God’s passionate love requires marital affection and intimate attention beyond the highest quality of human love. God’s love still needs to be embraced as given to believers to indulge in intimate love as the bride of God. Human marriages are celebrated with pomp and grandeur to impress the guests to have something to talk about forever. Preparations are made as families become preoccupied with all exquisite details for perfection. Until the day of a wedding the impeding ceremony takes the priority top spot of all activities, projects, resources, funds, communication, travel plans, visits to and fro for preparation. The details are often checked again and again to ensure nothing is forgotten, overlooked, missed out on. Many people involved help in various ways until that special day all the people meet together to celebrate. And yet despite all that goes into the process of preparing it is only a means to a long-term marriage itself. A couple live together to consummate the marriage and produce children if they want to do so. Without physical intimacy marriage is dissolved if a spouse feels neglected so is spiritually marriage. The Covenant marriage with God’s bride is similarly compared to first love deep relationship of affection, devotion and attention. The honeymoon stage of relationship means couple joined at hip literally do things together. Both cannot stand being apart for even few moment’s separation from each other. Continues calling, texting or meeting as quickly as possible and back to work. God’s reminds bride to prepare as the bridegroom is coming quickly. A bride knows exact day set so prepares for a wedding day. Unlike earthly brides groom “don’t tell the bride” TV program, God is ONE who prepared venue, plans and organised everything to surprise the bride. The bride is told to be ready day or night for the marriage supper of the Lamb of God Jesus Christ. The bride is told to be ready joyfully waiting for the groom to arrive. So question is does the bride feel ready to meet her groom? Is there joyful looking forward to the groom’s arrival or wants other ‘more important’ things in life like, eating, drinking, buying, selling being married and given in marriage as world does. It seems this life though sad, miserable or full of challenges is preferred to God’s plans for humanity. The love of Jesus is misunderstood so some ignore him but those who accept Jesus take Him for granted. Doing mundane routines in His Name yet missing the spiritual intimate of love celebration with His bride. The church expresses love publicly however God demands private connection love with His bride to be reciprocated. Love is two-way street of giving and receiving so God wants to feel loved by His bride too. It is exhausting to shower affection, gifts and love on a spouse who ignores you completely and shows no love to you even though verbally says so. In the same way church bride of God needs to let God into the most intimate spiritual love of expressing adoration, fellowship with God in a personal level.

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