A famous Sikh Christian Sadhu Sundar Singh saved was delivered by God in 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10. By his freewill and choice lived faithfully for LORD Almighty God Yahweh Creator of heavens, earth. In 1 Thessalonians 2:18-20 satan tries to stop people in believing in God but he overcame in victory. And 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15 says believers in Christ will resurrect caught up by Jesus to the LORD in the Rapture. In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 this day of the LORD will come unexpectedly. World to go through birthpang pains signs of God’s anger against evil on earth. Christ helps in the challenging times but God will punish earth on return in second coming. In 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2 says Church taken into heaven with all accepting Jesus as Saviour. The Holy Spirit restrains all evil now but taken out of the way antiChrist is revealed. In 2 Thessalonians 3:5-6 all close to God eagerly, patiently waiting for Jesus to rescue them. Looks up daily as Jesus comes for them but some left behind in the world go through great tribulations. Those sealed by Almighty wins more souls the final times in history. Then punishment of God destroys the unbelievers who rejects Jesus Messiah as Lord. In Armaggedon battle God destroys 1/3 of lives, 1/3 trees, seas, in famines, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, hailstones, hailstorm until Christ returns to rule the earth forever. Christian salvation isn’t human competition to recruit people for statistics, data to prove the which religion has more followers. In 2011 census, 79.8% of population of India is Hindus, 14.2% Islam, 2.3% Christians, 1.7% Sikhism, 0.7% Buddhist 0.4% Jainism. Sikh Christians like Jasvinder Sanghera is against forced marriages. Others are Bakht Singh, Gurmit Singh, Nikki Haley etc. Sikh Christian monotheistic ideas of Almighty God Yahweh is different. Singh Sabha’s helps the Christian missionaries to teach Sikh to understand the concept of karma reincarnations is different. The Sovereign God Almighty is worshipped only through Son Jesus of Nazareth alone no other names. God Almighty chose only Christ for His worship. Sikhism denies sin says God is in a person’s deep self. The Spirit of living God lives in believers know God is immortal Almighty so idols forbidden. Sikh Christians know Yahweh God not same in all religions. No cycles of births and deaths to merge with Godhead. Sikh Christians believe the Saviour Jesus Christ’s earthly father is Joseph mother Mary has brothers and sisters. Sikh Christian understands God and Jesus sees Godly works of kindness but salvation is by grace alone. It forgiveness of sin DNA inherited from Adam and Eve the blood of Jesus washes away. The Bible also forbids five cardinal vices of Kam (lust), Krodh (anger), Lobh ( greed), Moh (world attachments) and Ahankar (pride). In obedience to God overcome these but doesn’t achieve salvation. It is Christ Jesus, Almighty God Yahweh chose so salvation found in only Jesus Christ Name above all the other names.



God rests from His work on seventh day to reflect on His accomplishments. In Genesis 1:26 God said, “Let us make  man in our image and after our likeness to have dominion over the fish of the sea, birds of the air and all living things that move on earth.” God looked at everything He made said “its good very good.” The LORD took time to appreciate what He did and replenished earth after years of degeneration. God finished His work and highly impressed by His work done is appreciative of His creation Adam and his wife Eve. CreatorAdamEveGod handed over the paradise garden to Adam and Eve to tend and enjoy the rich abundant resources freely. They had no worries just eat as much they liked, stroll in the gardens and enjoy the fresh air and flora and fauna. Surrounded by beautiful animals and four rivers around the gardens. They had choice to relax and God visits and talks to them. These two people had everything including gold, riches but never content wanted more by greed. Deceived by serpent lost it and thrown out by God to go toil to provide their own needs.4afcb56d8c67c88690484edeb3384507All privileges withdrawn was at the mercy of the elements had no idea of how to cope on their own. God clothed them with animal skins, they ate the meat with God before they set off on their own. Without God’s direct input struggled on their own and lost the discipleship of God. They call on God to help intervene in difficult times He didn’t totally abandon them provided sustenance for them. They thrived and had children but their children turned on themselves. Cain killed Abel in a fit of jealousy as God accepted Abel’s sacrifice he offered rejected Cain’s lazy one from his garden.

prayer-quotes-God-answers-all-prayers-in-three-ways-the-best-is-yet-to-come-thought-for-the-day-spiritual-quotes.jpgGod challenged Cain on Abel’s life taken banished him to go roam about as a vagabond. Puts a mark on Cain to protect him from being killed by others. God’s mercy extended to him he settled and had children. His famous descendants include Enoch, Noah and Methuselah oldest man in Bible. A change in relationship between God and mankind due to sin lost direct visit to talk personally so must present requests to be approved by God while waiting for God’s response. So God’s thoughts are not our thoughts and His plans different we have to work within God’s purpose for our lives. 

my-thoughts-are-not-your-thoughts.jpgJesus the Seed of the woman was sent to redeem us from DNA sin of Adam and Eve pased down generations to all human beings contaminated by their sin. All have sinned so fallen short of the Glory of God. The wages of sin is death but God gave us the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus. And Jesus died to take away all our sins forgives us, returned to God our father in heaven seats at the right hand of God. He sent the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost to fill believers to lead them into all truth. He teaches, reminds us of things learnt and comforts us. God, Jesus and Holy Spirit team in Trinity watches over all believers, guides, protects, heals or accompanies the Spirit soul back to God in heaven afterlife.

606654b0390f11cf02968eedf44c1be8The example set by God means take time out to relax and reflect on your work. Review what is good and regenerate what needs to be restored and replenished. Highly value the work of your hands like God said, “good very good” even if others underrate your work. Adam and Eve destroyed their life opportunities thought they knew better than God. Greed deceived them damaged their lives brought consequences on the whole of humanity. Their actions still affect people in the world today who need to repent to be purified from their sin through Jesus blood. Ask God to forgive you and teach you to live according to his plans and purpose for your life to please God. Do not to lean on your own understanding as Adam and Eve did it destroyed their lives causing a Spiritual death and loss of their privileged paradise garden Eden.