Christ appears in visions and dreams, many accept him as Lord and Saviour. Some people don’t worship Jesus, consider Him a prophet messenger of God or Messiah, a historical religious figure, not the Son of God, not more than a prophet. Despite these opinions, Jesus Christ visits some in dreams and visions and they convert to Christianity from different backgrounds. Some believe in the Virgin Mary, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. Christians as people of the Book. Jesus Christ the truth, the way and the life visits some in dreams and visions they commit life to Him. In Isaiah 45:23; Romans 14:11; Philippians 2:10-11 the LORD says at the name of Jesus every knee will bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue will confess Jesus is Lord. All those whose names are not found in God Yahweh’s books of life will not be saved in Daniel 12:1 and Enoch 47:3. Ancient of Days God seated upon HIS throne of GLORY has Books of Life opened before HIM for judgements of all.

John 3:16 says for God so loved the world HE gave HIS Son Jesus to anyone who believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life in heaven. It is not God’s will anyone should perish but HE will judge and punish anyone who rejects Jesus Christ of Nazareth as Lord and Saviour. For Christian believers God chose Jesus Christ as their only way and truth for Salvation. God is changing things in the world so fast some people want answers. These changes in Bible foretold thousands of years are unfolding in the world in endtime. Daniel’s 70 weeks in Bible and Matthew 24 prophecies are being fulfilled in daily news. Rivers of blood, earthquakes, volcanoes, war, wildfires, locusts, plagues, tsunamis, floods and other apocalyptic events is globally seen. Jesus will come in the Rapture to rescue all in Christ into heaven. These are all predicted in Bible and Armageddon battle in Israel will take then Jesus returns with saints on white horses defeats God’s enemies. Jesus loves you to be saved not to perish in hellfire with the antiChrist, beast devil and false prophets. Christ will sit on David’s throne and rule all nations as King of kings and Lord of lords.

JESUS DEFEATED devil satan

Christ defeated devil satan through death so made powerless in Hebrews 2:14. Christ abolished sting of death to bring an eternal life. Christ reduced devil to nothing don’t blame sin on one who sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared to destroy works of the devil in 1 John 3:8. Christ destroyed devil’s works, delivers from destruction. He disarmed all evil rulers, powers, authorities  so made public display of them, triumphed over them in Colossians 2:15. Christ has already conquered satan the “god of the age” and has the keys of death and Hades in Revelations 1:18. But the devil tried to devour Him at birth caught up to heaven to the throne of God. In a war in heaven satan lost was thrown down to earth knows time is short, persecuting woman and her seed. Jesus and believers are harassed by satan so Christ in Second Coming puts satan in a pit a thousand years. Then deceiver thrown in lake of fire brimstone with the beast and false prophet are tormented day and night forever. Jesus sits on white throne to rule the earth in Revelation 20:10-11. The devil is destroyed with disobedient unbelievers who rejected Christ in hellfire with devil. All who live in lusts of flesh, indulged in fleshy desires of the mind are children of wrath God throws in the hellfire in Ephesians 2:3. The punishment of sin is death no sinner is exempted if born special or status, descent before God. All have sinned so fallen short of the glory of God in Galatians 2:15. Self-righteous, unchallenged, don’t respect God are destroyed. The world is judged by God and Jesus trying all people rebellious against Yahweh. All evil in the world stops once satan is chained and caged in the pit. The LORD permits stubborn people to be dealt with by satan in Isaiah 45:7. And God in Genesis 6:5 and Psalm 37 lets all wicked thrive as they made decisions to end up in hellfire. God does not waste them chasing them because they won’t repent. The devil, lucifer, beelzebub belial in Jude 1:6, angels who didn’t stay in their domain with dragon ancient serpent devil satan are bound for a thousand years plus the fallen angels in Euphrates. In 1 Corinthians 5:5 satan is an enforcer to destroy flesh so Spirit is saved in day of Lord Jesus Christ. In 1 Timothy 1:20 Hymenaeus and Alexander handed to satan not to blaspheme to repent. In Isaiah 13:11 the LORD punishes world for evil and the wicked’s descendants to three hundred years. But righteous delivered in Jeremiah 36:31 are blessed to one thousand years. It is overrated the devil liar deceiver’s powers by those who let it. The devil roars like lion looking for those to devour pretends to be a lion to put fear into people.  The wise in Christ discern their evil trick manipulations don’t fall in traps to lure them into a hellfire. The Bible says be alert and sharp watching out not to be deceived and reading God’s words to know God’s truth. The Holy Spirit shines light into your heart to discern truth.


Jesus said in John 17:9 He is not praying for the world but for those God gives Him. Jesus prayed Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing on the Cross. Thirty three years Jesus dedicated saving lives God gave by specific second chance in Christ Jesus of Nazareth to all mankind. Jesus the Seed of the woman is sent to bring nations to repent into God’s Kingdom. Many called but few chosen who obey God willing to endure to the end to be saved. Jesus warns in parable of the sower or four soils in Matthew 13:3-9; Mark 4:2-9; Luke 8:4-8. Jesus says condition of a heart is types of soils in Matthew 13:18-23; Mark 4:13-20; Luke 8:11-15 Seed is Word of God. The hard ground hears Word but does not understand satan takes message away. A stony heart not changed is unsaved. The heart of thorns receives word, loves riches, pleasures, lust, worldly things, no time for God. The good hearts hear, understand so receives the Word bears good fruits. Jesus said only good ground hearts are saved in Matthew 3:7-8;7:15-20. Jesus intercedes in heaven knows the pure hearts committed, consecrated, dedicated, living a holy Godly excellent lifestyles glorifying God. Repents, confesses sin, humble, rigorous, tenacious, zealous for Christ not perfect achieves tangible results measurable by evidence. Manifests works consistent with God’s Spirit by God’s Grace focuses on God’s Word. Leads by stable single mindedness on God with strong prayer by faith. Sings to worship God with a pure holy heart. Is hardworking in service for God, walks in the love of God. Cares for people who hurts them, God defends them against enemies. Critics accuse oppose genuine miracles God manifests. Daily walk with God as true discipled Christian constantly in tune with God. In the world is not of the world Paul says crucify flesh and have the mind of Christ. Spiritually sound healthy mind functions only by God’s moral principles. Hates verbal or domestic abuse, psychological, emotional abuse or physical toxic abuse hurting others to feel good. Improves by learning from Godly mentors to help make this world better. Real excellent achievement is due to authentic true self in Christ impacts others. Forgiving offenders challenging into mature faith. Christ said it is by freewill choice to obey God and go to heaven or follow satan to hellfire. God lets reprobate minds deceive themselves reject God’s truth for doctrines of demons bewitched by traditions of men. Christ said He won’t waste time praying for stony hearts rejecting God. Jesus prays for God’s children to endure to the end to be saved. Pray for loved ones and enemies and leave them in God’s hands. So Holy Spirit guides them to accept and receive Christ Jesus into their hearts.

JESUS DESTROYS devil’s works

Jesus destroys the devil works in your life, delivers, heals, saves you into eternal life. Pray daily to be free from all strongholds in Jesus Name memorise texts if you can:-

# God LOVES me gave HIS Son Jesus to die for all my sins so I will not perish I have eternal life in John 3:16. I receive Jesus as my Lord I repent of all my sins I am forgiven by God so I forgive others in Jesus Name.

# I am washed by the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ I boldly enter God’s presence. I am a child of God a joint heir with Christ Jesus of Nazareth in Ephesians 3:12; Roman’s 8:17.

#I am translated from kingdom of darkness into Kingdom of Glorious Light of God’s dear Son Jesus Christ. In Him I have redemption of sins through His blood and FORGIVENESS of sins in Colossians 1:14.

#Jesus healed and delivered me from all my destructions and destroyed all works of the devil over my life in Psalm 107:8.

#No weapon formed against me will prosper any tongue against me I condemn. This is my heritage as a servant of the LORD. My righteousness is of the LORD in Isaiah 54:17

# My life is hidden in Christ with God in Colossians 3:3. In Christ I live, move and have my being in Acts 17:28; Galatians 2:20. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world in 1 John 4:4.

#I put on the whole armour of God against the fiery darts of the devil in Jesus Name in Ephesians 6:-18.

# Henceforth let no man trouble me for I bear on my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ in Galatians 6:7.

# I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me in Philippians 4:13. I provide for my household in 1 Timothy 5:8.

#The Holy Spirit is my teacher, helper and comforter He leads me into God’s truth in John 14:26.

#My honour of God begins my wisdom in Proverbs 1:17; 9:10. I call upon God and HE will hear and answer me in Jeremiah 33:3.

#God did not give me spirit of fear but HIS POWER LOVE AND A SOUND MIND in 2 Timothy 1:7.

#God’s words are hidden in my heart not to sin against God in Jesus Name in Psalm 119:11.

# God blots out handwritings of ordinances against me contrary to me and nailed it to the Cross of Jesus Christ in Colossians 2:14.

# God’s word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path in Psalm 119:105.

# I love God for HE first LOVED me while a sinner Christ died and saved me in 1John 4:19-21.

#My God supplies all my needs according to HIS riches in GLORY in Christ Jesus in Philippians 4:19.

#I look after interest of others in Phillipians 2:4.

# Psalm 1:- I am blessed I don’t walk in the counsel of the ungodly or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of the scornful. 2. I delight in the LORD and I MEDITATE on HIS words day and night. 3. I am like a tree planted by rivers of water. I bring forth fruit in season my leaf will not wither whatever I do will prosper. 4 The ungodly are like chaff the wind blows away. 5 They will not stand in congregation of the righteous. 6 The LORD knows the way of the righteous but the way of ungodly perish.

#Thank you Abba Father Yahweh for my life, deliverance, grace, mercy, protection in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth through the Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you LORD for my family and friends.


God hates proud stony hearted people who self destruct. In Proverbs 16:18 pride goes before fall as arrogant proud doesn’t listen to anyone think they know best. They fail because God left them to their own evil devices. Proud stony hearts are their own judge, jury, press don’t have good success. People give excellent advise, help, support ignored. They talk about ideas but do not know deeper implication of consequences. Trained experts knowledge and experience rejected can’t see details too proud, refuse to humble themselves. Think expert advise ‘diminishes’ their intelligence or humanised if told what to do. An “inferiority complex,” makes them feel insecure put on facades think being proud is powerful. People tell them truth they ignore because of their ego and “superiority complex” feels above all. A stony heart mindset thinks nobody can tell them what to do. Leads to self destruction blinded by pride. People boosts their ego so they think are effective. An indisciplined character lacks endurance and resilience. God hates the proud but gives grace to the humble nobody is greater than the LORD. It is God Almighty who threw out satan due to pride. The proud sets themselves up as enemies of Sovereign God Sovereign who hates arrogant incompetent bully. Humble yourself in the sight of the LORD to lift you up in James 4:10. Be humble so God gives you MORE GRACE to grow from glory to glory. God gives favour to humble and receives the GLORY. Gifts and talents from God but the proud person thinks it is own efforts makes them successful. God humbles proud if a law unto themselves, their thinking is deluded. People back off let them find out things the hard way, go through preventable pain. The yes men do not challenge or warn them anymore they think know best above all on earth. Stony rebellious hearts JEHOVAH hates yet God loves them. Gives them chances to humble themselves not to be a dangerous menace destroying people. They think they are very powerful their ego ruins them. They hate God’s truth and walk in error. God hates the proud for insolent children represent a bad behaviour lack manners puts people off. It is their arrogant stubborn stony heart that isolates them. So paranoid and suspicious sense something isn’t right but reject God’s truth. The stony heart’s anger gets worse if God’s Spirit and favour departs from them. The Holy Spirit if grieved leaves and God in anger hates the proud. Be humble don’t be wise in your own eyes. Fear the LORD and shun evil to bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. Pray and ask God to remove the stony heart and replace it with heart of flesh in Christ Jesus Name.


Old City of Jerusalem shows the people trace lineage to line of King David to Adam. Jesus the Messiah comes from line of David root of Jesse. Messiah comes to rule on earth in a Third Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel. So Jesus will seat on David’s throne of kingdom of house of David. Male descendants of King David hope to file claim to their ownership of the ancient Biblical site. Idea for a lawsuit began in 2004 Israel. American Dr. Boruch Fishman visited tomb of the prophet Samuel who anointed David the king of Israel 3,000 years ago. Met local farmer Israel Auerbach, discussed purchase of legal title of Temple Mount by King David recorded in 2 Samuel 24:24-25. David bought threshing floor and oxen paid fifty shekels of silver. David built an altar to LORD, sacrificed burnt offerings and fellowship offerings.” And according to Jewish inheritance rights, David’s all-male descendants legal owners of Temple Mount.
The threshing floor is used to winnow grain separates wheat from chaff. The threshing floor is round and paved. Inside and outside threshing floors raised barriers stops grain escaping “threshold.” To advance the claim of ownership, Dr. Fishman creates nonprofit organization Wings of Eagles for Assembly. The legal rights proves male lineage of son to sonbeginning at David’s house. Anyone who qualifies is included in legal claim to inherit Temple Mount. Legal rights help to claim property rightfully owned by house of David. An intervention by male descendants of King David into Israel life justifies rights.
Three thousand years ago, prophet Samuel anointed a shepherd boy David to be second king of Israel a patriarch of House of David. David’s Dynasty: The LORD was not willing to destroy house of David due to a Covenant made with David promised to him and sons forever in 2 Chronicles 21:7. David had one daughter and 22 sons. Solomon succeeds him as a king built God’s First Temple in Jerusalem. After Solomon’s reign ten tribes reject David’s line of kings form a northern Kingdom of Judea. His male descendants  King David rule tribes of Judah, Benjamin in Israel, southern kingdom till Babylonians exile in 597 BC. Some stayed in Judah, others fled to Egypt. Most princes of David’s line taken to Babylon with many people. David’s kingdom continues, members appointed by religious leaders govern community. Leaders as head of exile or exilarch line of rulers survived Islamic invasions of region, Arab conquest of Baghdad in AD 1040. These descendants spread across Mesopotamia the Levant, Egypt, Mediterranean basin looking for new lands to live. Some stayed in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, others later moved to other parts of Europe. So during these times separated into Ashkenazi, Sephardi or other groups.
American colonies opened up new frontiers for Ashkenazi and Sephardic exiles. The first migrants: Sephardic to colonies from Spain, Portugal, Africa, Middle East in early 1600’s. By 1730 Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe, Germany, France outnumber Sephardim. By 1924 migrations of Jews to America ended. Son some of Davidic lines rabbi descent, keep track of lineage from one generation to next though emigrated from their land. Ashkenazim claim Davidic descent tracing their lineage back to famous Jewish rabbi or scholar. 18th century Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer, Shneur Zalman, Saadya, Gaon of Vilna all claim Davidic descent trace lineage. A first century Jewish law scholar member of Sanhedrin, Rabban Gamliel, who taught Apostle Paul in ways of Phariseeism in Acts 22:3 is of Davidic Descent like Jesus.
In Jewish Quarter of Old City of Jerusalem, Yochanan ben Zakai Synagogue was built in early 1600s a Sephardic prayer house. 1893 photo depicts Jerusalem’s Chief Rabbi in the Ottomon rule. Others trace Sephardic line to Hezekiah exilarch who fled to Grenada, Spain, had two sons, Yitzhak and David. One of famous Sephardic surname descend from Hezekiah. Suffered persecutions but David’s descendants in millions majority no idea part of his dynasty. Effort to locate David’s descendants attempts to reestablish Davidic dynasty monarchy in Israel ready for Jesus.
Susan Roth, Israeli actress traced to Davidic ancestry through Rashi among others. The foundation started in 1998 by the Women of Valour sponsors many Israeli causes Davidic Dynasty website. Re-establishing Kingdom of David said “King taken seriously signify Israel for over 3,000 years did live there. The Knesset runs the country but a royal house brings legitimacy. “The royal House of David in Christ is light to all nations bring peace, harmony. Everything the world waits for is in Jesus Prince of Peace KING of king’s lineage of king David who calls Him Lord.
King David’s descendants since 1997, DNA test identifies too descendants of Aaron first High Priest. A DNA marker discovers these descendant of David. Charts, family trees, and common surnames on Davidic dynasty website helping people trace family lineage. Mitchell Dayan’s family from Aleppo, Syria, discovered his Davidic heritage in 1983. He read a commentary on King Solomon’s Song of Songs titled Yashir Moshe, written in 1864 by Rabbi Moshe Dayan. Author traces Dayan family to King David motivated Mitchell to research his family line, in 2003 completed t“Dayan of Aleppo Family Tree,” on Davidic Dyansty website. Mitchell member of Dayan rabbinic family claims 87th generation line of descendants from King David, from son to son. Is ready to claim ownership of Temple Mount.
Model of the 1st century Jerusalem Temple Mount before Roman siege in AD 70 eastern view Herod expanded in Second Temple. His Royal Stoa or Basilica Jesus overturns tables southend, Herod’s Antonia Fortress connect northern wall. Solomon built the Temple of the LORD in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah on threshing-floor of Araunah a Jebusite David his father bought in 2 Chronicles 3:1 Temple Mount Judaism’s holiest site is the property of David and associated with Mount Moriah. 4000 years ago, God asked Abraham to offer son Isaac as sacrifice replaced by the lamb God provided. After 900 years, King David captured city of Jerusalem from Jebusites owned Temple Mount. Wartime plunder, Jebusites let king David keep ownership of his land Mount Moriah. This threshing floor of Mount Moriah belongs to the LORD was not David’s idea. A plague in Jerusalem ended as the LORD spoke to him through the Prophet Gad, told David, ‘God says go, raise an altar to the LORD on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite in 2 Samuel 24:18. David told Araunah who tried to give land to David free, with oxen for sacrifice. David insisted on buying it: “I will buy it from you for a price. I will not offer burnt offerings to the LORD God that cost me nothing.” David bought threshing floor, oxen, fifty shekels of silver. David built an altar to the LORD and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings in 2 Samuel24:24:25.
Araunah the Jebusite offers threshing floor to David.  David did as the LORD instructed and built a temporary altar on site. And God chose his son Solomon to build first Temple permanent sanctuary in 957 BC. Entire site served as religious and political center until Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem buildings in 586 BC. The protection of King Cyrus of Babylon in 538 BC help Israelites to return to Jerusalem and built Second Temple King Herod expanded into impressive structure around 20 BC. This Temple didn’t last too. Romans destroyed Jerusalem and a Second Temple in AD 70 day of fasting and weeping fobserved yesterday in Israel and around the world. The Romans took advantage of their conquest erecting their own temples to their gods on the Mount. The site ruined till Islamic invasion in 7th century built dome.
The Dome of the Rock sits where First and Second Temples likely stood. Muslims Build on Temple Mount but site not in the Koran. Temple Mount is third holiest site in Islam. Its Muslim conquest of Jerusalem in AD 637, construction began of Dome of the Rock sits where the First and Second Temples stood. The Al-Aqsa Mosque in 8th century is at the southern end of Mount built to represent the furthest mosque. Muslim structure exist on Temple Mount since 7th–8th centuries so site was in disrepair sparsely inhabited until RETURN of modern State of Israel in 1948.
The Arab neighborhood Silwan from 1880’s  there are 19,000 Palestinians and 40 Jewish families. It is home to archaeological site of the ancient City of David. When Israel’s War of Independence ended in 1949, Jordan took control of eastern Jerusalem, including the Western Wailing Wall and Temple Mount, preventing Israelis from entering site. Fight in self-defense against Egyptian Jordanian Syrian invasion June 1967, Israel recaptured area after six days of war. After 1900 years, Temple Mount came under complete control of Isralite people only for a few hours.
The defense Minister Moshe Dayan in center enters Old City of Jerusalem during Six Day War with Commander UziNarkiss (left) and Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Yitzhak Rabin (right).
But in tragic irony Moshe Dayan, Israel’s Defense Minister a descendant of David’s dynasty handed keys of Temple Mount to Jordanian Waqf Islamic authority in charge of Temple Mount since 1950’s. Dayan “status quo” exists Jews visit Temple Mount during specific hours not allowed to pray there. Why did a Jewish leader give God’s valuable treasure after 1,900 years of exile Jews pray every day “the Temple be rebuilt speedily in our days…. TO serve God in reverence, as in days of old and former years? Told Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA)  effort to encourage peace with Arabs. Dayan turned God’s Holy of holies use of the site to the Waqf but not ownership of the site itself. Gave religious right over the mount to the Muslims believed defusing site as center of Palestinian nationalism,” Center states. This intention didn’t work out as expected a an atheist some said not a practising Jew.
Police on Temple Mount defend themselves against radical Muslims throwing rocks at them. Temple Mount focal point nationalism with Arabs and Palestinian Authority claims the land and religious use of Temple Mount, denying Israel’s history connection to site. It was cordial in 1924 publication of a tourist guidebook for Temple Mount by Supreme Muslim Council (Waqf): The site is one of oldest in the world’s sanctity dates from the earliest times. Identity as site of Solomon’s Temple is beyond dispute a spot, according to universal belief, David built an altar to the LORD, offered burnt offerings, peace offerings.” (A Brief Guide to Al-Haram Al-Sharif, 1925 p.4). Later edition to guidebook published by Waqf in 1950 two years after Israel’s independence, reproduces this fact.
1925 edition of A Brief Guide to Al-Haram Al-Sharif, published by the Supreme Muslim Council. Highlighted text acknowledges the existence of Solomon’s Temple and King David’s altar on the Temple Mount. By 1954 Jordan’s Awaqf Council took over Temple Mount but guidebook deleted reference to Israel’s ownership. Waqf initiated ongoing efforta rewrite history of Jerusalem exclude Temple Mount belongs to King David. After 1967 War, Temple Mount not only referred to as Al-Haram al-Sharif Noble Sanctuary is Al-Masjid al-Aksa farthest Mosque Muslims occuupy but BELONGS TO JEHOVAH NISSI.
David’s Dynasty Prepare Claim in Bible so may your eyes be open toward this Temple night and day, this place God’s Name is here to hear prayer your servants prays toward this place in 1 Kings 8:29 in Jesus Name. The 1967 war, the State of Israel annexed east Jerusalem and Temple Mount under the municipality of Jerusalem. On July 30 same year Israel Knesset Parliament passed bill declaring Jerusalem Capital of Israel, no boundaries were specified. In 2007, Israel’s Land Fund, nonprofit organization formed to acquire land for Israelis and non-Israeli citizens to own part of Israel.” But it has not acquired the Temple Mount. Dr. Fishman’s attorney Baruch Ben Yosef gave his opinion to Breaking Israel News about the current legal status of the Mount: The fact is under authority of Waqf or Jordan its not a legal claim to ownership. Temporary condition based on power not the valid legal claim. Since Temple Mount is privately owned, the people’s lineage to King David have a legal claim,” Ben Yosef added. “To make claim in court will prove claim of King David owner. Proof, the Land Authority won’t do anything without a court order from the High Court.”
The Israel Supreme Court was built by the Rothschild Foundation in 1992. Ben Yosef is is convinced best High Court of Israel hears the case Dr. Fishman raising funds to pursue all legal avenues. On Yom Kippur, 2915 third intifada uprising began and continued. Arab leaders fear Al-Aqsa is in danger Israel plans replacing Muslim structure by third Temple. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denies libel, Israel intends to keep Temple Mount under Israel sovereignty historically within Jewish heritage but Arabs occupy as their own. God owns this plot of land King David bought Davidic Dynasty group can claim. U.N. Arab international sympathy fights Israel’s ownership claims. UNESCO assumes some judicial authority over the Temple Mount votes on resolution make Temple Mount Islamic holy site. Beware Jehovah Nissi patent owner will take this land back HIMSELF FOR JESUS REIGN. So
UNESCO decisions God OVERRULES. Yahweh chose Israeli heritage Divine sovereignty of site King David bought. God chose Temple Mount for HIMSELF so David’s ULTIMATE MALE DESCENDANT IS MESSIAH JESUS!!! 
The three valleys of Jerusalem with outline of Hebrew letter Shin (שׁ) in red symbol used to represent one of names of God El Shaddai God Almighty. This confirms Word of God so “descendants of David will continue to reign shining light in Jerusalem city chosen to be place of Yahweh’s Name in 1 Kings 11:36;  8:28-29; 2Kings 21:4; Deuteronomy 12:11, 21; 2 Chronicles 12:13. David’s Messiah Jesus is Supreme descendant of line of David. The Messiah Himself will sit on the throne of David during His Messianic reign: Behold, days are coming, says the LORD I will set up of David’s righteous shoot to reign king and prosper, perform judgment in righteousness in the land. In His days, Judah will be saved and Israel dwell safely. His name is called, The Lord is our righteousness in Jeremiah 23:5–6. David’s 22 sons eternal monarchy is led by Messiah established line of Solomon. King David promises Bathsheba Solomon will reign after him said, “Let my lord King David live forever in 1 Kings 1:31. There is no king of Israel except from house of David from seed of Solomon alone. Anyone who disputes this family denies name of God and all words of prophets. Jesus in heaven will come down to establish Reign in all the ends of the earth. His name as God’s Son surely you know in Proverbs 30:4.
Yeshua unrolls scroll in Synagogue is Son of God. Jesus lived righteous life no one able to live earn right to reign over world from His throne in Messianic Temple to come. The Temple of Ezekiel Jesus will sit in for a thousand years. Later New Jerusalem comes from heaven prepared by Messiah Himself. The Third Temple believed will usher in the Reign of the Messiah. The Temple Institute in Jerusalem prepared vessels, utensils, and garments for the Third Temple. They have opened a school to prepare the Cohen Priest descendants of Aaron first High Priest to perform priestly duties of God in Bible.
The Third Temple of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem drawing blueprints. The Temple of God New Jerusalem will come down from heaven built for earth. The legal title to the threshing floor Temple Mount continues to be challenged in international forums like UNESCO and other venues by Arabs, Israelis, and David’s Dynasty. Only one ruling valid on the matter eternally Messiah Jesus comes down from heaven reclaims Mount Moriah His own in His Messianic Reign. The LORD says, “I will rescue MY flock; they will no longer be a prey. I will judge sheep and goats. And set up one Shepherd from David. He will feed them their Shepherd. I the LORD will be their God and David is a prince among them I AM the LORD and have spoken in Ezekiel 34:22-24. Ensure you believe in Jesus and saved among His sheep.
Yeshua Unrolls Scroll in Synagogue by James Tissot
David, King Over All Israel  (Bible card published 1896 by Providence Lithograph Company)
King David Playing the Harp, by Gerard van Honthorst Lord(Adonai
Stephen S. Wise Temple, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
Temple Institute Blueprint Ezekiel Temple
Brief Guide to Al-Haram Al-Sharif, 1925 p. 4. & 1950 Article published.
Moshe Dayan, Commander UziNarkiss and Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Yitzhak Rabin. (Photo by Ilan Bruner)


20201223_223027God made Jesus Lord over all the earth. The Bible says know for sure that God made Jesus Lord and Christ. God declared Jesus Lord of lords in Acts 2:36. God Highly Exalts Jesus and gave Him a NAME above all names. At the NAME of Jesus every knee shall bow in heaven and on earth in Phillipians 2:9-11. He is Lord, He is Lord, He is risen from the dead and He is Lord, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord.



  1. Jesus Son of God The Messiah
  2. Jesus is Alive in heaven with God
  3. Jesus Is Saviour, healer, deliverer
  4. Jesus Forgives all repented sins
  5. Jesus Restores believers to God.
  6. Jesus is Second Person in Trinity
  7. Jesus Feeds Apostles & Disciples
  8. Jesus Fasts And Prays to God
  9. Jesus Fully Obeys His Father God
  10. Jesus loves people & His enemies
  11. Jesus is Highly Exalted By God
  12. Jesus Loves women & children
  13. Jesus died on Cross to save all
  14. Jesus Gave His life for all people
  15. Jesus takes away punishments
  16. Jesus’ Blood washes all clean
  17. Jesus gives believers eternal life
  18. Jesus raptures Alive into heaven
  19. Jesus takes all IN CHRIST to Yahweh
  20. Jesus prepared mansions & banquets
  21. Jesus Returns with saints on earth
  22. Jesus victorious in Armageddon war
  23. Jesus will reign 1000 years on earth
  24. Jesus will reign with His saints
  25. Jesus will put satan in pit 1000yrs
  26. Jesus will defeat Gog And Magog
  27. Jesus in White throne judgement
  28. Jesus 2nd resurrection of the dead
  29. Jesus Puts God’s enemies in hellfire
  30. Jesus in New Jerusalem on earth
  31. Jesus’ Temple & God dwells in Israel
  32. Jesus gives Perfect PEACE to world
  33. Jesus is KING of Kings LORD of lords