Knowing God’s will is the greatest blessing in your life the Creator of the universe loves you. God cares about you so has your best interest at heart. Love and trust God because you do not know everything going on in your life. God works through the Holy Spirit behind the scenes in your favour to answer you in HIS own time. Understand HIS ways and thoughts are better than yours so rely on HIM. Don’t try to figure God out or second guess HIM. Read the Bible to get to know God better. God talks to you so listen to HIS VOICE HIS WORDS in HIS Bible and through Christ Jesus of Nazareth. God helps you through HIS HOLY SPIRIT guidelines to give you wisdom. Trust the HOLY SPIRIT to teach you and lead you into God’s truth to set you free indeed in Jesus Name. God knows more than all humans who ever lived combined. Man is limited in thinking rely more on God and have CONFIDENCE in God. Respect and value people’s inputs check it with God’s WORD and HOLY Spirit in Jesus Name.

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