1624649fb4e8a615a489ff3bb7184cdc--magi-jesus-christJesus Christ of Nazareth lived in Israel and raised as carpenter in His family business. After His family returned from Egypt at age 3 lived at home till 30 years. His early silent years in Bible details activities in Nazareth until 30 years. Jesus as a young boy grew up into adulthood attending synagogues with His family. Each year His family travelled into Jerusalem Temple for the passover feasts. Jesus led a normal life had a bar mitzvah coming of age of boys at 13 years and bat mitzvah for girls at 12 years. Is year a child becomes accountable for actions and responsible in Hebrew: בַּר מִצְוָה.

He attended a wedding feast at Cana in John 2:1-12; Mark 2:1-12-33 detailed first miracle of turning water into wine. This is His public miracle marking the beginning of many miracles. He did this first public miracle by turning water to wine for the guests. During wedding wine run out at Cana so Mary His mother asked Jesus to help. Mary told the servants to follow all instructions. Jesus told them fill the jars with water and fetch water to host was surprised best quality wine served last not knowing its first miracle of Jesus.

In Matthew 3:13-17, Luke 3:21-22, Mark 1: 9–13 Jesus is publicly revealed at His baptism by John as God’s voice confirms Jesus is the true Messiah. Jesus travelled from Nazareth at 30 years and baptised by John the Baptist before ministry began. Jesus moved to Capernaum and lived in Peter’s house began his ministry age 30 to 33 years. He attended synagogue with His disciples in Capernaum so did many miracles there. His family and disciples travelled to Temple in Jerusalem for the passover. Jesus followed normal Jewish  customs enjoys fishing in sea of Galilee.

Jesus was with his disciples and healed Peter’s mother in sick with fever. So she got better and prepared a meal for the men. Jesus continued to live with Peter in Capernaum and so travelled through the land of Israel and the nearby places to preach the Gospel. He healed the sick and cast out devils. He raised the dead and fed thousands of people in Israel or cities visited during His 3 year ministry.

Jesus early boyhood 12 years to 18 years to adulthood was spent in Nazareth and DID NOT GO to India to learn mysticism of pagans religions. Jesus said so many false Christs will rise to deceive, exploit people in His Name. They will even do great miracles and call fire down from heaven to deceive many. Jesus said test all the spirits to discern if they are from God. If they say to you Jesus is here and beware as the elect don’t be deceived in Matthew 24 in Bible. Jesus said endtime signs of many false prophets deceiving many doing miracles in His Name but He will tell them to depart from Him to go into hell because they were unsaved. They used the Name of Jesus to deceive for selfish reasons to show off power to people to take credit for God’s GLORY. Paul said he didn’t want to lead people to Jesus Christ but perish by unbelief. It is possible to do Church church for the wrong reasons, prosperity for material gains. Yet unsaved, rejected by Jesus as goats thrown into hellfire forever. Seek God’s grace, mercy, forgiveness, repent not to gain the whole world to lose your soul by a new age interfaith lies that all roads lead to heaven. Jesus is the ONLY WAY NO ONES GOES TO FATHER GOD EXCEPT THROUGH NAME OF JESUS.