Spiritually dead yet living God our Father imparts life in Christ into. Lazarus and the saints raised during Christ’s resurrection, brought alive were physically dead. People raised in glorious inheritance of eternal life with Yahweh. God’s great power in Christ raises believers in eternity as God’s power raised Yeshua from death. Seated at God’s right hand in heavenly places has authority and power in Ephesians 1:19-23 above all. God’s power and authority in risen Christ in Ephesians 2:1-3 redeems all the powerless, hopeless people living in lifeless condition enslaving and dominating them. So God’s great power in Christ makes us partakers in His resurrection. God gives life in Christ, flowing from God’s love to work in us. The dead in trespasses of sin in Ephesians 2:1 are made alive in Christ in Ephesians 2:5. It is sin that blinds, distracts, wastes time for believers away from God. So sin DNA from Adam and Eve all inherited makes people Spiritually dead yet physically alive. They move about but are spiritually dead. Jesus said the physically dead to be buried by the spiritually dead people. A deceased lifeless can’t help themself is absolutely powerless beyond hope of activities to function. God’s Supernatural power enters and overpowers spirit of death casts out by Sovereign God. The dead state of inability God Spiritually turns around for believers saved by Gospel message. God gives free choice to believe to become Spiritually alive or to stay dead and separated from God. Response to faith to repent after hearing the Gospel expels a spirit of physical death. Ability to respond to the Gospel truth in Spirit is for an eternal life. Physical death exit to be alive in Christ as a Spirit soul. The word of God is sharper than two-edged sword, cuts through bones and marrow, discerns thoughts to realise a dead fallen state of mankind. Light drives out darkness Spiritual life overtakes death. Spiritual awakening in response to things of God is Spirit imparting new life in a dead sinner resurrected. Jesus stood by grave in John 11:43 called Lazarus to come out by God’s Spirit. It activated life he came back from death because Jesus imparted life in him. The miracle picture of eternal life is in glorious new bodies. The Father raises the dead gives new life so the Son gives life in John 5:21. If you hear God’s words and you believe you have eternal life, not judged will pass from death into eternal life. The dead who hear the voice of the Son of God lives in John 5:24-25. Spiritual resurrection is an answer to spiritual death to save from sins. Without a new Spiritual life in Christ Jesus all are spiritually dead. The Gospel gives all life more abundantly into eternity. Mortally dead Scripture teaches are dead in sin and the Father draws all raised up on last day in John 6:44. God grants people salvation in John 6:65 doesn’t want you to perish so God’s powerful intervention is to spiritually dead by imparting a new life. In John 8:43 Jesus said, do understand and hear God’s words for a spiritually deaf can’t hear God’s words to respond on their own. And Jesus intercedes for all spiritually dead to return to the Holy God Almighty to stop sins. True Gospel of God raises spiritually dead back into life God’s Spiritual Kingdom on earth and into eternal life in heaven. Ezekiel 37:1-3 says dead dry bones of Israel’s sin raised as a great army of God. The LORD’S God’s Spirit in the valley of dead dry bones raised alive. Spiritually raised lives supernaturally in a resurrection of eternal life with Jesus. Jesus Christ of Nazareth said if anyone is in Christ though they die will live again. The house of Israel said, ‘Our bones are dry, our hope perished cut off but the Lord GOD will open graves to come out alive to bring you into land of Israel in Ezekiel 37:10-12. God talks to a physical Israel of Yahweh out of land of hope God dwells. Yahweh opens all graves for grafted in Christ spiritually dead to be Spiritual resurrected. Unsaved dead people, helpless, Yahweh gives eternal life in Christ to come alive to be restored to life and saved eternally. And believers in Christ once dead in sin are saved by God’s Grace and mercy. Overcome death to sin by God’s power of resurrection in Christ Jesus freely given to you today.