1. Jesus Son of God The Messiah
  2. Jesus is Alive in heaven with God
  3. Jesus Is Saviour, healer, deliverer
  4. Jesus Forgives all repented sins
  5. Jesus Restores believers to God.
  6. Jesus is Second Person in Trinity
  7. Jesus Feeds Apostles & Disciples
  8. Jesus Fasts And Prays to God
  9. Jesus Fully Obeys His Father God
  10. Jesus loves people & His enemies
  11. Jesus is Highly Exalted By God
  12. Jesus Loves women & children
  13. Jesus died on Cross to save all
  14. Jesus Gave His life for all people
  15. Jesus takes away punishments
  16. Jesus’ Blood washes all clean
  17. Jesus gives believers eternal life
  18. Jesus raptures Alive into heaven
  19. Jesus takes all IN CHRIST to Yahweh
  20. Jesus prepared mansions & banquets
  21. Jesus Returns with saints on earth
  22. Jesus victorious in Armageddon war
  23. Jesus will reign 1000 years on earth
  24. Jesus will reign with His saints
  25. Jesus will put satan in pit 1000yrs
  26. Jesus will defeat Gog And Magog
  27. Jesus in White throne judgement
  28. Jesus 2nd resurrection of the dead
  29. Jesus Puts God’s enemies in hellfire
  30. Jesus in New Jerusalem on earth
  31. Jesus’ Temple & God dwells in Israel
  32. Jesus gives Perfect PEACE to world
  33. Jesus is KING of Kings LORD of lords

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