revelation-20Annual Remembrance Day celebrations triggers memories of passed loved ones once again. The timing of events of their pictures and composed messages brings floods of tears by reliving the trauma of loss and grief. The pain of loss is worse especially if person’s death, unexpected, suddenly taken, cutting short all grand plans of their future. The pain is intense unavoidable and unshakable with loss deeply felt almost to point of doubting if one’s own life is worth living without a loved one. Whether a loved one was old or a young person gone suddenly it is a shock to the system. The hurt and pain, tears, numbness, inability to function or think clearly, loss of appetite, sleepless nights or fears, affects lives of the living left behind. Some seem to handle their pain better than others although there is no perfect formula for grieving. So people get on with their lives with such gaping hole of sadness of the missing person in their lives. Others completely lose the plot drowning sorrow with any thing that masks the pain. Some fall into deep depression, mental health issues or even become completely mad from trauma they never recover from. It is written in the Bible to mourn with hope knowing there is eternal reunion with a loved one once again. So there, will be no more tears, crying, grief, sorrow or pain but all will live together forever. Jesus wept over the death of Lazarus his friend but resurrected him from death.jesuswepttop

slide_55thelordisnear.jpgIMG-20171115-WA0000This message of hope gives assurance life on earth is a temporary journey so death is not the end of life. The real life in heaven comes with permanent joy, love happiness and joy forever. Believe in God and Jesus Christ and let not your hearts be troubled. In heaven in Father God’s House are many mansion rooms. If it was not so Jesus would have told you so He goes to prepare a place for you so where God and Jesus live you will live also. Though feeling sad people who mourn or grieve in Christ know they will meet their loved ones again in the future. Loved ones who passed are no more in pain in happier place called heaven. Heaven gains souls returned to God whose names are written in the Book of Life remembered by God. They are happy so do not want those they left behind to be traumatized because they left earth and do not want to see them sad. God’s soul angels harvest and gather into heaven those who arrive each day. It is heart-warming and amazing Godly hope of assurance tells us one day of joy in heaven is better than a thousand years on earth. Thank God for Jesus who conquered death to give us eternal life forever. Those who accept and love God in Christ are in book of Remembrance of God. When people on earth cry, God collects tears in bottle and keeps on HIS altar in heaven. Bible says in Psalms 56:8 God takes account of sorrow and puts tears in HIS bottle on HIS altar in heaven and in HIS BOOKS of Life and Remembrance. Jeremiah 14:17 assures us God CRIES over tragic loss and people who rebel against God. Revelation 7:17 says, Lamb of God Jesus is at the center of God’s Throne as Shepherd to guide all to springs of water of life and God will wipe every tear from their eyes. The sheep of Jesus who hear His voice, follow and live in Christ return to God in heaven.great-council-in-heaven4-1IMG_20171115_080314


107768ad319998ff223d04366aa24ded--perfume-bottles-revelation-tumblr_owrggkr0Gt1s91yx0o1_500nintchdbpict000266964996God hears people in heaven according to Malachi 3:16-18. As those who fear the LORD God speak to one another the LORD gives attention to them in book of remembrance written before Him, for those who fear the LORD and who esteem His name. ‘They will be Mine,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘on the day that I prepare My own possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him. God will distinguish between righteous and wicked, between one who serves God and the ones who does not serve Him.’” The book Malachi 3 is detailed account from the LORD God to people about issue of obedience. HIS charges against them are: offering defective sacrifices in 1:8, teaching error in 2:8, unfaithful to wives 2:13–14, complain it is futile to serve the LORD God and 3 divorce their wives on flimsy excuses. God pronounces strict judgments upon those guilty of offenses in Malachi 2:2. God makes it clear HE hears and knows intentions of heart’s desires so honours those who Honour HIM. HE knows all loyal ones who refuse to murmur against God as Numbers 14:27, 36 says or Deuteronomy 1:27 and Psalm 106:25. The Bible says the dead in Christ will be raised first during rapture to go with living into heaven to be in God’s Presence.revelations-king-jesusdanny-hahlbohm-the-invitation_a-l-925627-02002505IMG_20171113_180730

Scripture refers to God’s “BOOKS” in Exodus 32:23, Psalm 56:8, Daniel 7:10 12:1, Revelations 13:8, 2015. God keeps a written record in order to keep track of human deeds. God uses book of remembrance representing list of deeds of people for rewards. The kings of Persia kept book records of those who render services to the king so servants might be rewarded. The book of Esther 6:1-3 in the Bible has important notes so rewards given, even if delayed is seen as worthy deed for the king to reward. In Malachi 3:17 the LORD says, on that day faithful service is rewarded after taking notice. There is coming a day when HE will act to reward obedient but evildoers who think the LORD did not see or care as Malachi 3:14:15, Psalm 94:7, Ezekiel 8:12 says are punished. Scripture is clear loyalty to God is noticed and rewarded. Jesus spoke of this many times in Matthew 10:42, Mark 9:41, Luke 6:23, Revelation 22:12. Life is like storing treasure in heaven, making deposits into bank account as Matthew 6:20 says. What is done on earth is also forever recorded in heaven as shown in 2:Corinthians 5:10. Remembrance book is used by God to encourage His faithful ones their love and service for Him is appreciated and noticed. His promise is that during judgment those love Him He knows His own and will preserve them. The righteous man Noah was preserved by God for Honouring Him in Genesis 6:9. Jesus encourages His followers to rejoice because their names are written in heaven in Luke 10:20. Jesus knows all those faithful to Him despite all earthly troubles, heartaches, death says Bible in Matthew 24:9, Acts 9:6, 12:2. Knowing names are written in God’s BOOK helps disciples persevere to the end as shown in Matthew 10:22, Mark 13:13. Galatians 6:9 continues theme of future reward: “Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Those who continue to honour the Lord when some fall away can rest assured in the confidence their names are written in God’s book of remembrance in heaven. Revelations 8:3 says another angel, who had golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, along with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before God’s THRONE. 4 So the smoke of the incense and prayers rose before God from the hand of the angel. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it to the earth; and there were rolls of thunder, and rumblings, and flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.8709652ccf870f6b243c6009e3cfdc35bb1f1d6f5ff36ce96e0213155604432321TRIBUTE1-master768226456db3907f6789d896eab08dcc16f--tears-of-sadness-angles2044867.jpgIRAQiraq-war-photos-michael-kamber.sw_.4.photojournalists-on-war-ss01

In a recent revelation, God showed me Jesus preparing bodies of the saints to be awakened. The bodies are carefully wrapped in white garments and laid side by  side. Then the Lord said do not be afraid of these dead bodies. As we walked past them Jesus said “I will marry you” meaning invitation to the marriage supper of the Lamb as chosen bride among many to bridegroom Jesus. Suddenly, Jesus enters the graves again, some in flooded waters others in sealed tombs and continues his preparation of bodies. I walked towards Jesus in the grave and two angels pointed me out and said not that way go here on this path. The next day the revelations continued in church where a woman showed me pictures on the wall. She said these are the faces of those bodies you were shown and this group is from 1911-1921. She handed me a book of life and said their names are written in this book then revelation ended. I am sharing this message on the Lamb’s books of life and remembrance books of life recording accounts of life of all people who lived and in future. It also records unbelievers and atheists so to recall on judgements day by God. And those who Honour God though grieving are guaranteed ETERNAL life FOREVER. This is the reason why it is so important to understand living according to God ‘s plans and purposes. It is appointed unto man once to die but after death there is judgement of God in heaven. Do not let life’s sorrow overwhelm you to miss Lord Jesus Christ’s love for you. So no matter how much you love your loved ones or they love you God’s Love is the greatest LOVE for both you and your family. Remember God is watching and noting all actions on earth to reward as recorded your loved ones and your life in God’s Remembrance Books for eternity. Though time to weep and weeping may endure for a season joy comes in the morning to be eternally happy as citizens of heaven in Jesus Name where there is eternal joy. One final thing to note is there in only one marriage of the Lamb of God in heaven to His bridegroom His Church of God in Christ Jesus. God’s love in heaven is so perfect surpassing human love for one another so human marriages does not exist in heaven as no longer needed in heaven. But all will recognise loved ones and family members and friends in happy reunion.



jesus-wept-ray-downing (1)In John 11:35, Jesus wept although He knew Lazarus will be raised to change the situation to a miracle of joy. A turn around for Martha and Mary. It is often said real men do not cry but here is the Greatest Real Man Jesus openly and He publicly cried in front of women and children. Jesus’ reasons for weeping are debated by theologians. Some macho theologians think it is impossible for Jesus to cry because text not rendered so in their interpretation did not mean that physical tears did not roll down Jesus’ cheeks. To them it was a sign of weakness to cry like a baby or women so they continue to teach men never to cry. At least not publicly and openly like Jesus. God puts tears in male babies to cry so there need for it. As babies and young children without inhibitions, it is okay to use tears to request for all their  nourishment, warmth and change of clothing etc. Yet soon the child is told to stop tears to prepare them in advance because it not acceptable for grown men to cry. Jesus wept openly to teach people not to bottle tears but weep to get relief from intense pain and trauma. Jesus-Christ-Wallpaper-salvation-soldiers-all-nations-beg-JesusOkay to cry as whole towns and nations wept publicly in the Bible including men, women and children lamented for God’s mercy, grace and forgiveness so repented before God. In Psalm 56:8 and also Revelation 21:4 God sees all tears He bottles and keeps as memorial before God’s throne hears tearful prayers and answers them. The Jewish people’s cries and tears seen and heard by God sent Moses and Aaron to deliver them. God is waiting on tears of joy of Jesus in advance before miracles happen. It shows it is not by might not by power but by God’s Spirit Says God The Mighty One Jehova Nissi in Jesus Name for our victory. Tears lasts for a season but joy comes in the morning so there is no point in envying or ranting, raving, angry gnashing teeth at others. Turning green with envy, God’s Favour for their lifestyle for God’s Spirit may be behind it. So its not good to condemn others suffering by laughing at them for they may be innocently carrying family reproach transferred to them. It seems bizarre if one feels right of entitlement to receive the Favour of God then it did not happen as expected, though after salvation. God’s Favour is not a perfect life of utopia of no pain, tears, lack. So evaluate life with the world’s standard measurements of material success, than deeper spiritual insight into eternal life.hqdefault Since sin entered world through Adam and Eve, God is restoring His Children through Jesus Christ the second Adam to redeem mankind from the fall. It is not God’s fault but man’s rejection of God by deception of the devil be encouraged you are not alone for God is in control as this song sums up the story of life. Tempted and tried we’re often made to wonder Why it should be thus all the day long While there are others living about us Never molested, though in the wrong Farther along we will know all about it Farther along we’ll understand why Cheer up my brother, live in the sunshine We’ll understand it all by and by When death has come and taken our loved ones It leaves our home so lonely and true why do we wonder why others prosper Living so wicked year after year Farther along we’ll know all about it Farther along we’ll understand why Cheer up my brother live in sunshine  We’ll understand it all by and by. Since the world changed from perfect state of walking and talking intimately with God to sin damaged, people reconnect us to God directly in Christ to His Unmerited Favour of blessings by God’s plans.tear-bottlesIn Psalm 56:8 and also Revelation 21:4 God sees Its challenging accept, rejoice with those that hurt you. So they seem unfairly blessed from one’s point of view. The worse they get the greater their blessings but Psalm 37 warns not to fret at wicked or those who do wrong to get blessed. May sacrifice, toil, give all to help others, one’s reward seems to be tears, regret, grief and sorrow but hold on for time has come for God’s Favour so do not try to fix own miracle, wait for God’s timing. Ask God’s help and Favour to show His Sign of Approval to receive miracles in Jesus Name. Amen. Jesus wept and went through pain for all and overcame in the same manner, inspite of adversity Christ gave us excellent example to stand firm in victory.

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