Jesus returns with the saints after the Rapture of believers IN CHRIST ALIVE into heaven. The Rapturo harpazo, caught up into heaven with the LORD in 1 Thessalonians 4:17; Matthew 24; Luke 17:20-21; 1 Corinthians 15:51-55. Jesus appears in CLOUDS with angels with Trumpet call in loud voice dead IN CHRIST arise FIRST from graves. Join living IN CHRIST changed into their glorious heavenly bodies in a twinkle of an eye CAUGHT UP in the air to meet Christ Jesus are taken to a heavenly banquet marriage supper of the Lamb. Jesus Christ takes them to live in the mansions prepared by God the architect and the builder of heavenly City for them Jesus said in John 14:2; I go to prepare a place for you WILL COME to take you into heaven. Jesus said two people grinding one taken one left behind; two in field one taken one left behind. Five wise virgins with oil enter in heaven five foolish left behind. Jesus is ALIVE in heaven went like Elijah ALIVE into heaven, Enoch ALIVE into heaven. At the end of 7 years of the GREAT TRIBULATION Jesus will RETURN with all His saints in the SECOND COMING on the earth on WHITE HORSES with Raptured believers from heaven in Jude 1:14. Enoch the 7th from Adam said; Jesus Yeshua COMES FROM HEAVEN with tens of thousands of His saints to Israel to Mt. Olives split in a great earthquake. Jesus to fight in the Armageddon battle so defeat antiChrist/s killed. God uses comets, falling stars, meteors, thunders, lightnings, volcanoes, wormwood etc to destroys all nations its not exclusively Israel’s time of distress it’s all peoples on earth for sins. Four angels in Euphrates river lead 200,000,000 army: China, Russia, Turkey in Armageddon war against Israel. Jesus and God DEFEAT antiChrist killed and abominations of desolations sacrilege is removed. In Daniel 2:34, 35 Jesus uncut Stone crushes nations in Matthew 24:15 Armageddon war; Revelations 16:12-16; Revelation 19:13-19. The devil is locked in a pit by God’s angel for a 1000 years and Christ reigns in millenniun 1000 years on earth with His saints. After 1000 years satan loosed a little while joins Gog and Magog defeated in final battle with beast, false prophet. All who reject God and Jesus in the White throne judgement of God in hellfire. Unsaved with devil, demons, false prophet in Matthew 13:42 Jesus said cast into hellfire wailing gnashing teeth last forever is like Sodom and Gomorrah fire Lot and two daughters escaped. Noah’s family of eight were saved in Ark from floods people drowned in. Don’t be deceived that a LOVING God’s wrath punishment for sin not true repent and be saved. Later God will DWELL on PERFECT earth without sun or moon God and Jesus light City. All nations saved must worship God each year go to Israel or get no rain on their land in Zechariah 14:17. The believers left behind rise in the Second Resurrection joins God’s Kingdom in the New Jerusalem in Israel. All the world’s tribulations in John 16:33, cease no more pain, sorrow or tears. Hell is prepared ONLY for satan/s demon angels in Luke 16:24 but devil goes round like a roaring lion seeking those to devour to take into hell. In Acts 2:37; 5:33, 7:54 when people heard God’s Truth were cut in their hearts touched to the core by God’s WORD repented so saved. Accept Jesus as Lord and your Saviour and receive the Son of God as Messiah. God is giving last chances left before the GREAT TRIBULATION so REPENT to escape IN CHRIST in Rapture before its too late in Jesus Name. Call on God in Jesus Name and ask God to forgive all your sins to be saved from torment of hellfire in Jesus Name. Enjoy God’s restored PERFECT earth and live in PERFECT happiness forever and ever in heavenly bliss. God LOVES so God HIS Grace and Mercy freely given to you in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. Do not focus on the devil’s lies to deceive you to miss God’s plan to escape from the GREAT TRIBULATION to come. Jesus said destructions unseen before or ever again after unless God SHORTENS evil days no flesh will survive. Jesus died to save you with His precious blood to give you a free eternal life accept God’s forgiveness to be born again and saved Christian IN CHRIST.