Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu took the censers with fire and incense gave unauthorized offering before the LORD. A fire from the presence of the LORD consumed them they died in the Temple in Leviticus 10:1-7. In Numbers 16:1–50 Korah and 250 Levites rebel against Moses to usurp priest work God punished. Fire from heaven consumed and swallowed them. All who complained about their death God killed with plagues. Eli’s sons took God’s offerings before putting on altar died, pregnant wife died, Eli died nation lost battle, Ark of Covenant taken by Philistines slept with women in God’s Temple in 1 Samuel 2:12-36. The warnings of a prophet sent to Eli continued Hophni and Phinehas died. Eli trained Samuel who served God perfectly no one had anything against him in all his life and in his ministry. He grieved when the nation rejected God in theocratic state to have human kings like other nations. Yet Eli’s sons undermined father’s authority led the nation into sin. A polluted priest contaminates the sacred Holy altar of God. They molested women despite having wives and took God’s sacrifice portion before dedicated on altar. Eli, blind old could not handle his wayward sons disrespectful to the LORD God Almighty whole nation punished Their insolent rude behaviours to people caused Ark of Covenant to be ceased by the Philistines and Israel defeated in battle.In Ezekiel 8:14-18 in an inner court in the LORD’S Temple twenty-five men turn back to altar faced east bow to sun not God. Worshipped images of creatures on Temple walls not God the Creator it is revealed in Ezekiel 8:17 Judah’s acts fills land with violence angered God. 18 Wrath of God cut them off not listen to them Temple idolatry sins affected nation. In 2 kings 23:1-37 king Josiah, elders of Judah, Jerusalem 2 priests, prophets, people saw Covenant book found in the Temple of the LORD. 3 The king stood by pillar renewed Covenant in presence of the LORD agree to keep commands with their heart and soul. 4 Hilkiah the high priest and priests remove Temple items for baal, asherah, starry host burnt in the Kidron Valley took ashes to Bethel. 5 Josiah destroyed idol priests who burnt incense on high places in Judah, Jerusalem to baal, sun, moon and stars. 6 Removed asherah pole in Temple of the LORD to Kidron Valley burnt it grounded into powder scattered on graves. 7 Josiah tore down male’s shrine prostitute sodomites in Temple of the  LORD and place women weave clothes for asherah. Josiah tore down the quarters of male shrine prostitutes in the house of the LORD. And place women weave garments for asherah idols. Josiah destroyed all relics of idolatry had zeal for the Lord of hosts Yahweh. 8 Josiah stopped priests in Judah from desecrating high places of Geba to Beersheba shut Joshua City’s gate. Like Hezekiah in 2 Kings 18:4; 20:1-11 destroyed the brazen serpent Moses made. The bronze snake was a miracle provided by God. It atoned for the sins of Hebrews 38 years after Exodus turned to idol object children of Israel burn incense to the Nehushtan. Josiah destroyed evil altars in God’s Temples cleared shrines like Hezekiah broke the asherah poles and idol stones in God’s Temple. 9 The priests didn’t serve God on HIS altar but in Jerusalem ate bread. 10  Desecrated Topheth in Valley of Ben Hinnom sacrifices sons, daughters in fire to Molek. 11 Josiah removed at entrance to Temple of the LORD all horses kings of Judah dedicated to sun under Nathan-Melek burned all chariots to sun. 12 Pulled down the altars kings of Judah on upper room roof of Ahaz and altars Manasseh built in two courts of Temple of the  LORD to pieces, threw rubble in Kidron Valley.13  The king tore the high places east of Jerusalem south of Hill of corruption that Solomon built for ashtoreth god of Sidonians, Chemosh, Moab, Molek and Ammon. 14 Josiah broke the stones, cut down asherah poles scattered bones. 15 At Bethel the high place of Jeroboam son of Nebat caused Israel to sin destroyed burned ground to powder and asherah pole. 16 Josiah in tombs on hillside took bones burnt on altar defiled as foretold. 17 The king took off tombstone of man of God from Judah who prophesied at Bethel all things done 18 Saved his bones of this prophet of Samaria. 19 Josiah removed shrines of high places kings of Israel built in Samaria causing the LORD’S anger.  20 Josiah killed the priests of on altars burnt bones went back to Jerusalem. 21 The king told people to celebrate passover to the LORD God in Book of Covenant. 22 Kings of Israel, Judah had no Passover. 23 In 18th year of Josiah passover is celebrated in Jerusalem 24  Josiah got rid of mediums spiritists, gods, idols all evil items in Judah and Jerusalem. 25 Josiah turn to the LORD with all his heart, soul, strength in law of Moses. 26 The LORD’S fierce anger still against Judah remained for Manasseh’s evil. 27  God removed Judah from HIS presence as Israel Jerusalem HIS chosen City’s Temple defiled. 28 Josiah’s reign is in the book of kings of Judah. 29 Josiah fought Pharaoh Necho king of Egypt by Euphrates River helped king of Assyria Necho killed him at Megiddo. 30 Josiah’s servants took his body in chariot to Jerusalem buried in tomb. Jehoahaz son of Josiah anointed king in place of his father in Judah 31 Jehoahaz was 23 years reigned in Jerusalem three months. His mother Hamutal daughter of Jeremiah from Libnah.  32  He did evil in the eyes of the LORD. 33 Pharaoh Necho put him in chains at Riblah Hamath levied hundred’s talents of silver and gold. 34 Pharaoh Necho made Eliakim Josiah son king changed name to Jehoiakim took and Jehoahaz to Egypt died. 35 Jehoiakim paid Pharaoh Necho silver, gold, taxed his people. 36 Jehoiakim at 23 years king in Jerusalem for eleven years. His mother’s Zebidah daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 He did evil in the eyes of the LORD. Josiah’s reforms of nation in idolatry abandons the LORD. Josiah lost focus was distracted by war not against him died his effort didn’t last. 2 The LORD angry with Israel’s of King Manasseh. Josiah’s obedience didn’t change nation to obey God’s commands idolatry prevail. Josiah was repentant so faithful but things didn’t work out changes did not last. Like Elijah Carmel contest people serve God for a season Jezebel and Ahab’s attack damaged to nation. Obadiah hid God’s 100 prophets in caves fed them in 1 Kings 18:4-15. Fifty in each cave to protect them from Jezebel Ahab’s wife not to kill them. The nations forced to make oath to Ahab that they didn’t lie not finding Elijah. Jezebel died as the LORD’S 7000 prophets refused to bow to her evil idols. Josiah was faithful obedient king of Israel but Jeremiah 23:11 said prophets and priests are unGodly in God’s House do evil. They didn’t lead in holiness and righteousness, nation didn’t accept the LORD. After exile mixed idolatry in worship didn’t fully change. God’s remnants like Joshua say me and my house will serve the LORD as repentant intercessors. Jesus said let wheats, tares grow until harvest time God ultimately judge mankind. Revelation says if doing the right thing obey God evildoers carry on, dealt by Jesus on judgement day by Jesus concerned about His followers and intercedes for you endure to the end to be saved IN CHRIST in Jesus Name. Jesus doesn’t worry about the world they obey their father the devil. In John 17:9 Jesus said I don’t pray for the world I pray for God’s children restored to glory. Jesus prays God PROTECTS all from evil waiting for God’s set time for Rapture IN CHRIST. Are in the world not of the world citizens of heaven set apart for God pray for family, friends, loved ones, enemy in Jesus Name. People fall away follow the false doctrines of demons. If God changes hearts not be destroyed in hellfire. In Jeremiah 2:8 priests don’t seek the LORD don’t know God. Shepherds transgress against God the prophets prophesy by idol god baal go after things that don’t profit. The Gospel is foolishness to those PERISHING so fast and pray, discern God’s Truth. Matthew 11:28 says come to me all who weary burdened I will give you rest. Only God Almighty Sovereign LORD and Messiah Christ Jesus saves through Holy Spirit in Jesus Name Call on Highest Priest Jesus Christ of Nazareth Son of God in Hebrews 4:14-15 and God in the Name of Jesus Christ. Thank God for your lives and for salvation in Jesus Name.


imageGod ruined Gideon’s idol shrine took two cows sacrificed to Yahweh Almighty God on new altar. Gideon stopped idol worship to serve the living God. Gideon’s family’s served idols gods that did not talk, walk, had eyes can’t see, ears can’t hear. God said those who serve idols are like them in Isaiah 44-17-20; Jeremiah 10:14. Idols humans make from silver, gold, wood, stones so Gideon told to make new altar to sacrifice sacred cow to Jehovah. God saw things got worse for Gideon’s community. They worked hard in fields, planted crops in right season harvest nothing the fruits of their hard work take by enemy deprived them from enjoying reward. Each year’s harvest taken by enemies idols didn’t save them. Gideon was broken hearted spent time crying, grieving over loss in empty barn. God Almighty saw Gideon’s grief, lacked wisdom, understanding as Yahweh God Creator gives increase in harvest. God took pity on Gideon sent angel to help plan, prepare to fight to defeat enemies who rob them. God told Gideon to obey to do HIS Command and get rid of his family’s idol shrine first. To focus ONLY on worshipping God instructed Gideon to ruin to destroy and pull down idol shrine at night. God told Gideon to sacrifice two cows for idol gods to GOD ALMIGHTY. Gideon knew the reaction of family members chose a few trusted servants to destroy shrine grove at night. Gideon built a New Altar to God replaced idol altar. Gideon obeyed God and sacrificed his family’s idol sacred cow to the Living God made new Covenant. God was pleased and helped Gideon to defeat enemies who harass them. Gideon’s family at first angry at Gideon’s new faith in Living God wanted to kill him for secretly destroying idol shrine grove. But God is Creator owner of cattle told Gideon to do sacrifice of cow to HIM not worship cow as idol god creature God made makes God very angry.
Gideon told his family POWERFUL Jehovah Nissi needs nobody to defend him. Don’t kill for shrine destroyed to get rid of false idol gods to accept Living God let idol god defend itself if real. And so instead of killing Gideon they worship God for sending help to deliver them. Their idol was not offended replaced by genuine TRUE ALMIGHTY GOD. Gideon proved they served dead false god that didn’t defend or save them they all moved to the Kingdom of Living God saved. Gideon was delivered by God from enemies. Changed from evil way to worship and serve ONLY True Living God. So God translated Gideon from kingdom of darkness into Glorious Kingdom of the Glorious Light of Jesus Christ with his whole family and nation. They travelled annually into Jerusalem to pray in God’s House of prayer for all nations. So who the Son Jesus sets free is FREE indeed and Gideon’s family was saved. God defends Gideon giving him victory to surprise his enemies. Many people blindly follow family traditional ancestral covenant dedicated to idol shrines. A family idol gods named after river gods or fertility god don’t realise they sold their souls to devil. ALMIGHTY GOD IS JEALOUS GOD will not share HIS GLORY  with anyone. The Living God warns idol gods are devil demon spirit not God’s messengers. Speak to God yourself in Christ Jesus Name you don’t need idols gods to help your family. God said as idols have eyes do not see, have ears don’t hear, have mouths don’t speak or eat, legs don’t walk don’t help you. Idol demons take over the family stop serving them before God destroys family in hellfire. God said some worship the creature not Creator in Romans 1. God said, all who worship idol gods are spiritually blind, dumb or lame like them. In Hebrews 9:13-10:6 blood of bulls, goats and ashes of heifer sprinkled on people sanctify purify for short time repeated don’t save like the Priceless Blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the ULTIMATE sacrifice offered Himself without spot to God on Cross of Calvary to save you. He purges conscience from all dead works to serve living God Jehovah in Jesus Name.
Jesus mediator died to redeem transgressions in Gospel fulfilled word of God. Moses used law took blood of calves, goats, water, scarlet wool, hyssop, sprinkled on Holy Book and people. The blood of animal is past testament God sprinkled on tabernacle and vessels purged by. Without a shedding of blood no remission of sin. 23 Was a necessary pattern of things is purified by better sacrifice of Jesus. Jesus is Ultimate Sacrifice to redeem believers with His Precious Blood Jesus writes our names in Book of Life. Christ entered the Holy of Holiest Place is now in heaven in the presence of God pleading for us. Jesus offered Himself as High Priest in Holy Place replaced a need for a yearly blood sacrifice of animal ritual.
imageSince foundation of the world in garden of Eden God did sacrifice but as Jesus Christ appeared put away sins in Sacrifice of Jesus. A Christian doesn’t need animal or human sacrifice. And its appointed to men once to die after is judgement of God. Christ offered His Life to bear sins of all people in all nations. Jesus will appear in clouds in Rapture to save believers from wrath of God soon.  In Hebrews 10:1-5 the law showed good things came in Jesus Christ Gospel’s Timeless Perfect Sacrifice. Do not offer animal or human sacrifices if God worshipper. You are purged by Sacrifice of Jesus Christ no other sacrifice God accepts. Repent of sins ask God’s forgiveness in Jesus Name. The blood of bulls or goats CAN’T take away sin. Jesus came Sacrificed His Life to save you paid the price for your sins. So Greater love has no man than Jesus Christ to Sacrifice His Life for you. You are free from sin the Son of God Jesus sets you FREE so FREE indeed by the Finished Work of Christ. Is not possible blood of bulls or goats will save you. Jesus Sacrifice for body of Christ saved from God’s punishment for sin. Burnt offerings or sacrifices for sin God has no pleasure. On mount Carmel Elijah told people to choose the True Living God or serve idols to perish. Idol worshippers make gods from God’s wood, gold, silver, clay, bronze, statue, sculpture, rocks call gods. God’s credit given to creatures doesn’t honour God the Creator. An idol worship fetish ritual occult control, manipulate people in fear. God isn’t pleased with idol worshipper who ignore HIM, sell family and nations into serfdom of idol shrine by marriage bondage, slavery from generation to generation suffere like Gideon.
Primitive fear makes people desperate to seek a fertility solution for childbirth, wealth or healing. People do anything to achieve material wealth don’t realise spiritual satanic bondage God cuts people off from God’s Presence forever by their sins. People must repent and seek face of God personally not to be lost forever in God’s eternal damnation if rejects Jesus Christ. The devil uses witchcraft to fool people to think evil actions are culture acceptable to God. But Gideon, Hezekiah and Manasseh destroyed idol groves shrines to build altar to the Living God. God says obey HIM, destroy family shrine altar to replace with God’s Altar. Gideon’s obedience to God brought victory for family and whole community. Pray to God to open your spiritual eyes, ears, minds and hearts to understand God’s Spirit of Truth. God’s truth you know will set you free in Jesus Name. God’s Divine Protection Cover of Jesus’ blood sets you free from idol spiritual bondage of shrine marks on your body. If you own objects tokens as point of contact from shrine burn it give to deliverance minister for Godly Counsel. Accept Jesus Christ be a faithful worshipper of God ONLY. Study and read your Bible to understand God’s will purpose and live a righteous life in Jesus Name. Choose God First above all God is Faithful HE will make a way for you in Jesus Name time is running out Jesus comes in Rapture to take you to heaven or left behind perish in Armageddon war. Belong to God IN CHRIST as your Lord and Master. You can’t serve two masters Worship God or worship idol will perish in hellfire destroyed yourself and family. Jesus came to destroy all works of the devil over your lives deliver from all destructions in Jesus Name. God wants people to LOVE HIM  and one another in Jesus Name walk in love live together in peace and unity covered by the blood of Jesus Christ alone. All who worship idol gods who reject Jesus Christ Messiah Saviour will be killed by God in hellfire on the judgement day. So repent and follow only Jesus Christ or ruined so tormented in hellfire. God and Jesus LOVES you submit to God accept Jesus yield to Christ your Master and be born again in Jesus Name. You are changed into a new creation in Christ Jesus.