Jesus said, the GREAT TRIBULATION in Matthew 24:21-22 destroys unless those days SHORTENED no flesh will live but for ELECT’S sake the days will be SHORTENED. 23 If anyone says Christ is here or there don’t follow them 24 There will arise false Christs and false prophets showing great signs and wonders. 25 If possible they will deceive the VERY ELECT. 26 If they say Jesus Christ is in the desert don’t go there or in a secret chamber don’t believe them. 27 As the lightning comes from the east and shines in the west so is the coming of Son of man. 28 Where the carcase is the eagles gather to eat flesh. 29 Immediately after the TRIBULATION of those days the Sun will darken the moon not give light. The stars fall from heaven and powers of the heavens are shaken. 30 Then will APPEAR the SIGN of the Son of man Jesus from heaven. And all tribes of earth will mourn when they see Son of man COMING in clouds from heaven with POWER and GREAT GLORY. 31 He will send His angels with great sound of trumpet to gather His ELECT from four corners under heavens. Jesus RETURNS FROM HEAVEN with saints on WHITE HORSES to earth to fight ARMAGEDDON battle to remove antiChrist from God’s Temple. Jesus in His New Temple reigns 1000 years on earth in millennial reign physically in Jerusalem, Israel. This GREAT TRIBULATION in Daniel 12:1 is time of great distress unseen since all nations begun. Jesus warns people in Matthew 24:21. Is GREAT TRIBULATION in Jeremiah 30:7 and the DAY of Jacob’s GREAT DISTRESS of the nation of Israel, persecuted. Natural disasters, floods, volcanoes earthquakes, wildfires, plagues, asteroids, stars, meteors fall destroying people and trees. Jesus said evil unseen before or after take place after Rapture then GREAT TRIBULATIONS begins. And ARMAGEDDON war is THE DAY of God Almighty Jehovah’s wrath in Revelation 16:14 16; Isaiah 13:9; 2 Peter 3:​12. As Zephaniah 1:​18; 2 said so in Thessalonians 1:​6-​10 Jesus kills the beast, false prophet, antiChrist/s and wicked people in Revelation 19:19-​21. In John 16:33 Jesus said to believers in the world you have TRIBULATIONS but be of good cheer if you are IN CHRIST Jesus gives you PEACE of God to overcame the world.

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