G0D’S P0WER PASS all powers

God’s POWER is Greater than all the powers on earth and in the spiritual realms. God is angry people prefer lesser powers deceiving them, not to submit to HIM. God’s POWER in the Bible is seen many times. God demands loyalty from all to choose to serve God not to serve baal, asherah or any other idol gods.

1. The LORD told Gideon, “Take your father’s bull and bull seven years old, break images and cut down groves. Burn graven images with fire in Judges 6:25. God told Gideon to destroy idol grove shrines and so he got the victory over his enemies. Don’t destroy gods if not a deliverance minister told by God to do so. Worship God in Spirit and in Truth in Jesus Name and pray for your family for God to open their eyes and save them.

2. Aaron’s staff swallowed up the magician’s staffs as Pharaoh’s heart became hardened not to listen to Moses in Exodus 7:8-13. And he and his army perished in red sea as they tried copying them crossing over to Canaan.

3. Jacob brought his family back to Canaan and God called him to build altar in Genesis 35:1. Jacob took away family idols, trinkets Rachel took from her father’s pagan images collection and buried them under a tree in Genesis 35:4. Jacob sanctified space to build altar to honour and worship God alone.

4. Samuel warned Eli, son’s sins against God taking meat before sacrifice to God cost all Israel to lose in war. Hophni and Phinehas slept with women in temple prostitution. So God’s anger raged but ignored warning the whole nation is punished. They carried Ark of God into the temple of Dagon and placed it beside idol Dagon. In 1 Samuel 4:8 Eli fell and broke his neck at the news of defeat in battle by Philistines. Heavily pregnant wife of priest Hophi died in childbirth. Hophni and Phinehas died as Philistines seized ark of Covenant put in dagon shrine. In Samuel 5:4-6, Philistines found dagon idol is broken on ground before the ark of the LORD, head and hands broken off lying on the floor in Ashdod. Whole nation’s idolatry led to God’s judgement and punishment by God’s enemy.

5. Saul consulted banned witch of Endor in 1 Samuel 28:6-14 before battle. Abandoned by God for rebellious arrogance didn’t do God’s will so rejected as king the Spirit of God left him. Saul banned witches but in desperation disguised himself to seek help for outcome of battle. The witch called spirit imitating Samuel told him he will die in battle. The witch recognised Saul but she insists on feeding Saul so cooked for him. He ate at the devil’s table but is servant of God, Saul and Jonathan died and Isreal defeated.

6. David took idols from battle to his home when Phillistines abandoned their idols in battle. David and his men took idols when Philistines took ark of God to dagon’s shrine in 2 Samuel 5:21. In 1 Samuel 19 its David’s wife Michal who dressed idol in bed escape from king Saul her father. In Hosea 1-3 God told Hosea to marry Gomer wife of prophet.  Hosea’s harlot wife a prostitute and a whore was unfaithful wife. Yahweh told Hosea to marry a wife to show Israel’s unfaithfulness to God. Many times God rescues HIS people who prefer to devote love and attention to a creature or idol images hurts God so much.

7. Solomon’s wives had idols in God’s Holy Temple disobey God. Solomon’s numerous women convinced him to turn to idolatry of pagan gods. So for gods diana and minerva Solomon built the dedicated temple outside Jerusalem, where his wives and concubines burn incense offered sacrifices in 1 Kings 11:7-8. In I Timothy 4:13 Solomon’s heathen wives turned his heart from God to idol worship. Solomon built magnificent Temple to God allowed idols into God’s Holy Temple.8. Priests worship sun, moon and star gazing turned their back to God’s Temple in Ezekiel 8:16-18. Turned their face to the sun, moon and host of heaven God forbids. Put images in Temple’s inner sacred spaces only priests entered to defile Holy of Holies priests were killed and burnt to ashes. Ezra 9-10 priests, Levites who married heathen Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians, Amorites. 2 Heathen pollute Godly Holy seed if not converted. 3 All who fear God of Israel because of sin sat with Ezra to 4 evening burnt offering. 5 Ezra stood before the LORD God and fell on knees lifted hands to the LORD 6 I am ashamed to lift up my face for sin guilts high as heavens. 7. Sin of kings and priests cause the heathen kings to capture and rob them. 8 After exile and slavery shown love and mercy 9 a king of Persia help them rebuilt Temple of God in Jerusalem walled city in Judah. 10 Abandon and break God’s laws 11 the prophets warn but filled with corruption. 12 God to prosper nation 14 to STOP anger to destroy remnant 15 The LORD God of Israel forgives. 10 Men, women, children cried 2 For sin against God 3 agreed to divorce pagan wives sent away with children follows command to fear and obey the law of God 4 And set things straight with leaders, priests, Levites people of Israel 5 did as Shecaniah said 6 Jehohanan refused food, drinks, mourning because of sin. 7-8 so leaders, elders disinherit, excommunicated from Israel. 9 On fifth December the tribes of Judah, Benjamin 10 Ezra priest 11 Confess sin did God’s demands 12 separate heathen 12 As God said 13 to stop sinf. 14 The leaders tried heathen cases with elders and judges to stop wrath of God. 15 Jonathan Asahel’s son and Jahzeiah Tikvah’s son Meshullam, Shabbethai Levite disagreed. 16-19 Leaders, judges worked December 15 to March 15. So the priests married to heathen wives gave guilt offering of ram sacrifices. In Ezra 10:9 fifth December is twentieth of ninth month Hebrew calendar. In Judges Delilah – Dalila, is Samson’s love traitor in Judges 16. So the Philistine bribed her to trap Samson coaxed to reveal secret of his strength Nazirite long hair was deceived betrayed to enemies died9. Elijah calls God’s fire from heaven defeats idols of Jezebel in a Carmel contest because they served idols. Elijah reminded Israel of loyalty to God to serve God alone. Not to mix God’s Holiness with idol worship because it led Israel into exile as God’s punishment. He killed 950 baal prophets but Elijah felt alone he didn’t know 700 loyal Prophets of God in Israel. Elijah was frightened and frustrated by threats of Jezebel gave up job so went to heaven alive in God’s golden fire chariot.

10. Carved images of idols Manasseh set in house of God angered God in 2 Chronicles 33:7. Manasseh repented and burnt idols. Leviticus 10:1-20 Aaron sons priests made sacrifice uncalled for so Nadab, Abihu died. Aaron’s two other sons Eleazar and Ithamar lived. In 1 Kings 13 the LORD’S lion mauled prophet. The LORD sent for his body thrown on road with donkey and lion standing near it. Its a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God in the pulpit or pew. Paul did not want to save others to perish. God stops rebellion against Moses so earth swallowed Korach’s accomplices and family. As Miriam turned leprous against Zipporah Moses for a black wife God is so POWERFUL so fear God, study the bible, pray, love, forgive people.

11. Blood of bulls, goats will not save you in Hebrews 9:12–10:4. The blood of goats and calves in 9:4, blood of goats and bulls (9:13) blood of calves and goats (9:19) and blood of bulls and goats in (10:4) does not save a person from sin permanently. It works for a while is repeated again and again by person from generation to generation in bondage.

12. Jesus ULTIMATE BLOOD ALONE VALUED by God for salvation into eternal life for the Christians. GOD’S POWER IS GREATER than the pastor’s power. The widow of a prophet told Elisha, ‘Your servant’ my husband died and a creditor came to take my two children as slaves.’ Prophet colleague of Elisha God’s servant’s death left his wife destitute in 2 Kings 4:1-7. Elisha helped the widow sell oil to pay off husband’s debt and saved their children. 4 The prophet could ask Elisha before death for help but didn’t in fear of gossip or shame nearly lost their children. Do not let pride stop you from seeking help as a leader or pastor. Jesus loves and cares about people so feeds people in Matthew 14:3-12; Mark 6:30-40; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:13 had twelve and seven baskets leftovers the 3,000, 5,000 to 10,000 includes women and children. Jesus hates wasting food so share your food with others. God chose Jesus the way, the truth and the life to redeem us from sin. God is a jealous God will not share HIS GLORY with anyone. God is changing things in the world shaking people to wake up to make a choice before its too late. Repent on your knees in tears to God ask for HIS mercy for your life, family, loved, nations, enemies. God is angered by mankind’s rejection of HIM is restructuring the world to destroy those who reject Jesus. All who accept God will be saved in eternal life in heaven. Make sure you accept Jesus as personal saviour by praying: Father God please forgive my sins in Jesus Name. Wash me with the BLOOD of Jesus and destroy evil idols in my life and in my family and nation in Jesus Name. Thank you Father God for forgiving me, help me to serve you alone in Jesus Name. In Christ, “you are more than conquerors through Him that loved us” says Romans 8:37 and rejoice in our Saviour who makes all things possible in Philippians 4:13. In Christ you are loved, forgiven and secure. In Christ you are adopted justified, restored, redeemed, reconciled, chosen. In Christ you are victorious, filled with joy, peace, granted true eternal life in Rapture. You return with Jesus in His Second Coming to Mount Olives Jerusalem Israel to Reign on earth. What a wonderful Saviour Christ is! It is privilege to serve God in Christ. Amen. As John 20:21-23 says Jesus told disciples, “Peace be with you! As Father God Yahweh sent me I send you to preach and teach Gospel in all nations. Start from Jersusalem to all uttermost parts of the world. Jesus breathed on them said, Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them they are not forgiven. All believers are share Good News of salvation in Christ. God forgives all washed in Jesus blood so believe Jesus is the Son of God to be saved in Christ.

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