Glorified body of Jesus meets disciplesChristian believers in Christ in the grave wait for new glorified bodies like Jesus’ Resurrected body during Rapture. John 5:25 & 5:28 says a time will come dead in graves will hear shout and come out of the graves in first resurrection. Jesus’ Glorified body looks exactly as He lived so was seen and recognised, some touched His wounds and ate with Jesus on many occasions. Jesus went through the walls of a locked door of the Upper Room and interacted with people. 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17 says dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to heaven. During Rapture Bible says in a twinkle of an eye the dead will arise alive first and given new glorified body with those alive before ascending to heaven. God will revitalise dead human figures to resurrect and make them alive again. In Matthew 27:52-53, Jesus’ Resurrection manifested in graves opening and those buried came out of tombs alive. They came out of the graves and went into the HOLY CITY Jerusalem in Israel and appeared to many people. Godly bodies of many saints who died and decayed is clearly stated, came out of their graves alive, seen by many people. Matthew’s statement said those who came out of opened graves, who had been buried went out alive to visit their families and loved ones so lived again. Jesus’ death and Resurrection brought life as Ezekiel 37:1-14 miracle described in the valley of dry bones to prove RESURRECTION POWER of the Living God ALMIGHTY. In the same way, those who died in Christ will be resurrected in the Rapture alive into heaven. Glorified bodies like Jesus live on earth and heaven yet Rapture miracle sounds so impossible to some human minds, they say it will never happen. The thought of dead people coming alive again after so many years of passing as decayed bones is often dismissed. With GOD All Things ARE POSSIBLE as Jesus lives again after burial three days in the grave. Similarly resurrection of all dead in Christ will be happening during Rapture. When Jesus comes in the CLOUDS, Trumpet sounds and shout wakes the dead in Christ so they arise first to meet together with those alive in the air. The Rapture event is imminent but depends on God’s timing alone. Eventually when Rapture happens people will recognise loved ones and reunite as a family. The most important point is that God’s commands restores lives again. Numerous miracles of the dead raised to life is in Bible so all Christians in Christ will be resurrected in Rapture. As vision of Ezekiel 37:1-14 describes spiritual lives restored in the valley of dry bones so will Rapture be. It is significant and relevant to compare these processes described. Because they give insight to Rapture life resurrection although initially means nation restored to God. God will physically restore dead dry bones in Christ in graves in exactly the same way as dry bones in the valley. The Trumpet call sound heard from the four corners will bring dead back to life instantly like Ezekiel 37:1-14. Miracles of God often have precedence in Bible to encourage people to believe. The Spirit of God in mankind is eternal so never dies and this Spirit returns into dead people, wakes them up from death sleeplike coma alive. The vision shows life depends on God’s Power not on circumstances of the people. Putting “breath” of God’s Spirit into the bones shows God will restore them physically and spiritually. Those in Christ fulfill this prophecy with Israel when God will gather believers in Christ from all lands into heaven. Later Christ will return to establish His Millennial Kingdom in the land of Israel says Matthew 24:30–31. Human bodies as described in 1 Corinthians 15:42–53 are perishable, dishonourable and weak due to sin. Our glorified bodies will be imperishable, honourable and powerful. Our new bodies will be no longer mere “natural” bodies but “spiritual” bodies focussed on heavenly places, at one with Holy Spirit of God like Jesus’ Glorified body. Resurrection of Jesus guarantees us that physical death in a grave is not the end. The body sleeps but the spirit soul goes to the LORD God as Philippians 1:20-24 stated. Awake and sing who who dwell in dust for yout dew like dew of herbs and earth shall cast out dead says Isaiah 26:19. Lord Jesus returns in cloud with spirit soul to raise the body in glory and unite body with soul as one being to share His Glory forever.IMG-20180314-WA0005IMG_20180615_060104picture-201Is-the-Hope-of-Rapture-to-meet-Jesus-Christ-Achievable


John 11:17-27 says Jesus is Resurrection and The Life 17 so Jesus found Lazarus was in the tomb four days. 18Bethany was near Jerusalem about two miles off 19 and many of the Jews came to Martha and Mary to console them concerning their brother.20 Martha heard Jesus was coming so went to meet Him, but Mary stayed at the house. 21 Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. 22 I know whatever You ask God HE will give You. 23 Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”24 Martha said to Him, “I know he will rise in resurrection on the last day.” 25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, 26 and all who live and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” 27 She said to Him, “Yes, Lord I believe You are Christ, the Son of God who came to save the world.” Jesus wept, prayed and thanked God for hearing His request so said, “Lazarus, come out.” Immediately Lazarus walked out of the graves after he was buried four days. Events taking place in alignment with God’s plans are unfolding daily to prepare people to get ready for the Rapture. Only God knows exact day, hour or time but it is good to educate yourself and be in the know to make informed choice. It is written in Ezekiel 37:1-14 in Bible describing detailed process God used to bring dry bones to life. The Hand of the LORD God came on Ezekiel in the Spirit of the LORD in the valley full of human bones. Ezekiel  was asked to cause dry bones to live again after all hope was lost. God asked Ezekiel, ‘Son of man, can these bones live? Ezekiel answered, “O Lord God, You know.” God said “Prophesy to these bones and say to them ‘dry bones hear the word of the Lord! The LORD God said speak to these bones, “Surely to cause breath to enter you to live. I AM will put sinews on you to bring flesh on you to cover you with skin and put breath in you and you will live. Then you will know I AM the LORD. Ezekiel prophesied as commanded and there was noise and suddenly a rattling and the bones came together bone to bone so sinews and flesh came on them and skin covered them but there was no breath in them. God said to Ezekiel, “Prophesy breath, prophesy, son of man and say to breath, ‘Thus says the LORD God, “Come from four winds, O breath and breathe on the slain that they will live.” And so Ezekiel prophesied as God commanded and breath came into them and they lived and stood on their feet as an exceedingly great army. So God said, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dry, our hope is lost and so are cut off! Prophesy the LORD God says, “O My people I will open your graves and you come up from your graves, and bring you into land of Israel. You will know I AM the LORD when I open your graves O My people to bring you up from your graves. I will put My Spirit in you and you will live and I will place you in your own land. Then you will know I AM the LORD and spoken it and performed it,” says the LORD.” This Spiritual change is seen in physical manifestation of nation of Israel and all the nations on earth are grafted in Christ through God’s Eternal covenant with Abraham. Just as a dead situations are restored to life so dead in Christ are restored to life in the Rapture as people believe. Some dead people are best preserved cardava seen waiting for resurrection if Godly believer in Christ. The body of a 2,000-year-old Chinese woman is most well-preserved mummy in the world. Xin Zhui died in 163 BC so found in 1971, her hair was intact, her skin was soft to the touch, and her veins still housed type-A blood.

Xin Zhui Mummy Under GlassMore than 2,000 years old, Xin Zhui, also known as Lady Dai, is a mummified woman of China’s Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) who still has her own hair, is soft to the touch, and has ligaments that still bend like a living person. She is widely recognized as the best-preserved human mummy in history.La-DoncellaThis 15-year-old girl’s remains frozen in cross-legged position until discovery in 1999. Another little girl’s corpse called the Sleeping Beauty rests in little glass coffin deep in the Capuchin Monk Catacombs of Italy. She breathed her last in 1920 and General Lombardo was so undone by grief he decided he would not part with his daughter’s remains no matter what it took. Result seen today in the world is little Rosalia’s corpse.Rosalia-LombardoUrna_amb_les_restes_de_Sta._Joaquima_al_Mas_Escorial_de_Vic,_24.08.2004stSeraphinIncorruptInterestingly some think there will be no Rapture because flesh and blood cannot dwell in God’s Kingdom. A new glorified body is given so it’s not just a mere flesh and blood anymore. A body is renewed without sickness or body limitations so life is restored in perfect image of God without sin. As Ezekiel’s Gospel message comes alive in living history of Israel so Christians in Christ will Rapture alive into heaven to escape GREAT TRIBULATIONS but God allows unbelievers to remain on earth according to their faith. Seek God in prayer to help you discern HIS SALVATION plan in Jesus Christ. Some bodies are preserved naturally without any chemicals or herbs used like Egyptian mummies. Others were preserved in formalin to keep the body in good shape without decay. True life stories exist of some graves exhumed accidentally by builders, explorers or relocation of cemeteries to new burial grounds. And during such occasions caskets unsealed by nails or due to decay if nails open. Such preserved bodies look as if just freshly buried so do not decay. Totally decayed bodies turned to dust, partially decomposed flesh or bodies preserved intact in Christ in God to be resurrected. Jesus said some people will be approved by God into an eternal life even without knowing so in advance. Due to their Godly works were recognised and accepted by God. People will be surprised to see such dead arise in the first resurrection Rapture at a Trumpet call with shout in the twinkle of an eye into heaven when Jesus comes with their spirit in CLOUDS. God still resurrects some people who are alive today in Name of Jesus Christ before Rapture.


revelation-20Annual Remembrance Day celebrations triggers memories of passed loved ones once again. The timing of events of their pictures and composed messages brings floods of tears by reliving the trauma of loss and grief. The pain of loss is worse especially if person’s death, unexpected, suddenly taken, cutting short all grand plans of their future. The pain is intense unavoidable and unshakable with loss deeply felt almost to point of doubting if one’s own life is worth living without a loved one. Whether a loved one was old or a young person gone suddenly it is a shock to the system. The hurt and pain, tears, numbness, inability to function or think clearly, loss of appetite, sleepless nights or fears, affects lives of the living left behind. Some seem to handle their pain better than others although there is no perfect formula for grieving. So people get on with their lives with such gaping hole of sadness of the missing person in their lives. Others completely lose the plot drowning sorrow with any thing that masks the pain. Some fall into deep depression, mental health issues or even become completely mad from trauma they never recover from. It is written in the Bible to mourn with hope knowing there is eternal reunion with a loved one once again. So there, will be no more tears, crying, grief, sorrow or pain but all will live together forever. Jesus wept over the death of Lazarus his friend but resurrected him from death.jesuswepttop

slide_55thelordisnear.jpgIMG-20171115-WA0000This message of hope gives assurance life on earth is a temporary journey so death is not the end of life. The real life in heaven comes with permanent joy, love happiness and joy forever. Believe in God and Jesus Christ and let not your hearts be troubled. In heaven in Father God’s House are many mansion rooms. If it was not so Jesus would have told you so He goes to prepare a place for you so where God and Jesus live you will live also. Though feeling sad people who mourn or grieve in Christ know they will meet their loved ones again in the future. Loved ones who passed are no more in pain in happier place called heaven. Heaven gains souls returned to God whose names are written in the Book of Life remembered by God. They are happy so do not want those they left behind to be traumatized because they left earth and do not want to see them sad. God’s soul angels harvest and gather into heaven those who arrive each day. It is heart-warming and amazing Godly hope of assurance tells us one day of joy in heaven is better than a thousand years on earth. Thank God for Jesus who conquered death to give us eternal life forever. Those who accept and love God in Christ are in book of Remembrance of God. When people on earth cry, God collects tears in bottle and keeps on HIS altar in heaven. Bible says in Psalms 56:8 God takes account of sorrow and puts tears in HIS bottle on HIS altar in heaven and in HIS BOOKS of Life and Remembrance. Jeremiah 14:17 assures us God CRIES over tragic loss and people who rebel against God. Revelation 7:17 says, Lamb of God Jesus is at the center of God’s Throne as Shepherd to guide all to springs of water of life and God will wipe every tear from their eyes. The sheep of Jesus who hear His voice, follow and live in Christ return to God in heaven.great-council-in-heaven4-1IMG_20171115_080314


107768ad319998ff223d04366aa24ded--perfume-bottles-revelation-tumblr_owrggkr0Gt1s91yx0o1_500nintchdbpict000266964996God hears people in heaven according to Malachi 3:16-18. As those who fear the LORD God speak to one another the LORD gives attention to them in book of remembrance written before Him, for those who fear the LORD and who esteem His name. ‘They will be Mine,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘on the day that I prepare My own possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him. God will distinguish between righteous and wicked, between one who serves God and the ones who does not serve Him.’” The book Malachi 3 is detailed account from the LORD God to people about issue of obedience. HIS charges against them are: offering defective sacrifices in 1:8, teaching error in 2:8, unfaithful to wives 2:13–14, complain it is futile to serve the LORD God and 3 divorce their wives on flimsy excuses. God pronounces strict judgments upon those guilty of offenses in Malachi 2:2. God makes it clear HE hears and knows intentions of heart’s desires so honours those who Honour HIM. HE knows all loyal ones who refuse to murmur against God as Numbers 14:27, 36 says or Deuteronomy 1:27 and Psalm 106:25. The Bible says the dead in Christ will be raised first during rapture to go with living into heaven to be in God’s Presence.revelations-king-jesusdanny-hahlbohm-the-invitation_a-l-925627-02002505IMG_20171113_180730

Scripture refers to God’s “BOOKS” in Exodus 32:23, Psalm 56:8, Daniel 7:10 12:1, Revelations 13:8, 2015. God keeps a written record in order to keep track of human deeds. God uses book of remembrance representing list of deeds of people for rewards. The kings of Persia kept book records of those who render services to the king so servants might be rewarded. The book of Esther 6:1-3 in the Bible has important notes so rewards given, even if delayed is seen as worthy deed for the king to reward. In Malachi 3:17 the LORD says, on that day faithful service is rewarded after taking notice. There is coming a day when HE will act to reward obedient but evildoers who think the LORD did not see or care as Malachi 3:14:15, Psalm 94:7, Ezekiel 8:12 says are punished. Scripture is clear loyalty to God is noticed and rewarded. Jesus spoke of this many times in Matthew 10:42, Mark 9:41, Luke 6:23, Revelation 22:12. Life is like storing treasure in heaven, making deposits into bank account as Matthew 6:20 says. What is done on earth is also forever recorded in heaven as shown in 2:Corinthians 5:10. Remembrance book is used by God to encourage His faithful ones their love and service for Him is appreciated and noticed. His promise is that during judgment those love Him He knows His own and will preserve them. The righteous man Noah was preserved by God for Honouring Him in Genesis 6:9. Jesus encourages His followers to rejoice because their names are written in heaven in Luke 10:20. Jesus knows all those faithful to Him despite all earthly troubles, heartaches, death says Bible in Matthew 24:9, Acts 9:6, 12:2. Knowing names are written in God’s BOOK helps disciples persevere to the end as shown in Matthew 10:22, Mark 13:13. Galatians 6:9 continues theme of future reward: “Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Those who continue to honour the Lord when some fall away can rest assured in the confidence their names are written in God’s book of remembrance in heaven. Revelations 8:3 says another angel, who had golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, along with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before God’s THRONE. 4 So the smoke of the incense and prayers rose before God from the hand of the angel. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it to the earth; and there were rolls of thunder, and rumblings, and flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.8709652ccf870f6b243c6009e3cfdc35bb1f1d6f5ff36ce96e0213155604432321TRIBUTE1-master768226456db3907f6789d896eab08dcc16f--tears-of-sadness-angles2044867.jpgIRAQiraq-war-photos-michael-kamber.sw_.4.photojournalists-on-war-ss01

In a recent revelation, God showed me Jesus preparing bodies of the saints to be awakened. The bodies are carefully wrapped in white garments and laid side by  side. Then the Lord said do not be afraid of these dead bodies. As we walked past them Jesus said “I will marry you” meaning invitation to the marriage supper of the Lamb as chosen bride among many to bridegroom Jesus. Suddenly, Jesus enters the graves again, some in flooded waters others in sealed tombs and continues his preparation of bodies. I walked towards Jesus in the grave and two angels pointed me out and said not that way go here on this path. The next day the revelations continued in church where a woman showed me pictures on the wall. She said these are the faces of those bodies you were shown and this group is from 1911-1921. She handed me a book of life and said their names are written in this book then revelation ended. I am sharing this message on the Lamb’s books of life and remembrance books of life recording accounts of life of all people who lived and in future. It also records unbelievers and atheists so to recall on judgements day by God. And those who Honour God though grieving are guaranteed ETERNAL life FOREVER. This is the reason why it is so important to understand living according to God ‘s plans and purposes. It is appointed unto man once to die but after death there is judgement of God in heaven. Do not let life’s sorrow overwhelm you to miss Lord Jesus Christ’s love for you. So no matter how much you love your loved ones or they love you God’s Love is the greatest LOVE for both you and your family. Remember God is watching and noting all actions on earth to reward as recorded your loved ones and your life in God’s Remembrance Books for eternity. Though time to weep and weeping may endure for a season joy comes in the morning to be eternally happy as citizens of heaven in Jesus Name where there is eternal joy. One final thing to note is there in only one marriage of the Lamb of God in heaven to His bridegroom His Church of God in Christ Jesus. God’s love in heaven is so perfect surpassing human love for one another so human marriages does not exist in heaven as no longer needed in heaven. But all will recognise loved ones and family members and friends in happy reunion.



The living dead are celebrated in great style with pomp in funeral ceremony so no expense is spared in a send off party. The people alive strongly believe they must do whatever is necessary to bury the departed in a grand style. A list is provided to include their future needs in next life because of fear they watch over those alive left behind. But some express concern that the dead seems more celebrated than the living. A true story recently happened after John fell ill and sought care from a private clinic when the local hospital did not provide the urgent care he needed because of the waiting list queue. His course of treatment was prolonged as required for his full recovery.  Later, as John did not work so affected by his health, he sent a message to his place of work but his wages was not enough to cover his medical expenses. Eventually, John approached his family in vain. The delay took so long John became resident patient. The doctor took care of John’s needs beyond the professional duty of care. After several attempts to get help from the family in vain, John’s doctor sent a message to his family he was dead. But it did not take long for John’s family to charter a hearse and a bus full of John’s relatives to travel over to claim his body at the clinic. To their shock and horror John was alive and well and released to his family who really thought he died. It was an interesting story as some people thought it was unethical for a doctor to trick John’s relatives to recover his cost. Whatever people felt about the doctor’s actions, it reveals attitude towards dead people who seem to be revered more at times than the living in some cases. This incident highlights concerns especially about the extent to which funerals are invested in more than taking care of a person to the same extent when alive. It is an issue that confronts some nations concerning fear of the dead haunting them if not properly sent off by proper funeral rites and ceremonies. This is also a matter of big business for the event planners sometimes funerals are bigger than weddings. The fabulously rich and wealthy can afford the costs of funerals. Yet still the generous culture of giving means people still give freely to the family as part of their culture. As, the credit crunch affects most people, rising funeral costs means people cover costs by donations, selling land, assets, investments, in other cases taking loans to contribute to costs of the funerals at hand. At times families or communities have five or more funerals to attend at the weekends. This means contributions are distributed among the bereaved or in certain cases, so one has to prioritize closest ones to their family. This trend is so serious now funerals are postponed from 6 months to 10 years in extreme cases to prepare for the celebrations. Meanwhile the family pays exorbitant mortuary fees for embalming body kept for months or years until fixed time for burial ceremonies. Planning takes place for months and years until the suitable time is arranged for all necessary dignitaries to attend. Meanwhile, food is ordered, costumes organised for changing garbs of dead person many times over. The family members, friends and relatives choose fabrics to accordingly to wear if a joyful funeral of white representing a long life or the sad loss of mourning in red and black.

The cost of expenses is making some to query whether it is the best approach to life in general. Some people feel such a huge amount spent could be used on the living rather than the dead. The dead are given farewell parties in grand style surpassing the previous ones done. It is almost like competition to outdo and be the talk of the town. Video recordings are made for perpetual memory of the event. Sometimes accompanied by fun, laughter, sense of humour, dancing in formations and music performers from the different groups invited or hired. To outsiders, it may seem like a waste of resources and hard-earned cash that could save lives than bury them with riches. This matter is partly due to the fact that people want to show the best side of a family to the guests. They are fed free foods, drinks, accommodation as long they stay with the family. The people travel from all over the world through connections with their family directly or in-laws or work colleagues. It is considered the highest filial loyalty or honour to bury the dead in dignity. The belief exists those not buried properly cannot qualify to be living ancestors. A deceased is not considered totally dead because their Spirit from God lives on. So they know the departed, though passed on into the next is conscious and interested in the lives of those they left behind. Due to dignified life, such burial is deemed a great status symbol, respect and qualification to be remembered as elder in community. The ones who do not meet such honourable burials are disposed of privately quietly at dawn without permission to cry for their loss or grand style public ceremony.  It is an issue affecting all the citizens in that community and the family contributes on behalf of all members throughout life. Often people own land, large farms and cattle so able to use resources for the funerals which lasted for months on end. Then memorial service was held a year later to complete mourning and to celebrate by changing from mourning black clothes worn for one year into the white garments for another year. At the end of that second year, the property and assets of the deceased are openly distributed among relatives. If there is a will made belongings are share as the owner wanted. If not, elders meet and deliberate for fair share to those most in need of the material goods or resources. Often family members are surprised by little Gifts saved over the years to be given to them by the deceased. With modern education, most people do the white-collar jobs so traditions changed. The contribution of funds support all the families in mourning. Each member of the community know they will have similar funeral when it is their turn but not necessarily in grandstyle depending on their status. When it comes to such a funeral the person of high standing in society or parents of someone of status in the society is definitely celebrated in grand style. Elders who live long and supported many family members and relatives, are appreciated by the people they raised over the years paying their last respects. The sadness of funeral is counter balanced by occasion of long-lost families gathering together after many years of living apart. The family chooses an appropriate coffin based on the person’s profession, career path, job, hobbies, interests, status, belief in God. A miniature replica of actual coffin made adds to remembrance token collection of family tree living history._50223727_helicoptercoffin90383461.optim123557496-15648fae-224b-4c69-82c0-212e6928453fOpportunity presents itself to showcase unique capentery skills, talents or look for a suitable partner although that is not the primary motive of attending the funeral in the first place. Families play a major role in also their birth, weddings marriage and funerals so it most likely the same group of people will be met at this events. With changes in culture and Christianity the church helps with funeral by cutting the time of endless wake keeping for weeks or months in the past to keep it simple. The community as a whole participates therefore the burden of cost is shared among those people involved. The issue of costly funeral budget is complex but simplified in terms of sharing each other’s burden. However, the ethics and humanitarian issue is that of those in danger of abandonment if uncared for while alive in times of need like John. The moral thing to do is organise the same people willing to contribute to funeral costs to set up budgets for the living in need to celebrate them alive like ‘This is your life program on TV.’ To bring together all loved ones in lifetime to enjoy life at least on many possible occasions. This will acknowledge people especially if birthdays and honour days are not celebrated. At least such funeral gives time to gather together as a family and to admire the beautiful types of the coffins on display at such funerals. It is nice to see young adults participating in the display of coffins and special treats of dances to entertain the community to ease the pain and tension of loss caused by death. Above all, whatever method is chosen for burial, life extends beyond funerals into eternity so the destination into heaven is what counts most. And all the dead in Christ in God will arise and live reunited with family eternally in heaven and in the Kingdom of God on the earth eventually, forever Ruled by Christ Jesus from Jerusalem Israel.