An unholy trinity of antiChrist

The Holy Trinity of Almighty Yahweh, Son, Holy Spirit is copied by antiChrist evil trinity of satan and false prophet in the endtimes. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is mimicked by the false christs and false prophet preaching doctrine of demons. So Jesus Christ God’s chosen ONLY way is faked by counterfeit wolves in sheep clothing to deceive the flock. Revelation 12;13 says in the last days antiChrist/s, false prophet/s, satan will deceive many; doing great signs, miracle wonders Jesus said can fool very elect be discerning watchful. A third of heaven’s angels deceived self-worship in Revelation 12:4 God cast them out of heaven. Since time of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 satan brought sin DNA in the world misleading people. The antiChrist spirit hates Christ Jesus Spirit so lures some people from salvation IN CHRIST to join cults. Many antiChrists are already at work in the world opposing God Almighty’s NAME and HIS PRESENCE in public places. To stop people from using God’s words in prayer or HIS symbol they complain is offensive to them is removed. All misled joined satan in Revelation 13:3 control religion, currency in Revelation 13:1 in the whole world. The antiGod, antiChrist Spirit self worship in Revelation 13:1 in God’s Temple Mount forces people to take mark of beast 666 bow to image if refuse killed. A false prophet perform demonic miracles in Revelation 19:20 beasts leads many astray. All who take mark of beast will not enter heaven end in hellfire. So false prophet convince people to worship antiChrist satan’s fake church. In Deuteronomy 13:1-15 its false signs, wonders leading to idol gods served don’t listen to a false prophet. The LORD God tests you to know if you love the LORD God with all your heart and all your soul. Walk after the LORD God to fear, obey and serve HIM. 1 Corinthians 10:20 says pagans sacrifice to devil not the LORD God. Do not join their devil worship in the seven years of Revelation 13 during GREAT TRIBULATION. The antiChrist works against Jesus, God’s saints persecutes and kills some in Revelation 13. The false prophet’s demonic miracles, signs will heal the fatal wound of the beast in Revelation 13 to impress them. People can’t buy or sell without a mark of beast. Unholy trinity’s power ends when God pours HIS wrath on earth avenge HIS saints persecuted and slain. God will rescue HIS saints into heaven in Rapture and RETURNS with Jesus physically on earth. God says beware of all false prophets among flock in the Church. The angels of light disguise themselves as God’s ministers you will know them by FRUITS OF HOLY SPIRIT. Do they love their flock or live like Jesus Christ? Is Gospel true in their life private and public life as living SERMON? NOT TV arranged to fool you in secret occult devil worshipper initiate victims into blind witchcraft? Spreads into all nations by outward good deeds but abuse all under them in control. Uses lies and subtle deceptions DUE TO ANGER HATRED against Christians or is outright blasphemy. Forces them against their freewill to do his will or kills them. Jesus said all Christians must watch and pray. If they say Christ in secret chamber desert prayer mountain flee run away. The OMNISCIENT OMNIPOTENT OMNIPRESENT is everywhere at the same time HE HEARS you. Don’t travel to any fake location to find God to be duped into hellfire by antichrist unholy trinity. Its in endtime freewill of individuals is not tolerated. Watch out, be vigilant satan prowls like a roaring lion looking for those to devour. Spend time with the LORD in prayer. Study Bible Words to answer all who ask about your faith and RIGHTLY divide the WORD of God. The devil is looking for naive, ignorant to deceive quote the Bible to twist it. In Matthew 25:41 Jesus said hell was prepared for devil and fallen angels deceives people to sin to be recruited into hellfire with them. Sin’s DNA in mankind is to rebel like satan and demon angels to reject God and Jesus. Thrown out of heaven on earth deceives people to perish in the hellfire. OBEY Yahweh, if you sin repent God will forgive you by HIS MERCY and GRACE Jesus Name and His BLOOD shed on Calvary Cross to save you.