in-this-image-planets-saturn-uranus-jupiter-earth-and-venus-are-shown-aligned-on-an-orrery-model-to-form-what-looks-like-jesus-on-the-cross-believed-to-have-occurred-on-april-3-33-a-d.jpgPlanets Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Earth and Venus aligned in orrery model to form spectacular celestial view seen as man on crucifix on the day associated with Jesus’ crucifixion on April 3, 33 A.D. Positioning of planets on date close to 2,000 years ago, Saturn’s rings at the top of figure could be seen representing a “halo” or the crown of thrones placed on Jesus’ head. Uranus and Jupiter form stretched hands, while Earth and Venus form the feet. As planets align some see the RETURN of Jesus’ Star of Bethlehem seen on horizon repeated as the biblical phenomenon, Star of Bethlehem. Since 2005, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn visible together in the night sky time. Planet alignment is great because planets rarely align this way due to the different orbiting. After this year, the five planets will be seen together again in October 2018. Zeal, interest, passion devoted to seeking planets gives GOD CREATOR OF THE PLANETS CREDIT and value to reclaim planets named by God. GrecoRoman god idols not GOD MAKER MOVER, SHAKER of planets. ALMIGHTY GOD AND JESUS make planet move in the WORD OF GOD IN THE BIBLE.o-messias-vemIsaiah 47:13 says secular counsels wear you and destroy. So let your astrologers come forward, the stargazers who make predictions month by month let them save you from desolations God brings on you. Isaiah 47:13, says do not seek help from those who pretend to tell you what will occur by looking at stars. The  Chaldean astrologers divined consulting movement of stars and planets. But the emphasis on human right free choice to follow whatever god one likes not God’s law is of concern to God to preserve all in Purity and Godliness. Purging the evil nations by holiness of God protects the people says Deuteronomy 17:7. All forms of occult practices carry a death penalty. These spiritual practices commonplace widely accepted like sorcery, divination, fortune telling, star readings astrology, wizardry, listening to psychic mediums channelling for spirits of the dead. God  warns against pagans occult practices leading to downfall of nations. And is forbidden for God’s people to receive guidance from one’s astrological chart, reading palms or tea leaves, attending séances, Ouiji boards not permitted for people of God. Either in ignorance or in defiance of God’s law read books about wizards, dabble in occult on dangerous spiritual path. The nations dispossessed copied those who practiced idol sorcery divination. The LORD GOD DOES NOT permit you to do so says Deuteronomy 18:14. New Age belief of information on movements of the Sun, moon, planets of psychic religion juxtaposed to Christian Gospel view are mystic worldly events. Christian believers know Bible aligned as Astronomy Magi used movements of the stars followed to visit Jesus born in Bethlehem. Ancient Egyptian astrology idolatory myths of sun worship, science planet copied Christianity. Constellation movement around sun Jesus in galaxies, 12 disciples, 12 months, 12 tribes, Israel circling the central figure Jesus the sun.solar-system_2165219b.jpgNew Age searchers for God need Jesus not sages of man-made phenomena for GOD WILL CUT OFF all sorceries from your hand not to have fortunetellers anymore so repent. Idolatry mimics the Christian faith with new age religions and mystical occultic powers. The Bible do not turn to mediums, spiritualists to be defiled by them I AM the LORD your God. In 1 Leviticus 9:31 do not seek the familiar spirit wizard or necromancer  talking to the dead; to make yourselves unclean by them in Bible says Leviticus 19. God Says DO NOT consult the stars or fortune tellers for in a day of trouble they cannot save you. Romans 2 warns those who believe so trust or give credit to creature not Creator God stop looking at movement of planets turn to the One True Living God JEHOVAH. God allows them be deluded in giving devotions to idols. So Jeremiah 2:13 says, My people commit 2 evils by FORSAKING GOD THE FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATERS, to hew out cisterns for themselves, such broken cisterns that hold no water. People hue their gods, master of universe promoted to higher level codes, mysterious signs secret signs. Mankind display illuminati symbol covering one eye by hand as the Illuminati Eye of Horus. An eye covered by item, shaded in darkness and in light at the same time. Display 666 sign with fingers by teachings think they are gods clash with Godly ideas ideologies of life. Trials, battles, feelings of stress coupled with pressures of wealth society wish to cope with prosperity against all odds affect the human spirit. This leads them to search for meaning of life’s answers.gps-satellite-around-earth-moving-animationFaith in God in Christ in academic fields devote research to belief, behaviour by Godly institution show interpretation to emphasize SUPERNATURAL ALMIGHTY Deity God and Jesus’ Cross perspectives. Secular world appeals to attract some upcoming artists, without explaining real truth behind acts or lyrics the devil uses to lure to deceive to lead the weak astray. The devil wants souls tortured in hell to brag to boast to God he can cause downfall of anyone not discerning such evil ways. Knowledge of God’s Bible will help you not to fall prey to be deceived. Be aware of who you listen to or follow and study the Bible yourself to know the TRUTH of GOD to set you free in Jesus Name. People sell their souls for money and power but what does it profit a man to gain the whole world to lose his soul. Riches worthless when one is burning in hell for eternity there is no way out ever. Read BIBLE TRUTH with WISDOM to help you. Eternal life waits for those who follow the SOVEREIGN LORD GOD. Choose ETERNAL life not eternal death. Man’s search of God in Theology teaches understanding nature of transcendent or SUPERNATURAL God. Seek genuine Christian Education Godly Faith belief of Godly viewpoint in Christ. Study and draw on Christian disciplines of Faith in God and methodologies of living history archaeology, anthropology, of sociology, psychology philosophy culture and the history of Christianity. New Age beliefs originated in 19th century by scholarly historical rejection of Christian Bible to  follow Hindu and Buddhist texts first translated into European languages. The influential scholars were Friedreich M. Muller England, Cornelius P. Yield in Netherlands, religious studies scholars worldwide. These Comparative Religion or Science of Religion, in USA, History of religions tries to undermine the total  absolute faith in Jehovah. But compares different religions to help relate better in society. Not dismissing or eradicating different religions the converts teach all roads lead to HEAVEN different route.lead_largeFaith its assumed is a freedom of choice to pick and mix whatever one prefers to get along with others on another path. It is the new age that brought about these movement of such multifaith living side by side peacefully of sharing knowledge with different religions. So decided all religions professed a common goal and similar views in different forms based on their background or cultures. Hence multifaith was born to live together in the community. As heroic as approach sounds it caused some crusader wars refused to compromise. Some ways not acceptable to others seemed contrary to each other’s belief. Ideas borrowed  and incorporated into the Christian faith of a different religions did not adapt well to accommodate Christian Faith. After centuries of religious wars multifaiths recognised others to live and let live in love. Those who fought in the religious wars felt nothing was accomplished so chose multifaith paths. Some felt they are exclusively responsible to convert the whole earth to their religious belief. Took full advantage as their foot was in the door to begin subtly to imbibe their ways into Christian faith creating new age religion thinking. They desensitized strong opposition to embrace, welcome trends watered down blended new age ideas incorporated into Christian faith.d51f3bee1e46e0cb9ae4be84d6c16e98“Matthew 7:13-23 says false prophets are dangerous because they seem to appear genuine. They seem to have credentials of authority Jesus calls, ‘sheep’s clothing’ in verse 15. The outward forms of Godliness can incline one to believe false prophets, reliable guides. Some wear distinctive garb, colours, which sets them apart as leaders. And may have the title ‘reverend’ as men who hold the position of religious leadership. They may even graduate from divinity school. They might be seminary professors. Judging on basis of external indications might wrongly assume them reliable guides, but must not evaluate on external evidence.” The worst form is the mixture of thoughts or ideas taken from “non-Christian false doctrines of the flesh or man’s secular humanism. Acts 12:21-23 on religious spiritualism, false leaders Christian becomes morally apostate in 1 John 3:4-10 and theologically apostate in 1 John 2:18-27.”Paul Becker, In Voice In Wilderness 2000 on Romans 16 on their  claim to be uniting everybody but are the ones CAUSING divisions of people AWAY FROM God’s Word Away. So God’s TRUE TESTIMONY Doctrine in Jesus the Chosen Saviour God Approved. A True Doctrine brings unity to Believers in 1Corinthians 1:10. DO NOT COMPROMISE YOUR LOVE FOR GOD to throw away God’s Doctrine to divide God’s Children. So Shirley Ann Miller, antiChrist Spirit False Teaching,” says in Lampholder Ezine Mind Control in Lampholder Publications: “God GAVE everyone on the face of the Earth a mind. When you suppress or suspend thought process you essentially disconnect the whole person. God made mankind to interact with Him by a renewal of mind the soul, spirit and body. God Speaks to us through His Holy Spirit, HE Speaks through our spirit to the mind, renewed in Spirit confirms Holy Spirit promptings aligns with Word of God. Supernaturals receive “spiritual” messages manifested from spiritual realm into physical mind through the senses and active mind.” If you disconnect God thought process you open yourself to those evil supernatural, spiritual manifestations present from an opening yourself up to anything but Holy Spirit, WILL find yourself dealing with the “other spirits.” Always test the spirits to see whether they are of God in 1 John 4:1 antiChrist spirits plot in air and work on earth against God and believers. Must continually fight back with a SPIRITUAL POWER OF GOD in prayer intercession.”dec0d361b60a3e5300282541071e102dMankind cannot put self above God and Christ by aligning roles they deemed fit. The category who rejects God outright and Jesus consistently go to an extreme length to convince people God or Christ never exist except they borrowed their faith from ancient gods used to promote new branch of religion. And God’s Earth is named after Greek and Roman gods, goddess, Jupiter, SaturnMars, Venus, Mercury but God named star thousands of years ago before planets discovered after telescopes invented. So James 4:17 declares, “Anyone, who knows the right thing but does not do it sin by omission results in not doing the right thing God’s Word teaches one must honour God as the Creator if the universe. This sin of commission actively denies God as the source of life. Romans 7:14-20 says God is NOT PLEASED with sin. Humans can stop conflicts by their fleshly desires of the world against Godly lifestyle. Paul says, the flesh fights the Spirit of God so does what displeases God. As Samaritan stopped to show compassion to a man in need in Luke 10:30-37, Jesus’ example teaches all to help all those in spiritiual need. Doing good but pursuing evil to cause pain to others goes against WILL OF GOD. Jesus depends on LOVE actions to determine the destinations of eternal life Jesus says on the sins of omission in parable of sheep and goats in Matthew 25:31-46. The goats sent away by Christ saw others hungry thirsty but did not provide food and water. Seeing others in need of clothing, sick did nothing to clothe or comfort them. Sins of omission committed against the spiritually needy people intentionally starved deprived of Godly clothing. Sin omits commitment to provide for souls and chooses not to do so. Apostle Paul explains we should do what is right and refrain from sins of omission: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” in Galatians 6:9. When we do the WILL of HEAVENLY of Father God in Matthew 12:50 we avoid sins of omission and live a productive, fruitful lives PLEASING to God Almighty the Rewarder of all who diligently SEEK GOD in Romans 12:1-2. Their destination leading to heaven or hell depends on man’s own life choices to please God and not rebel against God. Jesus died to set mankind free from all works of darkness of devil to translate us into GOD’S KINGDOM OF GLORIOUS GOSPEL OF LIGHT for ETERNAL Life. It is important to give due credit to God in revealing signs and wonders to us in the planetary movements and star events.


  1. God loves UK and all nations.


    God loves all nations and wants all people saved doesn’t want anyone to perish. For God so loved the world HE gave HIS son Jesus Christ of Nazareth all who believe will not perish but have everlasting life in John 3:16. Thanks for your comments, stay safe and God bless you.

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