JESUS DEFEATED devil satan

Christ defeated devil satan through death so made powerless in Hebrews 2:14. Christ abolished sting of death to bring an eternal life. Christ reduced devil to nothing don’t blame sin on one who sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared to destroy works of the devil in 1 John 3:8. Christ destroyed devil’s works, delivers from destruction. He disarmed all evil rulers, powers, authorities  so made public display of them, triumphed over them in Colossians 2:15. Christ has already conquered satan the “god of the age” and has the keys of death and Hades in Revelations 1:18. But the devil tried to devour Him at birth caught up to heaven to the throne of God. In a war in heaven satan lost was thrown down to earth knows time is short, persecuting woman and her seed. Jesus and believers are harassed by satan so Christ in Second Coming puts satan in a pit a thousand years. Then deceiver thrown in lake of fire brimstone with the beast and false prophet are tormented day and night forever. Jesus sits on white throne to rule the earth in Revelation 20:10-11. The devil is destroyed with disobedient unbelievers who rejected Christ in hellfire with devil. All who live in lusts of flesh, indulged in fleshy desires of the mind are children of wrath God throws in the hellfire in Ephesians 2:3. The punishment of sin is death no sinner is exempted if born special or status, descent before God. All have sinned so fallen short of the glory of God in Galatians 2:15. Self-righteous, unchallenged, don’t respect God are destroyed. The world is judged by God and Jesus trying all people rebellious against Yahweh. All evil in the world stops once satan is chained and caged in the pit. The LORD permits stubborn people to be dealt with by satan in Isaiah 45:7. And God in Genesis 6:5 and Psalm 37 lets all wicked thrive as they made decisions to end up in hellfire. God does not waste them chasing them because they won’t repent. The devil, lucifer, beelzebub belial in Jude 1:6, angels who didn’t stay in their domain with dragon ancient serpent devil satan are bound for a thousand years plus the fallen angels in Euphrates. In 1 Corinthians 5:5 satan is an enforcer to destroy flesh so Spirit is saved in day of Lord Jesus Christ. In 1 Timothy 1:20 Hymenaeus and Alexander handed to satan not to blaspheme to repent. In Isaiah 13:11 the LORD punishes world for evil and the wicked’s descendants to three hundred years. But righteous delivered in Jeremiah 36:31 are blessed to one thousand years. It is overrated the devil liar deceiver’s powers by those who let it. The devil roars like lion looking for those to devour pretends to be a lion to put fear into people.  The wise in Christ discern their evil trick manipulations don’t fall in traps to lure them into a hellfire. The Bible says be alert and sharp watching out not to be deceived and reading God’s words to know God’s truth. The Holy Spirit shines light into your heart to discern truth.