5486c7cc-8b0d-470b-9bf3-3ac690311128Jesus told a man to believe in God to heal his son because of his unbelief in Mark 9:23-25. Jesus told him believe, all things are possible to all who believe. 24 The father said in tears Lord I believe help my unbelief. 25 As Jesus saw people running to them, rebuked the unclean spirit said, you “Deaf and dumb spirit, I command you, come out of him and enter him no more. Jesus knew some people doubt God’s power discredit His miracles to beelzebub. Believe in the POWER of God by faith to heal your spirit, soul to you peace in Jesus Name. Faith comes from reading Bible  put into action. Jesus taught disciples to heal after fasting by power agreement. Jesus cast out 1000 demons in Matthew 8:28-34 in man begged Jesus, “If you drive us out send us in the sea inside pigs. In Luke 8:30, Mark 5:1-20 Jesus asked “What is your name?” the man said, “legion we are many.” Disciple’s faith didn’t heal the boy so Jesus healed the boy and changed his life. Deliverance from idols, pagan practice reconcile you with God. The believer is equipped to deliver and cast out evil spirits by God’s help in Jesus Name. So  fasting is essential to cast out demons, and break power of witchcraft for God’s Grace.18cdf4db-57ed-41d4-a8da-dd124ca746f1Jesus’ home town Nazareth didn’t see many miracles due to unbelief. Faith trusts in God to receive healing requires combinations of healing and medications. Faith or medicine is an issue in some churches people prefer to die than be treated with medications. In Genesis God made Eve performing surgery on Adam’s ribs created his wife. Hezekiah ill God sent the prophet to tell him to prepare to die. He cried to God so changed HIS mind to extend his life 15 years. God told him to prepare herbs to drink for three days and go to Temple to worship God. Healing by faith in God plus a modern large pharmaceutical companies help doctors mix ingredients for patients prescribed. Herbs boiled and drink many days help to get better. Most familie’s garden of herbs treat all ailments so food is organic medicine rich in mineral nutrients. Some combine treatment with medication to deal with side effect good food is important. Healing is instant or a process if you require longer treatment. People who reject medical treatment of doctor hospital, fees bankrupts family many lose jobs unable to work due to illness. Woman with issue of blood received medical treatment not cured touched Jesus garments was healed. Families sacrifices all to provide affordable treatment if loved one not survive life worse off financially. Jesus healed young boy father asked for healing but disciples did not heal boy. Trust healing power of God but Jesus said prayer is not enough so needs fasting, corporate prayer. Jesus told mocking doubters to leave room parents saw healing His power God’s words healed child. Patients believe by faith but a healing process prays, forgives, loves, hopes to live by looking forward to a healthy life. xHealing from God needs to give hope and to increase faith to live. Edzard Ernst Emeritus Professor at University of Exeter said any  ‘negative energy’ figment of imaginations fantasy blocks the mind. Result is desperate patient believe VIP’S choose nonsense over best medicine hasten death condition worse. And a joyful, hopeful patients endure better not focus on illness. Said, some go downhill despite best care team of experts, lose hope, give up. Jesus said heal by fasting prayers as He told disciples who did not heal boy needs to fast. Isaiah 58 says fast, cry out, lift your voice like a trumpet for transgression of the house of Jacob’s sins. Seek God daily, delight to know God’s ways keep laws of God. Take God’s fast to afflict your soul for God to take notice. God hates a fast that exploit people 4 by strife or wickedness 5 God’s fasts afflicts soul, bow down head in sackcloth, ashes to call on the LORD. 6 Lose bond of wickedness heavy burdens let oppressed go free break all yokes. 7 Share your bread with hungry in your house give poor clothes cover naked. 8 Your light comes as morning healing spring speedily, your righteousness goes before you The GLORY of the LORD is your rear guard. 9 Call on the LORD, HE will answer, cry and HE will say, Here I AM take away yoke, don’t accuse and speak wickedness. 10 Your soul feel for hungry to satisfy afflicted, your light will dawn in darkness turn into noonday. 11 The LORD  will guide and satisfy your soul in drought, strengthen your bones; You will be like watered garden, spring of water 12 You will build wasted places and foundation of many generations; repairer of breach and restorer of streets to dwell in 13 Honour the Sabbath holy day. 14 Delight in the LORD to help you to ride on high hill of earth to feed your heritage of Jacob the LORD has spoken.downloadfile-129 Seven sons of Sceva tried to cast out demon from a man in Ephesus by use name of Jesus in Acts 19:11-20. They copied Peter and Paul to cast out demons. The man beat them up and tore their clothes stripped them naked. In Matthew 12:45 the demon cast out goes to take seven spirits more wicked than himself to enter to dwell back so the last state of the person is worse than before. Fast each week at least once after deliverance don’t stop fast to deal with evil spirit root of problems you needs more than prayer. Beginners first fast half day with water prepare body to adjust. Eat well days before to give strength to your body to endure better. So give thanks to God for your life, family, blessings, worship God in Jesus Name. Repent of sins in Jesus Name through blood of Jesus ask God’s grace and mercy. Forgive the people who mock, hurt, offend you and focus on God. Write a prayer request list so space for your testimony date. Deal with requests urgent, emergency needs read fasting text in Bible of your needs. Do not set fixed time for God’s answer trust in God’s timing, wisdom and solution even if it’s not what you want. God answers prayer by HIS WILL not to show off to satisfy your ego and pride. God’s desire to answer prayer is not supermarket list to supply your wants. ed1ec0f1-8fcb-4412-922f-67d62f27c083God meets all needs not wants to prove HE is a great provider. Be realistic don’t assume because you love God HE does your demand as you wish. After fasting you may not get an instant answers because fasting is not a blackmail to force God to fasttrack request. God is Sovereign LOVES you first, love HIM more than material things. Do not think you accumulate material things for higher status before God. Look at Jesus who wins souls so priority is not to boast in your wealth. The blessings of God makes you rich so adds no sorrow if you get rich rightly. If half day fast works check with your doctor to try full day fast if approved and your health is good. Do same things you did during half day fast and drink water. Three days fast if you feel well approved by doctor. Jesus fasted 40 days to for choosing disciples prepared. Your body to fast 21 or 30 days ask your doctor. Fasting fulfills God’s plan, purpose in your life Jesus helps humble be thankful to God. So having done all stand still if no answer is received. Hebrews 10:26-29 says don’t sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of God’s truth no sacrifice for sin is left 27 but the fearful judgment in hellfire consumes enemies of God. 28 All who reject laws of Moses died in wilderness without mercy by fear testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 A punishment by God waits all who trample the Son of God Jesus underfoot, Holy Spirit and blood of the covenant. You are sanctified by Grace of God to honour Spirit of grace, Seek God’s mercy.

61k09qfysRLPraise, Thank, Glorify God for an eternal life reunion in Rapture resurrection. God is for all nations all people in Galatians 3:28, “So in Christ there is no Jew or Gentile slave or free, male or female, black or white all are one in Christ Jesus.” God of Abraham sent to the Jews first and ALL NATIONS countless as stars of heaven or sand of the sea. Christ loves NATIONS grafted in God’s kingdom. Jesus whips money changers he told God’s Temple is HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL NATIONS not only Jews. God told Peter in vision kill and eat animals from all the four corners of world in Acts 10:9-11:18 Peter said, 14 “Lord “I don’t eat anything impure because Kosher food is for Jews. Romans 14:17 says the kingdom of God is not eating, drinking its righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Jesus said a man must not live by bread alone but by every word from mouth of God in Matthew 4:4, Deuteronomy 8:3. The LORD God told Peter go and baptise Gentiles. Peter was shocked the Gentiles received Holy Spirit he felt was only for Jews. God taught Peter the lesson not to discriminate against Gentile believers. In Revelation 3:20 Jesus stands at their door and knocks, all who hear My voice and open the door will come to eat with them. Jewish proselyte male converts in ALL NATIONS under the sun in Israel at passover three times a year. Ethiopian Eunuch and Simon of Cyerene in Libya, Africa among God’s ALL NATIONS black convert Jews. Jesus told disciples preach from Jerusalem to Judaea and uttermost parts of the world to make disciples of ALL NATIONS. This is how Christianity spread from Jews to Gentiles globally. NATIONALITIES_700x442ALL WHO ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST ARE CHILDREN OF GOD, JOINT HEIRS WITH JESUS, ROYAL PRIESTS WILL RULE ALL NATIONS. WORSHIP GOD UNDER JESUS KING OF Kings. God’s throne in heaven is surrounded by countless multitudes of people from ALL NATIONS, TRIBES LANGUAGES holding palm branches all saved in GREAT TRIBULATION. The New Jerusalem from heaven will come down to Israel with these countless multitudes from ALL NATIONS in the New Heaven to New Earth and God will dwell among all men forever on earth. Share Gospel’s power from God to save the Jews FIRST then Gentiles in Romans 1:16. Apostles and disciples were first Jews. In Acts 1:8 they received power of the Holy Spirit in them to preach in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and into ALL NATIONS in the world. Those who reject Messiah Jesus will cry and mourn when they look on Jesus they pierced and mourn as one mourns for the death of his only son. In Daniel 7:13, Jesus will appear in heaven as the sign of the Son of Man, all tribes of the earth will mourn says Zechariah 12:10. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with great power and glory in Matthew 24:30. Revelation 1:7 says He is coming in the clouds and every eye will see Him even those who pierced Him. All tribes of the earth will weep seeing Him, even so come. Amen. In Revelation 19:13-19 God’s vengeance will vindicate. 13 Jesus dressed in His robe dipped in blood His name is Word of God. 14 With armies of heaven riding white horses dressed in fine linen and clean. 15 Out of his mouth is a sharp sword to strike down nations. “He will rule them with iron scepter.” He treads winepress of fury of wrath of God Almighty. 16 On His robe and thigh He has Name written KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. 17 An angel standing in the sun in loud voice to birds flying midair, “Come, for the great supper of God 18 Eat the flesh of kings generals, mighty men, horses and riders, free, slave, great and small.”  19 The beast, kings of earth and armies wage war against Jesus rider on a horse and his army will defeat them forever. Abusers of power desperate autocrat or tyrants hide in bunkers. JESUS WARNS GOD DEMAND BLOOD of humans shed from evil hands. Empowered autocrats tyrants use Martial laws in a peace time by the trigger happy bullies punished by GOD, HE SEES AND KNOWS evil doers. God keeps ACCURATE RECORD of events happening on the earth will hold each person accountable for all their actions.