Jesus said REPENT return to your FIRST LOVE Jesus Christ to worship Yahweh. Deuteronomy 6:5, Matthew 22:37-40, Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27 says love the LORD God with all your heart, soul, mind, strength, is the first commandment. Love the LORD God because God first loved you sent Jesus to die to save you. Love of God is philotheia worship devotion to God alone no other gods. And agape love for people. Jesus taught believers the LORD’S prayer: “Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy WILL be done ON EARTH as it is IN HEAVEN. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation. Deliver us from evil for thine is the Kingdom the power and the GLORY forever and ever Amen. God says pray to ask HIS DESIRE for your life obey HIS plan, business project do HIS WILL. Jesus told disciples to pray to Father God as He prayed first for God’s WILL. At last passover meal Jesus told disciples to eat bread to drink wine to remember Him first thank Father God and forgive. Jesus did WILL of God unto death on the Cross. God’s WILL is done in heaven all submit to HIS SOVEREIGN WILL devil rebelled in heaven with 1/3 angels thrown out. God’s WILL done to FOCUS Gospel IN CHRIST in ALL NATIONS to obey Yahweh ONE TRUE God. Changes taking place brings God’s Kingdom on earth. God will DWELL in New Jerusalem among men fulfill our LORD’S prayer thy Kingdom come on earth. Before communion to examine heart to confess sins and forgive others. Paul said if you don’t do this is weak, sick or die. As Jesus forgives your sins He said do the same obey God’s command. The believer IN CHRIST is under God Almighty’s power and control to obey Father God’s WILL in all things in life. God answers prayers through other people sometimes unaware God chosen them to be HIS blessing to them. The families discuss needs and wants to prioritise budget for members to be able to ensure all bills paid etc. Other people plan logically working out detail to manage finances. Some feel the need to seek an ancestor’s direction for guidance. This issue for born again believers IN CHRIST depend on God’s WILL. Respect, honour, listen to elders to advise in life continue after death to seek their help. But after death cannot consult them for God’s WILL FORBIDS necromancy of talking to the dead. The believer IN CHRIST puts problems in Father God’s hands not consult ancestor or prophet on family matters. Cannot ask ancestor living dead about daily need no more part of the living. God said don’t consult dead they can’t decide for the living. Necromancy in family God forbids said its not dead ancestor talking it is demon speaking to them. Saul consulted witch at Endor and God departed from Saul he died with son Jonathan. Activities in life started by consulting ancestors to give them offerings ruins the families. During sicknesses or deaths, evil spirits suspected; bad dreams experienced; summoned during drought for rain. Offerings made by their sacrifices killing animals, chicken, goat, cow, pig, sheep and living things. In extreme cases a human being’s blood poured on the thronestool, rubbed against fetish object, pole, handkerchief carried about. People think ancestral worship respects, praise, honour God through spirits because they can’t approach God directly. But Jesus said pray to Father God. Jesus taught His disciples to pray to Father God directly and if asking anything, do it in the Name of Jesus Christ. Believers IN CHRIST Jesus told seek guidance from Father God WORDS in Bible NOT dead family members whose Spirit returns to God in heaven. The flesh decays in the grave knows nothing, not wise in the name of ‘culture’ to consult dead ancestor as born again believer IN CHRIST. Jesus said Christian believers must pray to only Father God Almighty if True Church of God. Don’t pray to ancestors or dead prophets out of fear of punishment if not included in their rituals. God hates consulting HIS creatures not GOD the Creator to seek advise and help. God’s says consequences if people seeking ancestors is hellfire. Repent before Rapture for God won’t let you into heaven. God forbids necromancy its offensive to God don’t lose your soul to demons for material things on earth to perish in hellfire. God warns against necromancy consulting dead ancestor rituals practiced in many cultures. You don’t need ritual baths from grove shrine BLOOD of Jesus washes all sins. God’s Living WORDS is powerful and alive SHARPER than a two edged-sword cuts through bones and marrow discerns thoughts. God’s washes idol god filths sprinkled living water Jesus into your stony heart changed into a new heart of flesh to trust Yahweh God. Stop ancestor shrine grove altars dedication in a home or forest to ‘protect’ family. God is Creator of all mankind in HIS own IMAGE and LIKENESS angry offended by necromancy. The devil only comes to steal, kill, destroy but Jesus comes to give you abundant life more abundantly in Jesus Name. Jesus destroys all works of the devil over your life and delivers you from all destruction. It is better to obey God than men repent and reject your name included in ancestral family rituals. It is idol god initiating family members into a devil worship in the name of culture. A strong family bond is taken advantage of during bereavement to dupe family in grief. The family buys animals eaten by witchdoctors consulting dead peoples. Fear of evil spirits as cause of death is exploited to appease ruins family’s live entangled into the satanic blind witchcraft. Shrine groves are filthy places the Holy God’s children polluted by them. Controls presidents or chiefs, heads of families, businesses, wealthy people deceived, enslaved. The villages practicing ancestral knowledge is at enmity with Yahweh says Romans 1:38-33. They serve creatures of nature’s man made traditional religion in social practice values against LIVING God. Elijah says choose to serve LIVING Yahweh God ONLY or follow idol god. Stop hopping into Church between both as double-minded person receives nothing from God. Sarah had Isaac at a 100 year old. Hannah prayed to Yahweh God got son Samuel as Hagar a single mother in desert God provided water. Ruth was a widow God’s mercy provided a husband Obed. Mary a virgin God’s angel sent gave birth to Son Jesus. Jesus prayed to Father God and fed 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fishes so twelve baskets left over. Is there anything too hard for Almighty Yahweh in Jesus Name according to HIS WILL? Jesus said all enter God’s PRESENCE BOLDLY through Jesus BLOOD in Jesus Name. Pray to God Jeremiah 33:3 says call on God HE hears and answers you in Jesus Name in HIS OWN TIME. God unleashes HIS anger wrath on rebellious people; doesn’t want anyone to perish because HE LOVES you. If you reject God, Jesus will perish in hellfire world changing fast repent before too late in Christ Jesus Name. As Jesus LOVES you He will not turn you away He came to save sinners. Repent ask Father God to forgive you in Jesus Name. Read your Bible and obey God’s words. Isaiah 44:15 says firewood for fuel used to cook, warm home carved as idol god is burnt to warm and kindle fire to bake bread. It is gods worshipped offends God. So Deuteronomy 7:25 says burn images of idol gods in fire. Don’t take silver, gold idol god images of prophet into your homes to kneel and bow to their photos. Its error to follow pastor not God’s WILL. God says HIS WILL is to graft ALL NATIONS into Israel to worship Yahweh alone. Don’t be deceived by the promised of material things to consult idol gods or ancestors for wealth. Jesus said God’s WILL be done on earth as it in heaven in Jesus Name.


Yahweh God is jealous for your heart to exclusively belong to HIM as your FIRST LOVE. God demands total loyalty from His people who love Him. God directs the life and path of His believers in the Bible and commandments. God wants full attention of all those who choose to follow Him. God does not want to share His GLORY or Worship by the Christian believers with any other gods.2511God is the Source of all life, nature, the Almighty God is Creator of universe so LORD and Master Above All. Sovereign God wants to be given HIS due Honour and Respect. Christian believers serve only the One True Living God so cannot share God with idol. God insists on total devotion dedication of who loves HIM._1328903383Its offence to God to cut a piece of God’s wood to form image of figure compared as piece of sculptor to the Living God. Its not Respectful of God to take HIS gold or silver, bronze, precious metal belonging to the Living God, melt and mould it to shape then say it is equal to the Living God Yahweh. Is insult for God’s wrath and anger not forgiven unless repents.images (14)God warns in Revelations 9:20 says idol worshipers of gold, silver, brass, stone, wood which cannot see or hear or walk or worship devils. If they do not repent will burn in hell fire of brimstone. And in Revelation 21:8 will burn in lake of fire and brimstone in hell forever. This is why creator God is angry for being rejected for man made idols. But God still LOVES and provides for all daily.love_letterGod’s stone, clay for pottery, ceramics, building, roofing turned into idol god objects of worship is not acceptable to God. God’s rivers, seas, caves, sacred space man makes entities phenomenon, grove shrines ultimate insult to God. To decide to honour God’s animals and creatures as more sacred is offence to displease the Living God.jealousTo perform secret rituals, sacrifices, and magic initiation baths, sexual acts, burn candles, eat things sacrificed to idols is to separate man completely from God. This removes people from God’s Divine Protection Cover into strongholds of the devil. It takes Grace of God to receive spiritual Light of God to be translated from kingdom of darkness into God’s marvelous Glorious Gospel of Light. All religions are not approved by God ONLY Jehovah is Living GOD. slide_3Spiritual blindness keeps all in bondage for spiritual death and hell forever. God Loves all people so does not want you to live in sin, ignorance. Accept Christ the True Living Way for Christian believers. For Christ is the Only Saviour Who died rose again and to save you. A piece of dead wood, sculptored eyes that cannot see, mouth that cannot speak, legs that cannot walk and arms to hug or comfort you like Holy Spirit is just dead (3)If you don’t worship the True Living God you as a living human but serve a piece of dead wood or silver etc. objects. You carry piece of metal gold, bronze, silver not of God. Jesus, God, Holy Spirit Living God watches over your life, provides your food, sunshine, family, wealth and riches for you. Why defy and reject Loving God and Christ Who Loves you, watches over your soul and gives you eternal life. God is jealous over you and doesn’t want to share you with idols gods made bought by you as your god. Jehovah will judge you one day in the day of the LORD if you ignore Yahweh.