The face is looking straight back at Mr Fletcher as he took the photograph and appears to be gazing over Norfolk's famously flat landscape

God from His Home in heaven shows up often on earth in many ways to reveal Himself in the clouds and in visions and dreams. During intense moments in history, faithful believers praying on knees plead for God’s mercy upon His people and all the nations. So in moments of trauma, tragedy, etc. God shows up to reassure people He has genuine interest in affairs of the world. Numerous real life experiences testify of God’s Presence seen or felt. God is Love so remains in touch to let people feel His Presence to know Him better. God created all in His image and Loves His creation so visits some physically as often seen in drawn pictures.  Life on earth concerns God who loves all deeply, during grief and dark moments. When hurting deeply beyond words after mother passed to heaven I grieved, worried about funeral arrangements so God showed in dream to comfort, strengthen and encourage me. God revealed my mother’s face behind His Face in the dream in the cloud after she passed to heaven so asked me to talk to her and she blessed me with Psalm 1. I testify of similar vision of God in my dream according to Joel 2:28 when God showed my mother’s face to me in the dream in my ‘loved ones in heaven’ published photograph of God appeared as seen 23rd July 2014 in Norfolk in UK.1560076300374-1595745411.jpgGod lets the people see HIM because HE comforts in sorrow in sad times. God is Brighter than Sun so cannot be stared at too long.  The clouds help to enable the human eye to see God better as God is pure light HE shines from heaven so the source of Light in Heaven. God wants people to know Him better to realize He is not the bad guy. When people hurt or destroy beautiful earth He created, He turns up to let people know He Sees it all. People must do right thing to stop accusing, blaming God for actions of man-made hardships, stress, pressure, suffering pain, destruction of nature. God is Full of LOVE, GENTLE, FIRM, KIND, Loves Appreciation Gratitude to Celebrate Goodness, Mercy, Compassion freely, HE Gives life to all. God appears in photograph in cloud to prepare world for changes coming with Jesus Coming to earth to rule from Jerusalem in Israel.1560074782646-1442511009.jpgHeavens above article accompany God’s face above in the clouds. During recent turbulent weather conditions the clouds momentarily parted at sunset to reveal the image of God. The face is looking straight back at Mr Fletcher as he took the photograph and appears to be gazing over Norfolk’s famously flat landscape. Mr Fletcher, of Bray, Berkshire, was in the area for a three-month attachment with a company and took the photograph on an evening stroll along the beach at Snettisham near Lincolnshire. ‘I realised the image looked remarkably like a face of a man with a beard so I took a number of shots on my phone. The face appeared to be looking back towards the shore. ‘The obvious comment is it looks like God but Mr Fletcher, who said he was not a religious person.The face is looking straight back at Mr Fletcher as he took the photograph and appears to be gazing over Norfolk’s famously flat landscape. Meanwhile, Norfolk councillor and county stalwart Charles Joyce, 62, said: ‘Everyone who lives here knows Norfolk is a bit special and now it seems to have been confirmed from above.’ Norfolk is England’s fifth largest county and has a population of 859,000. The sunset was Heaven-sent: Clouds parting after storm appear to show God-like man looking down on people of Norfolk. Norfolk laid claim to be ‘God’s own county’ yesterday after an extraordinary photograph of a man with a white beard in the clouds apparently peering over area emerged. Recent turbulent weather conditions the clouds momentarily parted at sunset to reveal the image of the God-like bearded man. The picture was taken by interim company finance director Mr Jeremy Fletcher, 56, on seashore at Snettisham west of county looking out to Wash, wide estuary by Norfolk and Lincolnshire.

Courtesy:Quoted article:DAilyMail

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