Yahweh’s gift for couples is enjoy covenant love HE created Adam and Eve to experience sexual intimacy. Genesis 2:24-25 says “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother to join his own wife to become one flesh. The man and wife are naked but not ashamed and God said it is not good to be alone. God says sex to take place in the context of marriage it is God’s gift to married people for mutual enjoyment. In Proverbs 5:18-19 manhood is a couple’s blessing do not deprive each other. In 1 Corinthians 7:5 mutual consent fast or pray returns to sexual pleasure so satan will not tempt couple. God says the married couple must have regular sexual relation because depriving takes away the natural right from God. Depriving unbiblical women of lack knowledge. God says honour marriage bed. Marriage not consummated is legally dissolved if not fulfilling conjugal rights. Couples wired differently need more or less sex honestly discuss sexual needs. God in Genesis 38:9 punished Onan who knew his offspring will belong to dead brother during intercourse with widow spilled semen on ground. God was offended killed him for the seed is life. In Leviticus 18:19 people told avoid sexual relations with a woman during her periods. Leviticus 20:18 forbids a coitus during her menstruation punished. Sexual relation is resumed after woman immersed in mikveh ritual bath renews their intimacy passions. Trained counsellor guides couples to adapt to each other’s sexual needs. A sex rhythm method follows the monthly cycle of a wife for ovulation day. Couples study best safe days for sexual intercourse for pregnancy. There is nothing ‘dirty’ or ‘shameful’ about sex between the married couple. Educate children about God’s words on sex for a born again believer. Bible says teach the healthy approach to sex and self-control to enjoy intimacy. In Hebrews 13:4 a marriage bed is honoured so undefiled. God judges sexually immoral and adulterous. Couples be faithful to God and each other to procreate and replenish earth is possible. God created “man in HIS own image” fe/male human sexuality God forbids prostitution, adultery, premarital sex, homosexuality, swapping spouse. God loves people so HE decides mankind’s final destiny into heaven or hellfire. HIS words in Revelation 22:15 says outside heaven dogs (all who have sex with anyone, anywhere, without commitment like dogs), sorcerers sexually immoral, murderers, idolaters and liars. Before you cast first stone at anyone check your own heart. Beware of dogs, evil workers in Philippians 3:2 so pray for God’s mercy and grace to be among HIS chosen one during Rapture into eternal life in the Name of Christ Jesus of Nazareth.