Jesus Raptures His elect ALIVE to be with God into heaven in the air. God decides time Jesus lifts elect into heaven as done in Bible. People will be lifted into heaven to see God, Jesus, the saints and loved ones. Unbearable attacks take place on earth people killed. For elect in Christ only way out is the LORD’S Rapture instant lift up in a twinkle of an eye in new glorified body.

Jesus lifts elect to the LORD God above earth. After evil things happen plead with the LORD to rescue you in Jesus Name. Pray the LORD’S angels save your family from attacks on earth. The LORD said pray, “loved ones go in Rapture are saved.” Jesus stands in the clouds in the air in dreams touching earth receive people going into heaven ALIVE. The stairway into heaven is entered by elect in Christ in the clouds. Jesus said, “you can’t piggy back to carry loved ones each come must up into heaven.” People called by Jesus come up once sinners but Jesus died for all. Repent and trust God in Christ to be among those save lifted ALIVE into heaven. The LORD God lifts people going to Jesus to be with God. Material things don’t go into heaven its all left behind on earth. Jesus said He is the stairway to heaven for all believer IN CHRIST in Rapture. Escape Great tribulations attacks on earth to the LORD in heaven. Your salvation is your personal freewill decision to see God.

God said no secondhand faith God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob’s you are saved IN JESUS NAME. So walk by faith in God personally for your own salvation. Pray and intercede for people to be saved in Jesus Name believe in Christ Rapture. Pray to be taken in Rapture rescued to heaven. Some believers saved in Christ reject Rapture not in Rapture resurrection so left behind. God said Rapture by Lord Jesus is personal choice. Your Saviour Jesus place takes you personal to heaven in great Spiritual event by Christ. Jesus said, worship by personal faith to see God. The saints will see God in heaven by faith, actions of forgiveness. Seek your own salvation to fight the race of faith to win the prize into Rapture. The LORD says pray for all members of your households, neighbours. To shout JESUS JESUS JESUS looking to heaven three times. A second instruction is gather household at home kneel pray apply the BLOOD OF JESUS! BLOOD OF JESUS! BLOOD OF JESUS!!! We defeat devil by BLOOD OF THE LAMB JESUS. Holy Spirit leads in Jesus Name to pray for Rapture is imminent events in Bible predicted agrees is seen daily. A day is a thousand years to God thousand years day to God. Rapture TIME is God’s EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE SECRET! God knows time of Rapture to happen DECIDES sooner or later!!! Pray to God to SHORTEN evil day to fast track Rapture imminent in Jesus Name!!!