Prosperity wealth gospel theology dupes church members promised abundant life that never materialises. The church bandit mafia scams congregation told to give to God for rewards. The more members give the false preacher becomes richer but the givers are poorer. Some lost businesses or homes in debt for loans taken to sponsor a lavish lifestyles of conmen pastors. Those who challenge or query unbiblical principle are called trouble makers. And shunned or victimized until they leave, no one allowed to keep in touch with them. This unbiblical way of scamming in church is endorsed by the mega church multimillionaires duping members. But is never content want bigger premises with bigger visions and enlarges auditoriums for more crowds to dupe. They need new members to dupe old members exhausted and conned. They seem as the evangelist preaching for lost souls but they gather people for money. They kill people who attend to eat ritual foods targeted. Did Jesus practice such methods in church to trap people for money from them? A false pastor’s suits, shoes, clothes, hotels, food large entourage paid for by poor members deprived of basic necessities of life. Given quotas, bullied, forced, rake in money daily to sponsor crooks duping them. Criminal squad murder informant insiders exposing evil deeds. Oaths of allegiances says they can’t leave so killed if they do. Expenses of leaders pressure members to maintain lavish lifestyles. Money collected in church tax free put in offshore account members starve and die. Some lost family, lives lack proper nutrition no support in times of need. False facade’s image of a mega billionaire pastor’s status dominate control members to prove wealth gospel theology. A rich leader departs from Biblical foundation preach false doctrine of devils is “God” above law, members follow directions in life. Bank detail of members accounts transfers money to hide wealth. Members hooked to pastor so where their treasure is there their heart is. Members cut off from family not told to stop abuser destroying them. As hypocrites pretend to hear from God on behalf of members. But leader molests young children, boys, girls, wo/men, wives humiliate husband. Exploit worker unpaid in modern slavery. Maintain grip on gullible mind hypnotised, divides, rule by satanic human sacrifice power. Audacious, arrogant leader manipulates members. Its complex task exposing them, infiltrate high society connects to powerful politicians. Sacrifices poor in money rituals murderer ends in jail leader is free. Murder squads do leader’s dirty jobs not linked on surface until digs deeper from disgruntled exmembers. They don’t value human lives except own family invested in education in private school abroad. Deprive members of decent income despite good qualifications. The genuine love and desire to worship God is exploited for material possessions of false pastors. Worst of all when trumpet sounds in Rapture material possessions useless in heaven. Murderers end up in hellfire on judgement day of the LORD God Almighty Yahweh. Repent in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Ask God for mercy, grace and forgiveness through Jesus blood.


Jerusalem’s Golden Gate Jesus entered in His triumphant entry 2000 years ago on His colt on palm Sunday. Jesus RETURNS to Temple Mount through the Golden Gate in His Second Coming. Jesus walks through walls after resurrection so will go through the sealed golden gates. He will land on Mount Olives to split and enters Temple Mount so will build Ezekiel’s New Jesus Temple. The 3000 years old walls built by Solomon is still seen near the Eastern golden gate. The Messiah Jesus Christ of Nazareth will enter in the golden gate with saints in heaven to Armageddon war. The dead in God and in Christ will arise from the graves to join Jesus and the saints from heaven to enter Temple Mount. Jesus defeats antiChrist false prophet, devil is locked in pit during Jesus’ millennial reign in His New Temple on Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Despite golden gate sealed Jesus goes through walls like He did after resurrection. Jesus takes over all nations as the King of kings, forever rule God’s Kingdom in New Jerusalem coming from heaven. God is reclaiming HIS City in HIS NAME on golden gate eastern wall warning like Daniel 5:25 mene mene tekel upharsin to repent or like Belshazzar interpreted by Daniel predicts doom of Nebuchadnezzar’s dynasty Babylon destroyed. Golden Gate on eastern wall of Temple Mount is the only one of eight gates sealed in Jerusalem by Muslims in 810 reopen in 1102 by Crusaders walled by Saladin in Jerusalem in 1187. Current Eastern golden gate is sealed in AD 1540–41 by Suleiman sultan’s Ottoman Empire. Solomon’s 3000year old huge stones near golden gates is proof Jews in Jerusalem more than 3000 years. Israel sealed insides of the golden gate in 2003 stops turning into mosque or islamic centre. Do not fight over the bricks and mortar belonging to God to lose your soul in hellfire. Repent, accept Jesus Messiah Saviour as Lord or go in hellfire. So 3000 year old Solomon’s walls proves Israel belongs to God’s Kingdom in Isaac to Jesus on David’s throne is chosen by Yahweh. Israel didn’t start in 1948 as the antiChrist antiSemitism lied. God exiled Israel into captivity for disobedience for 70 years as punishment. They returned but is not too long they were plundered and Solomon’s Temple destroyed a few remnant left behind. In addition to other pogroms and holocaust Israel finally RESTORED again in 1948 state of Israel.

An unholy trinity of antiChrist

The Holy Trinity of Almighty Yahweh, Son, Holy Spirit is copied by antiChrist evil trinity of satan and false prophet in the endtimes. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is mimicked by the false christs and false prophet preaching doctrine of demons. So Jesus Christ God’s chosen ONLY way is faked by counterfeit wolves in sheep clothing to deceive the flock. Revelation 12;13 says in the last days antiChrist/s, false prophet/s, satan will deceive many; doing great signs, miracle wonders Jesus said can fool very elect be discerning watchful. A third of heaven’s angels deceived self-worship in Revelation 12:4 God cast them out of heaven. Since time of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 satan brought sin DNA in the world misleading people. The antiChrist spirit hates Christ Jesus Spirit so lures some people from salvation IN CHRIST to join cults. Many antiChrists are already at work in the world opposing God Almighty’s NAME and HIS PRESENCE in public places. To stop people from using God’s words in prayer or HIS symbol they complain is offensive to them is removed. All misled joined satan in Revelation 13:3 control religion, currency in Revelation 13:1 in the whole world. The antiGod, antiChrist Spirit self worship in Revelation 13:1 in God’s Temple Mount forces people to take mark of beast 666 bow to image if refuse killed. A false prophet perform demonic miracles in Revelation 19:20 beasts leads many astray. All who take mark of beast will not enter heaven end in hellfire. So false prophet convince people to worship antiChrist satan’s fake church. In Deuteronomy 13:1-15 its false signs, wonders leading to idol gods served don’t listen to a false prophet. The LORD God tests you to know if you love the LORD God with all your heart and all your soul. Walk after the LORD God to fear, obey and serve HIM. 1 Corinthians 10:20 says pagans sacrifice to devil not the LORD God. Do not join their devil worship in the seven years of Revelation 13 during GREAT TRIBULATION. The antiChrist works against Jesus, God’s saints persecutes and kills some in Revelation 13. The false prophet’s demonic miracles, signs will heal the fatal wound of the beast in Revelation 13 to impress them. People can’t buy or sell without a mark of beast. Unholy trinity’s power ends when God pours HIS wrath on earth avenge HIS saints persecuted and slain. God will rescue HIS saints into heaven in Rapture and RETURNS with Jesus physically on earth. God says beware of all false prophets among flock in the Church. The angels of light disguise themselves as God’s ministers you will know them by FRUITS OF HOLY SPIRIT. Do they love their flock or live like Jesus Christ? Is Gospel true in their life private and public life as living SERMON? NOT TV arranged to fool you in secret occult devil worshipper initiate victims into blind witchcraft? Spreads into all nations by outward good deeds but abuse all under them in control. Uses lies and subtle deceptions DUE TO ANGER HATRED against Christians or is outright blasphemy. Forces them against their freewill to do his will or kills them. Jesus said all Christians must watch and pray. If they say Christ in secret chamber desert prayer mountain flee run away. The OMNISCIENT OMNIPOTENT OMNIPRESENT is everywhere at the same time HE HEARS you. Don’t travel to any fake location to find God to be duped into hellfire by antichrist unholy trinity. Its in endtime freewill of individuals is not tolerated. Watch out, be vigilant satan prowls like a roaring lion looking for those to devour. Spend time with the LORD in prayer. Study Bible Words to answer all who ask about your faith and RIGHTLY divide the WORD of God. The devil is looking for naive, ignorant to deceive quote the Bible to twist it. In Matthew 25:41 Jesus said hell was prepared for devil and fallen angels deceives people to sin to be recruited into hellfire with them. Sin’s DNA in mankind is to rebel like satan and demon angels to reject God and Jesus. Thrown out of heaven on earth deceives people to perish in the hellfire. OBEY Yahweh, if you sin repent God will forgive you by HIS MERCY and GRACE Jesus Name and His BLOOD shed on Calvary Cross to save you.


15662943207971563147261305293085Millo Akra Ophel in 1 Chronicles 11:6-10 KJV David said, “Whoever attacks Jebusites first will be chief captain.” So Joab son of Zeruiah went up first became chief captain. 7 David dwelt in the City of David. 8 Joab extends the City of David northeast to Millo Akra Acra Ophel and surrounding areas. Joab repaired the rest of the ruined city. 9 David is great for the LORD of hosts is with him and mighty men 10 David united kingdom Israel, made king by word of the LORD for Israel. In Bible history David and his mighty men, palace or staff were not confined to the small 12 acre City of David by Mount Zion South West God chose Israel by Covenant from all nations on earth to dwell in Jerusalem God’s City. David is chosen by Yahweh root of Jesse ancestor of Jesus Messiah from Israel. God’s Name is imprinted on Israel’s topographic landmark. 20210209_14123520210209_14145420210209_14115120210209_14231720210209_14252220210209_14262220210209_14203920210209_14100315666400248286791627505959410494 downloadfile-17315637885807343389853556027409122.jpg15637899410812700636766416971846.jpg15637886394025924897482167673895.jpg20210209_14183820210206_14265720210209_15331220210209_153117

City of David’s 12 acre palace is South of Millo Joab extended into Millo and built rest of City. So king Solomon’s Temple on Temple Mount because Solomon had 700 wives and his 300 concubines, 40,000 chariots, horses/men too numerous to fit in City of David, Millo, Akra, Ophel. So Solomon built other residences to accommodate them all. David’s conquest of Jerusalem is in 2 Samuel 5:9 omits details of City of Millo, Akra, Ophel, expanded by Joab mighty chief captain of David. The Jebusite’s taunted David and his men no blind or lame can’t defeat them, infuriated conquered city. 20 David at Baal Perazim defeats them said, “As the waters break out the LORD broke my enemies before me” so the place called Baal Perazim. Philistines abandons idols David and his men carried off. God destroyed all heathen idol worshippers in battle fought by David conquered Jebusites, took idols home. Joshua and Caleb led army conquer Jericho, Jerusalem matched round old walls 7 days 7 times after 40 years Exodus journey returns from slavery in Egypt. Israel lived before in Jerusalem in times of Adam, Noah, Abraham Isaac, Judges in the Canaan land from since Melchizedek. Jesus predicted Temple will be destroyed ruined Israel’s Salemland of Jews, exiled. Abraham offered Isaac on Mount Moriah Temple Mount in Genesis 22:19 and the LORD provided. David bought threshing floor built altar for God to stop plague in Jerusalem. David’s kingdom is divided after Solomon’s son insulted elders but its God who tore it from Solomon for his idolatory.20210212_191117

templeJerusalem-in-the-time-if-Jesusjerusalem_nt_-planTemple built in 515 B.C.E. replaced the ones destroyed by Babylonians. Temple’s support staff maintains buildings renovated by King Herod who reigned 37–4 B.C.E his architects used the Jewish, Eastern, Greek and Roman features. Herod doubled the size of Temple Mount creating largest temple complex in Roman world. Reorganized courts in sizable area for Gentile visitors and Jewish women. Temple’s pilgrimage site for Jews in Roman world some travel to celebrate this festivals of the Passover (Pesach) or Weeks (Shavout), Booths (Sukkot). And annual half-shekel tax supported Temple elites gains economically from people on pilgrimage. Archaeological excavation reveal lavish residence, frescoed walls, mosaic floors, imported pots, dishes and luxury goods. City structured around 2 hills of east Temple Mount due to the Gihon Spring source of water and western Mount Zion. Jerusalem south territory beyond Old City’s present walls dates before 1500s City expands northwards in the first century C.E. Agrippa I, Herodian dynasty constructed wall 450 meters north. A Jewish historian Josephus said Herod built a theater in city amphitheater, hippodrome, stadium for horse racing in 60s C.E. in Jewish War 2.44, & Antiquities 15.268 & 17.254-55. On Herod’s death 4 B.C, son Archelaus succeeded him. Roman emperor Augustus exiled in 6 C.E. Roman governor appoints procurator or prefect controlling Jerusalem and rest of Judaea. Apart from 3 year period (41–44 C.E.) rule by Agrippa I city under direct Romans until the Great Revolt (66–70 C.E.). Uprising led to City’s destruction and the Temple as Jesus warns. Archaeological excavations of ruined home of a Roman legion 130 C.E Hadrian’s Roman Aelia in Capitolina city exiled Jews to Rome and other places. After the Exodus crossing of Jordan Israel settled in the land the LORD God gave them for inheritance to give rest from enemies around to live safely. 11 This is the place the LORD God has CHOSEN as DWELLING for HIS NAME. Here HE commands the burnt offerings, sacrifices, tithe, special gift, possession vows brought to the LORD. 12 And rejoice before the LORD God you and your sons, daughters, fe/male servants and Levites in your towns who have no allotment or inheritance of their own. 13 Donot sacrifice your burnt offering anywhere. 14 Offer them at this place the LORD CHOSE for your tribes here observe everything Yahweh Elohim Adonai commanded’s history shows attacked 52 times, captured and recaptured 44 times, besieged 23 times, destroyed twice. The oldest parts of city settled in 4th BC Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world. Holy City’s central position is Yahweh’s Dwelling since 5,000 year’s inhabited history. Jewish history is important to Jewish descendants of Isaac chosen son of Abraham. Yahweh CHOSE Isaac’s descendants to restore tribes of Jacob and Israel back to their Canaan land. Moses took people of Israel to meet God to receive law at Mount Sinai. The purpose of the Exodus from Egypt is Israel received God’s instruction as God’s role model nation to serve God. On mountain given 10 commandments for Israel in Exodus 3:12. God chose Israel in theocracy Covenant HIS special treasure [segulah] among God’s people on earth BELONGS to Yahweh in Exodus 19:3,5. Israel is the light for Gentile salvation to reach ends of earth in Isaiah 49:6. Israel is the apple of God eyes Jesus a Jew is Saviour of mankind. The LORD HIMSELF gave the SIGN a virgin will conceive bear son called Immanuel in Isaiah 7:14. Immanuel means God with us child born to us a son the government on His shoulders His name called wonderful counselor, Mighty God, everlasting father, prince of peace in Isaiah 9:6. Archaeological evidence shows old settlement restablished near Gihon Spring between 4500–3500 BC. City in 2000 BC record in Rusalimum root name Salem is “peace” Shalom in Hebrew. The Canaanite Kingdom is preceded by Adam and Eve to Abraham, Judges led people under twelve tribes of Jacob Israel. Ancient Bible map archaeology evidence shows 17th century BCE, Canaanites built massive huge walls of 4- 5 ton boulders 26 feet high in east Jerusalem protect ancient water system. And by 1550–1400 BC Jerusalem vassal to Egypt Ahmose 1 Thutmose, reunited Egypt expanded into Levant. Egypt’s region in decline 12th century BCE, 1178 BCE Rameses 111 sea people were in decline.


jerichoIsrael exiled lost power given independent kingdoms in region. Jerusalem in Canaan in Abraham’s time city of Jericho in Joshua and Caleb defeated Jebus/ite  inhabitants but not whole city after exodus descendants Jacob’s time. David and Joab conquered Jerusalem later after Caleb and Joshua broke the wall fortifying City. The 12 sons tribes of Jacob or Israel names on Canaanland. They returned after the Cannan famine forced Abraham to move twice into Egypt with Sarah. In fear of his life told kings Sarah is his sister but God protected them given lots of gold wealth and servants. Joseph lived in Egypt from Canaan famine took Jacob and whole family of 70 to into Egypt as Joseph was Prime Minster. The Hebrews in multiplied in millions after 400 years enslaved to depopulate them fails they increased. Exploited cried to God Moses sent to deliver them from Pharaoh’s hands after plagues. Hebrews return to their ancestral land Canaan with Jacob and Joseph’s bones buried in Canaan Israel. God told Joshua to allocate Canaanland to Jacob’s tribe sons in Israel. Before Judges ruled with 12 tribe’s 70 elders led by Moses as father in – law Jethro advised. Back to Canaan without Moses they were led by Joshua and Caleb in tribal lands in Canaan. Tribe named lands in Bible map. map-12_Tribes-rm-g-02After settling back in Canaan Israel’s people copied idol worship offends Yahweh though warned they will be exiled if they disobey so God’s warnings the Assyrians, Babylonians, Romans exiled them destroyed Canaanland.  Despite rebuilding Temples on return from many exiles the Romans in 70 AD controlled Jerusalem. Jews driven out over a thousand years city in ruins old Temple ruins remain proof of Israel’s ancient history before exile. Enemies occupied their land refused to give back with profit like 2 Kings 8:33. At end of seven years a woman returned after famine ends in the land of Philistines to see the king got back her house and land. But occupiers refuse to acknowledge the history of ancient Israel chosen by God through Isaac’s tribe or Jacob’s son Judah for KING Jesus on David’s throne in God’s theocratic state. So God will return to live in Israel after Jesus millennial reign in Israel. Jesus’ Temple in Ezekiel will be built on Temple Mount. Angel measured City in Revelation Temple in Revelation 6 so City 12,000 stadia, 1400 miles long, wide and high wall 200 feet thick. Ezekiel’s distance of city is 18,000 cubits, 27,000 feet less than 5.2 miles. God’s earthquake will destroy Temple Mount as in the past to level it to build Jesus Temple. God said throne of David as sceptre will not depart in Jesus Christ. People find it was old site former Temple of Solomon and Herod’s in 70 AD destroyed by thenRomans, and fulfilled Christ’s prophecy no stone left standing. Eradicate many thousand’s years history to conceal Israel belongs to Yahweh but God defeats all 200000000 army fighting Israel to rebuild New Temple. Land of Israel belongs to Jews before the time of Judges or David’s rule. Israel did not start in 1948 they returned after thousands of years in exile by conquest of their land. In Nehemiah 1:8- 10 God commanded Moses, “If unfaithful will be scattered among nations 9 If returns to keep commandments to RETURN from the farthest places regathered as Israel CHOSEN to ESTABLISH GOD’S NAME.” 11 God’s people redeemed to show God’s GREAT POWER STRONG HANDS delivered them.74876099691ac0a48ad32302acffe57eancientjerusalem_openbible-orgOver 3000 years Jews were killed, expelled from their land people want to rebuild God’s Temple on Temple Mount. Israel settled here for centuries lost temples in ancient maps is in original Bible. City of David God chose for Israel’s Holy City 36-acre Temple Mount but occupied since 692 A.D. by conquest in 638 A.D. Built on top of huge foundations more than 2 thousand years ago. King David plans to build a Temple for God because he dwelt in palace as God’s presence Dwelt in the Ark in tabernacle. God told David Solomon build Temple David prepared building materials, gathered already, Solomon’s Temple was too grand to fit in small premises of City of King David’s palace, wives concubines, Solomon’s palace, stables plus new Solomon’s Temple. David God used powerfully bought Temple Mount place for God’s Temple, king David’s palace on smaller hill. So original Temple Mount was destroyed by Romans. The  whole city belongs to lsrael after conquest of Jebusites by David. Its only the poor, lame, old Romans let stay in Israel to tend city.  King David knows God’s head is highest above all its best David gave to God. Enemies try to erase 4,000 years evidence so turn Holy of Holies to toilet and rubbish tips against God. Evidence proves removing abomination of desolation sacrilege in God Yahweh Temple will be done by earthquakes, hailstones, comets, meteorites  shake, burn third of city, trees by wildfires. The war of Armageddon led by Jesus settles Temple Mount conflicts all nations fight against over in vain. Jesus KING OF Kings and LORD OF Lords has mens hearts in HIS hands. God appoints and removes kings restores Israel whole.20210205_173914jpeg20210205_17382920210205_174217



20210205_17415120210205_173741rusaders 1,000 years ago used the Temple Mount as Temple Dominion Temple of God. Solomon’s Temple Babylonians destroyed in 586 B.C lesser temples. And Herod’s Temple, Roman Titus destroyed in 70 A.D. so Temple Mount structure is Herod’s Temple. Temple  Jews Temple Mount source of conflict leads to Armageddon war Holy Site war is fierce few people left alive in Israel God removes the abomination desolation sacrilege on the Temple Mount 200,000,000 army Yahweh will defeat by earthquakes flatten grounds to build Ezekiel’s Jesus Temple. Bible confirms City of David Zion is a small 12-acre area excavated of 600 feet south of the Temple Mount above City of David near Jerusalem Wall’s National Park. Solomon’s Temple design is too large to fit 12 acre City of David. Solomon’s palace building as Queen of Sheba desrcibed. History shows conqueror usurp land stamp out old landmark tries to wipe past staring at guilty consciences. Artifacts, monuments destroyed, try to erase memory of past. Permissive will of God’s allow humiliation for a punishment for a season for rejecting Jesus following baalim. David and his men collected idols of enemy taken home part of reason God destroyed their enemy. Victory overshadowed by idols God hates. Solomon’s wive’s built idol temples sacrificed children to Molech in God’s Temple. Temple Mount scholars and archaeologists agree structure of Solomon’s Temple in 1 Kings 6:3–5 building, hekhal sanctuary devir inner sanctuary, Holy of holies building, outer altar sacrifices inside far end entry to Holy of Holies contains Ark of Covenant. Hekhal contains sacred ritual seven candlesticks menorah inner altar for incense offering on Golden Altar table of showbread. Layout of Temple in synagogues lead to hekhal in Sephadi Ashkenazi Torah ark or nave. Ulam porch entrance of Temple on east i  1 Kings 6:3; 2 Chronicle 3:4; 9:7. Its 20 cubits long, width Temple 10 cubits deep in 1 Kings 6:3; 2 Chronicles 3:4 porch 120 cubits high. Porch stood two pillars of Jachin and Boaz 1 Kings 7:21; 2 Kings 11:14; 23:3 is 18 cubits in height. Chambers built around Temple on southern, western and northern sides in 1 Kings 6:5–10 form part of building for storage. Two courts surrounding Temple, Inner Court in 1 Kings 6:36 Court of priests in 2 Chronicles 4:9 stone wall of 3 courses of hewn stone, surmounted by cedar beams in 1 Kings 6:36. Contain Altar of burnt offering  in 2 Chronicles 15:8, brazen lavers 4:2–5, 10 in 1 Kings 7:38, 39. A brazen altar before the Temple in 2 Kings16:14 20 cubits square and 10 cubits high in 2 Chronicles 4:1. The Great Court surrounds whole Temple 2 Chronicles. 4:9 people assembled there to worship God in Jeremiah 19:14; 26:2. Molten Sea Brazen Sea ים מוצק cast metal large basin in Temple for ablution of priests in 1 Kings 7:23-26 and 2 Chronicles 4:2-5 stood in south-east corner of inner court five cubits high, ten cubits in diameter from brim to brim, thirty cubits in circumference. Brim “like calyx of lily” turns outward a hand breadth four inches. Placed on backs of twelve oxen stands with faces outward. Contains 2,000 baths of 90 cubic meters in Chronicles (2 Chr. 4:5–6 holds up to 3,000 baths of 136 cubic meters for the purification immersion of bodies of priests. A wash basin was too large to enter water is flowed from into subcontainer beneath. The water supplied by Gibeonites later conduit from Solomon’s pools. Molten sea brass or or bronze Solomon took from the captured cities of Haderezer king of Zobah in Bible in 1 Chronicles 18:8. Ahaz took a laver of oxen put on stone pavement in 2 Kings 16:17 was destroyed by Chaldeans 2 Kings 25:13. Laver held forty baths in 1 Kings 7:38 and rests on portable holders of bronze with wheels and ornamented figures lions, cherubims, palm-trees in 1 Kings 7:27–37. Josephus wrote of vessels in Temple of orichalcum in Antiquity of Jews. In 1 Kings 7:48  stood before Holy of Holies a golden altae of incense and a table for showbread Table of gold 5 candlesticks implements care of candles, tongs, basins, snuffers, fire-pans of gold; gold hinge doors. Temple of Solomon within City of David so City of Millo under David chosen location of bigger temple. Greeks defiled God’s Temple with god Maccabees took Temple back. The Romans kept it 300 years built a barrack top of foundation. Deliberate destruction is the vandalism of sacred sanctuary desecration abomination desolation sacrilege of God’s Holy place of worship armies erase symbols of past. Solomon’s Temple in 1 Kings 8:10-66; 2 Chronicles 6:1-43 dedicated. Priests from Holy of holies place Ark there Temple filled with God’s cloud in dedication ceremony revealed presence of God.  For the GLORY of the LORD fills HOUSE of the LORD i  1 Kings 8:10–11; 2 Chronicles 5:13, 14. And Solomon saw God cloud proof of pious work accepted by God. The LORD said that HE will dwell in thick darkness I built exalted HOUSE for you to Dwell in forever in 1 Kings 8:12-13. Solomon led assembly of Israel in prayer for construction of temple fulfill God’s promise to David. Temple place of prayer reconciles all people of Israel and foreigners living in Israel. God lives in heavens not contained in a single building. Dedication and sacrifices  include twenty-two thousand bulls, hundred and twenty thousand sheep. 1 Kings 8:22-43 IMG-20180207-WA0000

Solomon’s Prayer of Dedication

22 Solomon stood before altar of the LORD in front of whole assembly of Israel, spread his hands toward heaven 23 said LORD, the God of Israel, there is no GOD like you in the heavens above or on earth below. YOU keep YOUR covenant of LOVE with your servants. YOU keep YOUR promise to David my father promised fulfilled today. 25 Oh LORD God of Israel keep your servant David my father’s promises YOU made and said, YOU will have successor sit before me on throne of Israel if your descendants is careful in all they, walk faithfully. God of Israel let YOUR word YOU promised your servant David my father is true. 27 God YOU don’t dwell on the earth or heavens highest heaven cannot contain you. How much less this temple built 28 Yet give attention to YOUR  servant’s prayer and plea for mercy LORD God. Hear cry and prayer of YOUR servant praying in your presence this day. 29 May YOUR eyes open toward Temple night and day in place YOU said, ‘My NAME  will here hear prayers YOUR servants prays in this place. 30 Hear supplications of YOUR  servant and people Israel when they pray to YOU hear from heaven YOUR dwelling place and forgive. 31 If anyone wrongs neighbour to take and swear oath before YOUR altar in Temple 32 Hear from heaven and act. Hear YOUR servants, deal with guilty to vindicate innocent in accordance with innocence. 33 When your people Israel defeated by enemy by sin against YOU turn back to praise YOUR name, pray, make supplications in Temple, 34 Hear from heaven and forgive sin of your people Israel bring them back to land YOU gave their ancestors in YOUR COVENANT. 35 If heaven is shut so there is no rain because the people sin when they pray in this place and praise YOUR  NAME and turn sin YOU afflict on them. 36 Hear from heaven, forgive sins of your servants and people Israel. Teach us right way to live, send rain on land YOU gave YOUR people for inheritance. 37 If famine, plagues come on land, blight, mildew, locusts grasshoppers, enemy besieges in cities, disaster or disease 39 When prayer is made by YOUR people Israel for afflictions in their hearts spread their hands to Temple hear in heaven your dwelling place. 40 Forgive if they fear YOU in the land YOU gave our ancestors. 41 If a foreigner is in Israel land of YOUR NAME 42 hear YOUR GREAT NAME and MIGHTY hand stretch arm and answer prayers. 43 Hear in heaven YOUR dwelling place do as foreigner asks so all people of earth will know YOUR NAME and fear YOU like YOUR  people Israel in this house bearing YOUR Name. Jesus will return KING in Second Coming and reign on king David’s throne in Jerusalem. God will come down in the New Jerusalem to dwell among mankind in HIS Holy City. God says  HIS COVENANT with Israel STANDS forever as day and night; heaven and earth remain, descendants of David God’s servant will rule over descendants of Abraham, Isaac Jacob in Israel. God RESTORES HIS COMPASSION on Israel in Jeremiah 33:25-26. In Ezekiel 36:33-38 the LORD God when Israel is clean from all iniquities will cause you to dwell in the city wastes rebuilt. 34 The desolate land tilled in the sight of all passing by. 35 This land that was desolate will become garden of Eden so the wasted desolate ruined cities  fenced and inhabited. 36 The heathen left around will know I the LORD rebuilt ruined places desolate  I the LORD said it and I will do it. 37 The LORD God will be enquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them. I will increase them with men like a flock. 38 The holy flock of Jerusalem in the solemn feasts  refill rebuilt cities of men they shall know I am the LORD.