God creates rainbow interwoven fabrics of many colours various strands people. In Genesis 9:12 God said, rainbow is the token of covenant made between ME and you and every living creature with you for perpetual generations: 13 I do set MY rainbow in the clouds as token of covenant between ME and the earth. 14 It shall come to pass when I bring cloud over earth rainbows seen in the skies.The rainbow and the cross both point to God's Promises to us.God says believers to continue in strong faith of God and lead life as normal as possible while paying extra attention to God. The world offers pleasure, leisure, entertainment and distractions to keep off Godly narrow way. Its important not to be consumed with all those worldly preoccupations to blend in like Joneses. God says the very elect must watch out. At times you may seem the least person to people yet precious in God’s Eyes. So hold in faith trusting God to vindicate faith, trust, confidence in God. 14 I remember MY Covenant between ME, you and every living creature of all flesh. The waters shall no more become flood to destroy all flesh. 17 So the bow shall be in the cloud as I will look upon it, that I will remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh upon the earth. God said unto Noah, This token is Covenant, established between me and all flesh.Jesus came to earth to sacrifice His life to restore from separation with God due to sin of Adam and Eve. Jesus gave His life to redeem from death to bring real happiness and righteousness. Impetus of Christ blood covering protects as our advocate empowers us to enter boldly God’s presence because of Love of God for all. Christ is the one uniting all to God in His Holy Name. Each person who values Christ passionately in own way is God’s rainbow variety is one of God’s children same but externally different.my_hope_in_god_is_huge_by_docyehya-d5eqdl1Jesus came issues influence faith in each context is crucial to know this difference to fully understand what constitutes relevant faith in each other’s norm. What is perfectly acceptable to some may not seat well with others and includes what seems from the other’s point of view a contradiction to others. Christ is centre of focus no need to worry about what to wear, eat, stand, seat, kneel to pray for God our father Jehovah Jireh knows and sees meets needs by His Supplies from heaven. diversity-rainbow-cross-9010396No single person can save the world alone by their approach. God chose to create a vibrant variety of all types of people to meet a variety of needs. God fully understands what represents God in each context. From God’s point of view, diversity makes perfect sense as God approves of it. God Loves all wants all to love others too. We approach God in a variety of ways in a cultural context onlookers wonder but Christ connects to all in God. Each will stand before God looking different but united in Christ as Central Cord binds together in Almighty YAHVEH the Sovereign LORD God.

400_F_30118531_axIR0dZLoMIlFLQ62LmKgqEw5aCi4DzUGod’s details varies according to word knowledge of understanding from one’s point of view. This means put effort into resources to help transform all others to conform to Christ but not as clones be considerate all equally worthy of God’s Love. God who has final say decide who people really are in God’s Eyes. God’s perspective aligns perfectly to the view seen by people in Bible. God declared expectation for mankind continue until Christ returns to reign on the earth.All to help carry one another’s burdens demonstrate shows love for one another to fulfil law of Messiah in Galatians 6:2. All called to fulfil Godly LOVE to help bear burdens. This can be accomplished in practical ways to help relieve those overloaded with the responsibilities. We accomplish love by extending hope and encouragement to comfort to those who carry manh heavy emotional burdens. Practical help is good as Jesus expects us to be willing to bear other’s burdens although God is source of comfort.Colourful Easter eggs adorn apple tree in garden of summerhouse of German pensioners Christa and Volker Kraft, in eastern German town of Saalfeld. Easter eggs decorates the unity tree. Each year since 1965 they akways spend 2 weeks decorating tree with collection of 10,000 colourful hand-painted Easter eggs in time for Easter celebrations, God helps us by carrying load. Jesus said,“Come to Me, all you weary, heavy burdened and I will give you rest,”in Matthew 11:28.colImage courtesy Markovich Photography Almighty Gods LOVES all people and all races, tribes, nations, genders so wants all people to draw near to HIM in Christ. Its a personal salvation choice based on belief in Jesus is Lord and Saviour. This is an important decision to ensure your name is written in God’s Book of life. So on the Day of Judgement God accepts all found in BOOK OF LIFE. Your decisions in life, whether agnostic, atheist, makes no difference to God your Creator who LOVES you so much. Read the Bible and learn about Jesus Christ who Loves you and died to save your soul eternally.

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