Jesus said evil unseen before or after will take place on earth in Mathew 24:21. That time of great tribulation birthpang distress oppression has never occurred since the beginning of the world until now or again after. 22 If the days of tribulation are not cut short no human life will be saved. But for the sake of God’s elect chosen ones those days will be shortened. 23 If they say look here or there is Christ, don’t believe  them. 24 False Christs and prophets will do great signs and wonders deceiving people if possible even elect God’s chosen ones. 25 I tell you if they say, look He is in the wilderness don’t go there 26 or He is in inner room of a house do not believe it. 27 As lightning comes from the east flashing in the west so is the coming of the Son of Man all will see Him. Jesus will come from heaven in Rapture in clouds and rescue the elect in Christ alive into heaven. Jesus again returns later on a white horse with all saints to Mt Olives for Armageddon war in Israel to defeat God’s enemies. Jesus will reign as Messiah King of Kings and LORD of Lords physically on earth.


They say peace peace but a sudden destruction in Bible in 2 Thessalonians 5:3. Like unexpected birth pang pains of the pregnant woman in labour be ready as nobody knows exact time, day or hour Jesus comes in Rapture. Bible warns wars and rumours of wars not the endtime so people relax, enjoy life don’t worry about the future after life. This mindset sees conflict danger as doom and gloom negative ideas. People told ignore uncomfortable threat enjoy good times. Some go to great lengths telling people to get on with their life not to listen to God’s warning truths on endtimes. They put their hands in their ears not to listen see conflicts as normal part of life. Don’t recognize true prophetic and significant events of conflict as endtime signs. It triggers a negative reaction, people take sides with nations persecute others. The Bible says endtime conflicts involves people attacking others for no reason. God’s plans to regenerate earth changind things is taking place in all nations. Some try to defeat God’s plan using hatred to try to destroy other people but God wins. In the past God destroyed earth in Noah’s flood like Sodom and Gomorrah God destroys people and rebuilds earth. Do not be deceived by people who say sword of God and Jesus is metaphor not real killing to eliminate evil people. In 21st century media wars, ideological wars, proxy war, economic wars dominate but all the resources belong to Yahweh. Some attempt to destroy others persecuted intensifying to second coming of Christ on earth. These conflicts persists make money for war mongers. Bible says terrible conflicts in the whole world against Israel in Tribulation because God has chosen Israel out of all nations as role model. God says if you obey ME and keep MY Covenant out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. The whole earth is MINE you will My kingdom of priests as a holy nation in Exodus 19:5-6. Under authority of God means to obey HIS laws as a spokesperson for HIS kingdom to show pagan nations how God wants people to live. Jewish people in God’s Covenant through Messiah Jesus are instructed, blessed to save the whole world. People come under authority of God as Jews and Gentiles as HIS children. As the chosen people, a royal priesthood and holy nation are God’s special possession to declare HIS praises. After calling you out of darkness to HIS marvellous light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in 1 Peter 2:9 to share the good news with all nations. Some people lack knowledge of God’s wrath in the Great Tribulations “time of Jacob’s trouble” in Jeremiah 30:7. In Revelations 9:4 God commands angels not to hurt the grass or trees until those chosen are SEALED ON FOREHEADS WITH GOD’S SEAL. So anyone not sealed are to be destroyed including one third of grass, trees and one third unsealed people, God wants to wake people up. In Matthew 24:24 God says elect can be deceived if not discerning all humans will die if God doesn’t SHORTEN the evil days on earth. People must know these truths in the Bible in Jesus Name. Revelations 9:4 says:-

“And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

Bible says endtime Jews return to Israel in Deuteronomy 30:3; Isaiah 43:6; Ezekiel 34:11-13; 36:24; 37:1-14. So 8 million Jews returned since 1948 with many more arriving. The antiChrist’s 7 year peace treaty with Israel broken in Isaiah 28:18; Daniel 9:27. New temple is rebuilt in Jerusalem in Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; Revelation 11:1. So antiChrist breaks covenant with Israel in a worldwide persecution of Israel in Daniel 9:27; 12:1, 11; Zechariah 11:16; Matthew 24:15, 21; Revelation 12:13. Antisemitism is rampart in most parts of the world. Israel is invaded in Ezekiel 38-39 after Armageddon battle but Jesus will defeat Israel’s enemies in His second coming physically on earth. 144,000 Jews and two witnesses will evangelise Israel to be saved recognizes Jesus as Messiah they waited for in Zechariah 12:10. Israel will be regenerated, restored regathered in Jeremiah 33:8; Ezekiel 11:17; Romans 11:26. Israel is persecuted by the enemies in hatred ending in an ultimate war in Matthew 24:15-21. Jesus said, “Watch out no one deceives you…You will hear of wars and rumours of wars but don’t be alarmed. These things will happen but the end is not near in Matthew 24:4-6. It was 2000 years ago Jesus told the people don’t worry about endtimes but a lot happened in the world since then. Nobody knows the exact time or season Jesus will come in Rapture it is necessary to warn people don’t ignore global changes taking place. Jesus said He does not know when He will come but it is when nobody expects Him, watch out. The most important thing tell people to prepare for Jesus’ coming not take life for granted enjoy life but aware change happening in Bible. Whether atheist or un/believer impact is global. They say peace peace but sudden destruction in 2 Thessalonians 5:3. Many are surprised like birth pang pains of a pregnant woman in labour unexpectedly. Be ready for nobody knows exact time, day or hour. In 2 Corinthians 5:8 absent from the body present with the LORD in heaven. In Philippians 1:23-25 to live is Christ to die is gain. Bible says the soul that sins shall die in Ezekiel 18. But the gift of God is eternal life. After death a body returns to dust in Genesis 3:19. Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 death is ‘asleep’ till Day of the LORD those dead in Christ to receive glorified bodies in first resurrection’s Rapture in 1 Corinthians 15. Philippians 1:23-25 says absence from body present with the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven. 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 affirms Spirit soul taken out of body in 2 Corinthians 5:8 is alive so never dies. Death does not end in a dematerialised nothing. Spirit soul breath from the living God never dies. As Jesus said if anyone is in Christ if they die yet shall live in Jesus Name. Spiritual death is being cut off from God to perish but God does not want anyone to perish in Jesus Name. So reflect on your life and the changing events globally affecting you be in the know and make informed Godly wisdom choice.


Jesus said, the GREAT TRIBULATION in Matthew 24:21-22 destroys unless those days SHORTENED no flesh will live but for ELECT’S sake the days will be SHORTENED. 23 If anyone says Christ is here or there don’t follow them 24 There will arise false Christs and false prophets showing great signs and wonders. 25 If possible they will deceive the VERY ELECT. 26 If they say Jesus Christ is in the desert don’t go there or in a secret chamber don’t believe them. 27 As the lightning comes from the east and shines in the west so is the coming of Son of man. 28 Where the carcase is the eagles gather to eat flesh. 29 Immediately after the TRIBULATION of those days the Sun will darken the moon not give light. The stars fall from heaven and powers of the heavens are shaken. 30 Then will APPEAR the SIGN of the Son of man Jesus from heaven. And all tribes of earth will mourn when they see Son of man COMING in clouds from heaven with POWER and GREAT GLORY. 31 He will send His angels with great sound of trumpet to gather His ELECT from four corners under heavens. Jesus RETURNS FROM HEAVEN with saints on WHITE HORSES to earth to fight ARMAGEDDON battle to remove antiChrist from God’s Temple. Jesus in His New Temple reigns 1000 years on earth in millennial reign physically in Jerusalem, Israel. This GREAT TRIBULATION in Daniel 12:1 is time of great distress unseen since all nations begun. Jesus warns people in Matthew 24:21. Is GREAT TRIBULATION in Jeremiah 30:7 and the DAY of Jacob’s GREAT DISTRESS of the nation of Israel, persecuted. Natural disasters, floods, volcanoes earthquakes, wildfires, plagues, asteroids, stars, meteors fall destroying people and trees. Jesus said evil unseen before or after take place after Rapture then GREAT TRIBULATIONS begins. And ARMAGEDDON war is THE DAY of God Almighty Jehovah’s wrath in Revelation 16:14 16; Isaiah 13:9; 2 Peter 3:​12. As Zephaniah 1:​18; 2 said so in Thessalonians 1:​6-​10 Jesus kills the beast, false prophet, antiChrist/s and wicked people in Revelation 19:19-​21. In John 16:33 Jesus said to believers in the world you have TRIBULATIONS but be of good cheer if you are IN CHRIST Jesus gives you PEACE of God to overcame the world.