IMG-20190928-WA0017.jpgJesus Christ’s SUPERBLOOD DNA 2,000 years ago dripped on Adam’s creation site below. Jesus was buried but He rose again Jesus’ BLOOD DNA ran through stone wall fell on Adam in Jerusalem. Jesus cried out in loud voice gave up His Spirit that moment curtain of temple tore in two from top to bottom. Earth shook, rocks split, tombs opened in Matthew 27:50-51 the dead came out alive seen by so many people. An earthquake on day Jesus died made Jesus’ BLOOD drip through cracks in walls. Romans crucified Jesus who died for world’s sins has SUPERBLOOD DNA UNIQUE does not contain Y male chromosomes He was conceived by Holy Ghost miracle of God so doesn’t match human DNA Turin Cloth. Jesus’ Priceless BLOOD God created is incomparable to human’s DNA.20190928_184352.jpgUNIQUE Jesus’ BLOOD shed for mankind for forgiveness of sins on the Cross is a miracle! So Father God FORGIVES ALL sins as Jesus is raised from death in Jerusalem many people saw this wonder working Power of BLOOD of Jesus. Jesus said, “Father Forgive them for they do not know what they were doing.” He forgave Barabbas, chosen by “CROWD FROM ALL NATIONS under heaven in Jerusalem for Passover feast celebration. Barabbas is in Gospels of Matthew 27:15–26; Mark 15:6–15; Luke 23:18–24; John 18:40 Jesus forgave. IMG-20190928-WA0018.jpgThe trial of Jesus by Pontius Pilate a Roman governor confirmed Jesus is innocent so not worthy of death in Luke 23:15. Pilate knew Jesus hated by chief priests influence crowd to chose Barrabas in Mark 15:10 looked for a way to release Jesus. Pilate’s choice was for crowd to release innocent Jesus or Barabbas a murderer in Luke 23:19. In Matthew 27:25 but ALL PEOPLE rejected Jesus so said “HIS BLOOD be on us and on our CHILDREN. ALL PEOPLE FROM ALL NATIONS FORGIVEN by Jesus whether Jews or Gentiles all forgiven. 15696931614245162818366070061888.jpgReplacement theology lies Church replaced Jews but no one can replace Israel CHOSEN BY GOD JEHOVAH. Modern generation Jews had NO control over choice of predecessors. CHOOSE LIFE NOT be victim of death curses of the past. Choice of Barabbas a simple ‘yes’ answer but they further invoked death, “Let His BLOOD be on us and our CHILDREN. So modern generations pay the price for their past choice. GOSPEL’S GOOD NEWS IS JESUS FORGAVE same DAY! CLAIM FORGIVENESS BREAK FREE from the ancestors death curse Jesus ALREADY HAS FORGIVEN multitudes.15696930762004127569221499745546.jpgMatthew 27:25, His BLOOD be on us and our children misused by Christian anti-Semitism distorts God’s truth to promote racism. The Bible says the sins of the fathers will not be visited on their children not guilty of death of Jesus. The fathers will no longer eat sour grapes so the children’s teeth is set on edge. PEOPLE FROM ALL NATIONS under heaven in Jerusalem chose Jesus to be crucified not Jews. Future generations wrongly blamed in Matthew 27:25 hated by the Church but who made you a judge? On the Day of LORD they will be judged by KING of kings Jesus Christ. IMG-20190928-WA0015.jpgError of invoking SUPER SACRED UNIQUE DNA BLOOD OF JESUS blames His death on Jews but ALL PEOPLE FROM ALL NATIONS in CROWD sinned. Matthew 27:25 is misused to mislead people ignores the FORGIVENESS of Jesus. Jesus forgave Barabbas PRAYED for FORGIVENESS FOR ALL NATIONS present at Jerusalem. Receive FORGIVENESS Jesus paid the price for your sin so shed HIS PRECIOUS SHED BLOOD. Israel is not RESPONSIBLE for Jesus’ death on the Cross so is NOT replaced by Church or Nations. Adam DNA inherited natural sin in all humans God FORGIVES but you must accept Jesus or punished by God. 15697718851878301714933286254255.jpgPeople on Passover pilgrimage in Jerusalem  travel three times a year: Parthians, Medes, Elamites, Mesopotamians, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Phrygia Pamphylia, Asia Egypt, Libya Cyrene, Rome, Jews, proselytes, Cretans, Arabians people under heaven in Jerusalem. With resident Jews in Bible, “dwelt in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from all nations under heaven.” Some Jews by birth but among the crowd was Gentiles converted to Jewish faith and its CHRISTIAN follower Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus!!! Devout Jews together and proselyte Gentiles Christians present in crowd from all nations under heaven celebrated passover in the crowd.15696931104693004769993702182808.jpgIn Matthew 27:25 ALL THE PEOPLE said His BLOOD BE ON US why attack or blame Jews by antiSemitism. All PEOPLE of all NATIONS need FORGIVENESS OF JESUS whether Jew or Gentile. Replacement Church theology lie  must stop because nobody replaces Israel’s Covenant CHOSEN BY GOD JEHOVAH. Teach and educate people living history of the BLOOD OF JESUS and break curses of death. Heaven’s and earth’s cloud of witnesses say CHOOSE life blessings not curse CONSEQUENCES that lasts GENERATIONS in Matthew 27:25. Jesus BLOOD gives LIFE but Abel’s blood cries out for God’s vengeance punishment in Hebrew 12:24. IMG-20190928-WA0016.jpgGod is COMPASSIONATE FORGIVES by MERCY, GRACE RECONCILES us to Jesus who prayed to FATHER God FORGIVE THEM for they know not what they are doing. On Cross Jesus FORGAVE is OFFER you CANNOT REFUSE or be punished by God on Judgement day. The crux of matter is ACCEPT the FORGIVENESS of JESUS MESSIAH LORD AND SAVIOUR’S GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE. Its spiritual death if sin separates you from God by rejecting Jesus no other name will save you.15697634998624618490773650867844.jpg20190928_180959.jpg Christ is the Hope of GLORY don’t hate Jesus or kill God’s MESSENGERS sent to SAVE you in anger by hating Israel. Israel lost children of Jesus’ generation of 0-2 years old Herod’s jealousy slaughtered coast to coast in all the twelve tribes in Israel. Some prefer hatred of Jews hate Jesus angry He didn’t save Jews from Roman bondage. Scribes, leaders hate Jesus due to fear of His popularity of crowd. Jealous, Jesus’ large crowds wanted to make Him King will take power from them. Paid people to lie chose Barabbas set free pardon granted on compassionate grounds yearly.15696927527911641221047547043538.jpg Precious BLOOD of Jesus is Holy so Sacred not ordinary blood passing sin to 300 generations if punished by God. BLESSINGS for families to the 1000th generation sin of fathers not transferred to descendants from the past. New generations weighed down heavily by DNA encumbered sin God forgives by SACRED BLOOD OF JESUS. ALL NATIONS are FORGIVEN by JESUS SAVED from curses of sin of death over their future children. Those who target Jews need to understand ALL nation implicated in CROWD that day all nations under the heavens in Jerusalem. Crucifixion of Jesus is a corporate punishment by association implicates ALL NATIONS present in Jerusalem. REPENT to CHOOSE LIFE not death of innocent Jews accused of Jesus’ BLOOD shed. Jesus is giving His BLOOD to save, heal, clean all sins do not live in error to perish in Jesus Name.15696928877838231693452752180389.jpgEarthquake on day Jesus died dripped blood on Adam’s site is promised Seed of woman sent by God Jesus. God says MY PEOPLE perish for the lack of knowledge sin forgiven by Jesus GIVES FORGIVENESS GOD’S GIFT TO ALL NATIONS. Attacking Israel against God’s plan is judged by Yahweh for harassing Jews. God CHOSE Israel as HIS role model to bless to all nations on the earth. Make informed choice don’t follow crowd to sin against Yahweh Elohim Jehovah CHOOSE LIFE for you/r CHILDREN in Deuteronomy 30:19 WORDS have CONSEQUENCES to generations. As said crucify Him let His BLOOD be on us and our children in Matthew 27:25 Jesus’ BLOOD is giving eternal LIFE unlike the blood of Abel in Hebrew 12:24 crying out for God’s vengeance. FEAR GOD WHO KILLS THE BODY AND SOUL there is no rest for the wicked souls in hell fire. Be EDUCATED in BIBLICAL HISTORY to help you make better decision for you/r familly. In Isaiah 62:7, God said, Give HIM NO REST day or night to MAKE JERUSALEM A PRAISE ON EARTH.

15697719168722568944145576865301.jpg IMG-20190928-WA0012.jpg IMG-20190928-WA0013.jpgJesus gives COMPASSION FORGIVES by His MERCY, GRACE, PEACE RECONCILED to God all people. Jesus prayed to FATHER FORGIVE THEM they know not what they were doing. Jesus FORGIVES, OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE. FORGIVENESS OF LORD JESUS MESSIAH our SAVIOUR in the GIFT of eternal death. Stops spiritual death of sin separating from God so removes sin by Jesus Christ Hope of GLORY. BLOOD OF JESUS is for ALL WHO ACCEPTS FORGIVENESS OF JESUS SAVED from sin of death by GIFT of eternal life in Christ Jesus.15696915482765091568587023211655.jpgWoe to the world offence will come but woe to man by whom offense comes in Matthew 18:7. Life in less perfect world is full of offence but God FORGIVES IN CHRIST so forgive yourself and others. Respond in love forgiven by God’s pardon of sin to forgive all who hate you. With God,“all things possible” in Matthew 19:26. Stop stress plaguing people by an unforgiveness for forgiving stops stress says Dr. Don Colbert, MD. Choose to forgive for your physical and mental wellbeing stop toxic stress by an unforgiveness harboured. Refuse to live in anger, bitter hatred, projecting racism on others in Jesus Name. In John 10:18, Jesus said none took His Life from Him He laid it down Himself by POWER  to lay it down and POWER to take it again as received of HIS FATHER GOD ALMIGHTY. Jesus said if He liked He could command God hosts of armies to defeat the people but HE GAVE HIS LIFE to redeem us in HIS BLOOD and FORGIVE us all.15696927527911641221047547043538.jpg In precious BLOOD of Jesus Collosians 2:12-19 says you are baptised in Christ risen in Him by faith in God from death. 13 In Christ your sins and all trespasses FORGIVEN. God BLOTS OUT 14 handwriting of ordinances contrary against you taken out of the way NAILED it to His Cross. 15 Spoiled principalities and powers He made a show of them openly triumphing over them. 16 Let no man judge you in meat, drink, respect of holyday, new moon, sabbath days. 17 These are shadows of things to come in the body of Christ 18. Let no man judge you of your reward in your humility worshipping God intrude in things they don’t vainly puffed up by fleshly mind. 19 Christ the Head of the Church joins His body bride knit together increase in wisdom and favour of God.

15696928877838231693452752180389.jpgEarthquake caused Jesus blood to drip down on Adam’s site of creation. Forgive, help and do good for total healing of mind, body, soul, Spirit in Jesus Name. Stop curse of BLOOD OF JESUS COVER AND BLESS YOUR CHILDREN IN JESUS CHRIST NAME. Judging or attacking the Jews or Gentiles is digging a pit to fall into because God CHOSE Israel HIS role model THEOCRATIC Nation to bless all nations. So have you been to Jesus for His cleansing power in Blood is God’s only GUARANTEED REMEDY for sin? Forgive the crowd and priests and elders who misled them vengeance belongs to God Yahweh. Salvation is the greatest miracle into eternal life in Christ so whosoever calls on the Name of the LORD shall be saved in Jesus Name. In John 3:16, For God so loved the world that HE gave Jesus HIS ONLY Begotten SON that whosoever believes in Jesus will not perish but have eternal life in God’s Presence forgiven of all sins in Christ.


wp-1580499368344.jpgwp-1580499432263.jpgwp-1580499392845.jpgIMG-20200217-WA001020200209_010905Biography 2013/07/31 is 37 years in 2022 is 45 years old she said as caucasian white Meghan.  20200206_02030120200210_15384820200522_064028










wp-1580499409395.jpgLeft behind clothes in storage in Canada despite intention to become British after marriage. Without clothes to wear given blank cheques to spend to excess orders clothes. Calculating ploy used to buy her clothes to copy Diana tricked Harry and took advantage of impressionable Harry to fall in love her strategy worked. Refused to wear tights, hats wore black nail varnish broke protocol for negative attention “racism” to justify her excuse of ‘intense media scrutiny’ to leave UK. A picture speaks a thousand words so her actions exposed by newspapers of schemes backfired as a con artist fraud. By the time she left her second husband Trevor, his $96million invested in the film dwindled to $12million she left not quite the billionaire lifestyle she craves.wp-1580499286808.jpgwp-1580506607825.jpgwp-1580506691734.jpg20200208_181713IMG-20200512-WA0006wp-1580563965874.jpgwp-1580513649728.jpgwp-1580513632101.jpg20200208_18184720200208_181809

IMG-20190813-WA0000None of these homes are good enough for them?IMG-20190819-WA0020


  1. 20200204_18204120200204_18191920200524_22021320200526_23412520200526_233330People pay for Wimbledon seats told to get up to empty seats ordered by Meghan so nobody allowed to take selfies near her at public stadium during a tennis match in UK. Her actions upset lots of people who look up to the royals as role models not to be self-centred attention seekers. People are not allowed to wear hats to block other’s views behind she put hat on breaks protocol rules. Exposed herself to seduce Ohanan instead of being at Balmoral said baby too young to travel. But flew him in private jets to watch Serena play tennis in US told not to attend because she distracts Serena with attention seeking behaviour is beamed on screen and her focus is on her husband not her game.




IMG-20200212-WA001520200207_16202020200209_010814People don’t care what you know until they know you CARE because ACTIONS speaks LOUDER than word salads. So all achievements in life is nothing if self-centred, selfish, self-indulgent and rude to her majesty bamboozled by lies. Says will stay at home for quiet birthday but flys on private jet to celebrate in Ibiza. Wants home birth money spent to build room warned against by expert doctors. She wore fake prosthetic moon bumps but pretended to be pregnant and given “birth” in private hospital. Wasn’t pregant but lied nobody asked if she is OK going through “pregnancy.” Baby’s detail kept secret, a first in British Royal family history created more suspicions hiding surrogate birth? The privacy ten commandments to neighbours is don’t talk, touch, ask, go near them so people obeyed, isolated themselves but moans nobody asks if OK. The fake pregnancy announced on Eugene’s wedding day at their family meal, megxit announced on Kate’s birthday, hands on belly 300 days till ‘birth’ hands on hair. Royals not hold hands in public office insult queen or a family publicly on TV washing her dirty linen in public. They sue British press or demand more “progressive royal family and their financial independence.” But £100,000,000 is wasted by their reckless squandering of tax payer’s money. Uses royal titles but complain family “toxic” she does not want their child raised yet none saw baby. Insults and sues media by her artogant rules against 1000 year established royal family’s rota contract over 100 years. Fixated newspapers and media exposes their shenanigans trying to pull wool over British people’s eyes. Told queen St George church smells to spray perfume during wedding. Wanted red carpet treatment like a celebrity of Hollywood. She wants painful memory scandal crown of Russian family killed to embarrass queen stopped spoilt brat behaviour of ‘what she wants she gets’ “she gets what she is given.” Merching clothes, jewel, endorsing adverts a with royal eats cake and have it but despises royal duty. Lies the press chases her like Diana killed by drunk driver in France. Rejects royal protocol on duty members obey and insults the British stiff upper lip. Refused to go to Balmoral baby too young to travel flew baby. Refused visit to queen Prime Minusters visit. Refused to join family Christmas time took away Harry loved bombed from his brother, family and UK people. Preaches climate change but flies more unnecessarily has high carbon footprints. Threw out staff of listed property and took whole house, stopped them using carpark, rebuilt this listed property outdoor kitchen without planning permission. 5 million total for this home not good enough to live. Plans queen absent at son’s christening thinks a minor royal. Wakes her staff at 5am to give orders non stop during day but the working day from 9am to 5pm. Rejects security advise so swamped in a market security steps in to remove her. Royals are not allowed to earn an extra money alongside the money given them but got contract from Disney to do voice overs she did a conflict of interest. Took Harry from military duty to red carpet Disney event to ask for work said “this is why we are here.” Rate of spending spree on clothes so high engagement dress alone £80,000, maternity to Morocco £98,000+ queen stopped high costs before royals get bankrupted. Refused to wear a dress in the royal box so royal paranoia won’t allow anyone near her at tennis cleared viewers sat in a public domain with her guests from US so her security told off a man taking selfie. Pharrel and Beyonce told, “British don’t make her life easy yet taxpayers paid for £50 million wedding including security. Private jets £500,000 baby showers not allowed in this Royal family in austerity Britain. Seven staff members resigned in 18 months for no consideration for others. Abandons her father, siblings, family, friends over 30 years except her mother. Claims “toxic” “racist” ‘suffocating’ family hates son due to racism but holds on to their title, as an “internationally protected person” funded 24 hour security but wants “financially independence.” And gets millions from royal family for pocket money. Don’t gain whole world and lose soul. Foresight could have set up better plans. Coincident birthday is 4th August of Queen mother, dogs corgies, so these actions people see through and call out is racism?

Articles rebloged from public domains are views and opinions of other people. So ‘Meghan can’t have it all’ says Royal author Anna Pasternak who warns that Meghan must realise she can’t live like an ‘A-lister’ while enjoying privileges of her role in the Royal family. Anna insists it is crucial to the monarchy to have respect, value to honour the queen and the nation as a whole. Do you think these views are fair and accurate? What do you think about these comments?


wp-1578403267950.jpgNicodemus asked Jesus how to be born again and be saved. Jesus said this is not birth by flesh from mother’s womb but means become child of God. Being born again means new life in Christ Jesus by accepting Spiritual rebirth. Through the BLOOD sin is washed away so its not by natural birth of women. So Nicodemus asked Jesus crawl back into the mother’s womb to be born again? Nicodemus the Pharisee and member of Sanhedrin asks Jesus at night to discuss Jesus’ teachings in John 3:1–21. Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews asks Jesus if he needs second time to enter his mother’s womb to be born again?” Jesus told him, “Unless you are born of water and the Spirit you cannot enter kingdom of God. This question is  asked Jesus said being born again is not crawling back into your mother’s womb but be Spiritually new creation in Christ so saved. God’s Son Jesus died to save all from sin to accept Jesus as Lord in Bible. God’s requirement to enter heaven and live in eternal life reunited with loved is in Christ Jesus into God’s Presence. The person born again accepts Jesus as Lord to live for God Alimighty in Jesus Name.wp-1578403490238.jpgAll in Christ in will be taken in Rapture to heaven alive with a resurrected dead ones to go to heaven and escape GREAT TRIBULATION WRATH of God that takes place. This is what born again means in the Bible as you become a child of God. After DNA of sin contaminated mankind you need a detox through Jesus Blood to be redeemed. Believe and receive Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. People are God’s creation but not all are God’s CHILDREN. So be born again according to Jesus in Bible to qualify to enter the kingdom of God. John 3:3-8 says God’s True Light Jesus shines on people to be saved in the world. Jesus came into the world but the world He created did not recognise him, came to his own creation and own people but didn’t accept Him. God will destroy all who reject HIS Son Jesus as the Lord and Saviour so pay for their sin by God’s wrath. So reject God’s  free gift of eternal life to be punished. It is not a question of not being religious but it is a choice to join God’s Kingdom. wp-1578403436681.jpgAll who ACCEPT Jesus He gives them the power to become the Children of God so all those who truly believe in Him their birth does not depend not on the course of nature or impulse plan of man but on God. Christ offspring not birth by blood or of flesh and man but God CHOOSES subjects of HIS KINGDOM in Christ. To be born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God is to be again. God in His mercy allows people the freedom of choice to make up their own minds to become the citizens of heaven in HIS KINGDOM. HE sent Gospel message from time of Adam and Eve to save all mankind from HIS WRATH anger destroying one third of the earth. God rebuilds earth and comes to live on the perfect earth in future. HE warned in Daniel 9-12 of the destruction taking place till GREAT TRIBULATION.


Its a crucial time in history to decide if you want to belong to Yahweh in Christ Jesus the Only way chosen by God. This is not religious debate of which Church you attend or which faith you prefer or force onto people. God is warning world if consequences if people still refuse to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Life is normal with challenges here and there overcome to survive often celebrated to thank God for delivering from adversity. Being born again is decision time choice for those in Christ in God in eternal life.

John 1:12 says all those who receive and believe in Jesus Name become children of God. 13 Its not by birth, blood or flesh of man but of God, not based on natural descent of human decision but through birth out of God. Joint heirs of Christ are His Blood kindreds not by natural flesh but by predestination of God’s salvation.


Bronchospy intubation is a pulmonary function testing overview describing the bronchoscopy procedures and what it can be used for according to the experts from National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Information pamphlet by the Thoracic Society describes the fiberoptic bronchoscopy and reasons its used and risks. After procedure a pulmonologist tells you how airways look right away. A health expert inserts and extracts these ventilation tubes for patient, dangerous procedures for clinical staff. Leads to a risk of exposure to aerosol generation a box designed to contain the coronavirus airborne prevent it from contaminating doctors and nurses ventilating a patient.The shield fits over the head of a patientDuring intubation and extubation of a Covid-19-positive patient, is increased risk of contamination to the clinicians carrying out the procedures. Brainwave neurology of the frontal cortex ability to understand risk or consequences affects some patients by morphine medication. Patient’s delirious aggressive behaviour doctors must not to label patients after administering morphine alters patient’s behaviour must use other pain killers. wp-1577915774187.jpgLab results take longer one to four days, time varies depending on the type of a test. Bronchoscopy is safe and painless procedure though first few days after a procedure may experience sore throat, cough, muscle aches or a hoarseness. Serious side effects uncommon but if experiences a chest pain, develop fever, difficulty breathing cough up more than tablespoon blood contact pulmonologist the immediately for further check up. wp-1577915760911.jpgA patient is required not to eat or drink after midnight before their procedure. If taking insulin, a regular essential oral medications pulmonologist gives special instructions to follow to ensure health is good for best results of bronchoscopy. If allergic to sedative or any medications notify doctor before the procedure takes place. If given sedation, must be driven home following procedure so arrange for a ride. Cannot eat or drink anything until numbness in throat wears off in which one to two hours. wp-1577918661230.jpgwp-1577915788742.jpgPulmonologist use the bronchoscopy to determine and assess the causes of lung problem. Bronchoscopy is used when a patient has: ​Lung Infections, Lung Spot (abnormal finding in an X-ray film or CT scan), Ongoing Lung Collapse, Bleeding, Tumors, Excess Mucus, Noisy Breathing/ Airway Narrowing, Airway Blockages of (piece of food, foreign objects in a lung). Before beginning procedure some given medication like Novocain, which numbs your nose and throat area helps prevent need to cough or gag during procedure.wp-1577918681619.jpgwp-1577915800617.jpgAlso for Diagnostic procedure, Alveolar hemorrhage, Malignancies, Infections or for immuno- compromised patients. Equipment Materials of Bronchoscope. Vacuum and light sources plus a Saline solution. Specimen trap. Given sedative through IV line help relaxes feel sleepy.  May have no memory of test preformed.

Bronchoscopy procedure allows your pulmonologist to examine your lung’s airways, bronchi, bronchioles, carrying air from windpipe to lungs. Procedure: a tube-like instrument bronchoscope is inserted through nose or mouth run down into lung airways. The tube’s tiny camera at tip carries images to a video screen. A procedure take 20 minutes, set up or post procedure observation takes about 2 hours. Some patients requested to be in Department for observation in rare cases stay in hospital overnight.wp-1577918704558.jpg A patient went to hospital complaining of back pain and fever doctors pulled the 7.8-inch blood clot shaped bronchial tube from his lungs. He had a breathing difficulty, low blood pressure, coughing up blood by doctors’ accounts published in BMJ Case Reports. He was placed in Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust intensive care unit in London receiving treatment for sepsis on ventilator. A CT scan show pulmonary blockage in lung.wp-1577918641457.jpgThe clot stuck to his lungs impaired his breathing tube then removed from his lung. (BMJ Case Reports 2019). He began coughing up blood, doctors discovered through a bronchoscopy he had a “large pale blood clot” stuck inside his lungs so breathing tube optimum performance minister. Attempts to remove it through suction unsuccessful. Owing to the time of night, resources required for rigid bronchoscopy unavailable,” his doctors wrote in case report. “Having verified a grade I view of the epiglottis, the patient was paralyzed, sedated and extubated under suction in effort to remove ETT and contiguous clot.wp-1577918728845.jpgwp-1577918693134.jpgRemoving clot immediately improved breathing, but body could not recover from another underlying ailment. (BMJ Case Reports 2019) The removal was a success and so his breathing improved immediately, but he could not recover from his various other ailments. Photos of procedure show blood clot attached to end of endotracheal tube as removed from the patient’s chest. Another shows the clot formed in a perfect cast of the bronchial tube, and measured longer than his doctor’s finger. Video camera shows some objects on bronchoscopy.  wp-1577918741587.jpgFor three years a 30 year old man went to the hospital complaining about pain in his left leg and occasional chest pain. Never had thrombosis prior blood clots complications thought it was pain from bicycle riding or skating falls over the years. When he told his doctor about his inability to breathe and the chest pains further tests done revealed blood clot in his legs the first time. Several attempts to medically flush it in theatre intensive and critical care shifted the clot into his lung. Blood transfusion to help increase oxygen circulation due to his low blood pressure did not work. So clot lodged in his lungs, affected his breathing despite the air bag high tech ventilations. By the time a final attempt to flush it without bronschopy, using veins his exhausted body with low oxygen did not make it. If you read this article go for check up and do not be shy you are bothering doctor that is his job. If having a chest or back or leg pain with difficulty breathing get checked to be safe than sorry. If unable to afford medical bills or medication tell people around you to help with costs. If you hide illness it costs more to pay the funeral bills as same people for pay for burial ceremony. Above all, loved ones prefer you live to continue in this life as long as possible on earth. With medical advances do yourself a favour to get checked before it’s too late, prevention is better than cure. And listen to those encouraging you to get checked. Some willing to give you lift to appointments and accompany you if you ask them in advance to put you in diaries. And look after yourself and loved one’s priceless gift of life and value life. Foreign objects in lungs or other part of body unknown to person so get checked early and insist on scan even if reassured you are doing fine. Its your body that goes through the painful changes so if in pain or if feeling uncomfortable get checked early anyway.


9 year old Alvero called angel helps the old people in his society in Colombia as Jesus told us all to do. Jesus said, if you give food, water, shelter and clothes to the poor in society you do it to Him. So this is powerful message tells us all to value, respect, love and treat all senior citizens in society with dignity. Alvero loves and cares for elders, feeds them, pays their rent, baths and teaches them to dance to keep fit. Its amazing to watch Alvero’s hardwork to provide for them despite his family’s needs. Most cultures think boys can’t cook, clean or help at home so its encouraging to see Alvero love the old people so much and the old people love him too. He changed and transformed their lives so God bless you all in Jesus Name. Another story is a man’s kindness rewarded in next video.


IMG_20200730_46567Count your blessings even in adversity you can God’s blessings in Deuteronomy 28. So  obey the LORD God commandments and the LORD God sets you high above all nations on earth. 2 God’s blessings comes on you to overtake you if you obey the LORD God. 3 So you will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. 4 God will bless fruit of your body, produce of your ground, increase your herds, increase your cattle and flocks. 5. God will bless your basket and kneading bowl. 6 Bless you when you come in and bless you when you go out. 7 The LORD will cause the enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face they will come against you one way, flee seven ways. 8 The LORD will command HIS blessing on your storehouses and on all you set your hand to do. God will bless you in the land the LORD God gives you. 9 The LORD will establish you as a holy people to HIMSELF sworn if you do you keep HIS commandments and walk in HIS ways. 10 All people on earth will see you are called by the name of the LORD, and be afraid of you. 11 The LORD will grant you plenty goods and fruit of your body, increase of your livestock and the produce of your ground in the land God gave your forefathers. 12 The LORD will open to you His good treasure in heaven to give rain to your land in season and bless the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but not borrow. 13 The LORD will make you the head not the tail; you will be above not beneath if you obey commandments of the LORD God and observe them. And do not turn aside from the words commanded you this day to the right or left to go after other gods to serve them.IMG_20200730_0704

Disobeying God’s Commands 

15 But it shall come to pass if you do not obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe all HIS commandments and HIS statutes these curses will come on you to overtake you. 16 Cursed in city and in the country. 17 Cursed in your basket and kneading bowl. 18 Cursed the fruit of your body and produce of your land, increase of your cattle and offspring of your flocks. 19 Cursed when you come in and when you go out. 20 The LORD will send curses, confusion and rebuke all you set your hand to do until you are destroyed and perish quickly because of the wickedness of your doings forsaking ME. 21 The LORD will send plagues until HE consumes you from the land. 22 The  LORD will strike you with disease, fever, burning, the sword, sunscorch, mildew pursued you till you perish. 23 Heaven will be as bronze and earth as iron. 24 The LORD will change rain of your land to dust. Heaven will come down on you till you are destroyed. 25 The LORD will cause you to be defeated by enemies so you go one way against them, flee seven ways before them; You will be troubled all the kingdoms of the earth. 26 Your carcass will be food for birds of the air and beasts of earth no one will frighten them away. 27 The LORD will strike with boils of Egypt not healed. 28 The  LORD will strike with madness,  blindness and confusion. 29 Grope in the day as blind gropes in darkness; you will not prosper in your ways oppressed plundered no one shall save you. 30 You will marry a wife but another man lie with her; you will build a house but not dwell in, plant vineyard but not gather grapes. 31 Your ox slaughtered before your eyes but not eat it; your donkey taken from you but not restored to you; your sheep given to your enemies and you will have no one to rescue them. 32 Your sons and your daughters given to other people, eyes fail longing for them all day long and no strength in your hand. 33 A nation you do not know will eat fruit of your land and produce of your labour, oppressed. 34 Driven mad because of things seen. 35 The LORD will strike your knees and legs with boils not healed from soles of your feet to top of your head. 36 The  LORD will bring a king set over you in a nation you or your fathers not know to serve their gods of wood and stone. 37 You will be scorned proverb among all nations where the LORD will drive you. 38 You will sow seed in fields but gather little for the locust will consume it. 39 You will plant vineyards but not drink  the wine or gather grapes worms will eat them. 40 Your olive trees will not anoint you with oil so without olives. 41 You will have sons and daughters but they shall not be yours; they will go into captivity. 41 Locusts will consume your trees and produce of your land. 43 The stranger among you will rise above you.54d5bf5499c6ff6c44a9dc9b41fc552d44 He will lend to you but you will not lend to him; he will be the head and you will be the tail. 45 All these curses will come on you, pursue and overtake you, until you are destroyed because you do not obey the voice of the LORD God to keep His commandments and statutes commanded you. 46 They will be upon you for a sign and wonder and on your descendants forever. 47 Because you do not serve the LORD God with joy and gladness or for God’s abundant supply. 48 You will serve enemies the LORD will send against you, hunger, thirst, naked in need of everything. God will put yoke of iron on your neck to destroy you. 49 The LORD will bring nations against you from far ends of earth as eagles. Nations whose language you do not understand. 50 Nations fierce don’t respect elders or favour their young. 51 They will eat the increase of your livestock and produce of your land until you are destroyed not leave your grain or new wine, oil or the increase of your cattle or offsprings of your flocks until they destroy you. 52  They will attack you at your gates until your high fortified walls you trust, come down in the land; They will besiege you at your gates in the land the LORD God gave you. 53 You will eat fruits of your own body, flesh of your sons and your daughters the LORD God gives you in a siege in desperate times enemy distress you. 54 The refined among you will be hostile towards his brother, wife and to the rest of his children he leaves behind 55 He will not give them the flesh of his children he eats because he has nothing left to eat. 56 So delicate woman among you will not set soles of her feet on the ground will refuse her husband, son and daughter 57 She will eat placenta after birth. 58 If you do not observe the words of the laws written in this book, to fear the LORD GOD 59 The LORD will bring on you and your descendants the plagues and sickness 60 God will bring on you diseases of Egypt to cling to you. 61 Sickness and plagues not written in the Book of the Law the LORD will bring on you until you are destroyed. 62 You will be left few in number though once as stars of heavenly multitude, because you do not obey the voice of the LORD your God. 63 It shall be as the LORD God rejoiced to do you good to multiply you, the LORD will rejoice to destroy you to bring you to nothing plucked from land possessed. 64 The LORD will scatter you among all people from one end of earth to the other to serve gods, you or your fathers don’t know, wood and stone. 65 Among those nations you will find no rest or sole of your foot rest. The LORD will give you a trembling heart, failing eyes and anguish of soul. 66 Your life sin before you; fear day and night. 67 In the morning you wish its evening and in the evening wish its morning!’ because fear terrifies your heart because what seen. 68 The LORD will take you into Egypt in ships not see your land again. You will be sold to enemies as slaves but no one will buy you. Israel was sold into Egypt when Titus took Jerusalem in 70 AD/CE all Jews over seventeen years old, men and women were sent by ships to Egypt to work in the mines. They were sold as slaves there but since the slave market was too full no one wanted to buy them many perished. The poor, disabled and elderly were left behind to till the land. Diaspora slavery and spiritual bondage without redemption of God means some people perish. Jehovah says MY people perish for lack of knowledge in perilous times count your blessing for breathing, eating, talking, walking, shelter. Thank God for your loved ones in Jesus Name. 


wp-1578499253965.jpgI lifted my windshield wiper to retrieve a frozen pink rose on a cold Valentine’s Day years ago. A freshman in college, I stopped by my car to eat a snack after a morning class. And excitedly wondered who sent me this surprise as my heart pounded in anticipation. Starting up the engine for warmth, I rubbed my palms together and opened the attached card. The rose was from my mother and her words in the card is kind, encouraging, so why did I still feel empty inside? The truth is, I wished the rose was from a secret admirer, a young man, not my mother. My last date spaced far after a previous one I longed for romance to fill me up. My loneliness combined into a frustrating mixture like a cup with no bottom. No matter what I put inside the cup, I didn’t feel full. Roses, chocolates, books, TV shows, fantasies relationships couldn’t fill it. Loneliness seemed to be the only thing filling a bottomless space, and I am weary of its constant haunting presence. My parents divorced when I was 4 years old, the day my daddy left was a day loneliness took up permanent residence in my heart and mind; though I wished it will go away I had no power to push it out the door loneliness lingers on every time I crave love and attention from people’s love its in short supply.wp-1578512659626.jpgIn high school, I developed resentment over flowers and gifts I saw lined up in the cafeteria every February 14. None of them were for me. I believed the devil’s whispered lie, None of them will ever be for you. You’ll always be lonely. About 15 years after that frozen-rose morning, I sat in a counselor’s office. Listening to my stories of constant loneliness, he said, “Relationships are very important to you, aren’t they?” It was his simple, judgment-free question that became a pivotal point in my spiritual journey. A few days after counseling session, God nudged me with a new idea: Perhaps its relationships too important to me yet I was a wife, mother of three and a friend to many, I still felt lonely. God showed me truth to learn from HIS Word: “It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people” says Psalm 118:8. For far too long, I looked to people to fill me up. My husband, children, best friend, small group companions couldn’t remove my loneliness. They were never designed to completely fill my needs and I realized only God can be my refuge and my safe place and my salvation in lone times.wp-1577904684292.jpgThough people are wonderful, they are not infinite so are not always available when we need them, and none of them provide perfect understanding. God is infinite Revelation 1:8, everpresent says Deuteronomy 31:6 and all-knowing says 1 Chronicles 28:9. As we study His ways, we learn God is ready, able and willing to fill us with HIS LOVE. We learn this best by hiding in HIS place of refuge so the more time I spent in God’s presence, the less I depended on relationships to meet all my needs. My time with loved ones became bonuses on top of loving intimacy I enjoyed with Jesus. No longer required evident proof of a human love on Valentine’s Day or any other day. God is our refuge in lonely times so is more than enough proof He LOVES us. Some inherit loneliness from their mothers. Angel KissiAngel Kissi says she has struggled with loneliness since she was a child she has inherited loneliness from her mother. A parent in the same way affects emotions inherited like hair and eye colour. Two women explain loneliness played a part in their lives and relates to their parents as children. “Loneliness is constant. No matter where I it just does not go away. It’s like you feel it in your bones a deep feeling of wanting to fit in and wanting to be around people you know and love, but you can’t. “So thinks inherited it. It’s been passed says Angel Kissi from her mum Hayley who struggles with anxiety depression and loneliness. Her mum’s spark by severe post-natal depression in Angel started when she was a child. “My family stood out in Peterborough. They all knew who we were because we look different. I’m tall and mixed race and I stood out,” says the 20-year-old. “When I went to university, things were good but still felt didn’t fit in. I thought moving to London would change it but it didn’t. “I felt I was quiet and awkward, struggled to connect with people or make friends straight away. Some go out for drinks after class but never invited. I felt like I did something wrong. I stopped going to lectures, got up, ready to go but back to bed. Avoids going to shared areas of my flat, shut myself away isolated. I went into the loneliness and let it take over.”Angel and HayleyHayley struggle with anxiety depression and loneliness after Angel was born. So unable to cope, Angel left the university before first year was over. She felt then a strong desire to go home and be close to her mum rented a room close-by. “It’s good we don’t live together because we bring each other up, down all the time. She helped me with some aspects of my mental health but at times I didn’t want to speak to her because I didn’t want to make her worse. “If she was different, I will be different. I don’t blame her at all, she didn’t choose to be like this, it’s not her fault. It’s something I have got from her. Personality traits or attitudes I have learnt from her without meaning to.”Angel Kissi struggled with the loneliness from a young age According to Age UK, loneliness is defined as feeling a lack of affection, closeness or social interaction with others.The charity Mind says it is not a mental health issue but research says its associated with increased risk of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and stress triggered by major life events of bereavement, relationship break-ups or retirement, changing jobs and moving. Dr Rebecca Nowland, who researched the subject of loneliness said it can be passed down in families. “I don’t think we will find a gene for loneliness but it’s response to an experience of loneliness that may be genetic,” she said. “There is a number of studies that loneliness is hereditary so runs in families and there might be associations between parent’s loneliness and a child’s loneliness. The parent who has been lonely for a time may transmit some the negative feelings happening share loneliness experience.”Kirsty and sonKirsty McGrath fears passing feelings of loneliness to her children too. So Kirsty McGrath said her loneliness problem is after her son was born five years ago. She tried going to the mother and baby groups to make new friends, struggled to organise play dates so found herself increasingly isolated. Her husband does support her in the evening but she finds daytimes difficult because she is alone with no-one to talk to. The 33-year-old teacher, lives in Eltham, south London says she is worried of not being able to socialise her children will have an effect on them. She might pass own feelings of loneliness of “grey cloud.“I am paranoid of passing it on to the kids, I wouldn’t be surprised if I did. I am aware so I want them to feel comfortable around others not to feel like they don’t fit in. “My son came home from school and said to me he didn’t have friends so hasn’t played with anyone. I’m worried he is like this because of me didn’t put him in enough social situations to know how to mix in with others.” Loneliness is the common experience among new parents finding groups with shared interests to focus on new parenting skill way to cope says Dr Nowland. Dr Faruq Fazal a GP worked in mental health services on loneliness sats people lack a support network and believes teaching coping skills in school could help. “Nobody really teaches you how to cope through life’s challenges if suffering from loneliness. Its not about physically having people around you, it is when you feel you’re not able to talk to people without an emotional support. People need a support network so their coping strategy is better.” Do not isolate yourself from family or friends unless it is absolutely necessary to prevent virus.Child and parent holding handsExperts say parents may transmit their feelings to their children. Mind suggests a number of ways to manage loneliness, includes peer support talking therapies. Dr Nowland says seeking professional advice can help those stuck in a cycle of behaviour brought about by loneliness. “Loneliness leaves you with emotional feeling quite painful and distressing. If someone is lonely and they felt it for a long time but realising it’s not ok helps overcome developed negative thought patterns. “You need help with cognitive behaviour therapy to help you think and reframe things.” Angel’s counselling helped with anxiety but not helped with her feelings of loneliness. She returned to university but decided to focus on her mental health, work, and learning to drive. “Loneliness is different from anxiety and it’s different from not being able to make friends,” she says. “Anxiety isolates but loneliness felt at university separate from people in your own little world. I’m in a relationship and close to my family but loneliness is still there. To overcome loneliness of Covid-19 in UK children drew rainbow picture put at a window to support each other. Its a fun idea but God is surrounded by rainbows so its appropriate to remind HIM of HIS BIBLE PROMISES to save HIS creation.Rourke and Quinn are seen with their rainbow in CoventryRourke and Quinn are seen with their rainbow in Coventry. Children in UK are placing rainbows in windows of their homed to help keep others entertained during the coronavirus outbreak. These youngsters have been asked to colour in templates of rainbows or to draw their own and display them by their schools. The rainbows are then used as a tool to entertain children as they go on their daily walks with their parents. So this movement dubbed “The Rainbow Trail” helps share common ground interest to deal with corona virus staying indoors.Cllr Adam Clarke, deputy city mayor for Leicester, has displayed two rainbows in his window.Cllr Adam Clarke, deputy city mayor for Leicester, has displayed two rainbows in his window. And Donna Corcoran, 40, from Coventry, praised this movement and said it was a real highlight for her sons, seven-year-old Rourke, six-year-old Quinn and two-year-old daughter, Pearl. So public is warned to respect the personal space to limit spreading virus. Most parts of the world is on lockdown to try to contain the virus. Things to get worse but improves a lot, don’t know if it’s going to go.” Mayor inundated with many lonely citizens appoints specialist councillor. ‘Bureaucracy dehumanises so becoming living robots,’ says a mayor of a small Italian town before the virus.Antonella Argenti, mayor of Villa del Conte in the Veneto region.The mayor of a small town in northern Italy appointed a loneliness councillor being overwhelmed by citizens calling to discuss their problems. So Antonella Argenti elected mayor of Villa del Conte, town of 5,400 people in Veneto region, in May last year noted some inhabitants struggling to cope “You wouldn’t believe it,” she told La Stampa. “In the first few months of my mandate, so many people came to see me. All, young, old, wo/men, complained about problems of the same type of loneliness, the lack of a support network. “Alone with phone take care of bills talk to the automated switchboard refers you to yet other recorded voices. Relationships are missing. Bureaucracy dehumanise all becoming living robots. The Pescueza village in Spain with 130 people with two thirds over 65 years old is adapted to care and provide for their needs. Rails attached to walls to hold on to while walking out and about, slipfree floor to ensure the don’t slip and fall. Its said they are given phones to press red button for emergency needs urgently attended to. They are fed, their clothes are washed for them and transport sent to those who find walking challenging. They meet at daycentre to socialise and a gym tailored to their needs to exercise daily but isolated during corona virus. 20200215_113722

A Facebook group had been set up for the people who want to help others and offer their services to neighbours who might be confined to their homes as a result of the outbreak of Covid-19. They volunteer to fetch their groceries, walk their dogs and pick up prescriptions or have a chat over the phone or Skype if they are feeling lonely or frightened. A young people’s chatroom also discusses people’s feelings and fears. And how to help prevent virus spreading by staying indoors at home. Not to meet in groups, or gather in large groups helps to deal with the virus to protect themselves and others. People are encouraged to try to be active indoors by being busy doing a favourite hobby or sing, dance, exercise write poems, be creative, draw, dribble use crayons, pens, paint with brushes to keep the mind occupied. Ask for help if in need, don’t be shy to suffer in silence people alone. Its said no one cares what you know but KNOW IF YOU CARE in a such a time as this. Actions speak louder than words so it is the time to be there for each other emotionally or physically in extreme cases for intervention by the experts. And for believers in God faith is shared to uplift with word of God in the Name of Jesus with texts, hymns, songs, music, prayer from Bible texts or verses.

Lord, thank You for never abandoning me in my lonely times. I confess I have tried too hard to fill up my lonely spaces with relationships or things that never fill me up. Remind me when I hide away in a safe place with You I will experience Your perfect peace. Meet me in loneliness with Your loving presence. In Jesus Name Amen. Thank you God as your words say I am not alone for Father God is always with me. Jesus you said I am with you in Spirit so will never leave or forsake me to the end of the age. Thank you God. Thank you Jesus. Thank you my comforter Holy Spirit. Thank you for your love and care for me, you supply all my needs in Jesus Name and through people helping bless them all and protect their families too. 


Psalm 118:8-9 Its better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people so put your CONFIDENCE IN GOD.

Jeremiah 17:5-8, Thus says the LORD God cursed is a man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength so he heart departs from the LORD God.

Psalm 59:17, “O God my Strength, to you I sing praises, O God, my refuge, shows me unfailing love”

Psalm 142:5, “I pray to you, O LORD. I say, ‘You are my place of refuge. You are all I really want in life above all things”

If you need help to overcome lies satan whispers to you? Grab a copy of Sarah Geringer’s book, Transforming Your Thought Life: Christian Meditation in Focus.

Sarah writes about loneliness, healing, and finding peace in God’s Word at

Which days cause loneliness to haunt you most? How can you turn to God as your refuge in those lonely times? Share your ideas in our comments section.

Reblogged with images

© 2020 by Sarah Geringer.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
630 Team Rd., Suite 100sdfsdfd
Matthews, NC 28105


IMG-20200401-WA0002In 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 God says If I shut heaven so there is no rain, send locusts to devour the land or pestilence among my people; 14 If my people called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land. Pray and ask God to have mercy to forgive you. Pray loudly: Dear Father, Creator of heavens, earth, and universe we come humbly before you LORD in your Majesty, Sovereignty over all creation. We repent of all sins against you or others by rejecting Godly truth, counsel, we walked in wicked and deceit. Almighty God of all creation we bow our heads and submit to you LORD in agreement with the whole world we pray forgive us all in the Name of Jesus your dear Son. LORD God have MERCY on us. Let your compassion flow to us in Jesus blood shed to cleanse us from sin  wash and heal us from plagues. Forgive us LORD, PLEASE SHORTEN evil days to send Jesus in cloud in Rapture. Draw us to you to eternity in Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen. Thank you LORD for your Grace, Mercy and Covenant of Abraham to all nations. Jehovah Jireh provider of needs thank you for supplying all our needs.slide5-l15686371235835954419660177108723.jpgFamine in Canaan Israel led Abraham to Egypt in Genesis 12:8-13:2. Severe food  shortages caused hunger, lack of basic resources and hard times. Challenging circumstances affects people in history. In Proverbs 12:11; Proverbs 28:19, food harvested by working the land is ruined by bliss, drought pestilence, enemy raid, suffered by Gideon God intervened and saved his family. Current global events affects abundant food supply, resources and basic necessities. Those who chased fantasies to waste time produce nothing and are poor. Proverbs 12:11 says tilling land satisfies with food, so do not follow vain people, who lack understanding of real life chase worthless pursuit without sense to ruin lives. In Genesis 12:10, that famine sent Abram to Egypt as Genesis 12:8-13:2 says Abraham tried in vain to find solution. Genesis 12:8-9 economic conditions forced him to Egypt. On their way Abraham’s wife Sarai attracted the attention of kings who gave them great wealth. Abraham lived in Canaan from 2100 B.C.E.-1875 B.C.E with Isaac, Jacob. On return to Canaan in Genesis 15:1, the LORD appeared to Abraham in a vision said: ‘Ten years passed since you lived in Hara for two years and seven years in Egypt. Its one year since your return from Egypt after age 75 Abram left Iraq Ur to Canaan Israel. Then to Egypt back to Canaan Israel. In Genesis 26:1 second famine occurs in the days of Abraham. So Isaac in Gerar went to Abimelech the king of Philistines. The LORD appeared to Isaac and said, “Do not go into Egypt but live in this land I told you to live in so Isaac stayed in Gerar. After Abraham, for 430 years Israel is enslaved in Egypt from 1875 to 1445 B.C.E. Moses, Aaron in 1 Chronicles 5 are fourth-generation descendants of Levi son of Jacob. So 430 year’s slavery is generations of Isralites in Egypt new Pharaohs didn’t treat well.journeys_of_abraham_isaac_jacob-old_testament_map_1downloadfile-29In Genesis 26:12-33 Isaac sowed in the land in time of famine and same year he got hundredfold reward because the LORD blessed him. 13 He had riches so expanded his territory. 14. He possessed flocks, herds, servants Philistines envied him. 15 The wells his father’s servants dug in Abraham’s days the Philistines filled with earth. 16 And Abimelech told Isaac to leave as too strong in their land. 17 Isaac left pitched tent in the valley of Gerar and dwelt there. 18 So Isaac dug another well as Abraham’s was filled by Phillistines after the death of Abraham. Isaac called wells by name his father calls them. 19 Isaac’s servants found water in well 20 But herdsmen of Gerar told Isaac’s herdsmen, the water is theirs. So Isaac left Esek well, because they fought with him. 21 Isaac dug new well but Phillistines fought too so calls it Sitnah. 22 He moved to dig another well Rehoboth, the LORD made us fruitful in the land. 23 But moved to Beersheba 24 The LORD appears to him at night said, I AM God of Abraham your father so fear not I AM with you to bless and multiply your seed for Abraham’s sake. 25 Isaac built an altar to the LORD and pitched his tent there so his servants dug a well. 26 Abimelech went from Gerar to Isaac with Ahuzzath, Phichol chief captain of his army. 27 Isaac said to them Why did you come to me since you hate me and sent me away? 28 They said, The LORD is with you let us make an oath between us to make covenant with you 29 Do not hurt us for we have not touched you but did good by sending you away in peace. 30 You are blessed by LORD. Isaac made a feast so they ate and drunk together. 31 They left in the morning after oath so Isaac sent them away in peace. 32 Same day Isaac’s servants told him they found water in the sixth well dug. 33 Called city Sheba now Beersheba.jacob_map_15686470728505025652900209887770.jpgJacob took his family to Egypt in famine. Joseph interpreted famine of Pharaoh’s dream in Genesis 41:53-57 so promoted Prime Minister. Built silos in Egypt for harvests stored seven years to prepare for seven year’s famine God in a dream. Egypt tilled the land, stored grain, cured meat, prepared in advance. Egypt sold grains to nations and brought Joseph’s siblings to Egypt to buy grains despite jealousy hatred of his dreams and coat of many colours from Jacob their father. Jacob’s family moved into Egypt due to famine in 215 years after God’s promise to Abram. Israel descendants multiplied rapidly increasing their Jewish presence in Egypt, centuries. Toiled to built grand designs of Egypt, prospered at Goshen. Their hardwork built  nation but envy, jealousy of Pharaoh told midwives, kill boys. Some refused, blessed by God with houses in Egypt. Israel cried to God to save them sent Moses to deliver them. 1 Chronicles 7 Joshua is Moses’ successor is 12th generation descendant of Joseph Jacob’s son and Pharaoh’s vizier. And in 1 Chronicles 7 Israel’s 3rd to their 11th generations lived in Egypt since Abram, Isaac, Jacob left rich in Exodus of Moses and Joshua out of Egypt into wilderness. They borrowed gold and silver to repay them 430 years of slavery without pay, gave them abundant wealth to be used to build the tabernacle and provide for their families in a time of need. Instead, they made golden calf a god from gold God provided, many died except Levites who refused to join golden calf idolatry.20200402_224755bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-water-from-rock-moses 20200329_123354In Exodus 15:22-17:7 the LORD God had to provide water in the desert for Israel at Shur after crossing the red sea. Moses was told to hit the rock after three days without water in the wilderness. Marah is bitter fountain of Israelites in Exodus 15:23, 24; Numbers 33:14 no water to drunk. Moses asked God Yahweh’s help shown piece of wood Moses threw into bitter in Exodus 15:23,24 to make water sweet and fit to drink. Moses by God’s divine direction made the water safe to drink. two times Moses threw stick into the water good to drink at Marah. The LORD in Exodus 17:6 said, Behold, I will stand before you by a rock in Bible and you will bring water from the rock to provide drink for the people and the livestock.” In Numbers 20:10 Moses  hit two rocks to produce water instead of doing what God asked him to do. Moses grieved loss of Miriam so in pain but the Israelites complained more instead of showing him compassion. His followers faced challenges of desert so not Moses fault but blamed him anyway. Its Moses who bore brunt of their anger of change of location after they CRIED TO GOD TO DELIVER them from slavery in Egypt. It was their choice to leave Egypt so God did exactly what they demanded. Forgot miracle of being spared in all plagues of Egypt, miracle crossing of red sea whine and moan about Moses not caring about them. Exodus 17 and Numbers 20 are  two separate events for water miracles. But people quarreled with Moses forgot the first time God provided water so can do so again. Told Moses, “Give us water to drink although Moses was thirsty too did not care or have any consideration it was life in dry desert. Israel’s journey  in stages from Egypt, told Moses to give them water. Moses cried out to God who told Moses to toss stick into some bitter water to make it good to drink. But  the congregation assembled against Moses and Aaron and grumbled. These people blamed Moses, and said they prefer to be in slavery in Egypt than die in desert. They complained of food shortages and craved, leeks, cucumbers, garlic, onions, old lifestyle as slaves of the rich to eat crumbs than own land to grow crops. fish_and_fruit_basketIn Numbers 11:4-28, craved fish eaten in Egypt with the leeks, cucumbers, onions garlic and watermelons. Told God they prefer to die by the hand of the LORD in the hands of Pharaoh than endure their eleven days journey into Canaan Israel. Instead of thanking God for answer to their prayer to be rescued from slavery complained and cried for scrumptious, comfort food while wandering in desert. Their timing lacked their reality check for a few days to reach Canaanland for fresh food. And focused on inhospitable environment murmured against Moses Aaron and God for nothing to eat but just manna collected everyday. God was so angry he told them they will perish to never reach Canaanland. God wanted to teach them to fish to have more food but preferred quick fix hand me down token of silve masters. And God delayed their journey each they complained God added extra years as punishment in the desert. Instead of enduring eleven days stayed 40 years longer for the insolence against. Forgot they brought a hardship on themselves by a disobedience to God agreed in Covenant warned in advance. Jeremiah 14:1-6 on LORD’S drought of “Judah mourns at her gates and sits on the ground in mourning and they cry in Jerusalem so are heard by God. “Nobles send servants for water, cisterns but no water return so vessels empty in shame cover their heads. In Jeremiah in 13th year of king Josiah in 626 BC to the fall of Jerusalem and destruction lived 570 BC in Egypt. Josiah’s difference to father reformed nation Jeremiah commended for doing justice and right thing for his people. Jehoahaz ruled three months in 2 Chronicles 36:2 reign marked turning point in king’s attitude toward Jeremiah prophet of God to the nation of Israel. In Israel another drought and famine that hit the people in search of food to eat.488929_ruth-and-boazRuth 1:1 says in the days judge’s ruled a famine in the land a man of Bethlehem in Judah, wife, two sons lived in Moab. 2. Elimelech’s wife Naomi and two son’s Mahlon and Kilion died. So Naomi and Ruth returned to Israel to glean fields of Boaz, collect wheat grains married Boaz bore Obed and Jesse, father of David is bloodline of Jesus. In 2 Samuel 21:1-14 a famine in days of David for three years David sought presence of the LORD. The LORD said, “Saul’s bloody house has put Gibeonites to death are not of Israel but survivors of Amorites. 2 Israel swore to spare them, Saul’s zeal for Israel, Judah tried to annihilate them. 3 David helped Gibeonites “made atonement so to bless the LORD’S  inheritance. 4 So Gibeonites didn’t want silver, gold from Saul or his family but right to Israel in death. 5 Saul destroyed and decimated so no place in Israel. 6 Let seven of male descendants be killed, bodies before the LORD God at Gibeah of Saul by you as LORD’S chosen 7 The king agreed spared Mephibosheth son of Jonathan, son of Saul due to oath before the LORD of David and Jonathan. The king chose Armoni, Mephibosheth two sons of Aiah’s daughter Rizpah son of Saul, five sons Saul’s daughter Merab bore to Adriel Barzillai son Meholathite. 8 Handed to Gibeonites who killed them and exposed bodies on a hill before the LORD in the first days of barley harvest. 10 Rizpah’s daughter, Aiah in sackcloth,  beginning of harvest till the rain poured from heavens with bodies. She didn’t let birds touch them day or wild animals by night. 11 David told Aiah’s daughter Rizpah did 12 He took bones of Saul and Jonathan from Jabesh Gilead who stole bodies from public square at Beth Shan as Philistines hung them after stricking Saul down on Gilboa. 13 David brought bones of Saul, Jonathan and all killed so 14 buried in tomb of Saul’s father Kish, at Zela in Benjamin. And God answered David’s prayer to heal the land of Israel. wp-1579942333083.jpgFamines in 1 Kings 17:1 Elijah a Tishbite settler in Gilead told Ahab, “The LORD, God of Israel who lives says, there will be no dew, rain, three years, except by my word.”Do drought punishment in 1 Kings 18 Jezebel abused nation held to ransom 2 So Ahab in famine in Samaria told Obadiah his governor of house who fears the LORD greatly to look for water and grass for animals. 4 Jezebel cut off the prophets of the LORD but Obadiah took hundred prophets hid fifty in two caves fed them with bread and water. 5 Obadiah told go search land, fountains of water, brooks to find grass to save horses and mules not lose all the beasts. 6 They divide the land between them, Ahab went one way Obadiah to another. 7 Obadiah met Elijah, fell on his face so Elijah sent him to call King Ahab, he did but feared Ahab will kill him if Elijah disappeared…18 The LORD told Elijah in the third year go show yourself to Ahab and tell I will send rain on the earth. To prove to Ahab God is fed up with pagan evil deeds of Jezebel, who took Naboth’s vineyard, abused whole nation a carmel contest set up to serve God only. Elijah pours water on altar but fire came from heaven so burnt offering God accepted.  Elijah took the pagan prophets to brook Kishon and slew them there… 41 Elijah told Ahab, Get up, eat and drink; there is a sound of abundance of rain coming. 42 Ahab to eat and to drink and Elijah went to the top of Carmel; cast himself upon the earth, put his face between his knees prayed to God. 43 Told servant Go look toward the sea he looked but saw nothing. He said, Go again seven times. 44 At the seventh time, saw a little cloud out of the sea, like a man’s hand. Elijah said, tell Ahab, Prepare your chariot to get home before the rain stops you. 45 It came heaven had clouds, wind, a great rain so Ahab rode and went to Jezreel. 46 The hand of the LORD on Elijah took him faster before Ahab into Jezreel.IMG-20200328-WA0004In 1 Kings 17:7-15 Elijah met a widow at Zarephath when brook dried in drought caused famine. 8 There was no rain in the land. 9 So the LORD told him, Go to Zarephath to Sidon, stay there. A widow will supply your food 10 In Zarephath a widow gathering sticks he asks to bring a little water to drink 11 And bring me a piece of bread 12 She said as the LORD God lives I have only a handful of flour in a jar and little oil collected few sticks to make a meal for myself and my son to eat it and die 13 Elijah said, “Don’t be afraid. Go home and do as you said but first make bread and bring it to me. 14 This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘The jar of flour will not run out or jug of oil run dry until the day the LORD sends rain on the land.’” 15 So she did as Elijah told her and there was food every day for Elijah the woman and son. And Later God sent a golden chariot to Elijah alive into heaven gives a double portion anointing to Elisha. Elijah is expected as one of two witnesses to save this world, authorized by God send plagues of God’s wrath punishment. Bible says endtimes plagues of Egypt in Exodus 8:22; & 9:34 fall on the earth during Tribulation. In Revelation 2: 21 & 6:16 Revelation 22:18 prophecy of Bible says if anyone adds to them God will add plagues to those who distort the word of God. In 2 Kings 4:38 Elisha returned to Gilgal, during famine in the land. Told sons of prophets, “Put on a large pot and boil stew to eat.” The stew was ready but as bitter toxic leaves could not eat the food. Elisha sprinkled salt in the pot and food was eaten. In 2 Kings 6:24-25 Ben-hadad king of Aram’s army attacked Samaria. A great famine in Samaria so a donkey’s head sold for eighty shekels of silver, a fourth kab of dove’s dung sold five shekels of silver. A famine in Israel in dire times wildleaves food poison prophet cured with flour.20200328_193828 Children and babies died, some people ate grass, roots, abandoned infants died. Great famine in Samaria the LORD said the children eat a defiled bread among Gentile. Medieval Europe famines made some ate a dove or bird droppings, rats, cotton batting or kaolin clay. Their rich leaders abused powers to deny people meager rations. Some ate locust, insects, tree barks, mud, forage in Europe. Bible famine in Egypt and Canaan afflictions mean no food. Droppings of bird called ptarmigan delicacy parts of Greenland eat as haute cuisine. Dove dung “bird’s milk,”“bird’s dung” bulb roasted, boiled plant is “Star of Bethlehem” as Linnaeus botanist calls “dove’s dung. ” Parkinson, a British herbalist in 1800, said roasted bulb “sweeter than chestnut.”Is a white flower twelve-inch stem star-shape seed pods. New Jerusalem Bible says its wild onion Geneva Bible says dung used fuel for fire. Jewish historian Josephus it is dove’s dung salt substitute. Others say dove dung is falafel in Hebrew is locust-beans fruit of carob tree. 2 Kings 6-7:17 famine in Samaria attack by Ben-Hadad of Aram’s army so great famine in city. 26 King Jehoram passing on wall heard woman saying, “Help me my lord the king 27 The king said, “If the LORD does not help you how can I help you? All the threshing floors of winepress are empty. 28 What is the matter? So she said, “This woman told me, ‘share your son and so tomorrow we’ll eat mine.’ 29 We cooked my son and ate him and next day I told her, ‘Give your son to eat, she is hiding him.” 30 The king heard the woman’s words and tore his robes and the people saw under his robes a sackcloth. 31 He said, “God deal with me if head of Elisha son of Shaphat remain on his shoulders today.” 32 Elisha at home with elders as king’s word sent, Elisha told elders, “See he sent to cut off my head and when the messenger comes shut the door at the sound of his footsteps behind him. 33 A messenger of king said, “This disaster its only the LORD God who can rectify it to save the nation from the perilous times.20200328_192842Starving parents watch children die see no end of famine in sight cause of child eating of spiritual cause sin against God received punishment. Leviticus 26:22-29 says wild animals, people, eat children. In Deuteronomy 28:53 Ezekiel 5: 9-10 so parents eat children. Lamentations 2:20 &4 :10 says women cook children eaten. American skeleton of a 14 year teenage girl cannibalism in Jamestown colony is reconstructed by archaeologist of bones in 2017. Kelso took her remains of skull, tibia bone found in cave to Smithsonian. Dental analysis revealed her identity as Jane. Others use “ritual cults to get rich’ sacrifice children for wealth, plead with ‘gods’ during natural disasters to ‘avert’ tragedy of wars or gain evil “power” to rule the world. Or done for ‘fun’ online by a German. God deals with cannibals as HE created all the people attacked. To eat flesh is ‘normal’ to ‘imbibe’ power of their departed cooked to eat. American restaurants serve donated bodies eaten, reptilians eat human products. After the  seven years of famine in 2 Kings 7:1-11, Elisha said”tomorrow by this time there will be abundant food so the finest flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley a shekel at gate of Samaria.”2 An officer of the king doubted, “If the LORD opens floodgates of heavens this cannot happen. Elisha said, “You will see it with your own eyes but you will not eat it.  3 Four lepers at city gate said, “Why stay here until we die? 4 ‘We’ll go to the city, if the famine is there, we will die if we stay here we will die let’s go to the camp of Arameans. 5 They went to the camp of Arameans but no one was there. 6 So the LORD caused the Arameans to hear sound of chariots and horses their army said, “The king of Israel hired the Hittite and Egyptian kings to kill us.” 7 Got up fled, abandoned tents, horses donkeys, left camp and ran for their lives. 8 Four lepers entered the tents, ate, drank, took silver, gold, clothes and hid them. They returned to city with abundant riches. 9 So shared good news with royal palace.” 20200328_200539KurtRose17566236432710 City gatekeepers in Aramean camps told king lepers collected gold, food, saw 11 tethered horses, donkeys, tents, left behind. 12 But the king said, “Arameans know we are starving left their camp to hide to come so they take us into their city.” 13 The officers sent five horses to the camp to confirm testimony 14 Two chariots of horses were sent out to go to check Aramean army. 15 They went far to Jordan but found on the road clothes, equipment Arameans threw in flight as messengers reported to the king. 16 The people went into plunder camp of spoil of Arameans so a seah finest flour sold a shekel, two seahs of barley sold a shekel as the LORD said 17 The king put officer in charge of gate but trampled on in the gateway. 18 He died as man of God said. 19 Man of God told king finest flour sold sold shekel, two seahs of barley a shekel at gate of Samaria.” 20 People trampled on officer who doubted as God said. In 2 Kings 8:1-3 in another Famine a widow whose son Elisha brought to life told to avoid the LORD’S decreed famine in the land for seven years. 2 The woman did as man of God said. 3 So her household went to live in land of Philistines seven years. After seven years she returned to appeall to the king for her house, fields, left behind. 4 The king asked Gehazi the servant of the man of God, “Tell me all the great things Elisha did.” 5 So he told the king Elisha brought a dead boy back to life and woman is coming to appeal to you for her house and fields. Gehazi said, My lord the king this is the woman and her son, Elisha brought back to life. 6 The king asked the woman who told him so the king appointed a high official to her case to “Return all things which are hers and produce of her fields since day she left the land.” She got her house and lands with interest 14 Elisha was in  Dothan and horses, chariots and a great army that came by night surrounding the city. 15 The servant of man of God saw the army, with horses and chariots. He said, “Alas, my master what shall we do?”16 So Elisha said, “Don’t fear, those with us are more than those with them.14886 17 Elisha prayed, “LORD open his eyes to see so The LORD his eyes and he saw the mountain was full of horses chariots of fire around Elisha. 18 Syrians came to attack but Elisha prayed to the LORD, Strike this people with blindness so God did according to the word of Elisha. 19 Elisha told them, Follow me, I will bring you to the man you seek.” He led them into Samaria. 20 At Samaria, Elisha said, “LORD, open their eyes to see The LORD opened their eyes and they were, inside Samaria! 21 When the king of Israel saw them, told Elisha, “My father, shall I kill them?”22 He said, “Don’t kill those taken captive without sword or bow give food to eat and water to drink and go to their master.” So they were set free by Elisha. In Chronicles 21:12 a three year famine  or three month’s destruction by enemy with sword or three day’s sword by the LORD, pestilence in the land by angel of the LORD destroying all coasts of Israel. “The days are coming,” says the LORD God, “I will send famine on the land not famine of bread, thirst, diseases. Famine of lack of knowledge of God people face pestilence locusts and insects destroying produce of earth. Droughts, diseases are part of endtime birthpang warnings. In Italy money is so useless its thrown on the streets seen in these pictures. Love of money is root of all evil so what shall it profit you to gain the whole world but lose your soul? Money can’t buy God or save you from hell fire punishments so repent, accept Jesus to go in the Rapture alive to heaven before great tribulation.IMG-20200402-WA0001 IMG-20200402-WA0000Take heed, ask God for mercy in Jesus  Name. In Isaiah 51:19 two things befall the nations, mourning, devastation and destruction, famine sword. Ask God to forgive nations and comforts all in Jesus Name  In Acts 11:28 Agabus said, by the Spirit of God there will be great famine all over the world which took place in reign of Claudius. In Matthew 24:7 Jesus said, nations will rise against nations so kingdom against kingdom and in many places famines, earthquakes. Luke 4:25-27 says in truth many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah. The sky was shut three years and six months in great famine over all the land. Jesus warns of events and comes in Clouds in Rapture. Things get worse before it gets better so trust God so no weapon formed against you will prosper in Jesus Name. God is in control of your life hidden in Christ. In God live, move and have your being. Thank and Praise the LORD, Give HIM GLORY in all situations of life. Be ready for God’s intervention, confident in God. Pray God SHORTENS evil days.

Pray for God’s Peace on earth for God’s help and GIVE HIM NO REST DAY AND NIGHT UNTIL HE MAKES JERUSALEM A PRAISE IN ALL THE EARTH. All nations are connected to Israel and so belong to God. Your body is God’s Temple Holy so God’s Spirit dwells in you to help, teach, comfort, lead you to God’s Bible Truth. Value your life and your precious body is priceless take care follow instruction to be safe in Jesus Name. Keep in touch, check on others or text, phone, email, skype, letters. Pray and worship God at home it is well with you ask God to save you in the Rapture in Jesus Name. God bless you. Jesus appeared again in my dream three times is ready for Rapture. He is calling you to accept Him repent to rescue you in Rapture before its too late. Jesus warned 2000 years ago that these things will happen on the earth. Call on God to save your life so your soul will go in eternity on passing before Rapture. A peak view of heaven shows blissful life of joy, no more pain, grief, sorrow so no more death but eternal joy with Christ,  God, saints, angels, family reunion with loved ones forever in heaven. Ensure to have your name written in God’s BOOK OF LIFE. All whose names are found in book of life are Children of God go into eternal life in heaven in Jesus Name. Be sure to ask God to save you in Christ.  



Malachi's ProjectMalachi’s tooth fairy cash helps create a £5m homeless centre now opened in east London. He gave £5 donation when 5 years old to the Salvation Army with a note and prayer to “use it to buy a house for homeless” people. Now at ten-years-old Malachi’s donated tooth fairy money to Salvation Army was topped up by the Redbridge Council and Salvation Army to create Malachi’s Place on the freeland donated. The building’s 42 flats helps  homeless people get a home in Ilford in new housing for tenants. This shows no gifts are too small to help tackle poverty or homelessness in the world.

20200321_134948Wolverhampton Wanderers donated thousands of pieces of some protective equipment to health teams in response to the coronavirus epidemic. The club and owners Fosun donated 2,300 items. Medical coveralls and 1,000 N95 masks were among items distributed to Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and public health teams. Executive chairman Jeff Shi said the club would do “all it can” to support doctors or community workers. Landlords of pub forced to close set up a service delivering fruit and vegetables to NHS and healthcare workers. Bradley Richards and Trina Lake set up a stall by their pub in Costessey, near Norwich, on Wednesday after deciding to sell the groceries. Ms Lake said they then struck on the idea of delivering food to health workers after spotting a nurse’s plea. A  fair trade coffee roaster pays fair prices to poor lower income farmers featured in Equator set up from the home garage. Grew to unique excellent tasting coffee talked about where their coffee comes from offers kind of level of service big guys don’t. Customers responded to that so simply trying to be the local versions of big company this unique selling point helps or would be unable to compete.Bags of Equator coffeeFans of coffee include top US chefs and  Equator is unusual in coffee shop sector all staff have access to health insurance. “It’s expensive but health insurance is a right of all Americans,” says Helen. “Any CEO who has a private plane and people working for them uninsured is running their business wrong turned their focus to opening retail cafe to close a revenue gap created by losing La Boulange,” says Helen. In first year of business we didn’t show sales growth but added a million dollars new business that year.A young Brooke McDonnell roasting beans in the couple's garageThe first roasted coffee beans in garage but increased so Equator grown to 155 employees across eight retail stores in the San Francisco Bay Area, with three new branches opening. This shows if a door closes another opens by hardwork if willing to start all over using the skills acquired. Some retrain to improve new abilities yo adapt to current changes.Paths to SuccessThis story from a new mini-series called Paths to Success of Coffee expert Willem Boot, founder of Boot Coffee, a company trains people to work in the industry. He says Equator stands against competitors because of the quality of staff. ” People working for them are coffee dedicated, socially minded, kind human beings. It is these qualities that define the essence of the Equator coffee experience.”Dan PriceDan Price boss’ card payment company in Seattle introduced $70,000 minimum salary for all of his 120 staff – and took a pay cut of $1m. Five years later he’s still on the minimum salary, and says the gamble has paid off. Dan Price was hiking with his friend Valerie in the Cascade mountains looms majestically over Seattle as he had an uncomfortable revelation. As they walked, she told him that her life was in chaos her landlord had put her monthly rent up by $200 and she was struggling to pay her bills. It made Price angry. Valerie, who he had once dated, had served for 11 years in the military, doing two tours in Iraq, and was now working 50 hours a week in two jobs to make ends meet. “She is somebody for whom service, honour and hard work just defines who she is as a person,” he says. Though she was earning around $40,000 a year in Seattle t wasn’t enough to afford a decent home. He was angry that the world had become such an unequal place. And suddenly it struck him that he was part of the problem. At 31, Price was millionaire. His company, Gravity Payments, set up as a teen had about 2,000 customers and an estimated worth of millions of dollars. Though he earned $1.1m a year Valerie brought home to him lots of his staff must be struggling – and he decided to change that. Raised in deeply Christian, rural Idaho, Dan Price is upbeat and positive, generous in his praise of others and impeccably polite has become crusader against inequality in the US. “People are starving or being laid off or being taken advantage of, so that somebody can have a penthouse at the top of a tower in New York with gold chairs. “We’re glorifying greed all the time as a society, in our culture. And, you know, the Forbes list is the worst example – ‘Bill Gates has passed Jeff Bezos as the richest man.’ Who cares!?”Dan PriceBefore 1995 poorest half of population of the United States earned a greater share of national wealth than richest 1%, he points out. That year the tables turned so top 1% earned more than the bottom 50%. And the gap is continuing to widen. In 1965, CEOs in US earned 20 times more than average worker but by 2015 it had risen to 300 times (in the UK, the bosses of FTSE 100 companies now earn 117 times salary of their average worker). Breathing in crisp mountain air as he hiked with Valerie, Price had an idea. He read a study by Nobel prize-winner economist Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton, looked at how much money an American needs to be happy. Promised Valerie he would significantly raise minimum salary at Gravity. After crunching the numbers, he arrived at the figure of $70,000. He realised that he would not have to slash his salary, but mortgage his two houses or give up his stocks and savings. He gathered his staff together and gave them the news. He’d expected scenes of celebration, but at first announcement floated in the room  was an anti-climax, Price says. He had to repeat himself before the enormity of what was happening landed. Five years later, Dan laughs about the fact that he missed a key point in the Princeton professors’ research. The amount they people need to be happy was $75,000. A third of workers at company’s salaries doubled Gravity transforms Headcount doubled and value of payment company processes rose $3.8bn a year to $10.2bn. Other metrics Price is more proud of is “before $70,000 minimum wage, having between zero and two babies born per year amongst team,” he says. “Since the announcement and it’s been only about four-and-a-half years we’ve had more than 40 babies.”Dan Price with his motherDan Price with his mother. More than 10% of the company have been able to buy their own home, in one of the US’s most expensive cities for renters. Before the figure was less than 1%. “There was a bit of concern amongst pontificators out there that people would squander any gains that they would have. And we’ve really seen the opposite,” Price says. The amount of money employees are voluntarily putting into their own pension funds has more than doubled and 70% of employees say they’ve paid off debt. Price did get a lot of flak. Along with hundreds of letters of support, and magazine cover labelled him “America’s best boss” many of Gravity’s customers wrote handwritten letters objected its a political statement. At the time, Seattle was debating increase to the minimum wage to $15, making it highest in the US at the time. Small business owners were fighting it, claiming they would go out of business. A right-wing radio pundit, Rush Limbaugh, Price listened to daily in childhood, called him a communist. “I hope this company is a case study in MBA programmes on how socialism does not work because it’s going to fail,” he said. Two senior Gravity employees resigned in protest. They weren’t happy salaries of junior staff jump overnight, argued it will make them lazy, company uncompetitive but it hasn’t happened.Rosita BarlowRosita Barlow, director of sales, Gravity, says since salaries were raised junior colleagues pull more weight. “When money is not at the forefront of your mind when you’re doing your job, it allows you to be more passionate about what motivates you,” she says. Senior staff found their workload reduced. They’re under less pressure and can do things like take all of the holiday leave to which they are entitled. Price tells the story about one staff member who works in Gravity’s call centre. “He was commuting over an hour and a half a day,” he says. “He was worried that during his commute he was going to blow out a tyre and not have enough money to fix that tyre. He was stressing about it every day.” When his salary was raised to $70,000 this man moved closer to the office, now he spends more money on his health, he exercises every day and eats more healthily. “We had another gentleman on a similar team and he literally lost more than 50lb (22kg),” he says. Others report spending more time with their families or helping their parents pay off debt. “We saw, everyday, effects of giving somebody freedom,” Price says. He thinks it is why Gravity is making more money than ever. Raising salaries didn’t change people’s motivation staff were already motivated to work hard it increased what he calls their capability. “You’re not thinking I go to work because I have to make money,” Rosita Barlow agrees. “Now it’s become focused on ‘How do I do good work?'” Barlow has been with Gravity since the early days and knows Price wasn’t always so generous. And he acknowledges himself a time in the wake of 2008 financial crisis when he was obsessed with saving money. The downturn in the US economy decimated Gravity’s customer base and its income fell by 20%. Business logic would have dictated letting go about 12 of the company’s 35 staff, but instead Price focused on cutting costs. After five tense months, the company started turning a profit again, but Price was profoundly spooked, and kept salaries low. At this time Rosita Barlow was experiencing her own financial problems, secretly working at McDonald’s outside work hours. When McDonald’s offered her a promotion, she left a training manual on her desk at Gravity, and someone spotted it. Her bosses called her in for a meeting. “They sat me down and my immediate reaction was to cry,” Barlow says. She thought she is fired. Instead they told her to figure out how much money she’d need to stay on at the company and they raised her salary to $40,000. “I was impressed and proud of her and mad at myself,” Price says. It took him a few more years to grasp the scale of problem among his staff. “Most were too intimidated to come to me and tell me how a lack of pay was hurting them,” he says. Before 2015, he already begun giving employees 20% annual pay rises. But it was his conversation with Valerie that convinced him to go further. Price hopes Gravity’s example leads to far-reaching global changes in US business. He’s deeply disappointed and sad this hasn’t happened. Some did like PharmaLogics in Boston raised the minimum salary to $50,000, in Atlanta raised theirs too. He believes by means of online lobbying influenced Amazon’s decisions to raise minimum wage. He hopes a widespread structural change takes place all over the world. It blesses the company to bring increases.  And it’s changed my perspective on things because I believed through the actions that I did and that other people could do, that we could turn the tide on income inequality.” The change has had profound effect on Price’s lifestyle. And  before taking a pay cut, Price was cliché of a young white tech millionaire, lived in beautiful house overlooking Seattle’s Puget Sound and he drank champagne in expensive restaurants. Afterwards, he rented his house out on Airbnb to help stay afloat. A group of employees became sick of watching him turn up at work in a 12-year-old Audi and secretly clubbed together to buy him a new car.Dan Price with Alyssa O'Neal, accepting his TeslaA film posted on YouTube follows one of the group, Alyssa O’Neal’s schemes with her colleagues to surprise him with the car. “I feel like this is the ultimate way to say thank you for all the sacrifices he’s made and any of the negative stuff he’s had to deal with,” she says. Price walks out of the office into the car park, sees the car, starts crying. Five years later Price still on Gravity’s minimum salary, says he’s more fulfilled than he ever was when he was earning millions though it’s not all easy. “There’s tests every day,” he says. “I’m the same age as Mark Zuckerberg and in dark moments I think, ‘I want to be just as rich as Mark Zuckerberg and I want to compete with him to be on the Forbes list. I want to be on cover of Time magazine, making lots of money.’ All these greedy things are tempting.” “It’s not so easy to turn down lavish lifestyle but much happier.”Dr RonxThis doctor sees patients in chicken shops. GP appointments of doctor seeing patients in chicken shops in BBC Three shows The Unshockable Dr. Ronx, a doctor who takes appointments out of surgery in search of people who would n’t normally see a GP. “I don’t go to GP anymore, it took so long to be believed now I feel like they are listening.” And when Bethany was 13 was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis – a type of inflammatory arthritis. She says it took years for her GP to recognise its serious symptoms. “I think they assumed I was a young teenager so I couldn’t really be having severe joint difficulties.” Despite describing some of her symptoms, like chest pain, as “very scary” Bethany says she feels too embarrassed to go back to see a GP. In the UK, 16 to 30-year-olds are the most likely age group to miss a doctor’s appointment (along with over 90s). That’s according to analysis of GP Patient Survey, suggested 16 to 24-year-olds less positive about experiences at a GP’s, compared with the older patients.  Some of the young people featured in BBC Three’s new show The Unshockable Dr. Ronx say things like embarrassment, a lack of time, using internet instead are some of the reasons that have stopped them from seeking professional medical care in the past. Dr Ronx, an A&E doctor from Hackney in London, wants young people to take their health seriously so she takes GP pop up shop to them. Ratan Tata: An unlikely friendship between a magnate and a millennial.Shantanu Naidu and Ratan TataMr Naidu and Mr Tata watch movies together. Its not everyday octogenarian goes viral on Instagram. It’s so unusual if octogenarian billionaire businessman with a carefully cultivated reputation as a reclusive tycoon. Perhaps its the most unusual particular story of a friendship led to Ratan Tata’s India’s newest social media star. With the help of Shantanu Naidu, the 27-year-old who introduced him to social media platform and taught him about hashtag trends in the world discovered “man crush.” And Mr Naidu hopes the mix of old family pictures, snapshots of dogs and photographs of mogul’s younger days one from five decades of more than half million hits  gave people glimpse of the man behind the tycoon. The man who led the salt-to-software conglomerate Tata Group for 21 years classes of closest friends. The two of them do everything together by getting haircuts to watching films. Their “intergenerational friendship” is quite unusual, but, Mr Naidu says, it is pretty special. “He’s been a hard boss, a core mentor understanding friend,” he told the BBC. This doe-eyed and curly-haired millennial became a business assistant as best friends to India’s internationally recognised business leaders?Shantanu NaiduMr Naidu’s non-profit provide stray dog glow-in-dark collars. Mr Naidu is a fifth generation Tata employee and although family has a strong connection to Tata brand never thought he would end up working closely with man responsible for it. Mutual love of dogs brought the two together while younger man works  for one of Mr Tata’s companies in city of Pune, west India. And Mr Naidu ‘s social initiative Motopaws glow-in-dark collar for stray dog’s work highlighted in the company newsletter prompted Mr Tata to write letter inviting him to Mumbai. “Shantanu and I first met because of our common concern and affection for stray dogs,” Mr Tata in email said BBC. He led team of young college students to adopt dogs and give them affection, food, find homes for them for sense of belonging.” The meeting proved to be their first of Motopaw’s scaling up so became closer. Work emails slowly turned into asking questions about one another,” Mr Naidu said. Soon after friendship took off, Mr Naidu left India for university in US. “I was sad, I felt I just discovered a friend in Mr Tata.” The connection between the two strengthened. Mr Naidu was at Mr Tata’s alma mater Cornell University, and started work on the businessman’s dream project, building a veterinary hospital in Mumbai. The construction for this hospital is set to begin this year. Mr Tata attended his graduation. “I had mentioned it to him in passing and he said yes,” Mr Naidu recalls. “Cut to the actual day and there he was!”Ratan Tata and Shantanu NaiduMr Naidu graduated from Mr Tata’s alma mater, Cornell University. On his return to India, Mr Naidu took up a job as Mr Tata’s business assistant. Things changed in a single minute. I had never imagined my life to pan out this way. Mr Tata told BBC “I enjoy seeing Shantanu’s freshness, concern never seen in a ‘dog eat dog’ world we live in.'” What does a typical day look like? Business assistant to Mr Tata meets, takes copious notes, keeps records for future discussions. Mr Tata briefs him on happenings of day or plan and start attacking them. He’s very focused, non-stop no break,” Mr Naidu explained. The Tata Group patriarch has invested in more than 73 Indian start up ride-hailing service, Ola. Mr Tata uses Instagram profile Mr Naidu set up to connect with the youth and has shared “recipe” for successful start-up pitches. The 82-year-old shares pictures of him in his 20s a popular hashtag Throwback Thursday to set the internet alight.

It isn’t just business so two remain fast friends. He added they both like action comedy films such as The Other Guys and Lone Ranger series of experiences in the Israel Defence Force called Fauda is Mr Tata’s favourite Netflix binge, Mr Naidu said. Last year a radio interview with BBC met Mr Tata and Mr Naidu. It was easy to sense warm bond between the two a great degree of camaraderie and mutual respect. Mr Tata spoke of retirement plans and love for dogs. Mr Naidu continues to work on ths project that brought Mr Tata and him together. Motopaws expanded over the years and now operating in four countries it isn’t just non-profit evolving. “If something bothers me or makes me happy he is the first person I call. The foundation is the constantly blossoming tree. Mr Tata has always been there for me I do the same for him,” Mr Naidu said with a smile.

Micah Lammie sitting in carPhoto exhibition showcases the people tackling the impact of poverty in 21st Century Britain. The focus of the new exhibition showcases those trying to help their struggling neighbours. And four people making a difference in their communities explain how they became involved. ‘I want to be a spark in the plug’ as Micah Lammie learned from everyone in his community. And Battersea and Brixton helped to shape Micah Lammie into the man he is today, so now he is repaying the debt. “Life was difficult as a kid from a one-parent family,” the 30-year-old said. ” defiant in trouble at school. It takes whole village to raise a child I learn from my parents, I learned from everyone in community. “These things I want to continue raising our next generation.” He worked in call centres at a funeral Brixton Soup met Kitchen founder Solomon Smith who gave him his true calling.Micah Lammie close upAs “I’ve known Solomon from back in the day,” Micah said. “I got involved and I’ve never looked back.”He is the centre manager of service offers food and legal advice to rough sleepers or community. “It’s a safe haven for misunderstood people. Everything starts somewhere, there’s been ups and downs but we’re helping people. I want to be a spark in the plug, I won’t change the world but I’ll invest in a person who will.”Micah Lammie at workMicah is now its centre manager ‘I knew hunger.’ After experiencing a financial struggles Mary Brennan’s neighbours in Cross Green, Leeds, faced difficulties. “I knew hunger and poverty,” the 68-year-old said.Mary Brennan

Mary Brennan started a community group in LeedsPresentational white space

“It used to be just families round here, then landlords started bedding seven people in four-bedroom terraced houses. I noticed they were hungry.”Cross GreenImage copyrightJILLIAN EDELSTEIN

Image captionShe settled in Cross Green, where she witnessed the struggles of her neighbours

So she helped set up Community Unity, a neighbourhood group that runs a lunch club at St Hilda’s Church and created a garden on a disused railway bridge where the community can pick their own food.”We don’t have many facilities round here, no shop where you can buy fresh food and [there’s] terrible problems with transport,” she added.

‘If you’re poor, you can’t afford ideas’Steve Arnott

Steve Arnott says hip-hop has always been his love

Poverty can be a barrier to creativity because people can’t afford either the money or time to do it, according to Steve Arnott. The 44-year-old from Hull said hip-hop helped him through a tough childhood and he saw how it could do the same for others. “Hip-hop has always been my love,” he said. “There were local workshops which weren’t getting many kids because families couldn’t afford the fares into town. “I had idea of taking it to them.”Beats BusThe workshops were aimed at helping children in the community. In 2017, his hometown was the UK City of Culture, so he launched the Beats Bus – a mobile recording studio which he takes into the communities to attract youngsters eager to learn more about hip-hop, DJing, break-dancing and graffiti art. “If you’re poor, you can’t afford the time to create ideas,” Steve said. “The Beats Bus is trying to change that, bringing free studio time to talented kids.”Close up showing tattoo of microphone on Steve's lower armSteve has a tattoo of a microphone on his forearm.

‘There’s no shame in being poor through no fault of your own’

The issues blighting the Sholes area of Wigan are being tackled by Barbara Nettleton. She previously spearheaded a residents’ association to reduce anti-social behaviour and improve services, before taking over the running of the Sunshine House community centre. The site opened in 2005, runs art groups and youth projects with a view to helping people find work. It also operates three shops in the area offering necessities including second-hand clothes and prams, toys and baby clothes.Barbara Nettleton covers her faceBarbara Nettleton was a bit shy about being photographed. “When the mines, steelworks and mills closed years ago, it took the apprenticeships away, broke families and industrial areas like ours,” Barbara said. There is no shame in being poor when you work hard all your life and end up poor. God judges a nation by how it treats the poor in the society. Jesus said, in Matthew 25:40-46 whoever cares for the poor by feeding them, gives them water to drink or had provided shelter for the “least of these” receives JESUS. The poor are priceless in God’s sight because HE created them in HIS OWN IMAGE AND LIKENESS. Bible says value of material possessions is not true measure of quality of human life in God’s sight as mankind thinks. Its loving care and fair share of all the resources provided by God as Marslow hierarchy shows God counts towards eternal life.Greg and MarieThis homeless couple moved in with a millionaire in America. The homeless couple moved in with the millionaire after living on California’s streets for 20 years Greg and Marie invited to stay in the home of the millionaire. The local businessman asked if they wanted to share his $4m home. A year later other rich neighbours complain so call police tells us about homelessness crisis in the Western countries. Luke 16 says a rich man enjoyed all great wealth on earth but ended in hell for abuse of the poor Lazarus who went into heaven and is comforted by Abraham. So God judges mankind by how HIS RESOURCES are shared on this earth. Gospel of Matthew 25, 34-46 34 says, KING of Kings “Jesus will say to those on His right, ‘Come in, you who are blessed by my Father God because you the fed poor and you clothe them by your kindness, you did it to me so enter heaven. You didn’t do it to show off to get praise of people but you did it genuinely from kibdness of your heart to help others. George Medal for saving Princess Anne sells for £50k.George MedalThe medal sold at auction for £50,000 is a medal awarded to a boxer who helped save Princess Royal from an attempted armed kidnap has sold at auction for £50,000. Former heavyweight Ronnie Russell, 72, punched Ian Ball in the head tried to abduct princess at gunpoint in London in 1974. Mr Russell said he sold the George Medal as he had been “very unwell for quite some time.” “I want to know that I’ve done enough to pay for my own funeral,” he said. After auction, Mr Russell, who lives in Bristol, said: “For something I thought I would never sell, I never believed it will sell for this amount, I am absolutely blown away.”Ronnie Russell with his medalRonnie Russell was awarded the George Medal for bravery by the Queen. He said he had one request for UK buyer, who asked to remain anonymous which was for them to meet in person to tell the story of what happened.Princess AnnePrincess Anne’s car had been blocked and Ian Ball had fired shots, wounding four people Mr Russell, heading home to his wife and children in Strood, Kent, when he thwarted late-night ambush on 20 March 1974. Ball blocked princess’s car on Mall in central London and fired shots, wounding four people. Mr Russell said Ball was trying to drag Princess Anne from her car while her husband, Captain Mark Phillips, was pulling her back. “She was very, together, telling him: ‘Just go away and don’t be such a silly man’,” he said. “He stood there glaring at me with the gun and I hit him. I hit him as hard as I could and he was flat on the floor face down. “I said to Princess Anne: ‘We’re going to walk away and he’s going to have to go through me to get you’.”Princess Anne's car on The Mall 1974Ian Ball attempted to kidnap Princess Anne who telegrams RONNIE RUSSELLTelegram from Princess AnnePrincess Anne sent Mr Russell telegram when he received medal Ball was later sent to a psychiatric hospital by an Old Bailey judge. Mr Russell was awarded George Medal for bravery by the Queen, who told him: “The medal from Queen, I want to thank you as Anne’s mother.” It was sold with a letter from 10 Downing Street informing Mr Russell of award and telegram from Princess Anne. 

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George Medal for saving Princess Anne sells for £50k

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Produced by Hannah Long-Higgins, Chelsea Bailey and Cody Godwin; edited by Hannah Long-Higgins.

The film is part of the BBC’s Crossing Divides season and a collaboration with the San Francisco Chronicle. Read Otis Taylor Jr’s column on Greg and Marie.

Picture Britain: Our People, Our Poverty was commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and created by photographer Jillian Edelstein and investigative journalist Stephen Armstrong. It will be at Borough Market, London, from 20 February to 8 March.

More on this story

  • Disabled people ‘pulled into poverty’ as benefits fall short
    6 February 2020
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation urges ‘new deal’ on poverty
    6 September 2016
  • Poverty costs UK £78bn a year, Joseph Rowntree Foundation says
    1 August 2016 

Photo exhibition showcases people tackling poverty

Related Internet links

  • The Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Picture Britain: Our People, Our Poverty

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Nativity story celebrates baby Jesus birthday at Christmas on 25th December each year. It is a season of joy the whole world celebrates thanks God for birth of Jesus Christ Messiah. City lights and homes beautifully decorated lift up the Spirit of goodwill toward all men. Even enemies stop fighting to eat together during the war because Jesus the Prince of Peace is celebrated. People dress up in these costumes and colours parents of Jesus wore for nativity birth play set in the manger. The shepherds and the three wise kings from the East visited baby Jesus and gave Him gifts of gold, myrrh and frankincense. Gold is KING of Kings, myrrh is Jesus the High Priest who saved mankind. And frankincense if for His burial spices used in the grave three days. A miracle happened Jesus rose on a third day Sunday in His Resurrection. Jesus lived on earth for 40 days after resurrection then He ascended alive into heaven. Jesus is alive in heaven seated at the right hand of God Jesus will come in clouds in Rapture to take all in Christ into heaven alive. The dead in Christ rise first joined by those alive changed into glorious heavenly bodies in God’s Presence. It is good to enjoy Christmas, party, buy new clothes and shoes, cars etc. to celebrate. It is important to remember Jesus is born to save mankind from sin as Children of God in the Kingdom of God.