Prosperity wealth gospel theology dupes church members promised abundant life that never materialises. The church bandit mafia scams congregation told to give to God for rewards. The more members give the false preacher becomes richer but the givers are poorer. Some lost businesses or homes in debt for loans taken to sponsor a lavish lifestyles of conmen pastors. Those who challenge or query unbiblical principle are called trouble makers. And shunned or victimized until they leave, no one allowed to keep in touch with them. This unbiblical way of scamming in church is endorsed by the mega church multimillionaires duping members. But is never content want bigger premises with bigger visions and enlarges auditoriums for more crowds to dupe. They need new members to dupe old members exhausted and conned. They seem as the evangelist preaching for lost souls but they gather people for money. They kill people who attend to eat ritual foods targeted. Did Jesus practice such methods in church to trap people for money from them? A false pastor’s suits, shoes, clothes, hotels, food large entourage paid for by poor members deprived of basic necessities of life. Given quotas, bullied, forced, rake in money daily to sponsor crooks duping them. Criminal squad murder informant insiders exposing evil deeds. Oaths of allegiances says they can’t leave so killed if they do. Expenses of leaders pressure members to maintain lavish lifestyles. Money collected in church tax free put in offshore account members starve and die. Some lost family, lives lack proper nutrition no support in times of need. False facade’s image of a mega billionaire pastor’s status dominate control members to prove wealth gospel theology. A rich leader departs from Biblical foundation preach false doctrine of devils is “God” above law, members follow directions in life. Bank detail of members accounts transfers money to hide wealth. Members hooked to pastor so where their treasure is there their heart is. Members cut off from family not told to stop abuser destroying them. As hypocrites pretend to hear from God on behalf of members. But leader molests young children, boys, girls, wo/men, wives humiliate husband. Exploit worker unpaid in modern slavery. Maintain grip on gullible mind hypnotised, divides, rule by satanic human sacrifice power. Audacious, arrogant leader manipulates members. Its complex task exposing them, infiltrate high society connects to powerful politicians. Sacrifices poor in money rituals murderer ends in jail leader is free. Murder squads do leader’s dirty jobs not linked on surface until digs deeper from disgruntled exmembers. They don’t value human lives except own family invested in education in private school abroad. Deprive members of decent income despite good qualifications. The genuine love and desire to worship God is exploited for material possessions of false pastors. Worst of all when trumpet sounds in Rapture material possessions useless in heaven. Murderers end up in hellfire on judgement day of the LORD God Almighty Yahweh. Repent in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Ask God for mercy, grace and forgiveness through Jesus blood.


False prophets speak their mind not God’s word give false hope to people about health, marriage or money miracles. Serve idol god of mammon pracrice paganism, lie, deceive, refuse to repent, take God’s worship, fat cat prophets endanger lives, fool people depended on they control. Use God’s name is a stench, scribes pharisees better than them. Use filthy books, charisma evil ways their bank accounts full of money from the poor. Proud, too important, too grand, king of old twist God’s words demand more, steal from poor. Use lies of miracle healings dupe people for excess wealth. God’s name is blaspheme to deceive, lie, to manipulate for money. God says repent or go in hellfire. Ask God’s forgiveness for vile sounds of jets heard by God offend HIM. Use own ideas to fool people with false words or false miracles for personal fame and glory. God says REPENT before its too late. Give God HIS GLORY do NOT fleece God’s sheep of poor Church member to enrich yourselves. RETURN peoples wealth to them ask them to forgive you. Humble yourselves before God or end up in hellfire like the rich man cruel to Lazarus in Luke 16. God LOVES and FORGIVES you in Jesus Name.


In Revelation 12:7 satan and rebellious lost their place in heaven 8 cast out for disobedience. 9 The great dragon was hurled down that ancient serpent called the devil or satan leads the whole world astray. He was hurled on the earth with his angels. Images depict satan in a misleading way so people think he looks like caricature seen in the movies. In Bible satan was created beautiful dressed in jewels and given leadership role as a great musician in heaven. Pride caused him to be cast out of heaven. He wanted to be like God deceived one third angels who became demons. And satan transforms into angel of life and his ministers apostles in synagogue of satan doing fake miracles. They look like the genuine Church of God but preach doctrine of devils. Understand the devil doesn’t look like images seen in the movies. The evil spirits in satan possesses their victims to deceive them not to discern God’s truth looks Christians but new age on the broadway to hell. The misrepresentation of satan makes people not discern he comes to steal, kill to destroy all who let him satan uses lies to deceive people. It takes the LORD God Almighty to reveal satan’s tricks to escape him. Bible says he goes round like a roaring lion puts fear into people to force them against their freewill. God gives a manual to guide you but the devil knows the Bible often twisted and misquoted to deceive people. The LORD provides HIS words sharper than the two edged sword cutting through bones and marrow discerns thoughts and intentions. So Holy Spirit teaches God’s truth and reminds believers of the words of God to apply in their lives in Jesus Name. God’s words guide you to test the spirits to see if from God Almighty Yahweh. The devil hates God and decides to deceive and recruit God’s children to hellfire with him and fallen angels. Use correct images to depict devil because satan’s spirit is in evil people who look normal like other people. There is no one in life walking about looking like the misrepresentation images of satan. People think there is no devil because they don’t see the images in movies around them. But the devil is at work using people and transforms into angel of light. They didn’t fear or respect God don’t fear or respect people. But the Name of Jesus scares the devil so he falls down always when he hears the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and our Saviour and the Messiah from Nazareth he trembles with fear is not as powerful.

The new age spiritualist churches mix Jesus images with occult rituals call their gathering Church but isn’t the same as Church of God IN CHRIST. The endtimes warnings of God means satan is not a caricature costume dressing for fun desensitize the evil nature of satan. Mockery in caricature is not accurate representation of dangerous nature of the devil. God’s wrath is coming on those who think satan is non existent or a joke for a laugh it does not concern their lives. God wants people to be aware of satan’s devices to be saved from joining him in hellfire. The only two decisions to make is to belong to God IN CHRIST or deceived by satan. The deception is so dangerous Jesus said even the elect if not discerning be deceived. The devil imitates God’s POWER to dupe people into hell so don’t look for miracles TRUST GOD.

An unholy trinity of antiChrist

The Holy Trinity of Almighty Yahweh, Son, Holy Spirit is copied by antiChrist evil trinity of satan and false prophet in the endtimes. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is mimicked by the false christs and false prophet preaching doctrine of demons. So Jesus Christ God’s chosen ONLY way is faked by counterfeit wolves in sheep clothing to deceive the flock. Revelation 12;13 says in the last days antiChrist/s, false prophet/s, satan will deceive many; doing great signs, miracle wonders Jesus said can fool very elect be discerning watchful. A third of heaven’s angels deceived self-worship in Revelation 12:4 God cast them out of heaven. Since time of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 satan brought sin DNA in the world misleading people. The antiChrist spirit hates Christ Jesus Spirit so lures some people from salvation IN CHRIST to join cults. Many antiChrists are already at work in the world opposing God Almighty’s NAME and HIS PRESENCE in public places. To stop people from using God’s words in prayer or HIS symbol they complain is offensive to them is removed. All misled joined satan in Revelation 13:3 control religion, currency in Revelation 13:1 in the whole world. The antiGod, antiChrist Spirit self worship in Revelation 13:1 in God’s Temple Mount forces people to take mark of beast 666 bow to image if refuse killed. A false prophet perform demonic miracles in Revelation 19:20 beasts leads many astray. All who take mark of beast will not enter heaven end in hellfire. So false prophet convince people to worship antiChrist satan’s fake church. In Deuteronomy 13:1-15 its false signs, wonders leading to idol gods served don’t listen to a false prophet. The LORD God tests you to know if you love the LORD God with all your heart and all your soul. Walk after the LORD God to fear, obey and serve HIM. 1 Corinthians 10:20 says pagans sacrifice to devil not the LORD God. Do not join their devil worship in the seven years of Revelation 13 during GREAT TRIBULATION. The antiChrist works against Jesus, God’s saints persecutes and kills some in Revelation 13. The false prophet’s demonic miracles, signs will heal the fatal wound of the beast in Revelation 13 to impress them. People can’t buy or sell without a mark of beast. Unholy trinity’s power ends when God pours HIS wrath on earth avenge HIS saints persecuted and slain. God will rescue HIS saints into heaven in Rapture and RETURNS with Jesus physically on earth. God says beware of all false prophets among flock in the Church. The angels of light disguise themselves as God’s ministers you will know them by FRUITS OF HOLY SPIRIT. Do they love their flock or live like Jesus Christ? Is Gospel true in their life private and public life as living SERMON? NOT TV arranged to fool you in secret occult devil worshipper initiate victims into blind witchcraft? Spreads into all nations by outward good deeds but abuse all under them in control. Uses lies and subtle deceptions DUE TO ANGER HATRED against Christians or is outright blasphemy. Forces them against their freewill to do his will or kills them. Jesus said all Christians must watch and pray. If they say Christ in secret chamber desert prayer mountain flee run away. The OMNISCIENT OMNIPOTENT OMNIPRESENT is everywhere at the same time HE HEARS you. Don’t travel to any fake location to find God to be duped into hellfire by antichrist unholy trinity. Its in endtime freewill of individuals is not tolerated. Watch out, be vigilant satan prowls like a roaring lion looking for those to devour. Spend time with the LORD in prayer. Study Bible Words to answer all who ask about your faith and RIGHTLY divide the WORD of God. The devil is looking for naive, ignorant to deceive quote the Bible to twist it. In Matthew 25:41 Jesus said hell was prepared for devil and fallen angels deceives people to sin to be recruited into hellfire with them. Sin’s DNA in mankind is to rebel like satan and demon angels to reject God and Jesus. Thrown out of heaven on earth deceives people to perish in the hellfire. OBEY Yahweh, if you sin repent God will forgive you by HIS MERCY and GRACE Jesus Name and His BLOOD shed on Calvary Cross to save you.