Spiritually dead yet living God our Father imparts life in Christ into. Lazarus and the saints raised during Christ’s resurrection, brought alive were physically dead. People raised in glorious inheritance of eternal life with Yahweh. God’s great power in Christ raises believers in eternity as God’s power raised Yeshua from death. Seated at God’s right hand in heavenly places has authority and power in Ephesians 1:19-23 above all. God’s power and authority in risen Christ in Ephesians 2:1-3 redeems all the powerless, hopeless people living in lifeless condition enslaving and dominating them. So God’s great power in Christ makes us partakers in His resurrection. God gives life in Christ, flowing from God’s love to work in us. The dead in trespasses of sin in Ephesians 2:1 are made alive in Christ in Ephesians 2:5. It is sin that blinds, distracts, wastes time for believers away from God. So sin DNA from Adam and Eve all inherited makes people Spiritually dead yet physically alive. They move about but are spiritually dead. Jesus said the physically dead to be buried by the spiritually dead people. A deceased lifeless can’t help themself is absolutely powerless beyond hope of activities to function. God’s Supernatural power enters and overpowers spirit of death casts out by Sovereign God. The dead state of inability God Spiritually turns around for believers saved by Gospel message. God gives free choice to believe to become Spiritually alive or to stay dead and separated from God. Response to faith to repent after hearing the Gospel expels a spirit of physical death. Ability to respond to the Gospel truth in Spirit is for an eternal life. Physical death exit to be alive in Christ as a Spirit soul. The word of God is sharper than two-edged sword, cuts through bones and marrow, discerns thoughts to realise a dead fallen state of mankind. Light drives out darkness Spiritual life overtakes death. Spiritual awakening in response to things of God is Spirit imparting new life in a dead sinner resurrected. Jesus stood by grave in John 11:43 called Lazarus to come out by God’s Spirit. It activated life he came back from death because Jesus imparted life in him. The miracle picture of eternal life is in glorious new bodies. The Father raises the dead gives new life so the Son gives life in John 5:21. If you hear God’s words and you believe you have eternal life, not judged will pass from death into eternal life. The dead who hear the voice of the Son of God lives in John 5:24-25. Spiritual resurrection is an answer to spiritual death to save from sins. Without a new Spiritual life in Christ Jesus all are spiritually dead. The Gospel gives all life more abundantly into eternity. Mortally dead Scripture teaches are dead in sin and the Father draws all raised up on last day in John 6:44. God grants people salvation in John 6:65 doesn’t want you to perish so God’s powerful intervention is to spiritually dead by imparting a new life. In John 8:43 Jesus said, do understand and hear God’s words for a spiritually deaf can’t hear God’s words to respond on their own. And Jesus intercedes for all spiritually dead to return to the Holy God Almighty to stop sins. True Gospel of God raises spiritually dead back into life God’s Spiritual Kingdom on earth and into eternal life in heaven. Ezekiel 37:1-3 says dead dry bones of Israel’s sin raised as a great army of God. The LORD’S God’s Spirit in the valley of dead dry bones raised alive. Spiritually raised lives supernaturally in a resurrection of eternal life with Jesus. Jesus Christ of Nazareth said if anyone is in Christ though they die will live again. The house of Israel said, ‘Our bones are dry, our hope perished cut off but the Lord GOD will open graves to come out alive to bring you into land of Israel in Ezekiel 37:10-12. God talks to a physical Israel of Yahweh out of land of hope God dwells. Yahweh opens all graves for grafted in Christ spiritually dead to be Spiritual resurrected. Unsaved dead people, helpless, Yahweh gives eternal life in Christ to come alive to be restored to life and saved eternally. And believers in Christ once dead in sin are saved by God’s Grace and mercy. Overcome death to sin by God’s power of resurrection in Christ Jesus freely given to you today.


Rapture ALIVE into heaven to see the LORD God by Jesus. Elect IN CHRIST go ALIVE into heaven during birthpang pains. Jesus takes believers ALIVE in Rapture He resurrects IN CHRIST caught up with the living in air meet Jesus into heaven to be with the LORD, Lives in mansions in John 14:2. In Hebrews 10:19 elect BOLDLY enter God’s Holy place through BLOOD of Jesus. 20 Jesus living veil’s flesh 21 High Priest of God 22 Draws hearts sprinkled of evil conscience body washed by water. 23 Hold fast by faith God is faithful knows exact day, time; hour of Rapture. Rapture is NOT Second Coming of Jesus with saints on white horses to Israel. Rapture is elect IN CHRIST taken to heaven escapes wrath of God seven years so avoids Great Tribulations on earth.

Believers IN CHRIST are not subjected to God’s wrath on earth taken in Rapture into heaven to be with the LORD. Christians left behind on earth will go through seven years of GREAT TRIBULATION destruction on the earth. There is drought, famines, locusts and pestilence, tornadoes, typhoons, volcanoes, earthquakes, mudslide, wildfires, sun scorches people to death, plagues and destruction 1/4 of the earth and trees. During seven years the 144,000 Jewish virgin males, Moses, Elijah and angels evangelise to all nations for the final decision to accept or reject Jesus as their Messiah. After 3 and half year’s times of distress including war fought by 10 nations with antiChrist/s against Israel. And God uses cosmic judgement in Matthew 24 to defeat them with meteors, comets falling star wormwood turn water to blood. Jesus and Daniel said evil unseen before on earth will unfold and never again after. Many Christian’s will be bewildered when they find themselves left behind. Some will escape into the wilderness and live off grid to escape intense persecutions. Others die from things happening on earth. Countless multitudes from all nations, languages, tribes accept Jesus as Messiah through the 144,000 and 2 witnesses. Join souls under God’s altar in heaven carry palm brunches in heaven. After seven years in heaven Jesus returns with saints on white horses to Mount Olives with from heaven. 1 Corinthians 4:16 says Lord Jesus Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with voice of archangel and the trumpet of God. The dead IN CHRIST rise first 17 We alive shall be caught up with them in clouds meet the Lord in air so shall be ever be with the LORD in heaven until His return in Second coming back to the earth.

Jesus later returns in red garments on white horse in second coming with a sword in His mouth. With saints on white horses to earth He reigns KING of Kings and LORD of Lords to take over nations rules a thousand years in Israel. Jesus descends on earth with saints caught up into heaven at the end of seventh TRUMPET of judgment in Great Tribulations. Angel shouts and Jesus sign in sky seen by all nations. Jesus and His saints from the LORD ends Great Tribulations defeats Armageddon army at His Second Coming with His saints. Earthquakes splits Mount Olives destroys the Temple Mount abomination of desolations of the antiChrist killed by Messiah Jesus Christ.The Seventh Trumpet ushers in Jesus rule on earth in a millennium 1000 year’s reign with righteous raised to eternal life in Revelation 20:4. All who didn’t believe in Rapture will remain in graves for seven years until second coming of Jesus with His saints from heaven. Are raised in first resurrection to reign with Christ. Jesus raises millennium saints whose testimony of Jesus didn’t take mark of beast on forehead, on right hand or worship image. They accept Messiah when 144,000 and two witnesses preach with God’s angels. Jesus is the first fruits in 1 Corinthians 15:20 resurrects all elect IN CHRIST into heaven in Rapture. Saints resurrected in Jerusalem in Matthew 27:52-53. The rest of the dead are NOT raised until AFTER 1000 years in second resurrection in Revelation 20:5.

The dead IN CHRIST raised at Jesus second coming are martyrs of Great Tribulation in Revelation 20:4. Then second resurrection in Revelation 20:12-13 of the wicked judged by God at the great white throne judgment. Are cast into the lake of fire as unbelievers Jesus resurrected but damned in John 5:29; Daniel 12:2. Many asleep in dust of earth awake to eternal life or shame. During Jesus’ reign the devil locked in pit released fights Gog Magog war. Jesus Christ defeats antiChrist/s armies takes over all the kingdoms of earth forever with saints. After thousand year resurrection in Revelation 20:5-6 white throne judgment in Revelation 20:11-15 puts satan in hellfire with false prophet and all who reject God. So all nations will know God go to Jerusalem to worship God or no rain in Zechariah 14:17.All the resurrected saints and those taken alive in the Rapture into heaven return to the earth. Joined by elect from four corners of earth after the seven years of the GREAT TRIBULATIONS fights in Armageddon war in Israel against 200,000,000 army cross dried Euphrates river on dry land to war against Israel. God’s cosmic meteors, earthquakes, volcanoes bury the armies. Jesus slaughters with a sword from His mouth in Revelation 19:13-19. Acts of God destroys the destroyers of earth who caused so much destructions. God’s angel’s announces Jesus’ return on the earth and the saints takes over all their nations and kingdoms for God. Jesus will build His New Temple of Ezekiel on Temple Mount and reign 1000 years. So all nations will belong to God under Jesus Christ. And after 1000 years later New Jerusalem will come down to earth so God dwells among men in perfect peace. Trumpets are heard all over the world not last Trumpet for Rapture but Revelation seven judgement trumpets.Then second resurrection of Christians left behind on earth take place some join God’s Kingdom to rule and reign as Kings and priests over all nations. All not found in the Lamb’s book of life are sent to hellfire with devil and fallen angel demons. Earth is perfect without sin in God’s original plan in Garden of Eden pre sin DNA contaminated mankind and nature. Solomon said there is nothing new under the sun God’s events in Bible never shows believers met Christ in air on return from heaven showing Himself to the father after resurrection back to earth in history. Elect IN CHRIST in glorified bodies are taken into heaven to be with the LORD is not to welcome Jesus in air to earth. Second Coming of Jesus to Israel with all saints from heaven on white horses is at Mount Olives. Stop mixing Rapture with Second Coming of Jesus Christ these are two separate events. In Israel Trumpet sound heard in the world not 7th Great Tribulation one are Rapture alerts.


revelation-20Annual Remembrance Day celebrations triggers memories of passed loved ones once again. The timing of events of their pictures and composed messages brings floods of tears by reliving the trauma of loss and grief. The pain of loss is worse especially if person’s death, unexpected, suddenly taken, cutting short all grand plans of their future. The pain is intense unavoidable and unshakable with loss deeply felt almost to point of doubting if one’s own life is worth living without a loved one. Whether a loved one was old or a young person gone suddenly it is a shock to the system. The hurt and pain, tears, numbness, inability to function or think clearly, loss of appetite, sleepless nights or fears, affects lives of the living left behind. Some seem to handle their pain better than others although there is no perfect formula for grieving. So people get on with their lives with such gaping hole of sadness of the missing person in their lives. Others completely lose the plot drowning sorrow with any thing that masks the pain. Some fall into deep depression, mental health issues or even become completely mad from trauma they never recover from. It is written in the Bible to mourn with hope knowing there is eternal reunion with a loved one once again. So there, will be no more tears, crying, grief, sorrow or pain but all will live together forever. Jesus wept over the death of Lazarus his friend but resurrected him from death.jesuswepttop

slide_55thelordisnear.jpgIMG-20171115-WA0000This message of hope gives assurance life on earth is a temporary journey so death is not the end of life. The real life in heaven comes with permanent joy, love happiness and joy forever. Believe in God and Jesus Christ and let not your hearts be troubled. In heaven in Father God’s House are many mansion rooms. If it was not so Jesus would have told you so He goes to prepare a place for you so where God and Jesus live you will live also. Though feeling sad people who mourn or grieve in Christ know they will meet their loved ones again in the future. Loved ones who passed are no more in pain in happier place called heaven. Heaven gains souls returned to God whose names are written in the Book of Life remembered by God. They are happy so do not want those they left behind to be traumatized because they left earth and do not want to see them sad. God’s soul angels harvest and gather into heaven those who arrive each day. It is heart-warming and amazing Godly hope of assurance tells us one day of joy in heaven is better than a thousand years on earth. Thank God for Jesus who conquered death to give us eternal life forever. Those who accept and love God in Christ are in book of Remembrance of God. When people on earth cry, God collects tears in bottle and keeps on HIS altar in heaven. Bible says in Psalms 56:8 God takes account of sorrow and puts tears in HIS bottle on HIS altar in heaven and in HIS BOOKS of Life and Remembrance. Jeremiah 14:17 assures us God CRIES over tragic loss and people who rebel against God. Revelation 7:17 says, Lamb of God Jesus is at the center of God’s Throne as Shepherd to guide all to springs of water of life and God will wipe every tear from their eyes. The sheep of Jesus who hear His voice, follow and live in Christ return to God in heaven.great-council-in-heaven4-1IMG_20171115_080314


107768ad319998ff223d04366aa24ded--perfume-bottles-revelation-tumblr_owrggkr0Gt1s91yx0o1_500nintchdbpict000266964996God hears people in heaven according to Malachi 3:16-18. As those who fear the LORD God speak to one another the LORD gives attention to them in book of remembrance written before Him, for those who fear the LORD and who esteem His name. ‘They will be Mine,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘on the day that I prepare My own possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him. God will distinguish between righteous and wicked, between one who serves God and the ones who does not serve Him.’” The book Malachi 3 is detailed account from the LORD God to people about issue of obedience. HIS charges against them are: offering defective sacrifices in 1:8, teaching error in 2:8, unfaithful to wives 2:13–14, complain it is futile to serve the LORD God and 3 divorce their wives on flimsy excuses. God pronounces strict judgments upon those guilty of offenses in Malachi 2:2. God makes it clear HE hears and knows intentions of heart’s desires so honours those who Honour HIM. HE knows all loyal ones who refuse to murmur against God as Numbers 14:27, 36 says or Deuteronomy 1:27 and Psalm 106:25. The Bible says the dead in Christ will be raised first during rapture to go with living into heaven to be in God’s Presence.revelations-king-jesusdanny-hahlbohm-the-invitation_a-l-925627-02002505IMG_20171113_180730

Scripture refers to God’s “BOOKS” in Exodus 32:23, Psalm 56:8, Daniel 7:10 12:1, Revelations 13:8, 2015. God keeps a written record in order to keep track of human deeds. God uses book of remembrance representing list of deeds of people for rewards. The kings of Persia kept book records of those who render services to the king so servants might be rewarded. The book of Esther 6:1-3 in the Bible has important notes so rewards given, even if delayed is seen as worthy deed for the king to reward. In Malachi 3:17 the LORD says, on that day faithful service is rewarded after taking notice. There is coming a day when HE will act to reward obedient but evildoers who think the LORD did not see or care as Malachi 3:14:15, Psalm 94:7, Ezekiel 8:12 says are punished. Scripture is clear loyalty to God is noticed and rewarded. Jesus spoke of this many times in Matthew 10:42, Mark 9:41, Luke 6:23, Revelation 22:12. Life is like storing treasure in heaven, making deposits into bank account as Matthew 6:20 says. What is done on earth is also forever recorded in heaven as shown in 2:Corinthians 5:10. Remembrance book is used by God to encourage His faithful ones their love and service for Him is appreciated and noticed. His promise is that during judgment those love Him He knows His own and will preserve them. The righteous man Noah was preserved by God for Honouring Him in Genesis 6:9. Jesus encourages His followers to rejoice because their names are written in heaven in Luke 10:20. Jesus knows all those faithful to Him despite all earthly troubles, heartaches, death says Bible in Matthew 24:9, Acts 9:6, 12:2. Knowing names are written in God’s BOOK helps disciples persevere to the end as shown in Matthew 10:22, Mark 13:13. Galatians 6:9 continues theme of future reward: “Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Those who continue to honour the Lord when some fall away can rest assured in the confidence their names are written in God’s book of remembrance in heaven. Revelations 8:3 says another angel, who had golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, along with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before God’s THRONE. 4 So the smoke of the incense and prayers rose before God from the hand of the angel. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it to the earth; and there were rolls of thunder, and rumblings, and flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.8709652ccf870f6b243c6009e3cfdc35bb1f1d6f5ff36ce96e0213155604432321TRIBUTE1-master768226456db3907f6789d896eab08dcc16f--tears-of-sadness-angles2044867.jpgIRAQiraq-war-photos-michael-kamber.sw_.4.photojournalists-on-war-ss01

In a recent revelation, God showed me Jesus preparing bodies of the saints to be awakened. The bodies are carefully wrapped in white garments and laid side by  side. Then the Lord said do not be afraid of these dead bodies. As we walked past them Jesus said “I will marry you” meaning invitation to the marriage supper of the Lamb as chosen bride among many to bridegroom Jesus. Suddenly, Jesus enters the graves again, some in flooded waters others in sealed tombs and continues his preparation of bodies. I walked towards Jesus in the grave and two angels pointed me out and said not that way go here on this path. The next day the revelations continued in church where a woman showed me pictures on the wall. She said these are the faces of those bodies you were shown and this group is from 1911-1921. She handed me a book of life and said their names are written in this book then revelation ended. I am sharing this message on the Lamb’s books of life and remembrance books of life recording accounts of life of all people who lived and in future. It also records unbelievers and atheists so to recall on judgements day by God. And those who Honour God though grieving are guaranteed ETERNAL life FOREVER. This is the reason why it is so important to understand living according to God ‘s plans and purposes. It is appointed unto man once to die but after death there is judgement of God in heaven. Do not let life’s sorrow overwhelm you to miss Lord Jesus Christ’s love for you. So no matter how much you love your loved ones or they love you God’s Love is the greatest LOVE for both you and your family. Remember God is watching and noting all actions on earth to reward as recorded your loved ones and your life in God’s Remembrance Books for eternity. Though time to weep and weeping may endure for a season joy comes in the morning to be eternally happy as citizens of heaven in Jesus Name where there is eternal joy. One final thing to note is there in only one marriage of the Lamb of God in heaven to His bridegroom His Church of God in Christ Jesus. God’s love in heaven is so perfect surpassing human love for one another so human marriages does not exist in heaven as no longer needed in heaven. But all will recognise loved ones and family members and friends in happy reunion.