slavery.jpgdownloadfile-14.jpgdownloadfile-15.jpgdownloadfile-10.jpgIMG-20191020-WA0005.jpg1439954931-source.jpg15714104985158493773424962768652.jpgdownloadfile-7.jpg800px-CottonpickHoustonWhere17.pngmrtc-Cotton-Illustration.jpgIMG-20191020-WA0007.jpgimage-brazil-handler-tuite.png20191021_111104.jpg20191021_110954.jpgcotton-what-the-southern-1.jpg20191021_105556.jpg20191021_105435.jpg20191021_105324.jpgwash-day-william-aiken-walker.jpgAfrican-Muslims-in-practising-cupping-in-19th-century-Brazil.jpgdownloadfile-35.jpgIMG-20191020-WA0006-1.jpgAfrican-woman-tortured-by-John-Kimber-who-was-acquitted-of-murder-by-British-courts-in-1792-696x495.jpglashzz.jpg20191020_113305.jpgwp-1571596233341.jpgdownload.jpegArgentina influx of African slaves began in colonies of Rio de la Plata in 1588 the kidnapped Africans sold and shipped from West Africa to Americas and the Caribbean. Buenos Aires port English traders used to import slaves through to provide slaves to East Indies, Spanish crown contracts Asientos to companies:  Portuguese, English, Dutch and French.  By 1713 Britain’s victory in War of the Spanish Succession monopoly trade by Royal Society of Philippines in 1787. Till 1784 ban, slaves are measured, branded despatched to Caribbean and America.wp-1571952504645.jpg16th century slaves from the Cape Verde islands as Africans brought to Argentina from ethnic Bantu territories of Angola, Congo, Yoruba, Ewe to Brazil. 12 million African slaves in Latin America through Montevideo shipped to Valparaíso, Rio de Janeiro. 10-15% slaves die in Atlantic passage, enslavement, travel interior of Africa. Before shipment 40 of 100 slaves died. Forced to work in agriculture or livestock, domestic work made crafts in urban areas, revenues went to masters. Buenos Aires in San Telmo, Monserrat slaves to interior provinces. The 1778 census by Juan José Salcedo of Vértiz, Africans in provinces agriculture were the greatest number.IMG-20191020-WA0003.jpgamerican-1.jpgslide_3.jpgarticle-2364806-1AD4EC3B000005DC-108_634x373.jpgIMG-20191020-WA0002.jpgcotton-workers-banner.jpg20191021_111432.jpgIMG-20191020-WA0012.jpgIMG-20191020-WA0010.jpgIMG-20191020-WA0011.jpgHTB1EdWLKVXXXXcUaXXXq6xXFXXXE.jpgCotton-Processing-Market.jpgdownloadfile-13.jpgec85be6a7d3e1c4808dfb45b6c5c7a66.jpgc8-915e-44ee-ac70-bb2cfacabdc8.jpegIMG_20191020_48524.jpgIMG-20191020-WA0004.jpgcotton-mill-equipment.jpgdownloadfile-17.jpgIMG-20191020-WA0000.jpgjacquard high speed Sunbury.jpgdownloadfile-12.jpgChinese-manufacturing.jpgA6A2286C-E882-43FD-842B-B5DB581EE8EA.jpg12218547244_33ae62da7e_b.jpgAlltex export processing zone (EPZ) factory in Athi River, 20km (12 miles) from the Kenyan capital Nairobi, July 31, 2009. Kenya’s exports to the United States rose 8 percent to 20.6 billion shillings ($268 million) in 2008, largely due to U.S. legislation to promote African trade, Kenya’s trade minister Amos Kimunya said. The U.S. African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) has granted duty-free access for many sub-Saharan African nations’ products.IMG-20191020-WA0009.jpgTo sum up cotton seed crop grows into mature cotton plant Gossypium in the field. Cotton is grown for its white fibre lint contained within the seed capsule’s bolls. The fibres are used to make cloth when plants are ready for harvesting. A first stage of harvesting is stripping the leaves from plant. Bolls collected turned into strings woven at textile mills by the garments factories. Traditional weavers use hand loom to weave various cloth patterns chosen for each fabric design.little-haiti-miami-thrift-store-shop-discount-clothing.jpgCLOTHES.jpgCotton industries churn woven textiles fabrics at mills to garments in factories. Fashion overproducing more clothing is a scandal consumption cannot sustain the environment wasteland, shredding, burning, burying brand new clothes. As high street brands do not want ordinary people wearing exclusive collection and designs. Manufacturers think the brand is cheapened if worn by all people. They destroy tons of clothing claim insurance against their loss. It means the human, water, natural resources wasted in cycle repeated for many years, damage ozone causing warming climate changes. The world population exceeds 8 billion in the coming decade, fashion industry is expected to expand further. Pulse of Fashion report projects by 2030 global apparel consumption could rise by 63%, from 62 million tons to 102 million tons equivalent to more than 500 billion additional T-shirts. And fast disposable fashion is creating these environmental crisis. Trashing clothes is a huge waste of money. Municipalities pays billions of dollars per tons of waste globally each year. This issue needs to be addressed to educate industry fuelling the destruction of environment in name of fashion. The earth is the LORD’S and all things in it. Material possessions don’t define who a person is some miserable people in the world are among the richest. God will require an account for the use of HIS RESOURCES after Armageddon. Be wise to feed your spirit by inner strength not worry about what to eat or wear God says heathen worry about such things. God provides needs of food, shelter, clothes for dignity, warmth, not to show off wealth by vain apparels dress moderately. The earth and all people belong to the LORD in Psalm 24:1 do not destroy it by excessive greedy love of money and vanity God warns against. The past slave masters or colonisers are not alive though descendants enjoy their wealth, pointless to spew vitriol hatred on people some don’t know their ancestors were merchant slave traders. Vengeance belongs to Jehovah God Creator seek HIS FACE to help you not attack people to get you in trouble. They do not change through attacks causing problems for such perpetrators. It better to work together to seek God’s help in Jesus Name.


When you are feeling hopeless in pain look up to God don’t despair. Hopelessness overwhelms to make wrong decisions to miss choices around you. Anger at God and toxic bitterness deprives you of joy and confidence towards Christ your Saviour. Rage at circumstances and hatred of an experience causing painful situation blurs mind to dwell only on negative things. Your entire life focus shifts from God to disappointment painful thought on your mind. You exhaust your mind with morbid tragic thoughts don’t sleep or rest. Turned into a bitter person nobody wants to be around. Rejects intervention from all loved ones self-destructs. Latched onto only a melancholic pattern of life refuses genuine love and support available. Engrossed in misery keeps company of only bitter negative people to reinforce pain? Despite abundant blessings available zeroes in on sad, selfish self-serving poor me mindset end up abandoning family and friends. Dwell on their pathetic misery as if exclusively only one to ever face pain in life? All dignified people go through worse pain gets on with life, inspite of adversity. Do not be consumed with pain go find words of God to comfort and strengthen your innermost feelings. There is no person on earth who can intervene except God in such moments of pain. Talk to God, unleash you emotions HE can take it don’t IMPLODE to destroy your life. If you can’t take pain in life hellfire is worse ask Holy Spirit to comfort and strengthen you as you trust God HE will bring changes in your life in Jesus Name.