theendoftheworldiscancelledMany false alarms have been raised by the end of world mongers to control others. People given many false dates so mislead people on exact date, time and year.They are religiously fixated on numerology to work out God’s mind with time-table agenda of their own end time dates and miscalculations. By creating false alarms set dates never mentioned by God. Not even Jesus knows exact day or time. By so doing come up with dates that do not agree with Bible. Members dare not read other materials, literature, or associate with other churches perceived as evil. People indoctrinated, brainwashed in cults cannot leave so some fearing for their lives remain conditioned, lose everything following cult leaders.
It is important to personally seek God directly and privately in prayer daily asking Christ to reveal Himself to know Him for real. Many cults killed people in the name of meteorite spaceship coming for them, In the past some believers were made to sell homes, give up jobs so lost all based on many false predictions. Uganda, Ike,  Jim Jones suicide etc. Some due to shock of experiences give up believing in God. Some took houses, assets from innocent people genuinely seeking God in the wrong places. Do not join scandalous church conning people with rapture to destroy and  dupe. Jesus said false Christs will do so distracting even the very elect if they do not watch out. So focus on soul winning so not going to the highways and byways to win souls.rapture-billboard

Live for God in holiness righteousness. Do not follow hyper-rapture, high-strung, over- hype alert danger zone trying to predict God, mind-control to prove superior in knowledge above Christ. Christ told all even He The First Born Beloved Son of God DOES NOT KNOW THE EXACT DAY TIME OR HOUR except God. So believers are to live in readiness for rapture any day or hour. Prepare for rapture and continue living actively in real life daily. Christ will be seen descending from heaven in cloud by all with angels when rapture takes place. Rapture is not secret known to few privileged inner-circle particular church denomination. For all eyes shall see Christ like sun is seen all over the world. In Matthew 24:30 Christ will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory.31.“He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from all nations in the sky.

Neither ridicule, mock rapture because of seeds of doubt sown from false alarms by irresponsible churches so often by making so many false public declarations about rapture you do not want to know or hear anything about rapture anymore. Such extremes are dangerous so mislead people into stupor to miss real rapture which will take place whether one believes or not. God will not change His plans, visions or purpose for nobody. It is better to humble oneself to be accepted by Christ and saved. Heaven and hell are real places so think carefully about where you intend to spend eternity. Make the right choice because you decide where to spend eternity forever with God. End-Days-349040Cherish life and get ready for Rapture despite the contradictions in timing its only God who knows exact day or hour. Value precious times you have on earth and stop going round in circles even if world spurs and cheers you on to rebel against God. Focus on God, Christ, Holy Spirit, and soul winning not on false alarms. It is never too late to humble yourself, repent ask for God’s grace, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, for God loves you. Some feel they have blasphemed God too much or sinned too badly to merit grace of God. Christ has never let down anybody and so promised He will never turn away those who truly love Him. Come as you are as God loves you. Christ will receive those whose hearts are pure and genuine towards God. He forgives and saves so never too late to turn to God in Christ Name.