20200524_150347Children study do well if trained, motivated nurtured even in harsh environment. Gifted children or self-taught do well. Poor children do well succeed though parents can’t read or write in some cases against all odds do great things in life. Focus on subjects interested in are avid readers of lots of books. They have retentive photographic memory and store knowledge. Their academic performance is higher than peers some too bright schools can’t keep up with their hard work. Parent remind them to take breaks, eat or rest, level of achievement beyond classmates. Home schooled due to IQ may ‘disrupt’ teacher for more work too fast. Can be frustrated if slowed down in school if gifted high achiever can affect such children if not encouraged. They draw inner strength to work at a pace of their level ahead of class seem like “showing off” but their mental age above emotional maturity. Great ambition to to perform sets them apart is competitive. To make it in life support and understand their mindset. Ss ‘nerds’ they study hard may not play with children or friends their passion is knowledge. In extreme cases resort to street light if no electricity at home do homework. Complete education faster jumps classes and popular. Some from turbulent families with issues study with help of the family manage school work above average successful in life. Inspire others often are leaders in positions of authority by good example, resilient adapt despite poverty, hunger famine, drought war floods sometimes without eating any food.wp-1577539375017.jpgMany trek through rivers, forests dangerous animals to school and back, climb mountains or walk fields miles to nearest village for lift to school. Dedicated to education is amazing with help families a crucial duty for survival. Lack urban ideas but competent in computer technology and gadgets. Forced to a live dual life of city to village city doesn’t understand their needs to adjust can’t focus. Some worry about safety travelling walking to school and back home. Educators unfamiliar with their life need to learn about this children. But the compulsory education put children at risk to learn facts irrelevant to their lifestyles waste their time. End up doing traditional farming after wasting school fees education does not meet their real needs. Forced to learn a “one size fits all syllabus” cycle repeated yearly. So children abandon family training suitable in family continue to graduate but no prospects of good jobs. Parent who refuse to send their children for compulsory education arrested, fined, jailed. Children frustrated by inability to relate irrelevant subjects to their lifestyle forced to comply fail and humiliated for not doing well. Great height education promised to select few ‘whom you know’ in countries train their children in practical lifeskills and prepare them in advance as toddler. To build communities children forced to learn things not relevant to their lives and future must do own version of education. Stop destroying all children’s lives wasted by compulsory law to go to school. Education must help children to develop skills to apply in their life. Privileged blames poor for lack of work hard but tough law forces parents to send children to school. Education designed by colonial master used people as translators enabled access in their lands. Face challenges in life the knowledge skills acquired is to continue domination of academic colonialism. Parents are forced to accept education they pay for to help others ruin their cultural self development. Battle goliath business selling education for profit not caring about wellbeing of others. They deliberately design education to dominate to control the whole world. Many achieve good grades but they don’t employ them. Majority  do low menial jobs as PHD trained by them are not celebrated and supported globally.meditateEducated feel let down embarrassed, blamed imposed situations makes their life different in family and society. Society makes the rich richer and poor poorer as Jesus said treat the poor with contempt. Deprived by privileged few rich give to themselves ignore other less fortunate. Entitled rich humiliate poor with austerity enforced measures suffering in life. This century sees untold hardships causing premature deaths deliberate culling people by population obsessed 1% wasting 99% of God’s resources provided for all. A wealthy few enjoy education relevant for them not a the one size fits all unfair system. Extremely poor children risk lives to urban city schools must be provided with suitable alternatives. Children forced to comply deprived of skills family needs to meet real needs in life. Those gifted study if sponsored to the highest level. Others receive suitable training work in the family business. Excellent knowledge talents and abilities ignored despite understanding it better than formal education. Many leave fertile rich land join city life lack the modern skills ruin their lives. Education must help a young person to value their land to be expert in traditional farming, works that fulfill their lives.  Many are duped as family believes lies promised takes huge loans repaid by family, no jobs. Angry they lost years worse off than those they started. Search of greener pasture ends in limbo without support of family and loved ones. Each hero must find key to their own lives stop being deceived to go off track. This situation can turn around to overcome problems if treated with dignity to deal with realities of life. Good things in life come to all who do right things from childhood with realistic expectation and property trained.wp-1578848099354.jpgThe wealthy train children in the good ways early to learn to play piano, do ballet, dance, do sports scout or girls guides develop good character. Don’t mimic others without a good deeper understanding of your life needs that money can’t buy. Solve your problems in life by wisdom and reality check. Lack of frontal brain cortex leaves the vulnerable children indoctrinated. You need wisdom to reflect on personal values not follow the crowd blindly. Make better choices and realise though most expensive material possessions can improve quality of life can’t fill void in their hearts. Its why they want more in all environments. So build in foreign lands impose themselves on others without valuing their dignity, culture freedom of choice in education. Reconsider needs of family, home, society and gain from productive education. Stop blaming parents for lack of good success realise it is imposed system destroying lives. A few people in this world think it exclusively belongs to them so justify cruel insensitive policies on others. Its time leaders know how to help do hard work that benefits their land. Find out how to do a better design to educate to build each nation. Sacrifices made to reach high levels often do not pay off to gain credit for hard work. It is mockery to assume you can talk your way up without talent or relevant skills. Don’t judge a book by its cover dig deeper to learn better ways not just luxury debt loans. To save your nation and your people take risks, endure in adversity do your best. Don’t boast about few accomplishment to convince and to impress anyone. Focus on nation building and make education fun and relevant. Celebrates your culture, good foods have good success. Apply God’s given talent and abilities. Resist urge to seek praises or adulation building you up in PR stunts. People see through you don’t care what you know until you show you care. Due diligence and duty of care requires the Godly responsibility towards others. Good success is rewarded by paying attention in details. To do your best help billions of people do great things in life. Stop pressure to be ONLY one in all things, its insanity so mind your own business, let your work speak for you. Empty word salads, name it claim it garbage thinks owns universe. Motor mouth nonstop talking mere words spewed achieves no goals they don’t listen to anyone but want to advise all.15696018479875481401615843368842.jpgActions speak louder than words so children must be taught to focus on what they do not mere talk. Teach them to achieve a personal goal. Peace of mind is ability to focus to help others do things without boast. Help without ulterior motives to promote self by negative attention abuse people poor’s suffering. And waste time and resources on your empty talk trying to impress people to notice them. The must shut and listen to people around them who know better and are more experienced.  A person who knows it all in life is jack of all trades master of none. Let others speak and value their ideas and contribution. Silence is gold so speak if asked its not rejection to be quiet in life. Chatter box excessive talkers do not read the right good books to learn social etiquette. Speak nervously talking to be seen avoids questions fears being exposed if they asked about themselves. Talking dominates to distract others. Its lack of deep knowledge their mind can’t respond to. Feel insecure so misquotes, name to drop ideas blame others if it goes wrong. Lack spatial awareness and observational skills of trained eyes. Do not watch to learn first to apply social discipline. Empty barrels make most noise do not shut up to deeply reflect to respect values those around. They must tame their tongues no matter how bright, highly educated or self important they feel. A broken watch is right twice a day, learn from others. Acknowledge others as you demand to be noticed always. Craves negative attention, distracts, focusing don’t appreciate or empathise with people. It is waste time to impress than join in. Causing vulnerable children not to feel confident and talk don’t approve of friends. Copy to imitate to fit in to be popular to be famous desires to be centre of attention always. Very vain they are not deeply rooted and grounded evolve a chameleon around others always are angry. Frustrated insecure full of fear not confident demand others put them first. Lacks a strong foundation trained children have for others. Life isn’t one person one man island, billions of brilliant voices matter are heard. And two heads are better than one each point of view, perspective, dimension all God’s creations. jesus-chilren1A one sided viewpoint repeated doesn’t help teach children personal development focus on personal growth not copy others. Selfish children, self absorbed, feel self importance. Disrespect others, compete with them. But a mindful child introvert quiet and extroverts want company to listen to empty talks. These attention seeking empty endless talkers have no substance runs their mouths bullying and abusing others. Bend rules don’t conform to laws work against nature, lack good success. As control freaks behave appallingly to force others to join bad action contrived. Struggles to adjust to interact, learn intergrative social life skills. Lacks experience have adjustment disorder. Crave public attention always lack understanding matters no regard for fellow participants. Always want top spotlight from others. Think all events must be centred on them or feels ‘less’ human. They snap so get angry if ignored even if occasion is not about them. Variety of diverse people in the world value difference on earth. Live and let others live don’t force strong will on the others. God doesn’t force people gives free will to make a choice with consequences. Fulfill your role in life without draining others emotionally. Introvert prefer quiet low-key environments not timid, shy fearful to speak respect other’s views. In tune with people’s feelings respect boundaries give people personal space. But a leech parasite need to attach to other people to thrive. As talkers think speaking out loud is caring don’t care about people they used. Addictive talkers can’t shut up to hear others only their own voice they like to hear. Train children to value feelings of others. Children unchecked grow up thinking they speak for others. God gives voices to all Bible at time to speak and time to be silent. God values silent communication body language as discipline. Talking carelessly like runawy train does not endear empty meaningless string word salad to people. Don’t pressure all children to look alike to think the same to talk always. Don’t forced your ideas on them destroy creativity. Don’t force children to abandon talents skills to mimic what they don’t like frustrate them. Get angry trying to be something they aren’t. Causes chaos and confusion because a child forced to accept strange concept in the name of education. Their talents ignored and not developed bored play up not stimulated to be best self created to be. A parent must take keen interest in a child’s school work ensure they understand what they learn. Don’t just pay fees, buy designer clothes, give them lots of money think you did your part. A child is for life is your most priceless asset you from God. Value them don’t spoil or damage them for life unable to cope in real life. Make time to talk to your children, to know them better. They will understand you better and you will give account to God for each child’s life.


Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Deuteronomy 11:19 – Teach children, speaking to them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way when you lie down and when you rise up.

Ephesians 6:4 – Fathers, provoke not your children to anger bring them up, nurture and instruct them as the LORD GOD requires.

Psalms 78:5-7 – Established testimony of Jacob is appointed laws of Israel as God commanded our fathers to make them known to your children.

Proverbs 29:15 – The rod and reproof give wisdom but a child left to himself brings shame to the family.

Proverbs 29:17 – Teach and correct your son, he shall give you rest yes, he shall give delight to your soul.

Ephesians 6:2 – Honour your father and your mother is the first commandment with promise so you will live long so will be well you.

Colossians 3:21 – Fathers, provoke not children to anger to be discouraged.

Ephesians 6:1-4 – Children, obey your parents in the LORD for this is right.

Psalms 127:3 – Children are heritage of the LORD and fruit of womb is reward.

Ephesians 6:1 – Children, obey your parents in the LORD for this is right.

Proverbs 22:15 – Foolishness is found in the heart of a child but rod of correction drives it far from him.

2 Timothy 3:16 – All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

Acts 5:29 – Peter and apostles answered and said we must obey God than men.

Psalms 34:11 – Come, children, listen to all who teach you to fear the LORD.

Psalms 127:3-5 – Children are heritage of the LORD and fruit of womb, reward.

2 Timothy 2:15 – Study to show yourself approved to God as workman not ashamed rightly applying word of truth.

Proverbs 13:24 – If you spare rod you hate your son but love him if you teach, train and correct him properly.

Deuteronomy 6:5 – Love the LORD GOD with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might.

Hebrews 12:5-11 – Remember the Godly teachings taught to you as children, my son despise not discipline of the LORD, or be discouraged to rebel if corrected.

Titus 2:4 – Teach young women to be sober to love their husbands and love their children.

Matthew 15:4 – God commands, honour father and mother, so those who curse father or mother, let him die.

Luke 1:44 – Voice of salutation sound in ears made baby leap in womb for joy. A baby hears voice in womb so rejoices by family reunion of Mary and Elizabeth.

1 John 4:1 – Beloved, believe not every spirit but try the spirit if they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Proverbs 18:12 – Before destruction the heart of man is so rude, haughty, proud, arrogant, very rebellious, disobedient egotistic, high-minded, selfish, ignores God’s Truth but true honour is humility.

Ephesians 6:3 – Life is well with you to livelong on earth by applying protective safe instructions from God as shield.

Mark 16:16 – Believe, be baptized to be saved but he who believes not, damned.

The world’s numerous laws prevent the children being properly trained to cope with real practical life. If wrapped in a bubble virtual world criticise families training child hands on with skill talents as ‘child slavery.’ Past experiences of an extreme child labour of chimney sweepers has paradigm shifts of absolutely no work laws for children in the West. Sits idle all day addicted to playing the computer games cause mental health disorders, not allowed to help family cook, clean, do chores is your majesty the child. But grow up unable to follow basic simple instructions for 5-year-olds. Wants expensive latest gadgets doing nothing it is parents who slave and toil to indulge the child. They grow unable to keep jobs have an attitude of entitlement. The properly trained child does amazing things in life is a great delight to watch confident child working hard without fear in him. High youth unemployment in the world needs to rethink such ideas teach children to work hard safely, supervised as seen in video. Some older generations grow its robots used but billions of fit, able, unemployed youth remain lazy by “child slavery” policies. GOD says HE hasn’t given child spirit of fear but love, power, sound mind. Fear is a spirit to control mind to keep child playing the computer game market worth trillions of dollars per year. Addicted youths incapable of holding down jobs, affects academic life’s achievement. Countries have no welfare benefits for families, and so all work hard. Is it better to keep children addicted to games for life making money for the capitalism abusing them? Mentally ill zombies on drugs of pharmaceutical companies for life?

UN deeply concerned about children abused by computer games does the world prefer damage done to children or is it better to train the child to be a hardworking well – adjusted citizen. The ones making “child labour laws” have teams of housekeepers, servants, butlers and nannies, personal assistants who care for all their wants paid for by state. Impose laws on villages with elderly parents too old to work codependent on youth guide them by their wisdom, experience. One size fits all society laws forced being upon subsistence communities are unrealistic new world order trying to control the people and their resources. People self-sufficient or independent are not approved by a capitalist mindset. Those educated at the university on zero hour contract menial jobs without appropriate wages saddled for years with student loans. The rich who can employ them refuse to create jobs, hiding their money in offshore accounts. Harass parents for not educating children or fine those who go on a cheap holiday in school term. Real compulsory education has failed a majority of young people globally. Overwhelmed without jobs, frustrated; angry deceived in education without a long term work. Depend on their parents, live at home and are unfairly treated by wealthy who force young people into debt. Well done to a wonderful boy properly trained to work hard. God bless him.