God ordained Biblical marriages on HIS terms and conditions to replenish earth. God is at the heart of Christian marriage for devotion and trust in Christ. God created marriage relationship companionship, intimacy affirmed by God. Finding a spouse to fulfill a lifelong commitment of the Bible is a specific command. To help build stronger foundation its important both are born again Christians. Making the right decision to please God isn’t a romantic involvement first, before seeking the LORD’S face. Gospel says single be faithful Christians obeying commandments. Marriage needs the Holy Spirit’s guidance to discern the Spirit of God. The Bible says it is sin if a believer marries non-believer hoping to save him. Salvation is a free gift of God in Christ to all nations. If a believer witnessed to a person and later marry its approved by God. Marriage is in God’s image and likeness to produce Godly fruit for dominion in Bible in Genesis 1:26-28. God partners with all HIS creation who acknowledge God’s rule on the earth. God wants an exclusive total devotion and worship from believers not sharing HIM with idol pagan gods. Married couples please the LORD God Almighty not men. The choice of Christian marriage is for their partnership with God in Genesis 2:15-17 Adam was priest prophet/king in Garden Eden God’s Kingdom ruled over God’s riches, resources provided. Eve to bring GLORY to God helps replenished earth. God said it is not good for the man to be alone gave him helpmeet woman Eve in marriage. Christian marriages in Gospel is Christ centred He is head, Bridegroom to His Bride the Church of God in Christ. The head of Christ is God and head of a wife is her spouse. Almighty God is the source of Biblical marriages in Genesis 3:16. Spouses submits to God’s perfect will in Christ in the home at the centre is God’s laws and values. Married believers in the LORD God Almighty direct their lives through prayers, fasting, to seek God’s face, help. In Genesis 24 Abraham chose for Isaac Rebekah a believer in God in Genesis 27:46-28:9. Faith central in training children right and early according to God’s laws. In Genesis 34:8-9, Hamor invited sons of Jacob to intermarry with the daughters of Shechem after mistreating Dinah defiled. So they compromised God’s laws, endangering lives as second generation. In conquests of Canaan the LORD prohibited intermarriages: Don’t intermarry give your daughters to their sons, their daughters to your sons they will turn your children from following God to serve other gods. The LORD’S anger burns and destroys in Deuteronomy 7:3-4; Joshua 23:12. Kings like Solomon in 1 Kings 11, Ahab in 1 Kings 16-19 fell so compromised nation’s faith due to pagan wives. God told all priests, people to repent of intermarriages in Ezra 9-10. Foreign converts stay married: Zipporah, Rahab, Ruth. Jesus said unbeliever spouse is under God’s grace if converted is saved by a good conduct, example of respect, honour. In Proverbs 31:30 the virtuous woman supports husband is industrious, takes care of family.
Ruth married Boaz a believer who provided and protected her. She trusted God respected mother in law a Godly woman. Ruth married after husband died, free to marry Boaz, man who believed in the LORD. In 1 Corinthians 7:39, God said don’t be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Righteousness and wickedness or light fellowship not mix with darkness in 2 Corinthians 6:14. A true Church keeps from fellowship with pagans Gospel warns against unbeliever spouse in 2 Corinthians 6:14. In 1 Corinthians 9:5 spouse of apostles and Jesus’ brothers or Cephas if unbelieving wife won’t qualify to be in ministry or elders in Church. Prohibiting intermarriages with unbelievers is saved by the love of Christ for His Church. People living in peace respect the differences so honour God Almighty Yahweh. Ephesians 5:21-33; Revelation 21:9-27 of God the Father, and Son in 1 Corinthians 11:3 is on the Godly submission and obedience. Marriage to non-believer of different faiths can’t force spouse to impose religion on them. Not to control a spouse to live in harmony or result in onflict. A different mindset and interest resolved by mutual respect glorifies God. Marriage is not designed for Christians only but the purpose for believers is to live in Christ. Jesus in John 17 gives eternal life to know only true God in Christ. Believers living for God love, honour, worship God in His Son Jesus Christ name. In living with spouse Church support followers of Christ to grow in eternal life. The LORD is owner of all lives and nations demands an exclusive attention and focus. Godly spouses don’t share wives, God Almighty Yahweh will not share His GLORY with idol pagan gods. It is only name of Christ Jesus of Nazareth that saves mankind in heaven after sins forgiven.

Excerpt updated from post by Mike Gilbart-Smith, pastor of Twynholm Baptist Church in Fulham, England. Twitter at @MGilbartSmith.