Chronic lingering odoursmell

stink-smell-holding-nose-stockChronic odours research reveals a number of compounds, hippuric acid, eicosane, octadecanal found in higher than usual concentrations on the skin of Parkinson’s patients. The sebum oily secretion that coats everybody’s skin is produced in greater quantity by people with Parkinson develop skin seborrheic dermatitis. Prof Perdita Barran, from the school of chemistry at University of Manchester, told BBC Scotland: “found such compounds more in people with Parkinson’s disease and discovered by Joy Milne who smells it. Joy uses a mass spectrometer for smell on people with Parkinson’s.”One in 500 people in UK has Parkinson’s and rises to about one in 100 among the over-60s. Joy’s noticed musky smell on husband Les before he was diagnosed. It leaves them struggling to walk, speak, sleep with no cure and no test for disease, clinicians diagnose patient by observing symptoms. Prof Barran hoped “volatile biomarkers” identified leads to early detection test for disease, by wiping a person’s neck with swab and testing for the signature molecules. Diagnosis early before motor symptoms set in treatments can prevent disease spreading is ultimate ambition. Les died in 2015, 20 years after diagnosis musky smell decade earlier. The retired nurse linked odour to disease after meeting people with same distinctive smell at a Parkinson’s UK support group she told BBC Scotland. Les became withdrawn, reserved, had bouts of depression and mood swings, if had understood what was happening it would have changed total outlook to prolong his life.lesAnother odour lingering smell detected by a horse of her owners breast turned out to be breast cancer and was treated. Other animals sniff out TB, cancer and landmines. Rats smell tuberculosis and dogs can smell cancer. French scientists say they have proof dogs pick up smell of an epileptic seizure. The University of Rennes team hope findings can lead to ways to predict when people will have a seizure. Dogs or “electronic noses” pick up precise odour during a seizure. Dogs sniff out diseases: cancers, Parkinson’s, malaria and diabetes. Epilepsy is caused by disruption to electrical signals in the brain causing seizures. The disease runs in families, caused by stroke or oxygen deprivation at birth. Some people with epilepsy rely on animals in the child’s bedroom can alert family members of a seizure in middle of the night. The latest study, in the journal Scientific Reports, trained five dogs from Medical Mutts, in the US to recognise smell of sweat taken from patient having seizure. Given sweat sample from other seven patients relaxing, exercising or having a seizure. Two dogs found seizure sample about two-thirds the time other three a 100% accurate. “Results constitute first step towards identifying a seizure-specific odour require detail chemical analysis of specific compound. Unknown how epileptic seizure lead to change in smell. Dr Amelie Catala, from University of Rennes told BBC “Research needed but change in electrical activity triggers releasing of neurohormones to trigger scent or link to stress-related molecules and pathways. Researchers hope field could help patients lead to significant improvements in terms of seizure detection, prediction systems,” says for time for someone to call for help or get somewhere safe before seizure begins. Another is Fish smell syndrome TMAU ‘like living with a death sentence’Paula ThomasPaula Thomas would like the syndrome to be acknowledged a disability because of effect on the person’s ability to work and mental health. This woman has the syndrome causing her to smell of rotten fish says is “living with death sentence.” Paula Thomas 45, from Bristol, has trimethylaminuria (TMAU), prevents body breaking down materials found in some foods. Mrs Thomas said, missed school plays, avoids crowded places, told to get off buses, felt racially abused due to smell. There is no cure for TMAU avoiding some foods lessens symptoms. Mrs Thomas said smell is everyday but some days or part of day odour less intense. Discrimination, harassment, anxiety and smell is horrible. “When on bus hears comments like ‘oh that smells like toilet’ and ‘gutter’ and every odour name in the book, I’ve heard it all,” said. ‘Feels isolated’ Mrs Thomas said some of abuse had been racist. She said she had been called “filthy Jamaican” and after she ignored nasty comments banging on window of her flat, someone left bunch of bananas on the bin outside her door.Paula with a placard about how she is treatedPaula Thomas was diagnosed with trimethylaminuria in 2011. “They could not get my attention with verbal abuse so whoever it was did that,” said Mrs Thomas. The incident was reported to the police. “came home to find someone cleaning my door and windows. When I asked what was happening they said it was to get rid of ‘that awful odour” said Mrs Thomas. “It’s not nice waking up in the morning with this condition.”

What is trimethylaminuria?

  • Uncommon condition known as “fish odour syndrome”
  • Sometimes caused by inherited faulty genes, but not always
  • Sufferers unable to turn a strong-smelling chemical produced in gut bacteria break down certain foods, to different chemical to not smell
  • There’s no cure, avoiding certain foods such as saltwater fish, eggs, offal, beans help control condition

Source: NHS

“Didn’t get to go to little girl’s nativity play, though wanted to because anxious being in crowded place,” she said. Lived half of life clean, smelling nice then one day woke up stinking and don’t know cause. “Feels so isolated, it’s horrible.” Everyday is a nightmare The NHS says trimethylaminuria is often caused by faulty genes that a person inherits, but this is not always the case. Mrs Thomas was sent to see a specialist at London Metabolic Clinic in 2011.”Was optimistic thought go back to normal life but told there’s no cure, so devastated. Would like syndrome acknowledge disability as unable to hold down a job because of something “beyond her control.” Never knows when or how but you know it’s coming,” she said. Everyday nightmare for her. Check odours smells medically but note non-clinical smell contaminate destiny of people. Evil smell can destroy plans and purpose of God in people’s lives. Some affected people do not know evil smell around them so satanic odour prevents good things happening in their life because evil smell is like a demonic cream. Its effect causes rejection of a person. These evil smells undetected by person but people smell strange odour. A moment helpers or friends move closer very awful odour chases them away. They avoid them the moment they begin to talk to them or on phone, text message or real contact. The evil spirit manifest as evil odour repels helpers to avoid them by all means due to strange smell. This spiritual attack is a source of discomfort even if victims apply best fragrance of this world, evil smell still persist. They change clothes, take baths many times but the evil smell attacks them more. The enemy does not want person to receive favour of God in life due to satanic attacks. A person with evil smell find it difficult for to marry or attract serious spouse. The partner may decide to run away or may fail to fulfil marriage vows promised. Due to evil smell people do not remember the good things they do; stop following; abandon them so don’t receive breakthroughs. Its evil smell preventing person enjoying a peaceful, happy married life. It leads to failure and prevents being noticed for a good success. So evil curses are directly opposite to favour if odour remain with a person for long struggles and suffers in life so cannot overcome. The other smell included spiritual deposits from spirit husbands and demonic halitosis. These evil spirit transfer spirit of dead animal into body using spiritual mirror applying spiritual creams all over their body. Spouse breaks marriage without a valid reason blaming the spouse for bad luck, sorrow, problems upon problems. People pray without answer, visiting the native doctor for solution find marriage problem concoction initiate them in the blind witchcraft. Solution is deliverance from God in Jesus Name. If noticing foul odour repent of sin and mistakes or evil culture dedicating people to evil spirits. Constant prayers and fasting helps to overcome pollution from clothes, shoes worn by others affected by evil spirits. Stop suffering disappointments, failure on edge of breakthrough, sorrow, grief, weeping, frustration, limitation and the financial burden yokes. Stop unrequited love not loved returned so living below God’s standard, shame, disgrace, self-pity, afflictions in Jesus Name. Repent, ask God to forgive your sins become a born again believer, break curses and return attached evil smells to sender in Jesus Name. Send Fire of God into your foundation Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:17 INSTRUCTION: Fast and pray between 6am – 7pm. Take a bottle of water, pray on it with Psalm 27 using to bath every night before sleeping. Plead the Blood of Jesus to wash body thoroughly, in Jesus Name. Use Blood of Jesus to wash mind, environment from evil contamination in Jesus Name. All arrows of evil odour backfire, in the Name of Jesus, satanic perfume around body, CLEAR AWAY by Fire in Jesus Name. All inherited evil smell of family house be destroyed in Jesus Name. All smells depart by fire in Jesus Name. The power programing the dead rat, rotten fish smell into body, get out by fire in Jesus Name. Cover all the properties, belongings with Jesus Blood.200246727-001_XSA curse of evil smell attack of marriage break by fire, in the Name of Jesus. The evil smell received from friends go back to sender in the Name of Jesus. The evil smells that entered body by wearing the clothes of others be destroyed by fire in the Name of Jesus. I command demons associated evil smell to leave, in Jesus Name. The evil smell preventing God’s blessings destroyed, expire by Fire, in the Name of Jesus, I release us from the spirit of bad odour in Jesus Name. The power diverted our glory, be converted back to God’s original glory in the Name of Jesus. Our face attracts good things to in the Name of Jesus. The old face of old person in my body, come out by Fire, in the Name of Jesus. The hands of beasts on our hands fall off, in the Name of Jesus. The bad odour from reproductive organ polluting marriage, be flushed away by BLOOD of Jesus. Our helpers will not change their mind towards us, in the Name of Jesus. O Lord, let your Favour go with us everywhere we go, in the Name of Jesus restore our beauty in the Name of Jesus. We uproot every bad smell from all organs in Jesus Name. All evil smell depart from marriages and destiny in Jesus Name. The invisible smell making helpers to forget us, be exposed and get out of our life in Jesus Name. All powers using this condition to disgrace family we command your life to scatter by fire, in Jesus Name. The marital crowns on our glory, catch fire, in Jesus Name. The evil smell affecting us because of sins, O God have Mercy, in the Name of Jesus. The strangers in life, troubling marriages fade away in Jesus Name. The demonic powder applied on our face when asleep blow back to the sender, in Jesus Name. The evil money power that wants spouse to divorce BE ARRESTED BY FIRE, in Jesus Name. All marital curses from all others break by Fire, in the Name of Jesus. The BLOOD of Jesus disconnects sins of ancestors, in Jesus Name and sets free from sin and sorrow. Blood of Jesus, destroys curses harming life, in Jesus Name. Whatever is done in the past opening the gate of destruction, Forgive O LORD. My Father, pull down structure of foul foundation’s curse bringing evil things, in the Name of Jesus. Holy Ghost renounce curse of evil smell tormenting family with great calamity, in Jesus Name. The evil smell wrecking marriage be destroyed in the Name of Jesus. Any evil smell eating and drying up skin, be erased by Holy Ghost, in Jesus Name. The curse stopping those who move closer to us, expire, in Jesus Name  Holy Ghost remove the smell that generates hatred and resentment in the Name of Jesus. By the BLOOD of Jesus, I scatter clean away bad odours working against us because of touching unclean things, in the Name of Jesus. That evil smell making spouse to fight, dry up, in Jesus Name. We will not be burdens to others in the Name of Jesus. All powers of my family house causing shame, die, in Jesus Name. The arrows of all marital disgrace we reject you in Jesus Name. A spirit of slavery in foundation, break by Fire. The evil patterns of borrowing in life break in Jesus Name. All evil hands pulling hands backwards wither. All the good things of life in coven of witchcraft be released in Jesus Name. Command all roots of problems in life to dry up in the Name of Jesus. Thank you Father God for hearing and answering prayers, thank you Jesus for saving, healing and delivering us from way of death to the Way of Godly Living in Jesus Name. We Thank you Holy Spirit for teachings us in Spirit and in Truth in Jesus’ Name. God bless you readers in Jesus Name. The Doctors didn’t find anything medically wrong with person in video an example of spiritual attack healed completely by God in Jesus Name. GLORY to God.


27 The LORD is my Light and Salvation whom shall I fear? The LORD GOD is the Strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even enemy foes, came upon me to eat my flesh they stumbled and fell. If a host encamps against me, my heart shall not fear: though war may rise against me, I have CONFIDENCE in God. One thing I desire of the LORD and I seek after; that I will dwell in the House of the LORD all the days of my life to see the beauty of the LORD and enquire in HIS Temple. 5 For in the time of trouble HE shall hide me in HIS pavilion, in HIS Tabernacle HE hides me; HE has set me up upon my rock Jesus Christ. Now my head is lifted up above all the enemies around me. I offer to God in HIS Tabernacle sacrifices of joy I sing yes, I sing praises to the LORD7 Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have MERCY on me and answer me. When YOU said seek MY Face; my heart said to YOU, YOUR Face, LORD I seek. Hide not YOUR Face far from me put not your servant away in anger YOU are my help; leave me not or forsake me O GOD of my salvation. 10 If my father and my mother forsake me the LORD GOD will take me up. 11 Teach me your way LORD and lead me in the plain path because of enemies. 12 Deliver me from the will of enemies for false witnesses rise up against me, breathing out cruelty. 13 I will have fainted if I did not believe to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. 14 I wait on the LORD, I am of good courage, GOD will strengthen my heart, I wait on LORD GOD ALMIGHTY in Jesus Name. Continue to maintain deliverance by prayer and serve God in Jesus Name.

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