Hindus Christians embrace the truth of Jesus Christ hold onto their identity and vibrant culture. Jesus followers accept humanity of all people. Unique DNA codes makes people tall, short in various cultures, languages and social backgrounds. Jesus said take up your cross stop selfish desires, personal ambitions and impulses but not identity. Jesus did not erase humanity redeemed it. Jesus ate foods of his culture and dressed like His people. An Ethiopian eunuch treasurer of Candace from the ancient kingdom of Nubia was baptized as follower of Jesus in Acts 8 but member of royal court retained his culture and customs. Naaman a Syrian general healed of leprosy by Elijah a God-fearing worshiper compelled to kneel with king of Syria before pagan idol in 2 Kings 5. Christians in similar situations follow Jesus in cultures shaped and defined by religious zeal. Face challenges like Hindu Christians who know in Bible God Christians worship only God through Jesus Christ alone do not worship trees, animals, flora, fauna, rivers, mountains, sacred groves or revered objects of worship. They know God’s truth of in Romans 1:25 told don’t worship or serve creatures than Creator God. Don’t exchange God’s truth for falsehood, believe in only one living God Almighy Yahweh. Know people die only once and after that judged by God in Hebrews 9:27. The Hindu Christians know in Bible God appoints man dies once after so no reincarnation rebirth into other creatures. People resurrect in their glorified body lives in heaven with God, Jesus, saints, angels in eternal life forever. Nicodemus met Jesus privately became born again Christian. Joseph of Arimathea was the prominent member of the ruling class, secret disciples gave personal tomb to Jesus buried in. Jesus resurrected, tomb is empty in Israel is a major tourist attraction. The followers of Jesus face decisions to partake in the cultural norms of many societies. Elected members of an assembly face adversaries accusing them of rejecting community values as candidates. In landmark case of 1995, Supreme Court of India defined “Hinduism” and “Hindutva” “Hinduness” not only religious but cultural. Politicians must not polarize voters by using religious views. Hinduism emphasizes a way of life of Indian people and cultural ethos. In 2016 a court upheld 1995 the decision Indian constitution allowed the multiple beliefs and cultural identities. All the people are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and a right to freely profess, practice propagate religion. In a country of 1.3 billion and with people of myriads of cultures, religions, ethnicities and languages their identities overlap. Hindus Christians embrace the truth of Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection and hold onto vibrant Hindu cultures. William Carey in Kolkata now Calcutta in 1800s, the English missionary noticed Indians following Jesus retained their Hindu culture. He coined term “Hindu Christians” was the father of modern missions. He translated Bible portions into 29 local languages and dialects, contributed to grammars in local tongues. Played the key role for English education to be accessible in India. Advocated for rights of Dalits, women, he rallied coalitions of Hindu reformers and Protestants to ban a Sati practice of widows immolation of themselves to commit suicide after husbands die. In the 1993 bicentenary of Carey’s arrival in India, the government released a special commemorative stamp to celebrate his legacy as a true son of the soil. Carey’s 200 year old definition of Hinduism cultures is not particular stream of religion. Hindu Christians retain and embrace Hindu values to respect elders an important family tradition. Hindu Christian’s total allegiance to Jesus Christ, Bible central to their identity believe in monotheism reject idolatry. The Hindus Christians preserve their art, music, language, literature, patriotic proud Indians. Hindu culture doesn’t fit Hindus Christianity but torelates all humans made in image and God’s likeness. The constitution outlawed the untouchabile practice of physical and social marginalizing by the Dalits caste system. It still lingers in daily prejudice, injustices of violence against members of lower castes. So caste prejudices seeps into the Christian and Muslim communities. Indians identify with their Hindu cultures want to abolish caste system. Hindu Christians believe, Jesus died for sins of whole world include Indians from all castes. Holy Spirit in all to know true God Yahweh Almighty in nations and languages. Countless multitudes are citizens of heaven. Religious nationalism must not polarize society. Hindus Christians coexist following Jesus and don’t deny who they are in 2,000 years since Apostle Thomas took Christianity to India. Jesus said don’t pray like hypocrites standing in places or street corners seen by others. Go in your room, close door, pray to your Father in secret not babble like pagans shouting many words. God knows all needs before you ask in Matthew 6:5-8. Attention seeking prayer to impress others God won’t hear, quiet prayer to God Spiritually blessed. Politicians don’t force ethnic cultures into silos by abusing religious denominations, sectarianism to cause divisions in societies. Selfish politicians cause injustice by motives of nepotism. Jesus says people are equally grafted in Christ as one. There is no Jew nor Gentile, slave or free, or fe/male. All boldly enter God’s Presence by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in Galatians 3:26-28. Red dot on Jesus’ forehead is a mark known as a bindi. Its Hindu tradition dating to third and fourth centuries, bindi worn by women for religious purposes or indicate they are’re married. Today the bindi is popular among the wo/men of all ages as a mark of beauty.

Excerpt updated from post of Rev. Joseph D’Souza the founder of Dignity Freedom Network organization. Advocates, delivers, humanitarian aid to marginalized outcasts of South Asia. Is the archbishop of Anglican Good Shepherd Church of India. He serves as president of the All India Christian Council.