Contents of packaging are valued people buying products expect exactly what the packaging says. Excellent products meet needs if their displayed adverts images matches their contents. On occasions the substitute is provided if seller warns the buyers their goods are slightly different. Content includes the quality of products, its life spans, textures, flavours, appeals to the eyes, practical uses or durability. It is problem if the product is not what it says on the tin. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Contents like character may not be what you see is what you get. Some show their true colours so believe them. Do not make excuses if bad behaviour, attitudes seen it may get worse. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, “judge people by contents of their character not by colour of the skin.” Packaging is recycled, upcycled but often character flaw takes God’s grace to repair with support of others. Nobody is perfect focus more on contents of a person not the external visible displays that may not synchronise with character. People don’t care what you know until they know you care.