Prosperity wealth gospel theology dupes church members promised abundant life that never materialises. The church bandit mafia scams congregation told to give to God for rewards. The more members give the false preacher becomes richer but the givers are poorer. Some lost businesses or homes in debt for loans taken to sponsor a lavish lifestyles of conmen pastors. Those who challenge or query unbiblical principle are called trouble makers. And shunned or victimized until they leave, no one allowed to keep in touch with them. This unbiblical way of scamming in church is endorsed by the mega church multimillionaires duping members. But is never content want bigger premises with bigger visions and enlarges auditoriums for more crowds to dupe. They need new members to dupe old members exhausted and conned. They seem as the evangelist preaching for lost souls but they gather people for money. They kill people who attend to eat ritual foods targeted. Did Jesus practice such methods in church to trap people for money from them? A false pastor’s suits, shoes, clothes, hotels, food large entourage paid for by poor members deprived of basic necessities of life. Given quotas, bullied, forced, rake in money daily to sponsor crooks duping them. Criminal squad murder informant insiders exposing evil deeds. Oaths of allegiances says they can’t leave so killed if they do. Expenses of leaders pressure members to maintain lavish lifestyles. Money collected in church tax free put in offshore account members starve and die. Some lost family, lives lack proper nutrition no support in times of need. False facade’s image of a mega billionaire pastor’s status dominate control members to prove wealth gospel theology. A rich leader departs from Biblical foundation preach false doctrine of devils is “God” above law, members follow directions in life. Bank detail of members accounts transfers money to hide wealth. Members hooked to pastor so where their treasure is there their heart is. Members cut off from family not told to stop abuser destroying them. As hypocrites pretend to hear from God on behalf of members. But leader molests young children, boys, girls, wo/men, wives humiliate husband. Exploit worker unpaid in modern slavery. Maintain grip on gullible mind hypnotised, divides, rule by satanic human sacrifice power. Audacious, arrogant leader manipulates members. Its complex task exposing them, infiltrate high society connects to powerful politicians. Sacrifices poor in money rituals murderer ends in jail leader is free. Murder squads do leader’s dirty jobs not linked on surface until digs deeper from disgruntled exmembers. They don’t value human lives except own family invested in education in private school abroad. Deprive members of decent income despite good qualifications. The genuine love and desire to worship God is exploited for material possessions of false pastors. Worst of all when trumpet sounds in Rapture material possessions useless in heaven. Murderers end up in hellfire on judgement day of the LORD God Almighty Yahweh. Repent in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Ask God for mercy, grace and forgiveness through Jesus blood.

JESUS KILLS antiChrist armies

Posted by Carlin Lawrence | May 1, 2017 | Wing and a Prayer | 

And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords” (Revelation 19:16). It’s false allusion within humanity to think a sinful human can bring a lasting peace on planet earth. For thousands of years mankind tried every experiment within the mind of humanity to bring about righteous and good government that will bring peace on this earth all have totally failed! There is major corruption and deceit within the administrations of every government that exists on this earth. Why? Because every human on earth is a natural born sinner. We are fooling ourselves when we think some human leader can solve the problems of any nation, much less the entire world. Someday Jesus Christ will defeat Satan, the Antichrist, the false prophet, and all the other world leaders, and set up His earthly kingdom on this earth. At that time Jesus Christ will take total control of His earth and there will be a good, wise, and righteous government that will bring peace on this earth (Read Isaiah 11:1-10). Then I saw an angel standing in the sun and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven, “Come and gather together for the supper of the great God” (Revelation 19:17). This angel might be brighter than the sun. This great supper will happen in the Valley of Megiddo in Israel. Israel is located between Europe, Asia, and Africa, on the migratory path of over 500 species of birds make up estimated 500 million birds that come to Hula Valley, the Sea of Galilee area in Israel, for food and rest. That area is part of the Great Rift Valley stretching from Northern Syria to Central Mozambique Africa has thermal currents birds ride from central Africa into Europe.  Hula or Negev fall migration festival attracts bird watchers from all over the world. Birds know the way all angel has to do is call them to come to the great supper of the great God. That you may eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, flesh of horses and of those who sit on them, flesh of all people, free and slave, small and great in Revelation 19:18. When God’s wrath comes upon these armies of unbelievers in the land of Israel He will give their dead bodies to the birds to eat in Isaiah 34:5-7. Their death isn’t their eternal judgment that happens at the Great White Throne Judgment in Revelation 20:11-15. So will be end of all sinful human rulers on this earth. Most of the human race have lived to please their own fleshly desires and God’s patience is at an end. The people who have allowed their fleshly desires to rule their life will meey sudden and violent death. At that time in the future all living people on earth who rejected Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour will suffer consequences of God’s wrath. And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army in Revelation 19:19. The psalmist wrote, “Why do nations rage, and people plot vain things? These kings of earth set themselves and rulers take counsel together against the LORD and His Anointed saying, “Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us. He who sits in the heavens shall laugh the LORD will hold them in derision. Then HE shall speak to them in His wrath and distress them in HIS deep displeasure in Psalm 2:1-5. God laughs at the foolishness of sinful mankind’s attempt to go to war against Him. It’s hard to comprehend foolishness of the humans who think they can win argument or battle with God who spoke His universe into existence, and created mankind. “Woe to him who strives with his Maker in Isaiah 45:9. Then the beast was captured and with him false prophet who worked signs in his presence, to deceive those who received the mark of the beast and all who worship his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone in Revelation 19:20. Jesus Christ’s was killed by enemies when He came in humility to fulfill God’s plan to die for salvation of sinners in John 1:29. He returns to execute all His enemies. Daniel wrote, “I watched till the beast was slain, and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame in Daniel 7:11. John says they were cast into the lake of fire alive. It’s possible their bodies killed and their spirits go alive into the lake of fire. There are many things in Revelation we don’t understand completely; but the Lord knows the answer. The rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh in Revelation 19:21. Jesus Christ speaks the battle is won. He spoke to the fig tree and it withered; He spoke to the wind and sea and they calmed; He spoke to the demons that controlled a man and they fled; He spoke to sickness and it was healed He spoke to death and Lazarus arose from the dead. Jesus Christ speaks and antiChrist and false prophet are cast into eternal lake of fire, their armies are killed, and the birds were filled with their flesh! God says, “There is no God besides Me; I kill and make alive; I wound and heal none can deliver from My hand in Deuteronomy 32:39. For the LORD searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, HE will be found but if you forsake Him HE will cast you off forever in 1 Chronicles 28:9. So each person’s eternal destiny is their choice! Its not God’s will you should perish God is slow to anger hope you will change to come and accept Jesus as Lord and your personal Saviour. God loves you so much HE sent HIS Son Jesus to die for your sin to redeem you with His Blood and forgive your sins. As the Son Jesus sets free you are free indeed so no longer face wrath and anger of God. Accept Jesus! Thank you Jesus and thank you God please write my name in your book of life. Amen.


God’s elect left behind includes 144,000 sealed, the two witnesses, the Christians who think flesh and blood can’t be in heaven because heaven belongs to God. Claims earth is given to mankind to dwell can’t see God inherit earth. Jesus said in Matthew 24:24-40; Luke 17:34 two in a field one taken other left behind, two grinding one taken other is left. Two in bed one taken other left Jesus said if elect not discerning is deceived. Left behind is Biblical truth is not mankind’s idea of holier than thou Christian to heaven but lukewarm ones left behind. Left behind departed Spirit goes to God body in grave waits for Rapture resurrection. Some do not believe their Spirit return to God in Ecclesiastes 12:7 body returns to dust. No matter how well or how long body preserved it returns to dust. Spirit is reunited by God in glorified body in Rapture resurrection. Their Spirit returns to God sleeps in heaven not in God’s Presence due to their unbelief. Matthew 8:15 says according to your faith be it unto you. Its your personal choice to be with Jesus in God’s Presence in heaven it depends on you. Believers by faith see God elect not appointed to God’s wrath is taken into heaven. All believers sealed by God live on earth in Great Tribulation. Some elect are prepared to live off grid in the wilderness protected by God sealed by the Holy Spirit. The Bible states some will escape Great tribulations on earth. Jesus said if in the city flee to the mountains of Judaea and countryside to the wilderness. Will survive safely from all evils happening during endtime wars and times of distress. Another group of elect not into rapture into heaven are those who didn’t believe in the Rapture. They say God’s elect are deluded cowards, Christians fleeing from faces of danger. To them Rapture is a false doctrine of escaping fearful Christians. Yet Jesus, Enoch, Elijah, Paul all caught up to heaven. Moses and Elijah came from heaven meets Jesus, Peter, James, John a transfiguration on mountain went back into heaven. Elijah flesh and blood went ALIVE into heaven to Presence of God. Did not die sees God’s face in transfiguration went back alive to heaven. But elect thinks heaven set apart from earth don’t interact but they do daily. In Hosea 4:6 God says MY people perish for lack of knowledge. Some think all in heaven remain in heaven forever and those on earth reign kings and priests. God’s WORD says Jesus will return to earth with saints become KING of Kings and LORD of Lords in Second Coming physically. Jesus has sword in His mouth in red garment rides white horse to Mount Olives in Israel at the seventh trumpet in Great tribulations to Armageddon war defeat antiChrist/s takes over all kingdoms on earth. Jesus reigns 1000 millennial years with elect left behind raised from graves with those who didn’t take mark of beast or worship its image. So satan is put in a pit 1000 year later let loose a short while join Gog Magog war against God and Jesus in Israel. God uses acts of nature of earthquakes, fires, volcanoes and thunders and lightening, tsunamis, comets, meteors, wormwood falling stars to crush all to death swallowed in earthquake. Its the worst event in history never seen before and never again after. Jesus builds a new Temple on Temple Mount all nations come to worship each year or have no rain in Zechariah 14:17. There is perfect peace on earth God comes down to live among men in the New Jerusalem. Those who say earth belongs to mankind will dwell with God on earth forever sees God and live. All mockers who reject God and Jesus judged thrown into hellfire with satan, antiChrist/s, false prophet who deceived many. The devil is father of lies comes to steal, kill to destroy, God gives life more abundantly. So accept Messiah Jesus as Lord and Saviour as elect IN CHRIST. Lord Jesus prepared mansions in John 14:2 for you to live with Jesus and God in heaven if Jesus tarries. Don’t join mockers to ridicule Rapture. Heaven and earth may pass away but God’s word never pass away. God puts HIS WORDS above HIMSELF. Trust God words so study Bible daily like Bereans. The truth you know sets you free indeed in Lord Jesus Christ Name. God loves you make informed Biblical choice don’t be left behind. In Rapture glorified body changed in twinkle of an eye is taken by Jesus to the LORD God’s Presence in heaven for seven years. Later all return from heaven to live forever on the new earth in the new Jerusalem with God.

An unholy trinity of antiChrist

The Holy Trinity of Almighty Yahweh, Son, Holy Spirit is copied by antiChrist evil trinity of satan and false prophet in the endtimes. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is mimicked by the false christs and false prophet preaching doctrine of demons. So Jesus Christ God’s chosen ONLY way is faked by counterfeit wolves in sheep clothing to deceive the flock. Revelation 12;13 says in the last days antiChrist/s, false prophet/s, satan will deceive many; doing great signs, miracle wonders Jesus said can fool very elect be discerning watchful. A third of heaven’s angels deceived self-worship in Revelation 12:4 God cast them out of heaven. Since time of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 satan brought sin DNA in the world misleading people. The antiChrist spirit hates Christ Jesus Spirit so lures some people from salvation IN CHRIST to join cults. Many antiChrists are already at work in the world opposing God Almighty’s NAME and HIS PRESENCE in public places. To stop people from using God’s words in prayer or HIS symbol they complain is offensive to them is removed. All misled joined satan in Revelation 13:3 control religion, currency in Revelation 13:1 in the whole world. The antiGod, antiChrist Spirit self worship in Revelation 13:1 in God’s Temple Mount forces people to take mark of beast 666 bow to image if refuse killed. A false prophet perform demonic miracles in Revelation 19:20 beasts leads many astray. All who take mark of beast will not enter heaven end in hellfire. So false prophet convince people to worship antiChrist satan’s fake church. In Deuteronomy 13:1-15 its false signs, wonders leading to idol gods served don’t listen to a false prophet. The LORD God tests you to know if you love the LORD God with all your heart and all your soul. Walk after the LORD God to fear, obey and serve HIM. 1 Corinthians 10:20 says pagans sacrifice to devil not the LORD God. Do not join their devil worship in the seven years of Revelation 13 during GREAT TRIBULATION. The antiChrist works against Jesus, God’s saints persecutes and kills some in Revelation 13. The false prophet’s demonic miracles, signs will heal the fatal wound of the beast in Revelation 13 to impress them. People can’t buy or sell without a mark of beast. Unholy trinity’s power ends when God pours HIS wrath on earth avenge HIS saints persecuted and slain. God will rescue HIS saints into heaven in Rapture and RETURNS with Jesus physically on earth. God says beware of all false prophets among flock in the Church. The angels of light disguise themselves as God’s ministers you will know them by FRUITS OF HOLY SPIRIT. Do they love their flock or live like Jesus Christ? Is Gospel true in their life private and public life as living SERMON? NOT TV arranged to fool you in secret occult devil worshipper initiate victims into blind witchcraft? Spreads into all nations by outward good deeds but abuse all under them in control. Uses lies and subtle deceptions DUE TO ANGER HATRED against Christians or is outright blasphemy. Forces them against their freewill to do his will or kills them. Jesus said all Christians must watch and pray. If they say Christ in secret chamber desert prayer mountain flee run away. The OMNISCIENT OMNIPOTENT OMNIPRESENT is everywhere at the same time HE HEARS you. Don’t travel to any fake location to find God to be duped into hellfire by antichrist unholy trinity. Its in endtime freewill of individuals is not tolerated. Watch out, be vigilant satan prowls like a roaring lion looking for those to devour. Spend time with the LORD in prayer. Study Bible Words to answer all who ask about your faith and RIGHTLY divide the WORD of God. The devil is looking for naive, ignorant to deceive quote the Bible to twist it. In Matthew 25:41 Jesus said hell was prepared for devil and fallen angels deceives people to sin to be recruited into hellfire with them. Sin’s DNA in mankind is to rebel like satan and demon angels to reject God and Jesus. Thrown out of heaven on earth deceives people to perish in the hellfire. OBEY Yahweh, if you sin repent God will forgive you by HIS MERCY and GRACE Jesus Name and His BLOOD shed on Calvary Cross to save you.


Jesus said, the GREAT TRIBULATION in Matthew 24:21-22 destroys unless those days SHORTENED no flesh will live but for ELECT’S sake the days will be SHORTENED. 23 If anyone says Christ is here or there don’t follow them 24 There will arise false Christs and false prophets showing great signs and wonders. 25 If possible they will deceive the VERY ELECT. 26 If they say Jesus Christ is in the desert don’t go there or in a secret chamber don’t believe them. 27 As the lightning comes from the east and shines in the west so is the coming of Son of man. 28 Where the carcase is the eagles gather to eat flesh. 29 Immediately after the TRIBULATION of those days the Sun will darken the moon not give light. The stars fall from heaven and powers of the heavens are shaken. 30 Then will APPEAR the SIGN of the Son of man Jesus from heaven. And all tribes of earth will mourn when they see Son of man COMING in clouds from heaven with POWER and GREAT GLORY. 31 He will send His angels with great sound of trumpet to gather His ELECT from four corners under heavens. Jesus RETURNS FROM HEAVEN with saints on WHITE HORSES to earth to fight ARMAGEDDON battle to remove antiChrist from God’s Temple. Jesus in His New Temple reigns 1000 years on earth in millennial reign physically in Jerusalem, Israel. This GREAT TRIBULATION in Daniel 12:1 is time of great distress unseen since all nations begun. Jesus warns people in Matthew 24:21. Is GREAT TRIBULATION in Jeremiah 30:7 and the DAY of Jacob’s GREAT DISTRESS of the nation of Israel, persecuted. Natural disasters, floods, volcanoes earthquakes, wildfires, plagues, asteroids, stars, meteors fall destroying people and trees. Jesus said evil unseen before or after take place after Rapture then GREAT TRIBULATIONS begins. And ARMAGEDDON war is THE DAY of God Almighty Jehovah’s wrath in Revelation 16:14 16; Isaiah 13:9; 2 Peter 3:​12. As Zephaniah 1:​18; 2 said so in Thessalonians 1:​6-​10 Jesus kills the beast, false prophet, antiChrist/s and wicked people in Revelation 19:19-​21. In John 16:33 Jesus said to believers in the world you have TRIBULATIONS but be of good cheer if you are IN CHRIST Jesus gives you PEACE of God to overcame the world.