IMG-20181209-WA0005.jpgEntering this world to understand their mindset is God’s way of sending Jesus to socialize with people to help their lives to overcome emotional, spiritual and physical concerns. A famous father invited into a nightclub by his daughter hoped and prayed nobody will see or recognise him but someone shouted his name shocked to see him there. And because of his faith, social standing and profession it became a turning point for a better relationship between them. At times called to participate in an unusual circumstance or join situation you may prefer not to be seen doing. If it is safe, not risky to life of both parties or others awkward situations and interaction can create bonds to build on. A farmer once confronted by insane roaming about on his property found he took his hunting gun as he turned in a split second. So he intuitively picked a piece of  wood to join the man dancing with his gun until safe enough to grab it from him. This extreme example not recommended but in unpredictable circumstance dancing with him calmed him down. This man probably lived all his life only criticised, never interacted with people because of insanity but the farmer made him feel acknowledged. Distracting when timing was best time took control of his gun. In life similarly, you win bees with more honey than smoke or carrots than stick approach If he panicked or shouted ‘oi’ give back the gun, it’s not yours, may be a trigger moment to upset him to react rather than respond as dance partner. 1544379792228-1598804135.jpgSimilarities of occasions can be if others do not fully perceive inner thoughts of other confused people. Use the positive moment together to win their hearts to others. On the other hand it its risky be careful to assess person before taking a leap of faith. The person may not make sense but point to good things about them to calm them to diffuse tension. The uncohesive person needs expert intervention but if unavailable reassure but play along. A bond is built showing genuine interest and asking questions related to their life or loved ones. You may not convince or make sense due to distorted perception unable to hear you because of the state of mind. Efforts to guide or correct them seems attack of intelligence, confidence or ability to decide for themselves. And considered ‘violation’ of their personal decision-making process and choices. So after coming to their senses if not drunk on drugs or psychotic the recovery stage creates clarity to see episodes recorded or documented to prove to them what others see or hear. Until then, it’s mere chaotic noise that creates anxiety and tension of feeling judged. Stay calm no matter what shocking things said unless at risk press safety button for help. If an agitated person will listen, record, talk through hallucinations to tell them you believe what they say but not logically make sense. Your goal is not to correct or frustrate them if infuriated or angry about their treatment or any labels. So stress makes things worse because they cannot keep cool if angry to verbalise their true inner feelings or emotions in angry state. Medications do numb some people so not as sensitive as expected to be. Frustrating situations agitate person under pressure to feel worse if ignored. 1544379275947-1598804135.jpgMisunderstood people feel ostracised so keep a written journal signed to offload mind in a safe space. Or talk privately in public place to deal with roots of anger, abandonment, neglect, mental health or other matters pertaining to a pain of the past. Don’t have the victim mentality as it causes low self-confidence and lack of trust in those helping to support them. Some people implode due to inability to express their real feeling because do not realise they cause offense. It turns into anger, bitterness, resentment concealed as politeness but fuming inside. Do not force them to speak immediately while you are doing them a favour. Say that you mean well and mean what you say genuinely without causing pain to hurt them. If an autistic person they may not understand other people’s point of view. Lack of frontal cortex means they do not understand the risk consequence of actions like matured people. And so feel lack of consideration of another point of view which to them is disregard of them as human beings. Unable to adapt or be flexible to change swiftly if need arises is fixated on one idea or one thing only at that level to deal with. Don’t say grow up or do not act their shoe size because they are not acting. Families and friends must understand they live in the head in their own world isolated so cannot be in the here and now. Often drift off into a fogged mind unawares of what goes on around them. Enter their world by becoming interested in their favourite activity, games, passion, hobbies to try to connect with them emotionally. The time spent with them means a lot to them so feel someone believes in them. IMG-20181209-WA0004.jpgIMG-20181209-WA0003.jpgRecreate their stories around talents or skills and abilities to help them literally not to lose to their mind. Do not put on pressure for perfect facade of normality in life situations. It’s essential to heal to overcome loss, bereavement, trauma or past abuses and challenging problems of life. In a speech yesterday it was said you may have flaws, be angry, anxious but do not forget your life is the greatest enterprise in the world so Only you can stop it going bust. People appreciate and admire you and love you so Remember to be happy is not to have a sky without storm, road without bumps, and work without fatigue, relationships without challenges. To be happy means find strength in forgiveness and hope in battles, security in the stage of fear, love in discord. It’s not only if enjoying smiles that life is good but reflect on sadness. It is not only to celebrate successes, but to learn lessons from past failures. It is not only to feel happy with applause, but to be happy in anonymity. Being happy is part of destiny and an achievement for those who can travel within themselves. To be happy means stop feeling like the victim to become your destiny’s author. It is to cross deserts yet able to find an oasis in the depths of our soul. Thank God every morning for miracle of life. Being happy is not being afraid of your own feelings. It’s to be able to talk about you buy having courage to hear a “no” is not rejection of you as human being. Confidence in God in the face of many criticisms even unjustified strengthens your faith and builds you up. What does not kill you makes you stronger so kiss your children, pamper your parents and live poetic moments with friends, even when they hurt us. To be happy is to let live as God’s children created to be free to you, joyful, simple with maturity to be able to say: “I made mistakes.” It is the courage to say “I am sorry” yet have the sensitivity to say, “I need you.” Its to have ability to say “I love you” and your life become garden of opportunities for happiness … in spring be a lover of joy. In winter a lover of wisdom. And when you make a mistake, start all over again. Only then will you be in love with life to be happy even if not perfect life. Use the tears to irrigate tolerance, losses to train patience, mistakes to sculptor serenity, and pain to plaster pleasure, obstacles to open windows of good success. Never give up …. Never give up on people who love you. Never give up on happiness or joy for life is incredible in God.

Courtesy : Image

(Pope Francis).



pastedImageTop 10 tips to building a baby’s brain as Blackpool Better Start believes, building a brain is a lot like building a house and so must have strong foundation. Strong foundation builds the stronger resilient communities to help parents, essential for healthy structure of child’s brain.”

1) Support

Get support to create a solid foundation by ensuring that parents and caregivers have the right information and support available to meet a baby’s needs. In UK, Blackpool and other parts of country, having parents attend their antenatal programme and being involved with your health visitor, midwife and other people are there to support you through your pregnancy is really important during that transition into parenthood.Reading_800x534

2) Positive nurturing interaction

Developing a brain is an interactive process. ‘Serve and return’ activities can help with this – that’s the “goo goo” and “gaa gaa”, when you respond to what your child is saying to you. It’s like a tennis match. Maybe your child gives you a tissue, you take is and say “thank you”. Embracing those ‘serve and return’ opportunities helps build those interactions.

3) Read, read, read

Research shows us how beneficial reading is to a child’s development. The evidence we have proves children who are read to, by parents or caregivers do better in school. The have higher self-esteem, develop better relationships with other children and are better behaved. We recommend reading 15 minutes a day to your child – that does make a difference to their development.

4) Talk to Babies Early

When adults interact and elaborate what the child is saying to them – like asking questions, sharing rhymes and songs – then children start to develop those cognitive skills and the tools they need to succeed. Even when the child is saying something that’s not particularly intelligible, start a conversation with your child and let them recognise that you will interact with them in that way.

5) Managing stresses

We know that some stress is considered to be good – like meeting a new person, that can be good for a child. It’s for children who grow up in chronically stressful environments, they might be subject to violence, abuse and neglect. Those children experience ‘toxic stress’ and we talk with families about what toxic stress looks like and the impact is has on that child. Caregivers should be aware of the environment a child is in, be able to comfort them when they’re upset and calm their emotions. Helping a child’s stress response system come back to normal levels is really, really important.Family_Singing

6) Be attuned, responsive

The relationship between the main caregiver allows the baby to grow physically, emotionally, intellectually. We know that babies and children need to feel safe, protected and nurtured by caregivers, to identify responds to the child’s needs. Unresponsiveness lead to difficulties socially, behaviourally and emotionally which may affect the child’s physical and emotional development.

7) Outdoors

Remember the importance of outdoor play by using open spaces, parks and other outdoor settings. Look for outdoor opportunities which are vital for brain development and we know that play is essential for a child’s learning and well-being. It can help the parents too. Being outside as a family, particularly if you live in a small house or don’t have much space, getting outside and doing some activity can make you feel better, is good for the child and it’s free!

8) Nutrition and diet

A poor diet can negatively affect a child’s brain development and nervous system. But for us, it’s supporting parents getting their child into solid food. We know breastfeeding is really good for nutrition, because the milk in a mum’s body changes everyday to give the child what they need. We also know that once you move on to solid food, it’s about looking at what kind and how you serve the food to a child. There needs to be a good range of foods that will address their nutrition and diet.

9) Mum & dad take care

Obviously a expectant mother needs to be taken care of during pregnancy, because that vital for the wellbeing of the baby, but that continues well after birth. Establishing regular routines for sleep helps with brain development and stress, as does physical activity. Being physically active for 60 – 90 minutes a day helps strengthen brain connection with motor skills, balance, vision and other abilities. It also helps combat stress for mum. We think mums who have good nutirion, who are acitive during pregnancy are able to have a healthier birth.4-ways-to-nurture-your-childrens-growing-brain-2

10) Communities

We talk about communities a lot, because it’s not just the parents that help grow the child, it’s the whole community and extended family. Studies have shown that children tend to do better from strong, supportive communities. Everything we do is based around gearing up communities and parents to do more for themselves, by giving the community members skills, making them more understanding about child development and what they can do to support that. Children centres, peer supporters and trained volunteers can offset poverty and other risk factors in early development.


20130431-marmiteThe first Amendment of US constitution freedom of speech has taken a whole new meaning starting directly from Trump to the global citizens. Trump is like Marmite deeply loved and adored by those who love him. On the other hand those who cannot stand him hate him with vitriol wants him impeached but have no grounds to stand on to use against him. Trump is offensive to many people with regard to utterances made about calling other nations “shit holes and banning some Muslims from going to America.” The decision to set up an American Embassy in Jerusalem has caused outrage and demonstrations. He wants to build walls in Mexico whose land is America taken by the Europeans. Whether one for or against Trump as a president of America the world is also compelled to take notice of him. Some wonder if he the right person in office. Considering the outburst on Twitter and the outrageous statements concerning the whole world. From cutting grants to refugees and nations that do not agree with policies to “America First” plans. It is interesting the longer Trump in office the worse the language used by him so people wonder if he is of sound mind or beginning of dementia. Unpredictable, impulsive, compulsive decisions made on Twitter bemuses other politicians. Trump bypassed the traditional political forum for debate for expected decision-making to announce policies.mblumenthal0105russia A current book Fire and Fury, revealing another side of concern to world about Trump. That book described Trump as “a child” always wanting immediate gratification.” This statement in book grabbed my attention because childlike qualities are required by God to qualify in His Kingdom. Children are typically naive so trusting and believe anything told. And children also repeat private conversations overheard from adults to the people causing confusion. And wars have been fought by adults as a result of the children’s compulsive, impulsive tell all unfiltered statements of adults. With regard to being child like there are so many children like,” Wolff explained. What they mean is a child want things for immediate gratification so it is all about them.” Whether day or night, convenient or not if possible child wants it now so has tantrums. Matthew_18-3matthew_18-3 (1)Children are used by God in Bible to do great things for whole nation. Jonathan wss used to save David in turn defeated Israel’s enemies killing Goliath. Joseph’s interpretation of dreams saved Egypt and world from 7 years famine and also became Prime Minister. Again, Daniel, Meshach and Abednego served foreign king in Babylon. In living history God bypassed traditional leadership to use “a child” to fulfil HIS PLANS. Samuel “a child” was called by God to deliver HIS MESSAGE to Prophet Eli and nation of Israel. Hophni and Phinehas did not Honour God or allow worshippers to first serve God’s portion of sacrifice. So they arrogantly went with a 3 pronged fork to take God’s portion. Consequently God woke “a child” Samuel to deliver a message children should not hear.6627ee97bc413caaf9183b923dfd299a--bible-illustrations-u-god John_Singleton_Copley_COS013Is it possible Trump’s childlike qualities are being used for such a time as this to do the things God said HE WILL DO? Only God Yahweh knows that answer. If one looks at end time signs and the wonders unfolding towards great Tribulation it is those “wars and rumours of wars” Jesus warned the world about. Could it be the stage is being set militarily for that big one, Armageddon. If so Israel is central core in the wheel of motions moving to gather all nations against Israel as Bible predicts in Ezekiel 38. Since Trump said his war head button is ‘bigger’ than that of North Korea, the nation’s are alert on what will happen next. As child, Samuel was used to deliver message to Israel so Trump can be used to trigger the plans of God concerning the whole world. Jesus-christ-HD-wallapers-with-children-Jesus-called-the-children-to-him..Become like little children to enter the kingdom of heavenThe Bible says people must pray to ask God shortens the evil days or NOBODY will be left alive on earth. It is not just America or Israel involved it is the whole world affected. So good to pray for leaders and peace of Jerusalem because God is going to send Jesus back to earth and join the people left on earth after Armageddon. It is necessary to watch and pray and read Revelations in Bible to see God’s message to whole world unfolding. Billy Graham said read the Bible and see prophecies predicted happening unfold in the world. God can use Trump’s childlike and unpredictable nature as the perfect person suited to do trigger events. And living history shows leaders often instigating wars or being provoked into war by the actions of the others like Alexander the great, Hitler Napoleon among others. Such leaders often have a compulsive, impulsive and child like personalities. Only God knows if Trump’s Marmite role either loved or loathed for God’s wrath plans to unfold. Whether Trump is childlike instrument of choice to fulfill God’s Wrath purpose, Jesus said the type of evil unfolding has not been seen before and will never be seen again after Armageddon. The most important thing is be saved and to have your life hidden in Christ Jesus in God.   Be on God’s side and belong to HIS Eternal Kingdom. Leaders come and go, but God’s WORDS stand forever so be in the know. Make informed Bible choices irrespective of whether you are Trump Marmite lover or just neutral person. If it comes to God’s decisions you cannot sit on the fence. It is the bigger picture of consequences unfolding that really matters. Whether Trump is leader or not God’s Wrath is unfolding on whole world through choices of standing with Israel or not. The Ultimate decision is in God’s HANDS to rescue the church in the rapture and unrestrained evil will continue. Pray and ask to reveal to you deeper plans through Jesus Name. 


indias-nowgli-girl.jpgA recent News report said an 8year old girl dubbed ‘Mowgli’ used to crawl on all 4 without any speech and ate from floor only makes screeching sounds. The girl found living with Monkeys in India a few months ago now is able to walk upright and eats normally. In India, the rescued girl who initially was believed to be living in the forest with monkeys officials now say is disabled and abandoned by her family. The girl’s story was reported on 6 April 2017 in the Times of India in the state of Uttar Pradesh in northern India. This 8-year-old girl found living with a colony of monkeys in the Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary was near the Nepal border:Master.jpg

Cops in Uttar Pradesh have found a girl who can neither speak nor behave like normal human beings. The 8-year-old girl was rescued by the police in Bahraich from a troop of monkeys. The girl was spotted by sub-inspector Suresh Yadav, on a routine patrol in Motipur range of Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary.

When he tried to rescue the girl, who seemed to be comfortable with the apes, they screeched at him and so did the girl. But the cops after a great effort managed to rescue the girl and got her admitted to district hospital.

girl_living_with_monkies_india_fb-865x452No one seems to know how the girl was found up in the forest by herself. The doctors treating her said she exhibited some violent animal-like behaviours when she was first hospitalized and was afraid of human beings. Seemed unable to speak or understand human speech. It is similar to slightly different version of events recounted by the South Asian news agency ANI that the girl was 10 years old when found and had been under the care of the hospital since February 2017, when police originally discovered her:

The City Hospital doctors, who have been treating a ten year-old girl found in the Katarniaghat forest by Uttar Pradesh Police, on Thursday said girl was showing improvement in health. “The girl is better and healthy and has started showing improvement,” Chief Medical Officer, D.K. Singh told ANI. A ten year-old girl was found amongst animals by the police personnel in Uttar Pradesh’s Bahraich district two months back. The girl was seen amongst the animals of the forest and was completely unfamiliar with human language.

Her age range was an estimate since the girl cannot communicate or verbalise to authorities her accurate age. The child nicknamed “Mowgli” by the press after the feral child in Rudyard Kipling’s 1894 novel The Jungle Book was discovered in January, not in February as reported:pri_35909400.jpg

The girl, believed to be 10 to 12 years old, was unable to speak, was wearing no clothes was emaciated when discovered in January and taken to hospital in Bahraich town in Uttar Pradesh in northern India. She behaved like an animal and was running on her arms and legs eating food off the floor with her mouth said D.K. Singh the chief medical superintendent of the government-run hospital. After treatment, begun walking normally eating with her hands. Still not able to speak but understands whatever you tell her and smiles, Singh said.

The videos of the girl shows a child who seems uncomfortable in surroundings and exhibits some behaviours as might be characterized “ape-like.” It is unclear at what stage of her hospitalization they were recorded but she does not speak in the videos and does interact with adults around her. Is seen performing normal tasks like drinking a glass of water. The Police superintendent Dinesh Tripathi, said he visits patient regularly and told the New Indian Express it appeared she lived with monkeys since birth, though is pure speculation on his part. Reports of the “feral children” discovered living among animals in the wild forest is not unprecedented in the historical record, the Washington Post reported. Some were documented in the past:maxresdefault.jpg

Numerous stories of feral children like the young girl exist both in legend and in documented cases in history. Some recent cases include children who like girl, were raised by primates. A British woman named Marina Chapman claimed to live with monkeys from the ages of 4 to 9 in the Colombian jungle and later wrote a book about it but some questioned veracity of tale. A disabled Nigerian boy named Bello was found living with chimpanzees for 18 months in 1996 after he was abandoned by family.

Six-year-old John Ssebunya was found living with green vervet monkeys in the Ugandan jungle in 1991. He is believed to have run away from home when he was 3 years old after seeing his father murder his mother. He was placed in an orphanage and later adopted. He learned to speak, was socialised and a member of the Pearl of Africa children’s choir and participated in the Special Olympics, later moving into a home of his own. Ssebunya’s story was featured in a number of documentaries, including a 3 part Animal Planet series, ‘Raised Wild’ by anthropologist and broadcaster Mary-Ann Ochota who investigated the three cases of feral children, in Uganda, the Ukraine and Fiji.

On 8 April 2017, another version of the “Mowgli girl” story emerged that shed doubt on the claim that the girl found in Uttar Pradesh was herself a feral child, however. The British newspaper The Guardian said a district forestry officer came forward to dispute the previously published details of the case. He painted picture instead that the child may have been abandoned by her family because she was disabled:Mowgli-girl-India3-600x450.jpg

JP Singh said the girl was actually found on a roadside near the forest, not deep in the wilderness. And though there were monkeys in her vicinity, his rangers “never found this girl living with monkeys,” he said. “I think the family members of this girl had been aware that she is not able to speak, and they may have abandoned her near the forest road,” he said. If she was living with monkeys it would be for a few days only, not for a long time. “It is clear from first time view, of the girl she is only eight or nine years old, but her facial expressions show she is disabled mentally, physically, he said. Forest closely monitored by rangers and CCTV and was unlikely she could survive in wilderness for long without being spotted he said. 

The hospital’s chief medical officer, D.K. Singh, agreed that no one could really say precisely when she was abandoned. “In India, people do not prefer a female child and she is mentally not sound,” he told the GuardianThe chief medical officer of the district of Bahraich, Ankur Lal, said it was unlikely she was raised in the forest, much less by monkeys. He believes symptoms of her disabilities were mistaken for evidence she lived without human contact in the jungle. As a recent report says the girl has been transferred to a children’s home in the city of Lucknow for further recovery.