meditateJesus said in Matthew 24:9 that persecution will increases believers will be hated by all nations because of Me. Jesus was asked by disciples about end times and sign of His coming. He told them there will be wars, famine, earthquakes but persecution increases before His return. This is prophecy being fulfilled lots of Christians were attacked for their faith over 500–600 million in one way or another. Jesus warned Christians to prepare against persecutions in peaceful ways. It is unjust hatred for personal faith in God and belief in Christ Jesus. Salvation is the greatest gift God gives mankind to set them free from an eternal punishment in hell fire. All who accept Jesus are children of God translated into God’s Kingdom from spiritual darkness. The choice to believe in Jesus causes hatred to those against Christ. Jesus said those who do not gather with Him are against Him have spirit of anti-Christ. It is time Christians seek God’s face in prayer and fast for God to SHORTEN the evil days or Jesus said all humans will perish. Pray for God’s help to overcome in adversity and enemies to know God’s plan for the world through Jesus Christ.

Christians knelt in prayer after marching to the Downing Street, London protesting use of the blasphemy laws to persecute Christians or other minorities. Law punish those who “blaspheme” the Qur’an. The director of Turin-based Center for Studies on New Religions (CENSUR), Dr. Massimo Introvigne, told Breitbart News Christians are the most targeted group in the world for two reasons:- “First they proclaim peace so it disturbs radical groups. Second, their social teachings on life, family, poverty are opposed by the powerful forces.” Blessed are you when people insult persecute and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me in Matthew 5:11. Hold on in hope Jesus promised the faithful in Hebrews 10:23. Persecution in communities around the globe is reported in the news daily. Human Rights Report said former US diplomat Thomas Farr, reflect a downgrading of religious freedom, out of public policy in Weekly Standard.
He noted it was short-sighted because religious freedom and democracy are correlated. History and social science shows some states will not achieve stable democracy unless they embrace religious freedom in full. Toxic ideas feed hatred globally in widespread backlash refugees since 2015 of concern for human rights groups. FBI defines hate crime as “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender or gender identity.Calling for murder of Jews is freedom of speech but bacon is hate crime,” Daniel Greenfield said (Gatestone Institute).
Jewish man overlooks the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount.

Policies reported as hateful and biased against Christians and Jews around the world in media outlets advocate for religious freedom, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) International states hate crimes against Christians include, assaults, arrests, detentions, desecration of the holy site, discrimination in employment, education and housing and others. (CNS News).

Since 2000, terror groups attacked over 30,000 Nigerian Christians. Burned down 153 villages, including 2,422 houses destroyed 36 churches. (Open Doors). Social and economic pressure against Christians makes it difficult to survive. Open Doors, an advocacy group for persecuted Christians worldwide says very few able to meet living needs. Before conversion hardly saw food to eat or money to solve basic needs family but if helped can have enough.”  (Open Doors)

Coptic Christians in Egypt exist since Apostle Mark first evangelized Egypt in AD 42. The first Christians spoke Coptic, a late form of Egyptian with Greek adaptations. The Coptic Orthodox Church is the largest Christian church in Egypt, Middle East; Northeast Africa. Coptic Christians were the majority in Egypt until 1453, now make up 10% of Egypt’s population of 9 million people. Attacks in St. Peter’s Cathedral in Cairo killed 24 people, mostly women and children. Christians see violence is escalating protest for protection from Egypt’s government. Though persecutions persists many Christians remain faithful to God.
Rulers persecute without cause hearts trembles at God’s word in Psalm 119:161. Manuel Valls as French Prime Minister said kosher supermarket in Paris in 2015, “If 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be France. Egypt had a once large, thriving Jewish community numbered 75-80,000 in 1948 when Israel became a nation and issued one way tickets to Egypt’s Jews they left except a few women over 80 remain in Cairo and their spiritual leader Magda Haroun is in her sixties.

Ben Ezra Synagogue in Cairo, called El-Geniza Synagogue is located on site Moses was found as a baby by Pharaoh’s daughter purchased in AD 882. In 19th century, synagogue had 210,000 Jewish manuscripts taken to the Cambridge University and University of Manchester. Biblical Persia (Iran) hosted Queen Esther and Mordecai, and many thousands of Jews did not return to Israel as exile officially ended in 6th Century BC. After Israel’s rebirth in 1948, 140,000–150,000 Jews remained in Iran now 10,000 Persian Jews emigrate to Israel, haven of hope for Jews since the Holocaust ended. Despite Holocaust denial conference 9-point plan for Israel’s destruction.
Israel is a beacon of salvation and the security for eternal life Jews around the world. Israel is leader in technology helping the world although some want to see it disappear from the face of the earth. There is no true safety in Israel until Messiah comes to restore peace. Persecution Jews and Christians are facing is in Matthew 24 in time of widespread tribulations. Jesus warns  be ready, physically and spiritually. “Blessed is a servant whose master returns to find them doing their job in Matthew 24:46 on earth for God’s Kingdom to grow.
Read your Bibles and support Gospel to bring Messiah to all nations. The Bible is unfolding for the endtime Kingdom of God to manifest. Share Messiah Gospel Good News globally confidently and firmly to the end in Hebrews 3:14. God lets endtime trials and tribulations continue as part of Christian life disciple of Christ is not immune to life’s trials and tribulations. A good and loving God lets, disease, injury, financial hardships, fear be wake up call to get your attention. God loves and can take it away to make life easy, painfree comfortable. God loves HIS children and works all things together for good in Romans 8:28. The trials and tribulations in life are part of working together of all things for the greater good. The believer sees trials, tribulations as part of divine purpose. All things are God’s ultimate purpose to grow into Image of His Son in Romans 8:29. Christian life trials and tribulations help to reach Godly eternal goal. So sanctification is for God’s purpose to live for His GLORY. In 1 Peter 1:6-7 it is distress, trials prove faith more precious than gold. Testing by fire leads to praise, glory honour at revelation of Jesus Christ.” The true believer’s experience rest in eternal joy forever develop the Godly character to rejoice even in suffering.IMG-20210102-WA0000 Perseverance and hope in God’s love, our hearts comforted by Holy Spirit living in us in Romans 5:3-5. Jesus Perfectly demonstrates His love to sinners Christ He died to save us in Romans 5:8. God reveals Divine purpose in Christ’s trials and tribulations. Perseverance proves faith can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us in Philippians 4:13. Godly trials and tribulations are not own doing in 1 Peter 4:15. God forgives sins of eternal punishment by Christ’s sacrifice on cross. Suffering natural consequences in life for sins, bad choices, God uses sufferings to mold, shape HIS purposes with purpose and rewards. Consider it joy, in trials, testing of faith produces endurance. And endurance has a perfect result. Blessed is one who perseveres in trial approved will receive crown of life the LORD gives to those who love HIM  in James 1:2-4,12. Thanks be to God who gives us victory causes us to triumph through our Lord Jesus Christ. God’s trial or test is not beyond ability to bear provides way out to stand strong in faith in 1 Corinthians 10:13. Praise and thanks to God in Jesus Name. Jesus is praying for you know be encouraged  Jesus loves us even facing burdens, grief, sickness, pain, loss, trouble pray. Greater future awaits you in Christ Jesus so intense experiences help fully manifest Jesus in lives. Its a shadow of Jesus pain causing a lost world to follow Him knowing they have truly been with Jesus.

Prayer, Power, and Purpose

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