing or body contact resuscitation. The world’s richest exlpoiting people are told urgently donate big chunks of their fortunes to buy PPE for hospitals not to invest in Bill Gates culling global plan yo kill people. Tackle coronavirus pandemic and help millions of people across the globe whose lives you throw into crisis by Covid-19. Billionaires like Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey committed huge amounts of money to eliminate humans is not solution to their man-made crisis. Members of the wealthy elite criticised for pledging small fractions of fortunes to address the worst-ever global health emergency set to trigger economic crisis on the scale of 1930s Great Depression. Its killing highly skilled ethnic doctors and ethnic minorities. Donald Trump ‘lost $1bn in a month’ from coronavirus lockdown Jeff Bezos, founder, Amazon world’s richest person donated $100m (£80m) to the food bank charity Feeding America. The charity runs a network of 200 food banks, said Bezos’s donation is the biggest ever received so “countless lives will be changed by his generosity”
Chart showing comparison of face masks

The ambulance drivers must wear PPE, and crew should wear the appropriate proteftion because of aerosol molecules level of exposure risk faced. A frontline  staff cannot keep 2m away from patient so should wear protective masks kits to be sent by government. The £10,000:00 extra allowance to each MPs on top of a second home allowance and £1000 pay increase should be used to buy PPE for the dictire and nurses, The government says it provided over 761 million pieces of PPE in UK to hospitals, hospices, care homes /care providers, GPs, dentists and pharmacists. These disposable items are replaced to stop the spread of Covid-19 from staff to patients. So 761m includes body bags, pulse oximeters, swabs, and clinical waste containers, plus cleaning equipment and detergent to NHS Trusts. Is not enough for the 1.58m NHS staff in UK hospitals and community requiring PPE used once per patient others can be used for whole sessions during a ward round visit to many patients. The gowns aprons, gloves surgical masks should be disposed of after single use or session. A PPE worn during highest risk situations  lots of splatter from infectious droplets needs single use. Goggles or face shields reused if decontaminated. Staff need to use lots PPE following the guidelines:IMG-20200411-WA0003Pregnant nurses, healthcare assistants said they were working in direct contact with patients who tested positive for Covid-19 or suspected of contracting it, despite government guidelines forced to work. Classifying as a vulnerable group, are disgusted with treatment and stress put on them at this stressful time,” said one healthcare assistant. Lobby groups and charities, including Pregnant Then Screwed (PTS), Maternity Action written to the Royal College of Obstetricians and the Gynaecologists (RCOG) on guidance changes to women less than 28 weeks pregnant continuing to work in a non-Covid patient role if all necessary safety precautions are taken. More than 50,000 people signed petition and paid leave as the NHS pregnant nurse Mary Agyeiwaa Agyapong died contracting Covid-19 at work but baby survived yet to be tested for virus. Public Health England said it stockpiled  PPE label new expiry dates all “passed stringent tests” so “safe for use by NHS staff” buy Dr Roberts is not convinced. Ventilated under care are three of her colleagues who all tested positive for coronavirus. An intensive care doctor in Covid ward like Dr Roberts lacks access to adequate protection worked on non-Covid wards wearing no PPE symptoms Dr Roberts said show contracted virus at work. Colleagues visit patients with no relatives allowed in hospital hardest thing is telling families withdrawn care over phone. Relatives dying or died but can’t see them,” says Dr Roberts NHS hid England record of medical professionals admitted later contracting coronavirus at work. Many health-care workers test positive infected died from coronavirus: Include Areema Nasreen the staff nurse West Midlands, Thomas Harvey, health care assist. east London, Prof Mohamed Sami Shousha, Dr Alfa Saadu London, Dr Habib Zaidi in Southend, Dr Adil El Tayar, London, Dr Amged El-Hawrani in Leicester. Dr Roberts bracing peak to hit in less than two weeks. The anaesthetic machines designed to work for just two to three hours run now four to five days getting leak failures simply not enough.”20200409_121626Also short of PPE, an intensive care nurse in Spain wears a bin bag and a protective plastic mask, donated by a local company.20200409_121819Extra intensive care beds, in operating theatres and wards doubled hospital’s capacity to support critically ill patients, who can’t breathe  themselves and need a ventilator. Intensive care, Dr Roberts says nursing staff are affected. Intensive care nurses are highly trained to deliver care one-to-one to critically ill patients may be asleep, have close relationship. “Extra beds, nurses under pressure look after up to four patients deliver same level of critical care. They are in tears and struggling whole system falls down. New temporary building for ambulance bay to vet all patients for symptoms of coronavirus before they are admitted. It is run by clinician Dr Roberts points out, could be looking after patients..Almost 400 care companies providing home support across the UK told BBC they still do not have enough personal protective equipment (PPE). Without protection, providers say they are unable to care for people awaiting hospital discharge. Of 481 providers, 381 – 80% – said they don’t have enough PPE to support older and vulnerable people. The government said it was working “around the clock” to give the sector equipment it needs. The BBC sent questions to nearly 3,000 members of UK Homecare Association. A quarter of them said they run out of masks or have less than week’s supply. Coronavirus doctors say hospitals were not made to use so much oxygen.Member of medical staff adjusts oxygen supply in French hospitalShortages are dogging the fight against the coronavirus. At the Bradford Royal Infirmary (BRI) only possible to test six staff for virus per day, consultants make own personal protective equipment and BRI’s Dr John Wright reports there’s an urgent need to save oxygen. Estimated peak of epidemic mainstay of treatment is to keep patients breathing are issues preoccupying us for ventilators, oxygen.  UK is low down international ventilator league table but put in orders for more, appears to be a bit of run on them and we’re worried our order won’t arrive in time to meet the Covid-19 peak. There is growing evidence simple machine used by patients with sleep apnoea (snoring and interrupted breathing) in their own bedrooms is effective alternative. Dr Tom Lawton, one of ingenious intensive care consultants, managed to get a 100 from local manufacturer. Safety screens protect pharmacists at Boots but others put at risk. High street pharmacists “at risk”of catching, spreading, coronavirus by lack personal protective equipment (PPE), professional body says. The Royal Pharmaceutical Society members don’t have right equipment, masks, gloves or aprons. Health Secretary Matt Hancock said pharmacists are the key health care professionals entitled to PPE from NHS England millions of PPE is needed. Chief pharmaceutical officer Keith Ridge said government arranged for equipments to pharmacists who feel abandoned on the frontline. Doing their jobs to help others but feel endangered putting lives at risk. A Boots pharmacist speaking to a customer from behind a safety screenThe government is accused it failed to deploy the 5,000 contact tracing experts employed by councils to limit spread of coronavirus. The environmental health worker’s local government experienced contact tracing prevents infections to spread, outbreak norovirus, salmonella, legionnaires’ disease. A spokesperson for Public Health England (PHE), which leads on significant outbreaks, said the organisation did not call environmental health workers to carry out contact the tracing for coronavirus and local health protection teams not effective. Covid-19 crisis delivering relief materials during calamity airlifts citizens from countries. Covid-19 sweeps across the world, crew members made the serious allegations of shortcoming to ensure safety of crew and passengers on rescue flights. Letter BBC said, Executive Pilots Association a body represents senior long-haul pilot’s airlines given ‘flimsy’ pieces of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that “tears, disintegrates on rescue flights.” Letter to airline, aviation ministry: “disinfecting aircrafts short of international industry due care best practices.” “Its inadequacy compounds chances of viral exposure to equipment, contamination, community infection transmission to Covid-19 crew members passengers or public at large.A pilot leans out of the cockpit window to wave goodbye2020-News-Brief_2020-03-09T012745.803Z20200408_091030727306_v4Letter urges urgent PPE concerns dealt with to stop spread of Covid-19. Airlines adopt problematic practice Slot resale: Airlines buy and sell slots like currency. In February 2016, Oman Air paid the Air France-KLM $75m a pair of prime early morning slots. Slot sitting: Airline can’t find buyers for slots give it away free to partner airlines to hold a slot long term, Airlines don’t make or lose money. And Ghost flights: Airlines send the empty planes to fill slots. Airlines lose money on empty flight not as much as lost slot. Covid-19 decreased demands force the airlines to fly ghost flights to stop losing slots but is not enough. UK airline Flybe declared bankruptcy due to strain. The Airline industry to lose $113B decreased demand. So critics say UK authority slot coordinator must relax rules to prevent airlines losing money, wasting jet fuel and damaging environment. Its not first time industry stopped,  “use it or lose it” rule 9/11, credit crunch financial crisis. Care homes ‘refused kits because stock reserved for England’GlovesProtective equipment needed for staff to who work in care homes deprived by an excuse its for England only. A care home owner in Wales says she was refused a personal protective equipment(PPE) her suppliers are reserving stock for English customers. Ceri Roberts runs two care homes in Porthmadog and Criccieth in Gwynedd. She told BBC Wales two suppliers declined to sell to her when she tried to buy aprons and gloves for her staff. The Welsh Government said care homes could access PPE through councils if they experienced issues. One supplier told her it was selling stock “on behalf of Public Health England.” Ms Roberts said she was aware of problem on Wednesday morning. “I tried to buy them, but only customers in England allowed to,” as said. Supplies, protective equipment two care homes needs for 78 residents in each home and cared for by two people respectively. Prince Charles sent a letter of gratitude to all posties.20200510_09470820200410_151345Royal Mail puts “profits before safety” as postal workers say company is failing to protect them from risk of catching coronavirus. Shortage of gloves, masks, hand sanitiser employees tolď the BBC. They claim social distancing at work is “almost impossible.” Royal Mail says it invested £15m in protective equipment and the health and well-being of staff is their top priority. Last two weeks, staff at eight Royal Mail sites and three in Scotland left over safety concerns. The BBC saw footage of employees working shoulder -to-shoulder in a sorting office, without social distancing measures.Watford General HospitalJohn Alagos, 24, became ill and died on Friday worked at the Watford General Hospital in Hertfordshire. His mother Gina Gustilo told BBC the family waiting to hear if he tested positive for Covid-19 to help them isolate. The hospital closed to new patients on Saturday due to the problems with oxygen equipment now opened. It said it ensured staff had right level of protection but tell people to stay home to avoid spreading virus. People told to stay at home not to go to hospital if its without the adequate equipments. Many people lost jobs some given loans they are held responsible for in default. The worst austerity is suffered by those who raised family to replenish the earth discriminated against by government pension at 60 years. Some postcodes of 60 years in London and Coventry given pension and bus passes to 60 years olds. They enjoy retirement pension but their AGE MATES born on same dates denied, pension age is extended by government. Young graduates have no jobs but old pensioners forced to work doesn’t make sense forced to continue working after pension age. In Wakefield a man in his 80’s still working didn’t want to stop but didn’t realise to claim a state retirement pension and continue to work. Pension service pays a backdated lump £140,000 and extra £185 a week but deprives age mates by unfair treatment of pensions. The man asked his identity kept secret declined request for interview by the the Local Democracy Reporting Service .20200405_150719 20200405_145416CarolineCaroline was fed by the Food banks yet once a successful career woman earning £50k. Now living on £35 week benefit had financial difficulties after the birth of her second child. She went from earning £50,000 a year to relying on a food bank said she will “never be able to thank” its volunteers enough for the help given. Caroline was living and working in the Netherlands, running an employment agency, when she became pregnant. After the end of a relationship and facing housing and health problems she is living on £35 a week.” She said she would encourage anyone who was struggling financially to seek help from a food bank. Caroline, who wants to use her first name only said without help of support from Stoke-on-Trent food bank “I don’t know where I would be right now.” “The volunteers are amazing people,” she said. “The biggest thing in my experience is you are not judged, no matter what your background, nothing matters, just that you are made aware so educated in where to go to get help and move you from that situation.”People using food banks said, “It means they can eat get healthy.” She earned €1,000 in a week with a commission before becoming pregnant with daughter. Caroline returned to England 18 months later so fell pregnant with son relationship with children’s father broke down remained in Netherlands. She had no support with childcare complication after children’s births unable to work full time. Rising damp in privately rented home meant spending £400 a month on utilities to top-up rent payments not fully covered by a housing benefit. She said at times it felt like chaos  with no control over anything. I had ebbs and waves living off barely anything,” she said. While volunteering at children’s centres given first token for the food bank.Stock food bank imageScant food cupboard20210112_16571320210115_095306eprived families receive one day’s supply of instead of a week’s supply without food. Some face government delays £30:00 weekly school meal voucher unfit for aristocrat cat or dog for a day. Government scheme in UK to poor children in school lockdown lack an emergency food supply. Food banks stolen food not given donation to schools buy own vouchers for desperate families. So parents wait 10 days for government voucher unfit as duped by department for Education for £5:00 given not £30 provided by extra cash to schools facing unavoidable costs. Under government scheme, families eligible for free school meals in England must receive £15 a week per child. Edenred company appointed to manage scheme struggles to meet demand, even after its website rebuilt Easter weekend. The nation’s class system ensures upper class multibillionaires are paid millions of pounds each year to indulge in their lavish luxury wasteful lifestyle but can’t provide for children they deprive from God’s resources available to all people.

20200409_122015Deprived families receive a day’s supply of food instead of week’s supply without food face government delays £30:00. As farmers  without buyers forced to throw milk down the drain why not donate it to food banks so government pays them? Caroline said staff at the Stoke-on-Trent food bank are “angels” And by collecting food once a month staff helped signpost her towards other support services. She was too proud to admit I needed help, she said. But I don’t think pride has any part to play these days in visiting a food bank because, if you need help, it is one of the best places you can go.” Caroline, who lives in Stone, added: “I am hoping for a brighter future. I am settled so the children are settled, I do not have debts, it feels amazing to be in this position. So “When I was at my lowest I never would have seen myself where I am now. “But if it were to happen again, I will go back to a food bank. These threats are always there for anybody, anything can happen around that corner.”Sarah too got help after she was seeking help from a food bank among millions of people suffering poverty in Britain. It is interesting people assume there in no poverty in advanced countries. So think people collect gold on the streets to live lavish super abundant lifestyles. This is far from the reality of millions suffering unable to feed themselves, unemployed disabled, wait three to six months to be assessed for basic necessities of life. And without money many starve to death in silence as treated like scum of the earth. Do not be fooled life is glamorous for all in Britain especially those taking huge loans given to human traffickers liars who promise them “jobs” in Britain. The truth machines took over millions of jobs, electric cars soon no needs for the humans drivers. AI robots will work so there is real concern of job losses as big brands close and lay off millions of workers globally. Do not let anyone fool you to deceive you about the wealth or riches in Britain. The carefully managed manicured lawns and riches are not just freely available as traffickers promised. Lie to cage you in shipping containers to suffocate you as found dead in Britain. People overloaded in boat drown at sea exploited by traffickers. Errol Graham death: Nottingham man starved after benefit stopped in Britain.Errol GrahamErrol Graham had history of depression and the relatives of this man starved to death after his benefits stopped said this evil cruel system is “not fit for purpose.” Errol Graham, 57, weighed four-and-a-half stone (28.5kg) when his body was found by bailiffs who broke into his Nottingham council flat to evict him. An inquest found his loss of income caused huge distress.”Daughter-in-law Alison Turner said it was “heartbreaking… it’s horrific to die like that.” The case raised in Commons by Debbie Abrahams MP, called for independent inquiry of cases people died after Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) reviewed care.Pine View flats, RadfordMr Graham’s last contact with officials approached about rent arrears. After rarely seen lost contact from DWP and his employment and support allowance (ESA) was stopped in August 2017. This affected his housing benefit it ceased on 10 October. ‘No food in his flat’ the last official contact with housing provider Nottingham City Homes, heard shouting and punching door on visit in February 2018. PC Emily Dunn told inquest no signs Mr Graham injured but he “looked very thin.” She added there was no food in the property, other than a couple of tins of fish in cupboard five years out of date. The flat had no gas, no electricity, inquest heard, with “significant mail” by front door. The medical cause of death was recorded as starvation. As assistant coroner Dr Elizabeth Didcock said: “The sudden loss of all income, and the threat of eviction caused huge distress, worry, and significant financial hardship. “Loss of income and housing final devastating stressors had a significant effect on his mental health. “Safety net surrounding vulnerable people like Errol in British society had holes within it.”Debbie Abrahams MPMP Debbie Abrahams said treatment of some claimants a “serious concern” Miss Turner told BBC: “Is heartbreaking, horrific, for someone to die like that, the failure he suffered, he didn’t deserve it. “Its shocking the system is not fit for purpose. “He was without money for six to eight months. “Errol didn’t physically bring himself to talk to strangers or ask for level of help lost out not here today.” Sophie Corlett of mental health charity Mind, said: “Its the most vulnerable who we hear are slipping through net. “This gentleman as many people have lifelong conditions unlikely to change yet they are recalled again and again for face to face “assessments” people find very challenging.” DWP said its establishing a serious case panel to review its work. A spokesman added: “This tragic complex case and our sympathies are with Mr Graham’s family.” Over 5000 people in UK died in 2019 from austerity poverty. Benefits officials’ apologise after mum’s suicide due to her benefits stopped.Jodey WhitingJodey Whiting suffered physical and mental health issues. The mother of a disabled woman who took her own life after some benefits stopped was given a personal apology by government officials. Jodey Whiting, 42, from Stockton, had some payments stopped after she missed a capability assessment because she was in hospital with pneumonia. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) later admitted mistakes were made and paid the family compensation. Senior officials travelled to Teesside to explain what changes have been made. Ms Whiting, a mother of nine, suffered physical and mental health issues, curvature of spine and a brain cyst, and took 23 tablets each day. Following her death in 2017, an independent inquiry found the DWP did not follow procedures to telephone and visit Ms Whiting after she missed the appointment. Process of complaints takes too long so people suffer without food, rent or heating living in the cold.Parents fightingThe most serious complaints about DWP agencies like Child Maintenance Service sometimes take years to be resolved. So children go to school without breakfast. Some become homeless, sleeping in the streets in freezing cold begging for food. People with the most serious complaints on Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) wait 18 months before the case is investigated. BBC Radio 4’s Money Box learnt nearly two-third of investigations miss the target to be solved in 20 weeks. A man in dispute with one of its agencies called the delay “obscene.” The DWP said it understands “the impact of waiting for investigation has on people and their families.” The most common complaints to DWP includes failure to follow proper procedures, excessive delays and poor customer service. Alan, not his real name, said it took four-year wait in total before his case is resolved. He complained to the government-run Child Maintenance Service (CMS) in November 2017. It took thousands of pounds of redundancy payment from his bank account. The dispute made his existing mental health problems worse left him “flatlining” he says. Unable to work is “getting poorer by the day.” And drained so ‘Exhausted’ by procedure after 18 months, Alan’s case unresolved was given the permission to complain to Independent Case Examiner (ICE) and CMS, pension payments and disability benefits. Alan’s complaint accepted, but took more than a year before someone was assigned to investigate it. After that Money Box saw figures suggesting two-thirds of cases take longer than 20-week target half take six months or longer. So this means that hundreds of people face a wait of more than two years for their complaints to be resolved once accepted by ICE. Many die before their case dealt with and becomes too late in one of the richest nations in the world. Money is returned to chest while millions die in austerity poverty Britain. The universal credit rollout is delayed again to 2024PaulaPaula’s universal credit payment wasn’t enough to live on its cuts down payment so sanctions people deprived. “It scares people” and siphons money to assessors not doctors who cut people off payment new delay pushed to September 2024. It denies claimants would lose money as a result of the change. Discussions lead to delays recorded by the BBC team series Universal Credit: Inside Welfare State, on Tuesday. Six payments into one beset by problems, with claimants wait five to six weeks for the payments to start and many reports of people falling into debt, and having to resort to food banks as a consequence.People queue at job centrePeople transferring to universal credit have to wait five to six weeks for first payment. Addvance loan payments of the benefit introduced to help people through the five weeks with no money coming is blamed for putting claimants into debt. Once the benefit comes through the payments are reduced to pay off the advance loaned claimants. These changing circumstances such as moving in with new partner affect some people. Fewer people report changes because it is said by film-makers allowed access to meetings inside Department of Work and Pensions. Officials ponder what to do to help as programme shows Bolton mum Paula struggling to feed family as her universal credit. Payment of £500 a month with deductions paid for loans of five-week wait. It includes rent, council tax, water bills, bus fares, electric and gas bills, shoes clothes for winter cold months,  TV licence, food. She ends up at food bank Paula told debt counsellor.Paula at foodbankPaula goes to a local food bank for food donated by the public to help the people starving. Universal credit cut off money of family without support falling into a loan taken in advance repayment.” She added benefit deductions to pay off the advance, leave people “constantly trying to catch up” often without food or basic necessities of life. Neil Couling, a senior civil servant in charge of rollout for past five years, is filmed telling a Whitehall meeting: “We’ve got a lot of anecdotal evidence of people scared of universal credit. “It’s serious issue for us, in terms of completing the project by December but I’m urging people not to panic.” The people seen as “projects” by privileged without understanding of poverty in UK cause more harm than good to the poor.Neil Couling in meetingThree, six, nine months doesn’t matter if headline says: ‘Delay, disaster he says’.“I will say, ‘Go safe, put claimants first and I’ll take beating.'”‘Hugely embarrassing’ Despite problems, Mr Couling thinks the universal credit if implemented will be successful as “right thing to do.” System to form bedrock of social security in the next 30 years.” Expects universal credit to continue to grow with 2.6m people in  September last year: “Cannot put brakes on, if we get something wrong disrupts their lives got no alternative bank to go to get help we are payer of last resort.” Labour Shadow Work Pension Secretary Margaret Greenwood says news “hugely embarrassing” for government called for universal credit to be scrapped. The public have little faith in it many afraid of it,” said Ms Greenwood. Government says universal credit introduced slowly. Its “biggest change to welfare system in a generation, bringing six benefits into one monthly payment offering support to the most vulnerable people in society said Mr Quince. Sad its least in society in need deprived to cater for the richest billionaires in society who can afford to provide for themselves. The stipends of £500million for repairs and £80 million annual pocket money plus £21 million lose change, £5 billion to cut 45 minute train journey millions dies in austerity poverty Britain. Some are given tents to sleep in freezing cold. Decaying corpse found at Harlow’s ‘human warehouse’Templefields House in HarlowA cleaner at a troubled former office block used to house homeless revealed she and other staff discovered a “weeks-old corpse” in a room. Tania resigned from her job after being asked to clean room where man’s body was discovered in June 2019. Investigation by BBC East and Panorama found evidence security staff “lost control”at Templefields House in Harlow Essex. The building described as “human warehouse” by a tenant, BBC found hundreds of families rehoused by London boroughs in office blocks and industrial estates in Harlow  living next to drug addicts and ex-prisoners. Robert Halfon MP for Harlow describe practice “social cleansing.” Essex Police confirms death not treated suspicious. Identity of dead man was not disclosed.Bikes at office turned into housingResidents complained of isolation and surrounded by warehousing or business centres. Tania did not want surnamed used became employee of the landlord Caridon, with partner Matt who is head of security at Templefields after they lived at the block as tenants. “The smell hits you before you opened door, there were flies everywhere its awful,” she said. “He’d been there five or six weeks decomposed.”The couple said a number of people took their own lives at the time they lived and worked there. Current staff told undercover BBC reporter other tenants died. A reporter was told “we’ve cleaned a dead man’s room was found hanging waited for the body bag stood in hallway to make sure no-one come in while he was cleared.” So management at building concerned with getting room cleaned and letting it out to a new tenant, Tania said. “I was in complete shock, but it was more of a concern to get another room needed to be cleaned that day”, she told the BBC.Terminus HouseProperty owner Caridon’s statement is “We break mould in social housing and stigma given to social tenants. “Unlike other private developers offer housing-related support to tenants vulnerable within community.” “We successfully helped tenants turn their lives around with supportive service provided going above and beyond for individuals.” The ordinary people treated this way many once successful in society. Their lives is made worse by austerity poverty that lacks resources for proper care. Many lost homes as mental health patients in  the community system so overwhelmed they are abandoned without adequate care. Things getting worse the way things are being handled.Disabled people ‘pulled into poverty’ as benefits falls short. Sydney, cares for a disabled mother, says current system isn’t working for her. Half 14 million people living in poverty in the UK are disabled or live with someone who is, research for a charity suggests. Joseph Rowntree Foundation blames high cost of coping with disability and struggles disabled people face in finding job to pay enough to live on after bills. Executive director Claire Ainsley said plight wrong. Government says committed to tackling poverty, spent £55bn benefits for disabled people. Annual report, published Friday. But charity urges reform of benefit system to make it flexible for jobs to help people with disabilities progress out of low pay. A correlation between disability and poverty analysis demonstrates closely connecting two across UK. The “shamefully high numbers” of disabled people in poverty social security system must protect them. Its disability indicator of poverty as economy is not working for all, Ms Ainsley said.purseResearchers found compared with rest of population people with disabilities less likely to be working or worked an average 13 fewer hours a week. Live in households worse off by £200 a week. So almost 4.5 million of informal adult carers in UK, s quarter living in poverty, with working-age female carers at risk. A ingle mum-of-three Jennifer Hobbs cares for both12-year-old son, Nathan, with neurodevelopmental disorder, and elder son Stanley 15 has heart problems so time-consuming gave up cleaning job relies on food banks. “It really infuriates me,” Jennifer from Bristol told BBC. Not much help out there for families with a disabled adult children forget disabled children turn are disabled adults. Think to myself, what’s going to happen to my son when my son gets older if he can’t work because of his disabilities. He will get penalised and end up on the dole or on disability benefits for the rest of his life. “I don’t want him to have to resort to food banks, like I do.”Jen HobbsJen Hobbs of Bristol cares for two disabled sons. Imran Hussain, Action for Children’s policy and campaigns director said austerity universal credit left families like Jennifer fighting is appalling.” He urged ministers to provide support to help parents with caring responsibilities to restore value of children’s benefits pre-austerity level basic necessities. Disability benefit help cope with extra costs of life condition equality charity Scope said falls short. Household of disabled members  income-related benefit frozen four years but pay rise for MP’S as prices rise. James Taylor head of policy said, shocking not surprising. Cost for disabled people £583 more a month. Disabled denied work cost more to support. Department for Work and Pensions wants disabled people in work by 2027 than 2017. Consults businesses to support the disabled to thrive in work national strategy. And £80 million fixed big Ben clock but no funds for NHS hospitals, shortage of doctors or nurses overworked unGodly hours overwhelming.  Suffer needlessly some commit suicide by an extreme timetable shift inhumane long hours cutting budgets. Some doctors work days without sleep in advanced nations. A government civil servant said display bleed stump in departments told scaleback service no money. Their empty election campaign of promises deceive public to vote for them but politician multimillionaires. Says watch my lips no school fee university students duped increased fees from £3000 per year to £9000 year for home students. Fake promises gives increase pay, perks, free lunch, second home allowance but no money to hospital, schools.Health Minister Robin SwannDepartment of Health facing waiting list in crisis pictured centre Health Minister Robin Swann. And Dr Esmond Birnie an economist from a University said all the parties can no longer have its own ways if executives don’t find new ways to raise revenue needs more cuts made. But iy leads to domino effects of rich getting richer poor poorer and shortage of staff, longer waiting list for a desperately ill people. “It’s the hard decisions constantly putting pressures on such systems allowed to build up. “They hope is money available and would arrive from London to ease these burdens. But ultimately money didn’t arrive amounts people hoped for less its a decisive crunch and points so something has to give.” Holding Stormont on purse string and Conor Murphy interviewed on Thursday, wouldn’t be drawn on cuts could after a final budget drafted is no surprise to the taxpayers.Stock school pupil imageEducation needs a £billions of pounds to boost budget shortfall as schools are in debt. Its suggested Westminster must do something immediately to lend helping hand. That seems unlikely to happen as the government committed extra £1bn pledges in New Decade, New Approach deal but Mr Murphy heads to Whitehall again next week to try his luck. He’ll do that after sitting down with executive colleagues to decide if Stormont budget should be delivered but Westminster’s budget set for 11 March. Officials need funding to start addressing the backlog of debt issues. Ministers made elections  pitches publicly and privately now the nation waits as multi billionaires get all lavish luxury jet set lifestyle paid for by these poor tax payers indulging them to flaunting faces and whine and complain about not being happy or thriving.

Extra £427m for education in Northern Ireland requested same as England too.

Its appalling austerity poverty, Sunday Mirror reports NHS England agreed a £7m contract with a US firm, praised by US President Donald Trump, to help the health service identify its most expensive patients. A company, Optum, running nine-month programme trains managers to rank people according to their risk of illness, the paper says. The contract raises fears people to be turned down for operations because of age or weight, the paper claims. The paper’s leader column says its hard to believe Mr Johnson’s promise that the NHS is “not for sale” pledge repeated by the health service in its response to the story. Meanwhile government’s funding formula for flood defences in England is to be rewritten, according to the Sunday Times, because of concerns it favours wealthy southern areas over parts of the north.Its the third weekend in a row that parts of UK have been hit by flooding. And the Environment Agency’s formula is based on property values, explains the Times, nearly two thirds of £2.6bn-budget goes to areas of London. The new model takes into account the impact on health potentially diverting hundreds of millions of pounds protects the country’s poorest flood-prone regions. And a pub that claims to be the inspiration for The Bull in The Archers is reportedly called last orders for final time, because of financial difficulties.The Bull Inn in Rippingdale, LincolnshireLocal Bull Inn in Rippingdale, Lincolnshire, is inspiration for the Bull in Archers. Sunday Times, locals in the town of Rippingdale in Lincolnshire say the Bull Inn inspired not only the Ambridge pub but the idea for the Radio 4 series itself. The Times notes the claim is contested; villagers in Inkberrow make same assertion about their watering hole, The Old Bull. It is so beyond belief love of money and greedy wealthy allowed to reduce state of many roads to poor countries. Britain one of richest countries in the world yet the majority of people in Britain suffering.  The recent cold snap may have made the pothole problem even worsePublic spending watchdog is concerned about impact of funding shortfalls on roads. Years of underinvestment led to a deterioration of roads or Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon said. Ms Mallon was reacting to figures showing £1.7m in compensation paid for vehicles damaged by potholes between 2016 and 2019. The figures obtained by BBC News the under Freedom of Information (FOI) Act. In 2019 £500,000 compensation was paid to drivers.Dept for Infrastructure minister Nichola MallonNichola Mallon said winter weather had impacted condition of roads In 2018, more than £750,000 was paid out by the Department for Infrastructure. Ms Mallon said: “Like so many people, I am aware and concerned about upkeep of our roads. “Years of underinvestment as well as the impact of severe winter weather has led to deterioration in the road network and in recent years this has impacted on the level of vehicle damage compensation payments.”Top 5 roads in NI defects in 2019. 118 Shore Rd, Strangford (Shore Rd to Downpatrick Rd) ],[ 115 Browns Bay Rd, Islandmagee (Millbay Rd to Ballytober Rd) 110 Blackstaff Rd, Clough (Main St to Carricknab Rd) ],[ 103 Shore Rd, Belfast (Doagh Rd to Mount St) ],[ 96 Augher Point Rd, Newtownsville Kiladroy Rd), Source: Department for Infrastructure. Found lack of funding had led to significant reduction in the number of potholes being recorded or approved for repair.

Top 5 roads in NI for defects in 2019. [ 118 Shore Rd, Strangford (Shore Rd to Downpatrick Rd) ],[ 115 Browns Bay Rd, Islandmagee (Millbay Rd to Ballytober Rd) ],[ 110 Blackstaff Rd, Clough (Main St to Carricknab Rd) ],[ 103 Shore Rd, Belfast (Doagh Rd to Mount St) ],[ 96 Augher Point Rd, Newtownsville (Kiladroy Rd) ], Source: Department for Infrastructure. The FOI statistics on number of road defects across Northern Ireland released to BBC News NI by the Department for Infrastructure. Road defects includes: cracks, potholes recorded carriageways, hard shoulders and lay-bys. The lack of investments by the Government is said to be the cause of poor quality roads in Britain. There are too many roads to be able to list in this post but in the public domain to do your own research to see the facts and data for yourself. As roads are essential transports for vehicles the drivers using such roads damage their vehicles due to poor conditions of the roads. Austerity poverty extends from working families sleeping in their car, tents or in bed and breakfast hotels because people do not have homes. The cost of social care has been cut many mentally ill people are homeless and sleep on the streets in UK which never happened in recent years. Social services in charge of the people unable to look after themselves have their grants and funding cut so they are roaming the streets in tattered clothes. Many often seen bare foot and unkempt without CPN community nurses to care for them or ensure they take medicines prescribed to control moods. May God intervene to save Britain in Jesus Name. Meanwhile expenses for peers in House of lords are spiralling “out of control” according to analysis by Sunday Times. The number of peerages is increasing, while money claimed by peers rose by 29% in a year and they recently voted to give themselves pay rise, the paper says. The result? A “triple hit for taxpayers,” the report claims.

Food banks: ‘I went from earning £50k to living on £35 a week.

  • Scottish charities hand out almost 600,000 food parcels in 18 months
    9 January 2020
  • Bedford foodbank promotes ‘reverse advent calendar’ for January 30 December 2019
  • Student forced to turn to food bank by loan delay 12 November 2019
  • Food banks: ‘I stood outside too embarrassed to go in’ 5 November 2019


wp-1578403267950.jpgNicodemus asked Jesus how to be born again and be saved. Jesus said this is not birth by flesh from mother’s womb but means become child of God. Being born again means new life in Christ Jesus by accepting Spiritual rebirth. Through the BLOOD sin is washed away so its not by natural birth of women. So Nicodemus asked Jesus crawl back into the mother’s womb to be born again? Nicodemus the Pharisee and member of Sanhedrin asks Jesus at night to discuss Jesus’ teachings in John 3:1–21. Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews asks Jesus if he needs second time to enter his mother’s womb to be born again?” Jesus told him, “Unless you are born of water and the Spirit you cannot enter kingdom of God. This question is  asked Jesus said being born again is not crawling back into your mother’s womb but be Spiritually new creation in Christ so saved. God’s Son Jesus died to save all from sin to accept Jesus as Lord in Bible. God’s requirement to enter heaven and live in eternal life reunited with loved is in Christ Jesus into God’s Presence. The person born again accepts Jesus as Lord to live for God Alimighty in Jesus Name.wp-1578403490238.jpgAll in Christ in will be taken in Rapture to heaven alive with a resurrected dead ones to go to heaven and escape GREAT TRIBULATION WRATH of God that takes place. This is what born again means in the Bible as you become a child of God. After DNA of sin contaminated mankind you need a detox through Jesus Blood to be redeemed. Believe and receive Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. People are God’s creation but not all are God’s CHILDREN. So be born again according to Jesus in Bible to qualify to enter the kingdom of God. John 3:3-8 says God’s True Light Jesus shines on people to be saved in the world. Jesus came into the world but the world He created did not recognise him, came to his own creation and own people but didn’t accept Him. God will destroy all who reject HIS Son Jesus as the Lord and Saviour so pay for their sin by God’s wrath. So reject God’s  free gift of eternal life to be punished. It is not a question of not being religious but it is a choice to join God’s Kingdom. wp-1578403436681.jpgAll who ACCEPT Jesus He gives them the power to become the Children of God so all those who truly believe in Him their birth does not depend not on the course of nature or impulse plan of man but on God. Christ offspring not birth by blood or of flesh and man but God CHOOSES subjects of HIS KINGDOM in Christ. To be born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God is to be again. God in His mercy allows people the freedom of choice to make up their own minds to become the citizens of heaven in HIS KINGDOM. HE sent Gospel message from time of Adam and Eve to save all mankind from HIS WRATH anger destroying one third of the earth. God rebuilds earth and comes to live on the perfect earth in future. HE warned in Daniel 9-12 of the destruction taking place till GREAT TRIBULATION.


Its a crucial time in history to decide if you want to belong to Yahweh in Christ Jesus the Only way chosen by God. This is not religious debate of which Church you attend or which faith you prefer or force onto people. God is warning world if consequences if people still refuse to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Life is normal with challenges here and there overcome to survive often celebrated to thank God for delivering from adversity. Being born again is decision time choice for those in Christ in God in eternal life.

John 1:12 says all those who receive and believe in Jesus Name become children of God. 13 Its not by birth, blood or flesh of man but of God, not based on natural descent of human decision but through birth out of God. Joint heirs of Christ are His Blood kindreds not by natural flesh but by predestination of God’s salvation.


tumblr_ptfy1xYOS61tjj2sjo1_500In 2 Chronicles 20:2-30 great multitudes came against Israel beyond the sea and Syria in Hazazon Tamarn En Gedi. 3 So Jehoshaphat scared seeks the LORD and proclaimed a fast in Judah. 4 Judah got  together to seek the LORD so all cities of Judah came. 5. Jehoshaphat, Judah and Jerusalem in house of the LORD said, 6 “O LORD God of our fathers You are God of heaven and ruler over all kingdoms and nations. In Your hand is POWER and MIGHT no one can withstand You. 7 You God drove out inhabitants of this land before Your people Israel given to descendants of Abraham Your friend 8 to dwell built Temple in Your name. You said, If disaster comes sword, judgment, pestilence famine, affliction cry You will hear and save. 10 Ammon, Moab, Mount Seir You did not let Israel invade from land of Egypt did not destroy them 11 Reward us by attacking us out of Your possessions given to inherit. 12 O God, will You not judge them? We have no power against a great multitude against us or know what to do but our eyes are on You.” 13 Judah, with the little ones, wives, children all before the LORD. The Spirit on Jahaziel son of Zechariah of Benaiah of Jeiel Mattaniah, Levite of Asaph in assembly. 15 He said, Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat The LORD says, ‘Don’t not be afraid of the great multitude the battle is the LORD’S. 17 Go tomorrow to Ascent of Ziz to find them by brook  in wilderness of Jeruel. 17 You do not need to fight in the battle, stand still and see the salvation of the LORD who is with you, Judah and Jerusalem!’ Don’t fear or be dismayed the LORD is with you.” 18 Jehoshaphat bowed his head and face to the ground, Judah and Jerusalem bowed before the LORD to worship the LORD. 20 Levites, children of Kohathites and Korahites praised the LORD with loud voices. 20 The morning in wilderness of Tekoa, Jehoshaphat said, “Hear me, Oh Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem: Believe in the LORD your God to be established so believe His prophets to prosper.” They appointed singers to the LORD to praise the beauty of HIS holiness, went before army sang, “Praise the Lord, HIS mercy endures forever.” 22 Sang praises to the LORD ambushed Ammon, Moab, Mount Seir defeated, made end of Seir so they destroyed one another. 24 Judah came to wilderness looked at the multitude of dead bodies. 25 Jehoshaphat and people took spoil, abundant valuables, precious jewelry in three days had so much. 26. On fourth day in Valley of Berachah so blessed the LORD in place called Valley of Berachah valley of Blessings valley of Jehoshaphat for Jehovah God’s victory over Moab and Ammon main road from Hebron to Jerusalem. 27 All returned to Judah and Jerusalem with Jehoshaphat in front, with joy the LORD made them rejoice over enemies. 28 In Jerusalem they played stringed instruments harps, trumpets in house of LORD. Fear of God fell on nations who heard the LORD has destroyed Israel’s enemies. 30 God gave Jehoshaphat REST OF GOD. We pray in agreement Father God gives you REST OF GOD in VICTORY in Jesus Name. We praise you LORD, thank you Jesus thank you Holy Spirit for comforting us daily.


1624649fb4e8a615a489ff3bb7184cdc--magi-jesus-christJesus Christ of Nazareth lived in Israel and raised as carpenter in His family business. After His family returned from Egypt at age 3 lived at home till 30 years. His early silent years in Bible details activities in Nazareth until 30 years. Jesus as a young boy grew up into adulthood attending synagogues with His family. Each year His family travelled into Jerusalem Temple for the passover feasts. Jesus led a normal life had a bar mitzvah coming of age of boys at 13 years and bat mitzvah for girls at 12 years. Is year a child becomes accountable for actions and responsible in Hebrew: בַּר מִצְוָה.

He attended a wedding feast at Cana in John 2:1-12; Mark 2:1-12-33 detailed first miracle of turning water into wine. This is His public miracle marking the beginning of many miracles. He did this first public miracle by turning water to wine for the guests. During wedding wine run out at Cana so Mary His mother asked Jesus to help. Mary told the servants to follow all instructions. Jesus told them fill the jars with water and fetch water to host was surprised best quality wine served last not knowing its first miracle of Jesus.

In Matthew 3:13-17, Luke 3:21-22, Mark 1: 9–13 Jesus is publicly revealed at His baptism by John as God’s voice confirms Jesus is the true Messiah. Jesus travelled from Nazareth at 30 years and baptised by John the Baptist before ministry began. Jesus moved to Capernaum and lived in Peter’s house began his ministry age 30 to 33 years. He attended synagogue with His disciples in Capernaum so did many miracles there. His family and disciples travelled to Temple in Jerusalem for the passover. Jesus followed normal Jewish  customs enjoys fishing in sea of Galilee.

Jesus was with his disciples and healed Peter’s mother in sick with fever. So she got better and prepared a meal for the men. Jesus continued to live with Peter in Capernaum and so travelled through the land of Israel and the nearby places to preach the Gospel. He healed the sick and cast out devils. He raised the dead and fed thousands of people in Israel or cities visited during His 3 year ministry.

Jesus early boyhood 12 years to 18 years to adulthood was spent in Nazareth and DID NOT GO to India to learn mysticism of pagans religions. Jesus said so many false Christs will rise to deceive, exploit people in His Name. They will even do great miracles and call fire down from heaven to deceive many. Jesus said test all the spirits to discern if they are from God. If they say to you Jesus is here and beware as the elect don’t be deceived in Matthew 24 in Bible. Jesus said endtime signs of many false prophets deceiving many doing miracles in His Name but He will tell them to depart from Him to go into hell because they were unsaved. They used the Name of Jesus to deceive for selfish reasons to show off power to people to take credit for God’s GLORY. Paul said he didn’t want to lead people to Jesus Christ but perish by unbelief. It is possible to do Church church for the wrong reasons, prosperity for material gains. Yet unsaved, rejected by Jesus as goats thrown into hellfire forever. Seek God’s grace, mercy, forgiveness, repent not to gain the whole world to lose your soul by a new age interfaith lies that all roads lead to heaven. Jesus is the ONLY WAY NO ONES GOES TO FATHER GOD EXCEPT THROUGH NAME OF JESUS.


The Bible sayssea waters will dry up so in Isaiah 19:5 The waters of the sea will dry up and river parched and dry. God dried up Jordan River for the Hebrews to cross red sea into their promised land Canaan. God parted water in the Bible through Moses, Joshua, Elijah as Elisha. In Isaiah 44:27 God says to the depths of the sea, ‘Be dry and dries up water with  command dries up the oceans. Waters of the sea will dry up to rely on rain. After the waters turn to blood and are bitter the fish and sea creatures die. God takes vengeance on earth resources to get attention of mankind to dry seas and natural water fountains. So there is “no more sea” in Revelation 21:1. These seas are essential for food, trade, ships, wars, swimming etc. Sea not needed in new heavens and new earth to come so ground is supplied by water from rains.20200613_215616In arid places rain will fall but requires visits Jerusalem to worship God in the millennium reign of Christ Jesus. All the sea creatures with fins scales in seas or rivers will adapt by power of God. Jesus calms storms at sea from sleep rebuked windstorm that obeyed Him. Earth will be changing fast to return to its original intended form before the world started destroying it. So after 6000 years God is deciding to restore life to the perfection of good very good in Genesis before sin. The judgment of God end sin uses fallen angels bound in water of the Euphrates. God uses water in oceans or subtereans and abyss to confine demons. Swine ran into sea of Galilee in Luke 8:30-33 when Jesus cast out 1000 demons out of a man in Gedarenes. The spiritual sea world is place of evil spirits. Christ casts demons into abyss not to oppress the man again. Dry sea prevents evil spirits in oceans in a new heaven and new earth. In Genesis 6, the sons of God fallen angels released, will lead a 200,000,000 army into Israel to Armageddon battle against Jesus who defeats all nations. God rains down fire from heaven to burn a quarter of earth. Take God seriously to be saved in Christ.


wp-1578499253965.jpgI lifted my windshield wiper to retrieve a frozen pink rose on a cold Valentine’s Day years ago. A freshman in college, I stopped by my car to eat a snack after a morning class. And excitedly wondered who sent me this surprise as my heart pounded in anticipation. Starting up the engine for warmth, I rubbed my palms together and opened the attached card. The rose was from my mother and her words in the card is kind, encouraging, so why did I still feel empty inside? The truth is, I wished the rose was from a secret admirer, a young man, not my mother. My last date spaced far after a previous one I longed for romance to fill me up. My loneliness combined into a frustrating mixture like a cup with no bottom. No matter what I put inside the cup, I didn’t feel full. Roses, chocolates, books, TV shows, fantasies relationships couldn’t fill it. Loneliness seemed to be the only thing filling a bottomless space, and I am weary of its constant haunting presence. My parents divorced when I was 4 years old, the day my daddy left was a day loneliness took up permanent residence in my heart and mind; though I wished it will go away I had no power to push it out the door loneliness lingers on every time I crave love and attention from people’s love its in short supply.wp-1578512659626.jpgIn high school, I developed resentment over flowers and gifts I saw lined up in the cafeteria every February 14. None of them were for me. I believed the devil’s whispered lie, None of them will ever be for you. You’ll always be lonely. About 15 years after that frozen-rose morning, I sat in a counselor’s office. Listening to my stories of constant loneliness, he said, “Relationships are very important to you, aren’t they?” It was his simple, judgment-free question that became a pivotal point in my spiritual journey. A few days after counseling session, God nudged me with a new idea: Perhaps its relationships too important to me yet I was a wife, mother of three and a friend to many, I still felt lonely. God showed me truth to learn from HIS Word: “It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people” says Psalm 118:8. For far too long, I looked to people to fill me up. My husband, children, best friend, small group companions couldn’t remove my loneliness. They were never designed to completely fill my needs and I realized only God can be my refuge and my safe place and my salvation in lone times.wp-1577904684292.jpgThough people are wonderful, they are not infinite so are not always available when we need them, and none of them provide perfect understanding. God is infinite Revelation 1:8, everpresent says Deuteronomy 31:6 and all-knowing says 1 Chronicles 28:9. As we study His ways, we learn God is ready, able and willing to fill us with HIS LOVE. We learn this best by hiding in HIS place of refuge so the more time I spent in God’s presence, the less I depended on relationships to meet all my needs. My time with loved ones became bonuses on top of loving intimacy I enjoyed with Jesus. No longer required evident proof of a human love on Valentine’s Day or any other day. God is our refuge in lonely times so is more than enough proof He LOVES us. Some inherit loneliness from their mothers. Angel KissiAngel Kissi says she has struggled with loneliness since she was a child she has inherited loneliness from her mother. A parent in the same way affects emotions inherited like hair and eye colour. Two women explain loneliness played a part in their lives and relates to their parents as children. “Loneliness is constant. No matter where I it just does not go away. It’s like you feel it in your bones a deep feeling of wanting to fit in and wanting to be around people you know and love, but you can’t. “So thinks inherited it. It’s been passed says Angel Kissi from her mum Hayley who struggles with anxiety depression and loneliness. Her mum’s spark by severe post-natal depression in Angel started when she was a child. “My family stood out in Peterborough. They all knew who we were because we look different. I’m tall and mixed race and I stood out,” says the 20-year-old. “When I went to university, things were good but still felt didn’t fit in. I thought moving to London would change it but it didn’t. “I felt I was quiet and awkward, struggled to connect with people or make friends straight away. Some go out for drinks after class but never invited. I felt like I did something wrong. I stopped going to lectures, got up, ready to go but back to bed. Avoids going to shared areas of my flat, shut myself away isolated. I went into the loneliness and let it take over.”Angel and HayleyHayley struggle with anxiety depression and loneliness after Angel was born. So unable to cope, Angel left the university before first year was over. She felt then a strong desire to go home and be close to her mum rented a room close-by. “It’s good we don’t live together because we bring each other up, down all the time. She helped me with some aspects of my mental health but at times I didn’t want to speak to her because I didn’t want to make her worse. “If she was different, I will be different. I don’t blame her at all, she didn’t choose to be like this, it’s not her fault. It’s something I have got from her. Personality traits or attitudes I have learnt from her without meaning to.”Angel Kissi struggled with the loneliness from a young age According to Age UK, loneliness is defined as feeling a lack of affection, closeness or social interaction with others.The charity Mind says it is not a mental health issue but research says its associated with increased risk of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and stress triggered by major life events of bereavement, relationship break-ups or retirement, changing jobs and moving. Dr Rebecca Nowland, who researched the subject of loneliness said it can be passed down in families. “I don’t think we will find a gene for loneliness but it’s response to an experience of loneliness that may be genetic,” she said. “There is a number of studies that loneliness is hereditary so runs in families and there might be associations between parent’s loneliness and a child’s loneliness. The parent who has been lonely for a time may transmit some the negative feelings happening share loneliness experience.”Kirsty and sonKirsty McGrath fears passing feelings of loneliness to her children too. So Kirsty McGrath said her loneliness problem is after her son was born five years ago. She tried going to the mother and baby groups to make new friends, struggled to organise play dates so found herself increasingly isolated. Her husband does support her in the evening but she finds daytimes difficult because she is alone with no-one to talk to. The 33-year-old teacher, lives in Eltham, south London says she is worried of not being able to socialise her children will have an effect on them. She might pass own feelings of loneliness of “grey cloud.“I am paranoid of passing it on to the kids, I wouldn’t be surprised if I did. I am aware so I want them to feel comfortable around others not to feel like they don’t fit in. “My son came home from school and said to me he didn’t have friends so hasn’t played with anyone. I’m worried he is like this because of me didn’t put him in enough social situations to know how to mix in with others.” Loneliness is the common experience among new parents finding groups with shared interests to focus on new parenting skill way to cope says Dr Nowland. Dr Faruq Fazal a GP worked in mental health services on loneliness sats people lack a support network and believes teaching coping skills in school could help. “Nobody really teaches you how to cope through life’s challenges if suffering from loneliness. Its not about physically having people around you, it is when you feel you’re not able to talk to people without an emotional support. People need a support network so their coping strategy is better.” Do not isolate yourself from family or friends unless it is absolutely necessary to prevent virus.Child and parent holding handsExperts say parents may transmit their feelings to their children. Mind suggests a number of ways to manage loneliness, includes peer support talking therapies. Dr Nowland says seeking professional advice can help those stuck in a cycle of behaviour brought about by loneliness. “Loneliness leaves you with emotional feeling quite painful and distressing. If someone is lonely and they felt it for a long time but realising it’s not ok helps overcome developed negative thought patterns. “You need help with cognitive behaviour therapy to help you think and reframe things.” Angel’s counselling helped with anxiety but not helped with her feelings of loneliness. She returned to university but decided to focus on her mental health, work, and learning to drive. “Loneliness is different from anxiety and it’s different from not being able to make friends,” she says. “Anxiety isolates but loneliness felt at university separate from people in your own little world. I’m in a relationship and close to my family but loneliness is still there. To overcome loneliness of Covid-19 in UK children drew rainbow picture put at a window to support each other. Its a fun idea but God is surrounded by rainbows so its appropriate to remind HIM of HIS BIBLE PROMISES to save HIS creation.Rourke and Quinn are seen with their rainbow in CoventryRourke and Quinn are seen with their rainbow in Coventry. Children in UK are placing rainbows in windows of their homed to help keep others entertained during the coronavirus outbreak. These youngsters have been asked to colour in templates of rainbows or to draw their own and display them by their schools. The rainbows are then used as a tool to entertain children as they go on their daily walks with their parents. So this movement dubbed “The Rainbow Trail” helps share common ground interest to deal with corona virus staying indoors.Cllr Adam Clarke, deputy city mayor for Leicester, has displayed two rainbows in his window.Cllr Adam Clarke, deputy city mayor for Leicester, has displayed two rainbows in his window. And Donna Corcoran, 40, from Coventry, praised this movement and said it was a real highlight for her sons, seven-year-old Rourke, six-year-old Quinn and two-year-old daughter, Pearl. So public is warned to respect the personal space to limit spreading virus. Most parts of the world is on lockdown to try to contain the virus. Things to get worse but improves a lot, don’t know if it’s going to go.” Mayor inundated with many lonely citizens appoints specialist councillor. ‘Bureaucracy dehumanises so becoming living robots,’ says a mayor of a small Italian town before the virus.Antonella Argenti, mayor of Villa del Conte in the Veneto region.The mayor of a small town in northern Italy appointed a loneliness councillor being overwhelmed by citizens calling to discuss their problems. So Antonella Argenti elected mayor of Villa del Conte, town of 5,400 people in Veneto region, in May last year noted some inhabitants struggling to cope “You wouldn’t believe it,” she told La Stampa. “In the first few months of my mandate, so many people came to see me. All, young, old, wo/men, complained about problems of the same type of loneliness, the lack of a support network. “Alone with phone take care of bills talk to the automated switchboard refers you to yet other recorded voices. Relationships are missing. Bureaucracy dehumanise all becoming living robots. The Pescueza village in Spain with 130 people with two thirds over 65 years old is adapted to care and provide for their needs. Rails attached to walls to hold on to while walking out and about, slipfree floor to ensure the don’t slip and fall. Its said they are given phones to press red button for emergency needs urgently attended to. They are fed, their clothes are washed for them and transport sent to those who find walking challenging. They meet at daycentre to socialise and a gym tailored to their needs to exercise daily but isolated during corona virus. 20200215_113722

A Facebook group had been set up for the people who want to help others and offer their services to neighbours who might be confined to their homes as a result of the outbreak of Covid-19. They volunteer to fetch their groceries, walk their dogs and pick up prescriptions or have a chat over the phone or Skype if they are feeling lonely or frightened. A young people’s chatroom also discusses people’s feelings and fears. And how to help prevent virus spreading by staying indoors at home. Not to meet in groups, or gather in large groups helps to deal with the virus to protect themselves and others. People are encouraged to try to be active indoors by being busy doing a favourite hobby or sing, dance, exercise write poems, be creative, draw, dribble use crayons, pens, paint with brushes to keep the mind occupied. Ask for help if in need, don’t be shy to suffer in silence people alone. Its said no one cares what you know but KNOW IF YOU CARE in a such a time as this. Actions speak louder than words so it is the time to be there for each other emotionally or physically in extreme cases for intervention by the experts. And for believers in God faith is shared to uplift with word of God in the Name of Jesus with texts, hymns, songs, music, prayer from Bible texts or verses.

Lord, thank You for never abandoning me in my lonely times. I confess I have tried too hard to fill up my lonely spaces with relationships or things that never fill me up. Remind me when I hide away in a safe place with You I will experience Your perfect peace. Meet me in loneliness with Your loving presence. In Jesus Name Amen. Thank you God as your words say I am not alone for Father God is always with me. Jesus you said I am with you in Spirit so will never leave or forsake me to the end of the age. Thank you God. Thank you Jesus. Thank you my comforter Holy Spirit. Thank you for your love and care for me, you supply all my needs in Jesus Name and through people helping bless them all and protect their families too. 


Psalm 118:8-9 Its better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people so put your CONFIDENCE IN GOD.

Jeremiah 17:5-8, Thus says the LORD God cursed is a man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength so he heart departs from the LORD God.

Psalm 59:17, “O God my Strength, to you I sing praises, O God, my refuge, shows me unfailing love”

Psalm 142:5, “I pray to you, O LORD. I say, ‘You are my place of refuge. You are all I really want in life above all things”

If you need help to overcome lies satan whispers to you? Grab a copy of Sarah Geringer’s book, Transforming Your Thought Life: Christian Meditation in Focus.

Sarah writes about loneliness, healing, and finding peace in God’s Word at

Which days cause loneliness to haunt you most? How can you turn to God as your refuge in those lonely times? Share your ideas in our comments section.

Reblogged with images

© 2020 by Sarah Geringer.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
630 Team Rd., Suite 100sdfsdfd
Matthews, NC 28105


Malachi's ProjectMalachi’s tooth fairy cash helps create a £5m homeless centre now opened in east London. He gave £5 donation when 5 years old to the Salvation Army with a note and prayer to “use it to buy a house for homeless” people. Now at ten-years-old Malachi’s donated tooth fairy money to Salvation Army was topped up by the Redbridge Council and Salvation Army to create Malachi’s Place on the freeland donated. The building’s 42 flats helps  homeless people get a home in Ilford in new housing for tenants. This shows no gifts are too small to help tackle poverty or homelessness in the world.

20200321_134948Wolverhampton Wanderers donated thousands of pieces of some protective equipment to health teams in response to the coronavirus epidemic. The club and owners Fosun donated 2,300 items. Medical coveralls and 1,000 N95 masks were among items distributed to Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and public health teams. Executive chairman Jeff Shi said the club would do “all it can” to support doctors or community workers. Landlords of pub forced to close set up a service delivering fruit and vegetables to NHS and healthcare workers. Bradley Richards and Trina Lake set up a stall by their pub in Costessey, near Norwich, on Wednesday after deciding to sell the groceries. Ms Lake said they then struck on the idea of delivering food to health workers after spotting a nurse’s plea. A  fair trade coffee roaster pays fair prices to poor lower income farmers featured in Equator set up from the home garage. Grew to unique excellent tasting coffee talked about where their coffee comes from offers kind of level of service big guys don’t. Customers responded to that so simply trying to be the local versions of big company this unique selling point helps or would be unable to compete.Bags of Equator coffeeFans of coffee include top US chefs and  Equator is unusual in coffee shop sector all staff have access to health insurance. “It’s expensive but health insurance is a right of all Americans,” says Helen. “Any CEO who has a private plane and people working for them uninsured is running their business wrong turned their focus to opening retail cafe to close a revenue gap created by losing La Boulange,” says Helen. In first year of business we didn’t show sales growth but added a million dollars new business that year.A young Brooke McDonnell roasting beans in the couple's garageThe first roasted coffee beans in garage but increased so Equator grown to 155 employees across eight retail stores in the San Francisco Bay Area, with three new branches opening. This shows if a door closes another opens by hardwork if willing to start all over using the skills acquired. Some retrain to improve new abilities yo adapt to current changes.Paths to SuccessThis story from a new mini-series called Paths to Success of Coffee expert Willem Boot, founder of Boot Coffee, a company trains people to work in the industry. He says Equator stands against competitors because of the quality of staff. ” People working for them are coffee dedicated, socially minded, kind human beings. It is these qualities that define the essence of the Equator coffee experience.”Dan PriceDan Price boss’ card payment company in Seattle introduced $70,000 minimum salary for all of his 120 staff – and took a pay cut of $1m. Five years later he’s still on the minimum salary, and says the gamble has paid off. Dan Price was hiking with his friend Valerie in the Cascade mountains looms majestically over Seattle as he had an uncomfortable revelation. As they walked, she told him that her life was in chaos her landlord had put her monthly rent up by $200 and she was struggling to pay her bills. It made Price angry. Valerie, who he had once dated, had served for 11 years in the military, doing two tours in Iraq, and was now working 50 hours a week in two jobs to make ends meet. “She is somebody for whom service, honour and hard work just defines who she is as a person,” he says. Though she was earning around $40,000 a year in Seattle t wasn’t enough to afford a decent home. He was angry that the world had become such an unequal place. And suddenly it struck him that he was part of the problem. At 31, Price was millionaire. His company, Gravity Payments, set up as a teen had about 2,000 customers and an estimated worth of millions of dollars. Though he earned $1.1m a year Valerie brought home to him lots of his staff must be struggling – and he decided to change that. Raised in deeply Christian, rural Idaho, Dan Price is upbeat and positive, generous in his praise of others and impeccably polite has become crusader against inequality in the US. “People are starving or being laid off or being taken advantage of, so that somebody can have a penthouse at the top of a tower in New York with gold chairs. “We’re glorifying greed all the time as a society, in our culture. And, you know, the Forbes list is the worst example – ‘Bill Gates has passed Jeff Bezos as the richest man.’ Who cares!?”Dan PriceBefore 1995 poorest half of population of the United States earned a greater share of national wealth than richest 1%, he points out. That year the tables turned so top 1% earned more than the bottom 50%. And the gap is continuing to widen. In 1965, CEOs in US earned 20 times more than average worker but by 2015 it had risen to 300 times (in the UK, the bosses of FTSE 100 companies now earn 117 times salary of their average worker). Breathing in crisp mountain air as he hiked with Valerie, Price had an idea. He read a study by Nobel prize-winner economist Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton, looked at how much money an American needs to be happy. Promised Valerie he would significantly raise minimum salary at Gravity. After crunching the numbers, he arrived at the figure of $70,000. He realised that he would not have to slash his salary, but mortgage his two houses or give up his stocks and savings. He gathered his staff together and gave them the news. He’d expected scenes of celebration, but at first announcement floated in the room  was an anti-climax, Price says. He had to repeat himself before the enormity of what was happening landed. Five years later, Dan laughs about the fact that he missed a key point in the Princeton professors’ research. The amount they people need to be happy was $75,000. A third of workers at company’s salaries doubled Gravity transforms Headcount doubled and value of payment company processes rose $3.8bn a year to $10.2bn. Other metrics Price is more proud of is “before $70,000 minimum wage, having between zero and two babies born per year amongst team,” he says. “Since the announcement and it’s been only about four-and-a-half years we’ve had more than 40 babies.”Dan Price with his motherDan Price with his mother. More than 10% of the company have been able to buy their own home, in one of the US’s most expensive cities for renters. Before the figure was less than 1%. “There was a bit of concern amongst pontificators out there that people would squander any gains that they would have. And we’ve really seen the opposite,” Price says. The amount of money employees are voluntarily putting into their own pension funds has more than doubled and 70% of employees say they’ve paid off debt. Price did get a lot of flak. Along with hundreds of letters of support, and magazine cover labelled him “America’s best boss” many of Gravity’s customers wrote handwritten letters objected its a political statement. At the time, Seattle was debating increase to the minimum wage to $15, making it highest in the US at the time. Small business owners were fighting it, claiming they would go out of business. A right-wing radio pundit, Rush Limbaugh, Price listened to daily in childhood, called him a communist. “I hope this company is a case study in MBA programmes on how socialism does not work because it’s going to fail,” he said. Two senior Gravity employees resigned in protest. They weren’t happy salaries of junior staff jump overnight, argued it will make them lazy, company uncompetitive but it hasn’t happened.Rosita BarlowRosita Barlow, director of sales, Gravity, says since salaries were raised junior colleagues pull more weight. “When money is not at the forefront of your mind when you’re doing your job, it allows you to be more passionate about what motivates you,” she says. Senior staff found their workload reduced. They’re under less pressure and can do things like take all of the holiday leave to which they are entitled. Price tells the story about one staff member who works in Gravity’s call centre. “He was commuting over an hour and a half a day,” he says. “He was worried that during his commute he was going to blow out a tyre and not have enough money to fix that tyre. He was stressing about it every day.” When his salary was raised to $70,000 this man moved closer to the office, now he spends more money on his health, he exercises every day and eats more healthily. “We had another gentleman on a similar team and he literally lost more than 50lb (22kg),” he says. Others report spending more time with their families or helping their parents pay off debt. “We saw, everyday, effects of giving somebody freedom,” Price says. He thinks it is why Gravity is making more money than ever. Raising salaries didn’t change people’s motivation staff were already motivated to work hard it increased what he calls their capability. “You’re not thinking I go to work because I have to make money,” Rosita Barlow agrees. “Now it’s become focused on ‘How do I do good work?'” Barlow has been with Gravity since the early days and knows Price wasn’t always so generous. And he acknowledges himself a time in the wake of 2008 financial crisis when he was obsessed with saving money. The downturn in the US economy decimated Gravity’s customer base and its income fell by 20%. Business logic would have dictated letting go about 12 of the company’s 35 staff, but instead Price focused on cutting costs. After five tense months, the company started turning a profit again, but Price was profoundly spooked, and kept salaries low. At this time Rosita Barlow was experiencing her own financial problems, secretly working at McDonald’s outside work hours. When McDonald’s offered her a promotion, she left a training manual on her desk at Gravity, and someone spotted it. Her bosses called her in for a meeting. “They sat me down and my immediate reaction was to cry,” Barlow says. She thought she is fired. Instead they told her to figure out how much money she’d need to stay on at the company and they raised her salary to $40,000. “I was impressed and proud of her and mad at myself,” Price says. It took him a few more years to grasp the scale of problem among his staff. “Most were too intimidated to come to me and tell me how a lack of pay was hurting them,” he says. Before 2015, he already begun giving employees 20% annual pay rises. But it was his conversation with Valerie that convinced him to go further. Price hopes Gravity’s example leads to far-reaching global changes in US business. He’s deeply disappointed and sad this hasn’t happened. Some did like PharmaLogics in Boston raised the minimum salary to $50,000, in Atlanta raised theirs too. He believes by means of online lobbying influenced Amazon’s decisions to raise minimum wage. He hopes a widespread structural change takes place all over the world. It blesses the company to bring increases.  And it’s changed my perspective on things because I believed through the actions that I did and that other people could do, that we could turn the tide on income inequality.” The change has had profound effect on Price’s lifestyle. And  before taking a pay cut, Price was cliché of a young white tech millionaire, lived in beautiful house overlooking Seattle’s Puget Sound and he drank champagne in expensive restaurants. Afterwards, he rented his house out on Airbnb to help stay afloat. A group of employees became sick of watching him turn up at work in a 12-year-old Audi and secretly clubbed together to buy him a new car.Dan Price with Alyssa O'Neal, accepting his TeslaA film posted on YouTube follows one of the group, Alyssa O’Neal’s schemes with her colleagues to surprise him with the car. “I feel like this is the ultimate way to say thank you for all the sacrifices he’s made and any of the negative stuff he’s had to deal with,” she says. Price walks out of the office into the car park, sees the car, starts crying. Five years later Price still on Gravity’s minimum salary, says he’s more fulfilled than he ever was when he was earning millions though it’s not all easy. “There’s tests every day,” he says. “I’m the same age as Mark Zuckerberg and in dark moments I think, ‘I want to be just as rich as Mark Zuckerberg and I want to compete with him to be on the Forbes list. I want to be on cover of Time magazine, making lots of money.’ All these greedy things are tempting.” “It’s not so easy to turn down lavish lifestyle but much happier.”Dr RonxThis doctor sees patients in chicken shops. GP appointments of doctor seeing patients in chicken shops in BBC Three shows The Unshockable Dr. Ronx, a doctor who takes appointments out of surgery in search of people who would n’t normally see a GP. “I don’t go to GP anymore, it took so long to be believed now I feel like they are listening.” And when Bethany was 13 was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis – a type of inflammatory arthritis. She says it took years for her GP to recognise its serious symptoms. “I think they assumed I was a young teenager so I couldn’t really be having severe joint difficulties.” Despite describing some of her symptoms, like chest pain, as “very scary” Bethany says she feels too embarrassed to go back to see a GP. In the UK, 16 to 30-year-olds are the most likely age group to miss a doctor’s appointment (along with over 90s). That’s according to analysis of GP Patient Survey, suggested 16 to 24-year-olds less positive about experiences at a GP’s, compared with the older patients.  Some of the young people featured in BBC Three’s new show The Unshockable Dr. Ronx say things like embarrassment, a lack of time, using internet instead are some of the reasons that have stopped them from seeking professional medical care in the past. Dr Ronx, an A&E doctor from Hackney in London, wants young people to take their health seriously so she takes GP pop up shop to them. Ratan Tata: An unlikely friendship between a magnate and a millennial.Shantanu Naidu and Ratan TataMr Naidu and Mr Tata watch movies together. Its not everyday octogenarian goes viral on Instagram. It’s so unusual if octogenarian billionaire businessman with a carefully cultivated reputation as a reclusive tycoon. Perhaps its the most unusual particular story of a friendship led to Ratan Tata’s India’s newest social media star. With the help of Shantanu Naidu, the 27-year-old who introduced him to social media platform and taught him about hashtag trends in the world discovered “man crush.” And Mr Naidu hopes the mix of old family pictures, snapshots of dogs and photographs of mogul’s younger days one from five decades of more than half million hits  gave people glimpse of the man behind the tycoon. The man who led the salt-to-software conglomerate Tata Group for 21 years classes of closest friends. The two of them do everything together by getting haircuts to watching films. Their “intergenerational friendship” is quite unusual, but, Mr Naidu says, it is pretty special. “He’s been a hard boss, a core mentor understanding friend,” he told the BBC. This doe-eyed and curly-haired millennial became a business assistant as best friends to India’s internationally recognised business leaders?Shantanu NaiduMr Naidu’s non-profit provide stray dog glow-in-dark collars. Mr Naidu is a fifth generation Tata employee and although family has a strong connection to Tata brand never thought he would end up working closely with man responsible for it. Mutual love of dogs brought the two together while younger man works  for one of Mr Tata’s companies in city of Pune, west India. And Mr Naidu ‘s social initiative Motopaws glow-in-dark collar for stray dog’s work highlighted in the company newsletter prompted Mr Tata to write letter inviting him to Mumbai. “Shantanu and I first met because of our common concern and affection for stray dogs,” Mr Tata in email said BBC. He led team of young college students to adopt dogs and give them affection, food, find homes for them for sense of belonging.” The meeting proved to be their first of Motopaw’s scaling up so became closer. Work emails slowly turned into asking questions about one another,” Mr Naidu said. Soon after friendship took off, Mr Naidu left India for university in US. “I was sad, I felt I just discovered a friend in Mr Tata.” The connection between the two strengthened. Mr Naidu was at Mr Tata’s alma mater Cornell University, and started work on the businessman’s dream project, building a veterinary hospital in Mumbai. The construction for this hospital is set to begin this year. Mr Tata attended his graduation. “I had mentioned it to him in passing and he said yes,” Mr Naidu recalls. “Cut to the actual day and there he was!”Ratan Tata and Shantanu NaiduMr Naidu graduated from Mr Tata’s alma mater, Cornell University. On his return to India, Mr Naidu took up a job as Mr Tata’s business assistant. Things changed in a single minute. I had never imagined my life to pan out this way. Mr Tata told BBC “I enjoy seeing Shantanu’s freshness, concern never seen in a ‘dog eat dog’ world we live in.'” What does a typical day look like? Business assistant to Mr Tata meets, takes copious notes, keeps records for future discussions. Mr Tata briefs him on happenings of day or plan and start attacking them. He’s very focused, non-stop no break,” Mr Naidu explained. The Tata Group patriarch has invested in more than 73 Indian start up ride-hailing service, Ola. Mr Tata uses Instagram profile Mr Naidu set up to connect with the youth and has shared “recipe” for successful start-up pitches. The 82-year-old shares pictures of him in his 20s a popular hashtag Throwback Thursday to set the internet alight.

It isn’t just business so two remain fast friends. He added they both like action comedy films such as The Other Guys and Lone Ranger series of experiences in the Israel Defence Force called Fauda is Mr Tata’s favourite Netflix binge, Mr Naidu said. Last year a radio interview with BBC met Mr Tata and Mr Naidu. It was easy to sense warm bond between the two a great degree of camaraderie and mutual respect. Mr Tata spoke of retirement plans and love for dogs. Mr Naidu continues to work on ths project that brought Mr Tata and him together. Motopaws expanded over the years and now operating in four countries it isn’t just non-profit evolving. “If something bothers me or makes me happy he is the first person I call. The foundation is the constantly blossoming tree. Mr Tata has always been there for me I do the same for him,” Mr Naidu said with a smile.

Micah Lammie sitting in carPhoto exhibition showcases the people tackling the impact of poverty in 21st Century Britain. The focus of the new exhibition showcases those trying to help their struggling neighbours. And four people making a difference in their communities explain how they became involved. ‘I want to be a spark in the plug’ as Micah Lammie learned from everyone in his community. And Battersea and Brixton helped to shape Micah Lammie into the man he is today, so now he is repaying the debt. “Life was difficult as a kid from a one-parent family,” the 30-year-old said. ” defiant in trouble at school. It takes whole village to raise a child I learn from my parents, I learned from everyone in community. “These things I want to continue raising our next generation.” He worked in call centres at a funeral Brixton Soup met Kitchen founder Solomon Smith who gave him his true calling.Micah Lammie close upAs “I’ve known Solomon from back in the day,” Micah said. “I got involved and I’ve never looked back.”He is the centre manager of service offers food and legal advice to rough sleepers or community. “It’s a safe haven for misunderstood people. Everything starts somewhere, there’s been ups and downs but we’re helping people. I want to be a spark in the plug, I won’t change the world but I’ll invest in a person who will.”Micah Lammie at workMicah is now its centre manager ‘I knew hunger.’ After experiencing a financial struggles Mary Brennan’s neighbours in Cross Green, Leeds, faced difficulties. “I knew hunger and poverty,” the 68-year-old said.Mary Brennan

Mary Brennan started a community group in LeedsPresentational white space

“It used to be just families round here, then landlords started bedding seven people in four-bedroom terraced houses. I noticed they were hungry.”Cross GreenImage copyrightJILLIAN EDELSTEIN

Image captionShe settled in Cross Green, where she witnessed the struggles of her neighbours

So she helped set up Community Unity, a neighbourhood group that runs a lunch club at St Hilda’s Church and created a garden on a disused railway bridge where the community can pick their own food.”We don’t have many facilities round here, no shop where you can buy fresh food and [there’s] terrible problems with transport,” she added.

‘If you’re poor, you can’t afford ideas’Steve Arnott

Steve Arnott says hip-hop has always been his love

Poverty can be a barrier to creativity because people can’t afford either the money or time to do it, according to Steve Arnott. The 44-year-old from Hull said hip-hop helped him through a tough childhood and he saw how it could do the same for others. “Hip-hop has always been my love,” he said. “There were local workshops which weren’t getting many kids because families couldn’t afford the fares into town. “I had idea of taking it to them.”Beats BusThe workshops were aimed at helping children in the community. In 2017, his hometown was the UK City of Culture, so he launched the Beats Bus – a mobile recording studio which he takes into the communities to attract youngsters eager to learn more about hip-hop, DJing, break-dancing and graffiti art. “If you’re poor, you can’t afford the time to create ideas,” Steve said. “The Beats Bus is trying to change that, bringing free studio time to talented kids.”Close up showing tattoo of microphone on Steve's lower armSteve has a tattoo of a microphone on his forearm.

‘There’s no shame in being poor through no fault of your own’

The issues blighting the Sholes area of Wigan are being tackled by Barbara Nettleton. She previously spearheaded a residents’ association to reduce anti-social behaviour and improve services, before taking over the running of the Sunshine House community centre. The site opened in 2005, runs art groups and youth projects with a view to helping people find work. It also operates three shops in the area offering necessities including second-hand clothes and prams, toys and baby clothes.Barbara Nettleton covers her faceBarbara Nettleton was a bit shy about being photographed. “When the mines, steelworks and mills closed years ago, it took the apprenticeships away, broke families and industrial areas like ours,” Barbara said. There is no shame in being poor when you work hard all your life and end up poor. God judges a nation by how it treats the poor in the society. Jesus said, in Matthew 25:40-46 whoever cares for the poor by feeding them, gives them water to drink or had provided shelter for the “least of these” receives JESUS. The poor are priceless in God’s sight because HE created them in HIS OWN IMAGE AND LIKENESS. Bible says value of material possessions is not true measure of quality of human life in God’s sight as mankind thinks. Its loving care and fair share of all the resources provided by God as Marslow hierarchy shows God counts towards eternal life.Greg and MarieThis homeless couple moved in with a millionaire in America. The homeless couple moved in with the millionaire after living on California’s streets for 20 years Greg and Marie invited to stay in the home of the millionaire. The local businessman asked if they wanted to share his $4m home. A year later other rich neighbours complain so call police tells us about homelessness crisis in the Western countries. Luke 16 says a rich man enjoyed all great wealth on earth but ended in hell for abuse of the poor Lazarus who went into heaven and is comforted by Abraham. So God judges mankind by how HIS RESOURCES are shared on this earth. Gospel of Matthew 25, 34-46 34 says, KING of Kings “Jesus will say to those on His right, ‘Come in, you who are blessed by my Father God because you the fed poor and you clothe them by your kindness, you did it to me so enter heaven. You didn’t do it to show off to get praise of people but you did it genuinely from kibdness of your heart to help others. George Medal for saving Princess Anne sells for £50k.George MedalThe medal sold at auction for £50,000 is a medal awarded to a boxer who helped save Princess Royal from an attempted armed kidnap has sold at auction for £50,000. Former heavyweight Ronnie Russell, 72, punched Ian Ball in the head tried to abduct princess at gunpoint in London in 1974. Mr Russell said he sold the George Medal as he had been “very unwell for quite some time.” “I want to know that I’ve done enough to pay for my own funeral,” he said. After auction, Mr Russell, who lives in Bristol, said: “For something I thought I would never sell, I never believed it will sell for this amount, I am absolutely blown away.”Ronnie Russell with his medalRonnie Russell was awarded the George Medal for bravery by the Queen. He said he had one request for UK buyer, who asked to remain anonymous which was for them to meet in person to tell the story of what happened.Princess AnnePrincess Anne’s car had been blocked and Ian Ball had fired shots, wounding four people Mr Russell, heading home to his wife and children in Strood, Kent, when he thwarted late-night ambush on 20 March 1974. Ball blocked princess’s car on Mall in central London and fired shots, wounding four people. Mr Russell said Ball was trying to drag Princess Anne from her car while her husband, Captain Mark Phillips, was pulling her back. “She was very, together, telling him: ‘Just go away and don’t be such a silly man’,” he said. “He stood there glaring at me with the gun and I hit him. I hit him as hard as I could and he was flat on the floor face down. “I said to Princess Anne: ‘We’re going to walk away and he’s going to have to go through me to get you’.”Princess Anne's car on The Mall 1974Ian Ball attempted to kidnap Princess Anne who telegrams RONNIE RUSSELLTelegram from Princess AnnePrincess Anne sent Mr Russell telegram when he received medal Ball was later sent to a psychiatric hospital by an Old Bailey judge. Mr Russell was awarded George Medal for bravery by the Queen, who told him: “The medal from Queen, I want to thank you as Anne’s mother.” It was sold with a letter from 10 Downing Street informing Mr Russell of award and telegram from Princess Anne. 

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George Medal for saving Princess Anne sells for £50k

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Produced by Hannah Long-Higgins, Chelsea Bailey and Cody Godwin; edited by Hannah Long-Higgins.

The film is part of the BBC’s Crossing Divides season and a collaboration with the San Francisco Chronicle. Read Otis Taylor Jr’s column on Greg and Marie.

Picture Britain: Our People, Our Poverty was commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and created by photographer Jillian Edelstein and investigative journalist Stephen Armstrong. It will be at Borough Market, London, from 20 February to 8 March.

More on this story

  • Disabled people ‘pulled into poverty’ as benefits fall short
    6 February 2020
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation urges ‘new deal’ on poverty
    6 September 2016
  • Poverty costs UK £78bn a year, Joseph Rowntree Foundation says
    1 August 2016 

Photo exhibition showcases people tackling poverty

Related Internet links

  • The Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Picture Britain: Our People, Our Poverty

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