Sovereign Yahweh God Almighty and Jesus are above all other gods in the Bible. Yahweh loves people to talk to HIM directly in Christ Jesus Name. Yahweh encourages you to call on HIM freely in times of joy and sorrow. HE doesn’t want people to be scared of HIM just respect and honour HIM. Families love each other not afraid of parents so Yahweh wants you to draw near to HIM like Father. Even if earthly fathers disappointed you or let you down by them God cares for you. Don’t put your anger on God and blame HIM for what evil people do to you. Forgive them and turn to God to protect to save you eternally in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. God says note changes taking place in the world today. Repent if you haven’t accepted Jesus as your personal Saviour you need Jesus as a personal friend. Jesus is coming in the Rapture to rescue all in Christ to heaven alive before great tribulations destroys parts of the earth. Be saved in Christ Jesus Name to become a child of Sovereign Yahweh God Almighty. All people are God’s Creations but only those in Christ are HIS Children in God’s Kingdom. God uses dreams, visions to warn people before punishment of earth begins. A time of troubles and turbulence unseen before on earth Jesus said will cause people to perish. God’s gift of eternal life resurrects the dead in Christ into eternal life forever.


A famous Sikh Christian Sadhu Sundar Singh saved was delivered by God in 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10. By his freewill and choice lived faithfully for LORD Almighty God Yahweh Creator of heavens, earth. In 1 Thessalonians 2:18-20 satan tries to stop people in believing in God but he overcame in victory. And 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15 says believers in Christ will resurrect caught up by Jesus to the LORD in the Rapture. In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 this day of the LORD will come unexpectedly. World to go through birthpang pains signs of God’s anger against evil on earth. Christ helps in the challenging times but God will punish earth on return in second coming. In 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2 says Church taken into heaven with all accepting Jesus as Saviour. The Holy Spirit restrains all evil now but taken out of the way antiChrist is revealed. In 2 Thessalonians 3:5-6 all close to God eagerly, patiently waiting for Jesus to rescue them. Looks up daily as Jesus comes for them but some left behind in the world go through great tribulations. Those sealed by Almighty wins more souls the final times in history. Then punishment of God destroys the unbelievers who rejects Jesus Messiah as Lord. In Armaggedon battle God destroys 1/3 of lives, 1/3 trees, seas, in famines, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, hailstones, hailstorm until Christ returns to rule the earth forever. Christian salvation isn’t human competition to recruit people for statistics, data to prove the which religion has more followers. In 2011 census, 79.8% of population of India is Hindus, 14.2% Islam, 2.3% Christians, 1.7% Sikhism, 0.7% Buddhist 0.4% Jainism. Sikh Christians like Jasvinder Sanghera is against forced marriages. Others are Bakht Singh, Gurmit Singh, Nikki Haley etc. Sikh Christian monotheistic ideas of Almighty God Yahweh is different. Singh Sabha’s helps the Christian missionaries to teach Sikh to understand the concept of karma reincarnations is different. The Sovereign God Almighty is worshipped only through Son Jesus of Nazareth alone no other names. God Almighty chose only Christ for His worship. Sikhism denies sin says God is in a person’s deep self. The Spirit of living God lives in believers know God is immortal Almighty so idols forbidden. Sikh Christians know Yahweh God not same in all religions. No cycles of births and deaths to merge with Godhead. Sikh Christians believe the Saviour Jesus Christ’s earthly father is Joseph mother Mary has brothers and sisters. Sikh Christian understands God and Jesus sees Godly works of kindness but salvation is by grace alone. It forgiveness of sin DNA inherited from Adam and Eve the blood of Jesus washes away. The Bible also forbids five cardinal vices of Kam (lust), Krodh (anger), Lobh ( greed), Moh (world attachments) and Ahankar (pride). In obedience to God overcome these but doesn’t achieve salvation. It is Christ Jesus, Almighty God Yahweh chose so salvation found in only Jesus Christ Name above all the other names.


15621661741461989098277505234868.jpgJesus First loved me so I love Him too and I have an amazing beautiful relationship with God in Christ. I go to Jesus for everything so I know God understands me so I feel loved, I love Him too as my First Love! I know God is with me all the time and my self-worth is in God this makes me feel secure in Christ. God cares for me, in Christ I see people through the eyes of Jesus. I had a dream recently in a classroom and asked to submit essay on a topic I like. My dream essay was, ‘Why I love Jesus, submitted is approved then I woke up. I know Jesus Loves me and I love Jesus too because Jesus first Loves me and God Loves me so I love God too. My dream is shared to answer the question, “Do you know why you love Jesus? I declare my reasons for my love of Jesus to say I love Jesus too. In John 14:23, Jesus said, if anyone loves Me…My Father will LOVE them and will come to abide in them. Lord Jesus loves you because He first loved us. God loves us because God is LOVE in 1 John 4:8,16 we receive His LOVE and so become the Children of God. So Triune God, Jesus, Holy Spirit comes to make their home in us in Ephesians 3:17. The LORD makes His home in our heart with Lord, Master Jesus saying I Love You. Love of Christ is central to the Christian’s belief and theology. God so loved the world HE gave HIS ONLY begotten Son Jesus so whosoever believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life.15621659687422189919091883712401.jpgLove Jesus has for people is the love Christ gives Christians for people. This is aspect of Christian life including sharing and teaching love of Christ to reflect on His love in His followers. Humans are to love like Jesus so a husband is to love wife like Jesus. Wives are to love husbands in Titus 2:12-14 with agape feeling love friendship. Men submit to Christ the head of the body of Christ and women to to husband to love like Christ. Jesus submits to God our father. Women to love and train younger women by grace and a quiet Spirit win their husbands by faith. At two years I was babysitted by my grandmother she sang a song about holding on to garment of Jesus until He blesses us to never let go. The song touched me is in my memory of Jesus so in Sunday School Jesus becomes my personal friend. I have a Friend Jesus who loves all the little children and welcomes them in adult meeting in His Presence. I fell in love with Jesus as my friend too after I heard the conversations about Jesus daily by so many adults. They sing songs to God so I realised Jesus is Special well noted in community. My mother presents Jesus to us as child friendly personal friend who loves deeply and cares about us. Jesus love impact my life in storms and adversities of life as Jesus is our Anchor. If we do not know what else to do or say we rely on Jesus our Saviour to come through for us. Our lives depend on Jesus answering prayers and so without Him we are nothing.15621662307361352877790428717214.jpg This is foundation of faith in Christ with God through Holy Spirit. One of the most lasting impacts on my life is how they celebrate all who pass into glory. They worship God in a way you feel heaven is connected directly in memorial services joined together as one in fellowship with God. Full of joy, confident, reassured all will meet again in PRESENCE of the LORD God is wonderful. People feel a strong desire and longing genuinely to go with departed who beat them into seeing Jesus first in heaven. They understand a day in heaven is worth thousand years on earth for this world is not our home for citizens are just passing through. Many generations experienced similar childhood lived directly by zeal eagerly awaits Jesus’ return soon to earth. They work extremely hard, provides for their families, prosper by Grace of God yet ready daily for Jesus’ trumpet call. They have passion to live, move and have beings in God in Christ Jesus. They practically lived as God in book of Joshua to meditate on the word of God day and night, never let word of God depart from their mouths. 15621660434389214135528499734504.jpgThey greet each other with the psalms and hymns, read Bible daily, morning, noon, in night times. People testify of how they see their lives reflect Jesus so they are sure they are in heaven in glory after they all passed. Their passionate zeal for God is a testimony of the Love of God at work in their lives. Their faith strengthens the community as a whole, school and Church taught the WORD of God at assembly and worship daily. They meet together at dawn in Church and pray before work and study Bible at home. A bit like Bereans enjoyed searching word of God to learn to know more about God and Jesus. Their emotion is contagious, positive, good, healthy impacts all around them. One sees a brave, bold courageous overcome adversity with love and passion for God. They had challenges of death but it didn’t separate them from LOVE of God in Christ in Romans 8:38-39. Persuaded death, life, angels, principalities, powers, things present or things to come, height, depth, other creatures, CANNOT separate believers from God’s LOVE in Christ Jesus our LORD God Yahweh.15621666870945905414297587502293.jpgIn John 14:21 Jesus said all who love Him are loved by Father God and HE loves them manifest HIMSELF to them. Love the LORD as Jesus said we are LOVED by our Father the LORD God who reveals HIMSELF to some. We love the LORD the LORD and HE becomes real to us, draw near to God so God will draw near to you. My mother loves God and speaks to HIM intimately like her friend as children thought God lived physically with us. She prayed to God about everything for help in planting seeds and harvesting crops felt HE is always with us in HIS  sacred room with a list of people prayer for discussed with mother to remember to help us all. Loving Jesus helps us understand and deal with all the challenging circumstances of life. We all face life in various ways but be assured of guaranteed Helper Holy Spirit to guide and teach you daily. We are being changed from glory to glory refined and pressed as coal to become like diamonds. Stretched by faith so pushed out of comfort zone to grow, mature and transition into Godliness. This life-long process of God as the Potter reshapes and refines until eternity. God says come as you are with warts and all, not if perfect for all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. God loves you just as you are so believe and receive God’s love in Jesus Name. 15621664377235437793122052527455.jpgIn John 14:15, the Lord said, if you love Me keep My commandments. We love LORD so keep HIS  commandments daily living according to God is well-pleasing to HIM. God calls us HIS peculiar people, royal priests, citizens of heaven, Jesus’ ambassadors on the earth serving an awesome God. John 17:3, says Jesus declares the kind of life chosen to live by faith: “This is eternal life that they may know YOU, THE ONLY TRUE GOD in Jesus Christ YOU. Living eternally in life gives ability to know God’s way of thinking to make decisions by HIS LOVE feel for others, extends mercy in forgiveness. Loving and living God’s way allows us to know the mind of God. God’s incredible ways strengthens our faith to hold on to Jesus in Jesus Name. Believer’s love of God includes sacrifices, persecutions but is not near as Ultimate Sacrifice of Christ Jesus. The good news is Jesus is aware of life’s tribulations He warns about. His love boosts confidence in God for things pass away but LOVE OF GOD endures forever and ever beyond infinity. Because Jesus Loves you and you love Jesus and God doesn’t exempt from problems of life. He is our anchor and hope who carries us through valley of the shadow of death to imminent Rapture in Jesus Name. God LOVES you all so HE does not want anyone to perish. Do you love God and Christ Jesus as your friend? In your lowest, saddest moments in the valley Lily of the valley Jesus is with you to see you through in life. You may not feel sensation of anything different be assured God is control in Jesus Name. As a friend in need is a friend indeed Jesus is really a true friend who loves and cares deeply for you come to Jesus as you are warts and all Jesus is great physician of lost souls or people hurting. Jesus understands grief, sorrow, shame, pain, tests is ready to save you. He is not looking for perfect people and salvation is the greatest miracle.