Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Deuteronomy 11:19 – Teach children, speaking to them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way when you lie down and when you rise up.

Ephesians 6:4 – Fathers, provoke not your children to anger bring them up, nurture and instruct them as the LORD GOD requires.

Psalms 78:5-7 – Established testimony of Jacob is appointed laws of Israel as God commanded our fathers to make them known to your children.

Proverbs 29:15 – The rod and reproof give wisdom but a child left to himself brings shame to the family.

Proverbs 29:17 – Teach and correct your son, he shall give you rest yes, he shall give delight to your soul.

Ephesians 6:2 – Honour your father and your mother is the first commandment with promise so you will live long so will be well you.

Colossians 3:21 – Fathers, provoke not children to anger to be discouraged.

Ephesians 6:1-4 – Children, obey your parents in the LORD for this is right.

Psalms 127:3 – Children are heritage of the LORD and fruit of womb is reward.

Ephesians 6:1 – Children, obey your parents in the LORD for this is right.

Proverbs 22:15 – Foolishness is found in the heart of a child but rod of correction drives it far from him.

2 Timothy 3:16 – All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

Acts 5:29 – Peter and apostles answered and said we must obey God than men.

Psalms 34:11 – Come, children, listen to all who teach you to fear the LORD.

Psalms 127:3-5 – Children are heritage of the LORD and fruit of womb, reward.

2 Timothy 2:15 – Study to show yourself approved to God as workman not ashamed rightly applying word of truth.

Proverbs 13:24 – If you spare rod you hate your son but love him if you teach, train and correct him properly.

Deuteronomy 6:5 – Love the LORD GOD with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might.

Hebrews 12:5-11 – Remember the Godly teachings taught to you as children, my son despise not discipline of the LORD, or be discouraged to rebel if corrected.

Titus 2:4 – Teach young women to be sober to love their husbands and love their children.

Matthew 15:4 – God commands, honour father and mother, so those who curse father or mother, let him die.

Luke 1:44 – Voice of salutation sound in ears made baby leap in womb for joy. A baby hears voice in womb so rejoices by family reunion of Mary and Elizabeth.

1 John 4:1 – Beloved, believe not every spirit but try the spirit if they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Proverbs 18:12 – Before destruction the heart of man is so rude, haughty, proud, arrogant, very rebellious, disobedient egotistic, high-minded, selfish, ignores God’s Truth but true honour is humility.

Ephesians 6:3 – Life is well with you to livelong on earth by applying protective safe instructions from God as shield.

Mark 16:16 – Believe, be baptized to be saved but he who believes not, damned.

The world’s numerous laws prevent the children being properly trained to cope with real practical life. If wrapped in a bubble virtual world criticise families training child hands on with skill talents as ‘child slavery.’ Past experiences of an extreme child labour of chimney sweepers has paradigm shifts of absolutely no work laws for children in the West. Sits idle all day addicted to playing the computer games cause mental health disorders, not allowed to help family cook, clean, do chores is your majesty the child. But grow up unable to follow basic simple instructions for 5-year-olds. Wants expensive latest gadgets doing nothing it is parents who slave and toil to indulge the child. They grow unable to keep jobs have an attitude of entitlement. The properly trained child does amazing things in life is a great delight to watch confident child working hard without fear in him. High youth unemployment in the world needs to rethink such ideas teach children to work hard safely, supervised as seen in video. Some older generations grow its robots used but billions of fit, able, unemployed youth remain lazy by “child slavery” policies. GOD says HE hasn’t given child spirit of fear but love, power, sound mind. Fear is a spirit to control mind to keep child playing the computer game market worth trillions of dollars per year. Addicted youths incapable of holding down jobs, affects academic life’s achievement. Countries have no welfare benefits for families, and so all work hard. Is it better to keep children addicted to games for life making money for the capitalism abusing them? Mentally ill zombies on drugs of pharmaceutical companies for life?

UN deeply concerned about children abused by computer games does the world prefer damage done to children or is it better to train the child to be a hardworking well – adjusted citizen. The ones making “child labour laws” have teams of housekeepers, servants, butlers and nannies, personal assistants who care for all their wants paid for by state. Impose laws on villages with elderly parents too old to work codependent on youth guide them by their wisdom, experience. One size fits all society laws forced being upon subsistence communities are unrealistic new world order trying to control the people and their resources. People self-sufficient or independent are not approved by a capitalist mindset. Those educated at the university on zero hour contract menial jobs without appropriate wages saddled for years with student loans. The rich who can employ them refuse to create jobs, hiding their money in offshore accounts. Harass parents for not educating children or fine those who go on a cheap holiday in school term. Real compulsory education has failed a majority of young people globally. Overwhelmed without jobs, frustrated; angry deceived in education without a long term work. Depend on their parents, live at home and are unfairly treated by wealthy who force young people into debt. Well done to a wonderful boy properly trained to work hard. God bless him.


the_baby_jesus_nativity_scene_manger_spirit_hd-wallpaper-1287447GOD’S STAR SEEN AT JESUS’ BIRTHPLACE 705172533-christmas_blessing_quotes_christianGOD STAR POINTS WAY OF JESUS TO US202453038-christmas_blessings-174448MAKE MERRY BECAUSE OF JESUS CHRIST29081-cc_ChristmasSnowflakes.500w.tnGOD’S PERFECT GIFT IS JESUS CHRIST1901097606-Merry_christmas_card_quote_free_love_goodnessGOD’S STAR POINTS WAY OF JESUS TO US

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU & YOUR LOVED ONES. In Matthew 2:10 3 magi kings from the east saw Jesus Star rejoiced exceedingly with great joy so you can rejoice with Jesus. Its good to relax, enjoy good food, exchange gifts with family and friends. Above all your greatest gifts, salvation IN CHRIST in eternal life is your best reward rejoice your name is written in God’s Lambs book of life. This is why Jesus was born to redeem you from the DNA sin of Adam and Eve in all mankind. A lovely Christmas day is wonderful to reflect on the purpose of the celebrations. Have the best time you can with your family, friends, skype, call and rejoice in the LORD always.


In Luke 1:26-28 angel Gabriel appears to Mary chosen by God to be the Mother of Jesus. The angel greeted Mary and said, ‘You are truly blessed! The Lord is with you. Gabriel told the young virgin Mary that she was going to have a child who would be the Son of God and reign over the nations. Some Bible pictures angels with wings is useful for flight in Daniel 9:21. God lifts into heaven angels that have no wings to move around without having wings depends if God so wishes. These two types of angels mentioned in Bible winged Cherubim in Exodus 25:20 and Ezekiel 10 and Seraphim in Isaiah 6:2,6. Some angels fly without wings too.This Angel told Mary, ‘Don’t be afraid! God is pleased with you, and you will have a son. His name will be Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of God Most High. The Lord God will make him King, as his ancestor David. He will rule the people of Israel forever and his kingdom will never end.’ Mary asked the angel, ‘How can this happen? I am not married!’ The angel said, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you by God’s power coming over you. Your Child will be called Jesus The Messiah Son of God. Your relative Elizabeth is going to have a son though she is old her son John is connected to Jesus as forerunner who came to identify the Messiah. Nobody thought she could ever have a baby, but in three months she will deliver a son. Nothing is impossible for God!’ Mary said, ‘I am the Lord’s servant! Let things happen as you said,’ then angel left her. In Gospel of Luke, 1:39 Mary finds out she is pregnant travels to hill country in haste to town of Judah. 40 She entered house of Zechariah so greeted Eliz­a­beth praising God with her magnificat words.Mary said joyous soul prayer Magnificat in response to God’s fulfilment of their pregnancies. She composed song of joy shared with Elizabeth the wife of High Priest Zachariah. The baby John leaps in Elizabeth’s womb in a worship of baby Christ in Mary’s womb. Zachariah’s old wife Elizabeth soon gave birth to John the Baptist. Mary stayed for 3 months with her pregnant cousin Elizabeth till the time John was born in Luke 1:56. As stated in Luke 1:57, Elisabeth’s full time came to be delivered and she had a son. Tradition requires, a new mother rests caring for babie’s needs day or night. To alleviate stress on new mother, relatives like Mary, siblings and family members rally around to support Elizabeth. Help fetch water for her, clean house, cook food for family members, guests around daily. Wash baby’s clothes, do the family laundry, provide respite care continuing months until Elizabeth is strong enough able to do so herself. As one good turn deserves another, woman helps others on maternity leave helped in turn. After staying with Elizabeth to support her through her delivery Mary returned to her own house in Nazareth. In 9 months Mary was due to deliver the baby Jesus.They travelled to Bethlehem for census to be counted, Mary rode a donkey due to her condition. It was too difficult for a heavily pregnant woman to walk that far. The pressure and weight of a baby was too much to bear. Mary and Joseph arrived too late to find room in an inn. They found a manger where baby Jesus, KING of kings was born to care for baby Jesus and made Him warm, comfortable and well fed. His parents showered the baby Jesus with great love and affection. They wrapped Him nicely to keep Him warm, looked after Him despite humble beginning of His life in the manger.When babies are born well wishers visit family to give congratulations. His name called JESUS as angel said before He was conceived in the womb. In Luke 2:22-38 angels appeared to Shepherds to invite them to visit Jesus. They worshipped the Saviour and gave thanks to God. They gave Jesus gifts of sheep and lambs and visited. Jesus is adored and loved by His family and community. Jesus continued to receive kindness and generosity from all throughout His Life and ministry.Three wise magi kings Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar visited baby Jesus to pay homage to honour Him KING of Kings. They heard KING Jesus is born and they were guided by the Bethlehem star seen in the East it came to stand over where the young Child was. They saw the star, and rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. They came in house and saw Child Jesus with Mary His mother, bowed down on their knees and worshipped Jesus. Some people feel journey took two long years to see JESUS in Bethlehem in Israel. Unspeakable GiftThey opened their treasures to present precious gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh in Matthew 2:9-11. Gift offerings: Myrrh anointing oil and frankincense perfume and precious gold symbolises royalty. These three gifts have spiritual meaning: gold is symbol of Kingship on earth soon, frankincense His symbol of priesthood and myrrh embalming oil of conquest of death and resurrection. On 8th day in Luke 2:21 Christ fulfilled sign of Abrahamic covenant of circumcision in accordance with Jewish tradition in Genesis 17:12; Levitcus 12:3). Christ is dedicated officially Jesus, angel Gabriel said. Christ accepts circumcision sign of God’s Covenant with mankind. So Christ fulfilled law shows His family’s descent from Abraham. Christ fulfils Abrahamic law to be circumcised but circumcision of the heart is more important. Feast of Circumcision of Christ is celebrated by some Christian churches in an Anglican communion and in Lutheran churches. After days of purification according to law of Moses was fulfilled, they brought Jesus up to Jerusalem, to present him to the LORD  23 Written in law of the LORD is males who open womb holy to the LORD in Exodus. 13:2, 12, 15; Leviticus 12:1-8. Offered sacrifice to the LORD of pairs of turtle doves or young pigeons.wp-1576691834217.jpg25 There was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon who was righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel. The Holy Spirit was upon him and revealed to him he should not die before he sees Lord Christ. 27 He came in the Spirit into temple. Jesus’ parents brought in the Child Jesus to dedicate Him before God according to the custom of the law. 28 High Priest received Him in his arms blessed God said, According to thy word, in peace my eyes have seen salvation in Isaiah 52:12 prepared for all people as the Light for a revelation to Gentiles. His presentation and Mary’s purification included in Luke 2:21-39.mary-sorrow1 (1)The glory of thy people Israel in Isaiah 42:6; 49:6 foretold36 Anna, prophetess, daughter of Phanuel of tribe of Asher of great age 37 And she had been a widow even for fourscore and four years. She lived in temple worships God by fasting, supplicating night and day. 38 That very hour she gave thanks to God and spoke of him to all looking for redemption of Jerusalem through Christ Jesus. History shows Jesus went in exile into Egypt as refugee. He cares deeply about refugees and immigrants as He experienced such life. In Matthew 2:13-18 Jesus after birth is threatened by King Herod who found out had competition from a better KING. Herod angry Jesus is born in Bethlehem threatened to kill baby boys under age of two. Jesus went immediately went to live in Nazareth a short time, returned to Bethlehem where He met wise men. Some put purification fortieth day, time visit of Magi shortly followed or prior to departure to Nazareth then into Egypt. imgfullsize (1)This order seems best to harmonize the Scripture narrative’s language of Luke 2:22, compared with verse 21 intimates circumcision took place on eighth day not presentation on fortieth day. Joseph is warned in dream by God to move his family into Egypt. Later Herod died and the LORD told Joseph in a dream it was safe to leave Egypt back into Israel. So they moved back into Nazareth where Mary lived before Jesus was born. Jesus continued to grow as a special healthy child. Herod tried in vain to eliminate baby Jesus but God warned Mary and Joseph in a dream to escape before the massacre of innocent infants to hide in Egypt. Mary, Joseph, Jesus found refuge in Egypt in Africa in their house turned into church in Egypt. Matthew said the Holy family stayed in Egypt in the land of pyramids until the death of Herod for unspecified time. Apocryphal details fill in their stay as 3:1/2 years stay in Egypt. Mary, Joseph baby Jesus in Egypt lived as refugees in exile so He understands predicament of all people in other lands all over the world suffering, enduring an untold hardship. Jesus Christ Prince of Peace will bring Peace on this earth. Christ’s Peace will genuinely change all people so the lion, lamb live together in peace forever. Egyptian Coptic Church states Holy Family remained in Egypt a little over three and a half years. Of all sites connected with the Holy Family’s Egyptian sojourn the most important is Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church, also known as Abu Serga, in Coptic Quarter of Old Cairo, east of Nile River. Dating back to the 4th century AD, Abu Serga is among oldest Coptic churches in Egypt. Although burned down around 750 AD, is restored and renovated many times since. The crypt of Abu Serga, Crypt of the Holy Family, directly under choir of the sanctuary. It contains the remains of church’s original sanctuary, built over cave tradition says Mary, Joseph and the infant Jesus rested; when Nile levels are high it is flooded. God again revealed in another dream to return to Nazareth. So Jesus and His earthly parents returned to Israel after the end of Herod’s reign. Inside place where Jesus lived is church with icon image art of flight into Egypt.It contains the remains of the church’s original sanctuary, built over the cave where tradition says Mary, Joseph and the infant Jesus are said to have rested; when Nile levels are high often flooded. God again revealed in another dream to return into Nazareth. So Jesus and His earthly parents returned to Israel after end of Herod’s reign. Places Jesus lived are churches with icon image art of the flight into Egypt. Jews saw eagle symbol of Roman domination and a violation of law against use of of carved images in connection with house of God, the most sacred Temple. Perpetrators or teachers were executed for such image so never restored. Jesus and His family are well received in Egypt. Jesus returned to the hometown says prophecy so after 3:1/2 years in Egypt in Matthew 2:15 is Hosea. Jesus had typical Jewish upbringing like his peers continued to grow both Jewish Christian faith. Learnt to play with the other young children. Jesus played with his family members and in community after return back to Nazareth in Israel.After tge 3 years Jesus and his parents travelled back into their homeland of Israel. Without car, buses or aeroplanes they rode a donkey and walked at times so the donkey had a rest. They arrived back safely and lived in a home similar to this one excavations show of ancient houses in Israel. Their home looked like this one at the time of Jesus in Nazareth.wp-1576695450211.jpgThis is interior inner design of a typical Nazareth home showing various rooms and uses. On return from Egypt back in Israel in Nazareth young Jesus grew up as a humble Jewish boy in a big family as recorded in Apocrypha 3:2-6,12-14; Psalm 128:1-5; Colossians 3:12-21. Jesus of Nazareth grew up in Nazareth which is childhood home of Jesus. Jesus is part of a wider family circle of kinship group of extended community of people who love and believed in him. Mark implies the community of believers functioned as a close-knit family. Jesus has similar family group. Women are part of Jesus new type of family Jesus proposed. The Gospel in Matthew 2:13-15,19-23 and in Apocrypha speaks of their mutual care, and respect desirable between parents, children displayed in Jesus and Family. Jesus had such a big family, with lots of food to eat, family members to talk to and play traditional Jewish games with. Jesus is never alone or bored as a child  is quite active so interacted with family.Jesus had 4 brothers of the Lord, called Apostle James, Joses, Simon, Judas but His sisters are not named in scriptures. Reference to Jesus’ family is found in Matthew 13:55-56, Mark 6:3, Galatians 1:19 and 1 Corinthians 9:5. Jesus’ family continued old and new Jewish tradition of worshipping God. Jesus well brought up child highly valued loved and appreciated. Christ is well disciplined so respects family. Christ loved His parents so wanted to impress them by His behaviour and actions. Jesus is a very hard-working, obedient boy. Jesus set a good example as young role model so socialises and plays with friends. JESUS obeyed God’s command abides by God’s commands. Jesus grew up a Jewish boy stated in Luke 2: 41-52 Jesus continued to grow up in stature and wisdom and increased in favour with God and man. Jesus lived in Nazareth His home thirty years with father, mother, siblings and left home at 30 years to Capernaum but starts His public ministry at 33 years.