God ordained Biblical marriages on HIS terms and conditions to replenish earth. God is at the heart of Christian marriage for devotion and trust in Christ. God created marriage relationship companionship, intimacy affirmed by God. Finding a spouse to fulfill a lifelong commitment of the Bible is a specific command. To help build stronger foundation its important both are born again Christians. Making the right decision to please God isn’t a romantic involvement first, before seeking the LORD’S face. Gospel says single be faithful Christians obeying commandments. Marriage needs the Holy Spirit’s guidance to discern the Spirit of God. The Bible says it is sin if a believer marries non-believer hoping to save him. Salvation is a free gift of God in Christ to all nations. If a believer witnessed to a person and later marry its approved by God. Marriage is in God’s image and likeness to produce Godly fruit for dominion in Bible in Genesis 1:26-28. God partners with all HIS creation who acknowledge God’s rule on the earth. God wants an exclusive total devotion and worship from believers not sharing HIM with idol pagan gods. Married couples please the LORD God Almighty not men. The choice of Christian marriage is for their partnership with God in Genesis 2:15-17 Adam was priest prophet/king in Garden Eden God’s Kingdom ruled over God’s riches, resources provided. Eve to bring GLORY to God helps replenished earth. God said it is not good for the man to be alone gave him helpmeet woman Eve in marriage. Christian marriages in Gospel is Christ centred He is head, Bridegroom to His Bride the Church of God in Christ. The head of Christ is God and head of a wife is her spouse. Almighty God is the source of Biblical marriages in Genesis 3:16. Spouses submits to God’s perfect will in Christ in the home at the centre is God’s laws and values. Married believers in the LORD God Almighty direct their lives through prayers, fasting, to seek God’s face, help. In Genesis 24 Abraham chose for Isaac Rebekah a believer in God in Genesis 27:46-28:9. Faith central in training children right and early according to God’s laws. In Genesis 34:8-9, Hamor invited sons of Jacob to intermarry with the daughters of Shechem after mistreating Dinah defiled. So they compromised God’s laws, endangering lives as second generation. In conquests of Canaan the LORD prohibited intermarriages: Don’t intermarry give your daughters to their sons, their daughters to your sons they will turn your children from following God to serve other gods. The LORD’S anger burns and destroys in Deuteronomy 7:3-4; Joshua 23:12. Kings like Solomon in 1 Kings 11, Ahab in 1 Kings 16-19 fell so compromised nation’s faith due to pagan wives. God told all priests, people to repent of intermarriages in Ezra 9-10. Foreign converts stay married: Zipporah, Rahab, Ruth. Jesus said unbeliever spouse is under God’s grace if converted is saved by a good conduct, example of respect, honour. In Proverbs 31:30 the virtuous woman supports husband is industrious, takes care of family.
Ruth married Boaz a believer who provided and protected her. She trusted God respected mother in law a Godly woman. Ruth married after husband died, free to marry Boaz, man who believed in the LORD. In 1 Corinthians 7:39, God said don’t be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Righteousness and wickedness or light fellowship not mix with darkness in 2 Corinthians 6:14. A true Church keeps from fellowship with pagans Gospel warns against unbeliever spouse in 2 Corinthians 6:14. In 1 Corinthians 9:5 spouse of apostles and Jesus’ brothers or Cephas if unbelieving wife won’t qualify to be in ministry or elders in Church. Prohibiting intermarriages with unbelievers is saved by the love of Christ for His Church. People living in peace respect the differences so honour God Almighty Yahweh. Ephesians 5:21-33; Revelation 21:9-27 of God the Father, and Son in 1 Corinthians 11:3 is on the Godly submission and obedience. Marriage to non-believer of different faiths can’t force spouse to impose religion on them. Not to control a spouse to live in harmony or result in onflict. A different mindset and interest resolved by mutual respect glorifies God. Marriage is not designed for Christians only but the purpose for believers is to live in Christ. Jesus in John 17 gives eternal life to know only true God in Christ. Believers living for God love, honour, worship God in His Son Jesus Christ name. In living with spouse Church support followers of Christ to grow in eternal life. The LORD is owner of all lives and nations demands an exclusive attention and focus. Godly spouses don’t share wives, God Almighty Yahweh will not share His GLORY with idol pagan gods. It is only name of Christ Jesus of Nazareth that saves mankind in heaven after sins forgiven.

Excerpt updated from post by Mike Gilbart-Smith, pastor of Twynholm Baptist Church in Fulham, England. Twitter at @MGilbartSmith.


Spiritually dead yet living God our Father imparts life in Christ into. Lazarus and the saints raised during Christ’s resurrection, brought alive were physically dead. People raised in glorious inheritance of eternal life with Yahweh. God’s great power in Christ raises believers in eternity as God’s power raised Yeshua from death. Seated at God’s right hand in heavenly places has authority and power in Ephesians 1:19-23 above all. God’s power and authority in risen Christ in Ephesians 2:1-3 redeems all the powerless, hopeless people living in lifeless condition enslaving and dominating them. So God’s great power in Christ makes us partakers in His resurrection. God gives life in Christ, flowing from God’s love to work in us. The dead in trespasses of sin in Ephesians 2:1 are made alive in Christ in Ephesians 2:5. It is sin that blinds, distracts, wastes time for believers away from God. So sin DNA from Adam and Eve all inherited makes people Spiritually dead yet physically alive. They move about but are spiritually dead. Jesus said the physically dead to be buried by the spiritually dead people. A deceased lifeless can’t help themself is absolutely powerless beyond hope of activities to function. God’s Supernatural power enters and overpowers spirit of death casts out by Sovereign God. The dead state of inability God Spiritually turns around for believers saved by Gospel message. God gives free choice to believe to become Spiritually alive or to stay dead and separated from God. Response to faith to repent after hearing the Gospel expels a spirit of physical death. Ability to respond to the Gospel truth in Spirit is for an eternal life. Physical death exit to be alive in Christ as a Spirit soul. The word of God is sharper than two-edged sword, cuts through bones and marrow, discerns thoughts to realise a dead fallen state of mankind. Light drives out darkness Spiritual life overtakes death. Spiritual awakening in response to things of God is Spirit imparting new life in a dead sinner resurrected. Jesus stood by grave in John 11:43 called Lazarus to come out by God’s Spirit. It activated life he came back from death because Jesus imparted life in him. The miracle picture of eternal life is in glorious new bodies. The Father raises the dead gives new life so the Son gives life in John 5:21. If you hear God’s words and you believe you have eternal life, not judged will pass from death into eternal life. The dead who hear the voice of the Son of God lives in John 5:24-25. Spiritual resurrection is an answer to spiritual death to save from sins. Without a new Spiritual life in Christ Jesus all are spiritually dead. The Gospel gives all life more abundantly into eternity. Mortally dead Scripture teaches are dead in sin and the Father draws all raised up on last day in John 6:44. God grants people salvation in John 6:65 doesn’t want you to perish so God’s powerful intervention is to spiritually dead by imparting a new life. In John 8:43 Jesus said, do understand and hear God’s words for a spiritually deaf can’t hear God’s words to respond on their own. And Jesus intercedes for all spiritually dead to return to the Holy God Almighty to stop sins. True Gospel of God raises spiritually dead back into life God’s Spiritual Kingdom on earth and into eternal life in heaven. Ezekiel 37:1-3 says dead dry bones of Israel’s sin raised as a great army of God. The LORD’S God’s Spirit in the valley of dead dry bones raised alive. Spiritually raised lives supernaturally in a resurrection of eternal life with Jesus. Jesus Christ of Nazareth said if anyone is in Christ though they die will live again. The house of Israel said, ‘Our bones are dry, our hope perished cut off but the Lord GOD will open graves to come out alive to bring you into land of Israel in Ezekiel 37:10-12. God talks to a physical Israel of Yahweh out of land of hope God dwells. Yahweh opens all graves for grafted in Christ spiritually dead to be Spiritual resurrected. Unsaved dead people, helpless, Yahweh gives eternal life in Christ to come alive to be restored to life and saved eternally. And believers in Christ once dead in sin are saved by God’s Grace and mercy. Overcome death to sin by God’s power of resurrection in Christ Jesus freely given to you today.


Yahweh’s gift for couples is enjoy covenant love HE created Adam and Eve to experience sexual intimacy. Genesis 2:24-25 says “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother to join his own wife to become one flesh. The man and wife are naked but not ashamed and God said it is not good to be alone. God says sex to take place in the context of marriage it is God’s gift to married people for mutual enjoyment. In Proverbs 5:18-19 manhood is a couple’s blessing do not deprive each other. In 1 Corinthians 7:5 mutual consent fast or pray returns to sexual pleasure so satan will not tempt couple. God says the married couple must have regular sexual relation because depriving takes away the natural right from God. Depriving unbiblical women of lack knowledge. God says honour marriage bed. Marriage not consummated is legally dissolved if not fulfilling conjugal rights. Couples wired differently need more or less sex honestly discuss sexual needs. God in Genesis 38:9 punished Onan who knew his offspring will belong to dead brother during intercourse with widow spilled semen on ground. God was offended killed him for the seed is life. In Leviticus 18:19 people told avoid sexual relations with a woman during her periods. Leviticus 20:18 forbids a coitus during her menstruation punished. Sexual relation is resumed after woman immersed in mikveh ritual bath renews their intimacy passions. Trained counsellor guides couples to adapt to each other’s sexual needs. A sex rhythm method follows the monthly cycle of a wife for ovulation day. Couples study best safe days for sexual intercourse for pregnancy. There is nothing ‘dirty’ or ‘shameful’ about sex between the married couple. Educate children about God’s words on sex for a born again believer. Bible says teach the healthy approach to sex and self-control to enjoy intimacy. In Hebrews 13:4 a marriage bed is honoured so undefiled. God judges sexually immoral and adulterous. Couples be faithful to God and each other to procreate and replenish earth is possible. God created “man in HIS own image” fe/male human sexuality God forbids prostitution, adultery, premarital sex, homosexuality, swapping spouse. God loves people so HE decides mankind’s final destiny into heaven or hellfire. HIS words in Revelation 22:15 says outside heaven dogs (all who have sex with anyone, anywhere, without commitment like dogs), sorcerers sexually immoral, murderers, idolaters and liars. Before you cast first stone at anyone check your own heart. Beware of dogs, evil workers in Philippians 3:2 so pray for God’s mercy and grace to be among HIS chosen one during Rapture into eternal life in the Name of Christ Jesus of Nazareth.


God’s CHILDREN IN CHRIST have many names, labels, titles in the Bible:-

Christians in New Testament in Acts 11:26; Acts 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16 have the genuine Christlike character by imitating the true Messiah Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In Matthew 16:16-20; Mark 8:27-30 Peter told Jesus, you are Christ the Son of the Living God… Jesus said I will build My Church and the gates of hell will NOT prevail against it.

Disciples in Acts 1:15-26 work with Jesus in His ministry includes the 12 apostles.

Born – again believers in John 1:12-13 repent of sin, saved in Christ, members of God’s family in God’s Kingdom.

Blessed Ones in 2 Corinthians 9:8-10 God’s favour blesses you abundantly.

Bridegroom of Christ in John 3:29 faithful ones are loyal to the groom. Will celebrate the marriage banquet supper of the Lamb in Revelations 19:7-10.

Brethen in Acts 18:27 are brothers and sisters in God’s family practices doctrine of Christ in 2 John 1:9. They have faith in Jesus’ atonement, repent, baptized, receive gifts of the Holy Spirit, endures to the end.

Chosen Ones of God in 1 Peter 2:9-19 are Holy people doing HIS work share Gospel, teach the word of God. In Colossians 3:12-17 have a heart of compassion are kind and humble.

Saints in Ephesians 1:1 are all Christians. In Revelation 17:6 are confessors, martyrs ascetics in heaven. Some worthy of higher honour are the special saints.

Believers in 2 Corinthians 6:15 is a title for all Christians to bear fruits of Holy Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. 

Followers of the way in Acts 24:14 worship God Yahweh.

Branches of the true vine in Matthew 15:1-15. In Christ the vine, branches abides to bear good fruits, without Me you can do nothing. If anyone abides not in Me will be cut off to wither cast into hell fire to burn.

Light of the world in 1 John 8:12 Jesus the Light of the world 1 John 1:7; 1 John 1:5; 1 John 8:12; 1 Peter 2:9; 2 Corinthians 4:6; 1 John 1:5-7; 1 Thessalonians 5:5 shines in Christ. Followers are light of the world and let your light so shine that they may see your good works to Glorify God your father in Matthew 5:14, 16.

The Salt of the earth in Matthew 5:13-16 you are the salt of the earth. If salt loses flavour it is good for nothing it is cast out and trampled upon under the feet of men.

Friends of God in Romans 5:8; Genesis 18:1-17; James 2:23, 2 Chronicles 20:7; Isaiah 41:8; Psalm 25:14; Acts 27:3; 3 John 15. Believer’s name show character of God and calling in Christ.
Ambassadors of Christ representing God in the world are the living sermons in 2 Corinthians 5:20 manifests fruitfulness. Fellow-citizens with saints and household of God in Ephesians 2:19 bear the Cross of Jesus in Luke 14:27.
Friends of Christ have fellowship with Him doing His will. You are my friends if you do as I command you in John 15:14.
God’s gardeners in Song of Solomon 4:12. Sanctified by Master Jesus in 2 Timothy 2:21 as farmers harvests souls a 100fold.
Priceless jewels of the LORD of Hosts that day makes up HIS Jewels in Malachi 3:17.
The New Creation in Christ have new life in Him. If any man is in Christ he is a new creature old things pass away all things become new in 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Nazarenes in Acts 24:5 apostles, disciples of Christ were first called.

Pilgrims of God in the world are not of the world. Pilgrims abstain from fleshly lusts and secular things in 1 Peter 2:11.
Stewards of God occupy till Jesus comes in Luke 19:13. Actively work for God to lead many into God’s Kingdom.

Vessels of honour by grace God, makes known HIS riches in GLORY in Romans 9:23. God worshippers adore and praise the LORD’S greatness and goodness praise the LORD for HIS goodness in Psalm 107:8.

Elect in Christ in Colossians 3:12 live holy, showing mercy, kindness, humble, meek, resilient.

The Redeemed of the LORD in Isaiah 51:11; Psalm 107:2 returns to Zion with singing, crowned with everlasting joy. Gladness and joy overtakes them. No more sorrow, sighing or weeping.

Messianic Jews are the believers in Christ Jesus of Nazareth who study the Bible.

Joint heirs with Christ in Romans 8:16-19 heirs of God endure suffering are glorified.

Kings, royal priests rule with Jesus Christ of Nazareth in 1 Peter 2:9.

People of God in 1 Peter 2:10 obtained mercy, reconciled to God in 2 Corinthians 5:18-21; Romans 5:8-11 so Christ died to save all gives them eternal life in heaven.

Godly people understand deep things of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 2: 9-10 see life differently. Pleasing the LORD in Romans 13:12-14; Hebrews 12:28; James 3:2 live holy for the LORD is Holy in 1 Peter 1:16.

People of the Book Torah is Old Testament books of the Bible from God. In Matthew 24:15 Jesus quoted Daniel’s prophecy on abomination of desolation said “let reader understand” future prophecy in Daniel 9:27, Daniel 11:31; Daniel 12:11.

Lovers of God in 2 Timothy 3:4 God first loved us. Our first love is Christ Jesus in Revelations 2:1-7 hot for God in worship, devoted, loyal, faithful to God in Christ.

Grafted in Christ in Romans 11:11-36 Jews and Gentiles in God’s Kingdom join Israel as people of God in Zechariah 8:13, 20-23.

Fishers of men in Matthew 4:19 Jesus said come follow me I will make you fishers of men.

Soul winners in Matthew 28: 19-20 go into all the world makes disciples of all nations. Jesus said All power and authority in heaven and earth is given to Me so make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit teach them to obey all I commanded you. I am with you always to the end of the age.

God’s Sheep called by name in Ezekiel 34; Matthew 10:6; 15:24. God’s people are HIS Sheep in Psalm 79:13; 100:3 HE Shepherds in Matthew 9:36; Numbers 27:17; Psalm 23. 

Soldiers Of The Cross in 1 Timothy 6:3-6:16 things heard from Christ by many witnesses do as a good soldier. Ephesians 6:13 says put on the whole armour of God and withstand evil.

The righteous ones in Proverbs 24:16 may fall seven times God lifts them up. Faithful people know God forgives, don’t take God’s love, grace and mercy for granted to sin.

Body of Christ in Romans 12:5 are many. In Christ individual members are parts of His body in one Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 all parts the same in Christ.

Temple of God in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 the Holy Spirit dwells in your body you are not your own. Christ bought you with His price so glorify God in your body.

Faithful Servants in Matthew 25:21; Luke 16:10 the Lord says well done, good and faithful servants in small things made rulers over many. Enter the joy of the LORD for your rewards in heaven in 1 Corinthians 3:10-4:2; 2 Corinthians 5:10-11; Romans 14:10-12.

The Overcomers in Christ in Revelations 3:21 sit on Jesus throne. The overcomers believe Jesus is the Son of God. Revelation 12:11 says they conquered by the blood of the Lamb and word of their testimony love not their lives unto death.

More than Conquerors in Romans 8:35 not separated from Love of Christ in hardships, persecutions, famines, danger or swords? 36 For God’s sake face death all day long as sheep to slaughter. 37 In all things more than conquerors in Christ. 38 Convinced no death, life, angels, demons, things present, future or any powers, 39 Height or depth separate from LOVE of God in Christ.

Citizens of heaven in Phillipians 3:20-21 eagerly waiting for return of Saviour Jesus.

Children of God in John 1:12 believers in Jesus Name belong to the family of God. In Galatians 3:26 they live by faith in Christ Jesus. In 1 John 2:28 – 3:10 abide in Christ confident at His coming. In Romans 8:14-19 led by Spirit of God are children of God. In Romans 8:16 Spirit bears witness with our Spirit we are children of God.

In Matthew 5:9 blessed are peacemakers, they are the Children of God. In John 1:12 believers in Jesus Name belong to family of God. In Galatians 3:26 they live by faith in Christ Jesus. In 1 John 2:28 – 3:10 abide in Christ when He appears are confident at His coming. All people are God’s creation but only those who accept Jesus Christ of Nazareth are the children of Almighty God Yahweh.

Galatians 3:28 says in Christ there no Jew or Greek, bond or free, male or female all one in Christ Jesus. No denominations or titles, ministers in Ephesians 4:11 apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors or teachers. All run race to win prize in 1 Corinthians 9: 23-24. Boldly enter Holiest place into God’s Presence by the blood of Jesus in Hebrews 10:19.


Starting life over again in Christ Jesus Name is God’s approved way to endure no matter what you go through. God’s Holy Spirit helps to go through life. God’s word is the lamp unto your feet and light on your path. God’s design for your life depends on HIM because HE LOVES you. Love God with all your heart, mind, body, soul to keep God’s words in your hearts not to sin against HIM. But all humans have flaws, warts and all God FORGIVES sin through Jesus’ blood for all who repent. To be born again is to accept Jesus is the Lord of your life starting life all over again washed by Jesus blood. All stains of sin are washed away God does not remember them anymore starts life over again. Return to God and live by faith with confidence in God. Despite life challenges continue to stand strong on God’s words to help carry your family through daily. Those whose minds stay on God have great inner peace to continue lives saved by God.