God head of marriage hierarchy in Bible told Adam its not good to be alone made Eve his helper and companion to replenish earth and multiply in Genesis 2:18. The LORD God Yahweh said, ‘Its not good the man is alone, made a helper for him. This fact originated from God’s system put in place a guideline to help family roles. God visits them in Garden of Eden to check on them interact with them. A closer look at their relationship required Adam takes lead to submit to God in Christ for support. Christ is the head of homes and husband is under God’s authority. Jesus said He doesn’t do anything without first talking to God about it. As Church of God in Christ is the bridegroom of Christian body so believer couple’s marriage like Jesus their role model. To love spouse as Christ loves His Church, to encourage, be faithful, loyal so marriage bed undefiled. To unite, respect, to lift each other up and have patience, share family goals and personal space as Jesus prayed alone in the wilderness. God said enjoy sexual intimacy don’t deprive each other unless agree to fast in prayer but rejoin spouse after. Do not use sex as revenge weapon to bully spouse or as a seductive tool to manipulate and lure your spouse to do your bidding. The body is God’s Holy Temple filled by Holy Spirit and Jesus so be God fearing to understand to nurture, care for youself, family, parents and others. Leaving father and mother to marry doesn’t mean abandon family or forsake relatives. Be quick to forgive and don’t make the list of offences to use to attack each other. As Bible says, don’t let sun set on your anger be angry but sin not. People’s individual differences in marriage can be annoying but you can only change yourself. Focus of good loving reason you married to serenade and go on dates. A couple can go out by themselves regularly so trusted family and friends baby sit for them.You marry whole family for support in times of needs for help and good success. If you cut yourself off will end up too close for comfort, lonely, fights each other. The head of family is husband looking up to Christ. He sustains the family by supporting his wife who is the head of their children. Teamwork is essential by following teachings of the LORD from the word of God in Bible. Hierarchy structures of God in Christ Jesus of Nazareth is the Biblical foundations of marriages. There are other models but focus here is on a Biblical Godly model. Pastors needs to bring awareness and educate people on the Biblical models before they marry. Bible guides bornagain believers in Christ to study God’s model to please God, replenish earth if they want to. A man needs spouse as two heads better than one. A man is physically strong, but a woman’s feelings, insights and emotions are stronger. Men are externally referenced on the bigger pictures, women focus more on deeper family issues. Each plays different roles but flexible cases have exceptions to the rule. Those who want lifetime experience of marriage with spouse needs to study God’s words carefully before they commit to partner. People’s motives for marriage differs, Jesus said test the spirits to see if they are of God or elects deceived by a catfish scammer. He said marriage continues like days of Noah people, enjoyed themselves having fun until God shuts Noah’s Ark doors. The role of marriage is important, necessary and essential in many communities globally. Each country has rules, regulations, cultures pertaining to marriages. Some choose not to marry and that is alright by demands of the work they do or by personal choices. For the LORD’S Biblical Christian believers the word of God guides them with support of family and friends.


Be slow to anger don’t let Sun set on anger to sin against God. Don’t use angry threats to intimidate and harrass people. The Bible says control dark evil thoughts of negative emotions of revenge, hatred or bitterness. Don’t seek revenge when you feel unfairly treated. Relax and review matters privately and be realistic. Don’t react to hurt person to have a taste of their own medicine. Tit for tat permeates generations of feuds and enmity inherited from by the descendants. Rage causes some people to do terrible things they regret later but its too late. Bad temper is character weakness to overcome as people of God. Anger is in the bosom of fools Bible said. Exploding at the slightest issue is beyond normal reaction. Angry feelings must not control us to cause destructions of self and others. After the arguments and misunderstandings one wonders what it was all about. Be honest and share genuine feelings and concerns. Don’t use a perceived anger or grievances to attack others. People don’t read minds or body language cues. You must tell them what is bothering you. Subtle messages and hints do not work because people communicate differently.  What is driving you crazy may not be noticed by people unaware of your grievances. Don’t get angry or feel ignored if others don’t know what is bothering you. Don’t assume the people know your needs without telling them. You have to repeat needs over and over again despite telling it before. Anger doesn’t solve problems long-term. It may work due to anger for attention and ranting but remember others needs help too.Vengeance makes situations worse so be angry but sin not in   Ephesians 4:26. Irrational anger causes an extreme behaviour so out of character not merit the punishment. Simeon and Levi put Jacob’s family at risk by avenging Dinah’s rape the wrong way. He didn’t forgive their rage on his deathbed cursed their anger and cruelty. Their fierce wrath divided and scattered them in Israel in Genesis 49, left out of Moses’ final blessing before he died in Deuteronomy 33 and scattered among Judah in Joshua 19:1-9. Tribe of Levi had no inheritance of land through obedience to God in Exodus 32 received priestly duty roles in Israel. God is gracious and slow to anger as Psalm 103:8 says to imitate HIM. Be slow to anger not rule a city but cannot control your Spirit in Proverbs 16:32. Jesus threw out traders in God’s Temple and said it’s a house of prayer for all nations not a market place to exploit worshippers. Walk away and cool down before you act. Have a calming word to remind yourself to stop anger and not retaliate. Anger fuels fights you regret later. Stop nasty words you can’t take back despite an apology damage you even if you say I’m sorry. Count to ten and grit your teeth from speaking. Do not let a provocation force you to join aggressive person to react than respond. Toxic people enjoy winding you up for fun to feel good do not fall for their bait. It is for a negative attention seeking time wasters use to attack and try to sabotage others and to play the victim card.

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