Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and life no one comes to the father except through me in John 14:6. There is no other way to heaven Peter told rulers in Jerusalem, “Salvation is found in no one else, there is no other name given to men by which we must be saved in Acts 4:12. There is a way which seems right to a man but end is death and destruction, in laughter the heart is sorrowful in heaviness. The secular world encourages and endorses all forms of ways contrary to God’s way in Christ. Freewill choice given by God allows a personal decision but with consequences to give account to God on the judgment day. The lost heart is filled with selfish ways but a Godly man obeys God’s words for knowledge and wisdom in Proverbs 14:12-16. Jesus is Lord repent, be saved and live for God Almighty Yahweh through Christ Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus emphasized Himself as “only truth” of God’s truth in Psalm 119:142. Jesus reminds listeners in Matthew 5:22, 28, 32, 34, 39, 44 of His authority and His power in heaven and earth by God to fulfill the law and prophets in Matthew 5:17. Jesus, is Word of God in John 1:1, source of all truth. Jesus told His disciples about eternal life and is the source of all life. In John 10:17-18 Jesus said He laid down His life for His sheep and took it back again has authority over life and death granted to Him by the Father. In John 14:19 Jesus promised, because I live you will live also in afterlife. There is only one life so after death judgment. The Bible does teach reincarnation to be reborn to do good deeds until accepted at a final end. Deliverance and salvation provides Spiritual growth through grace and mercy of God. True deliverance is from sin and bondage of death to eternal life of freedom in eternity. Jesus is the great, “I Am” and only way to heaven. Jesus is true, perfect, sinless, Son of God, righteous source of physical and Spiritual life. He is life for all, He is God of Creation and Lord who blessed Abraham and all nations. Jesus the Holy One, is alive in heaven, seated at the right hand of God. He tells disciples He is with them to the end of the age. To edure facing dark days of challenging difficulties to carry on the great mission of declaring the Gospel to the world.


Prosperity wealth gospel theology dupes church members promised abundant life that never materialises. The church bandit mafia scams congregation told to give to God for rewards. The more members give the false preacher becomes richer but the givers are poorer. Some lost businesses or homes in debt for loans taken to sponsor a lavish lifestyles of conmen pastors. Those who challenge or query unbiblical principle are called trouble makers. And shunned or victimized until they leave, no one allowed to keep in touch with them. This unbiblical way of scamming in church is endorsed by the mega church multimillionaires duping members. But is never content want bigger premises with bigger visions and enlarges auditoriums for more crowds to dupe. They need new members to dupe old members exhausted and conned. They seem as the evangelist preaching for lost souls but they gather people for money. They kill people who attend to eat ritual foods targeted. Did Jesus practice such methods in church to trap people for money from them? A false pastor’s suits, shoes, clothes, hotels, food large entourage paid for by poor members deprived of basic necessities of life. Given quotas, bullied, forced, rake in money daily to sponsor crooks duping them. Criminal squad murder informant insiders exposing evil deeds. Oaths of allegiances says they can’t leave so killed if they do. Expenses of leaders pressure members to maintain lavish lifestyles. Money collected in church tax free put in offshore account members starve and die. Some lost family, lives lack proper nutrition no support in times of need. False facade’s image of a mega billionaire pastor’s status dominate control members to prove wealth gospel theology. A rich leader departs from Biblical foundation preach false doctrine of devils is “God” above law, members follow directions in life. Bank detail of members accounts transfers money to hide wealth. Members hooked to pastor so where their treasure is there their heart is. Members cut off from family not told to stop abuser destroying them. As hypocrites pretend to hear from God on behalf of members. But leader molests young children, boys, girls, wo/men, wives humiliate husband. Exploit worker unpaid in modern slavery. Maintain grip on gullible mind hypnotised, divides, rule by satanic human sacrifice power. Audacious, arrogant leader manipulates members. Its complex task exposing them, infiltrate high society connects to powerful politicians. Sacrifices poor in money rituals murderer ends in jail leader is free. Murder squads do leader’s dirty jobs not linked on surface until digs deeper from disgruntled exmembers. They don’t value human lives except own family invested in education in private school abroad. Deprive members of decent income despite good qualifications. The genuine love and desire to worship God is exploited for material possessions of false pastors. Worst of all when trumpet sounds in Rapture material possessions useless in heaven. Murderers end up in hellfire on judgement day of the LORD God Almighty Yahweh. Repent in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Ask God for mercy, grace and forgiveness through Jesus blood.