Does the Church of God of Love know their duty of care to help meet needs of their members? A great need is support to make it possible to help meet needs of the family. God Almighty Creator of marriage helps meet all needs of families. But uses people to help according to HIS riches in glory in Christ Jesus in Philippians 4:19. Prayers for a healthy marriage is the key to a community so imperative to help meet needs of a spouse by visiting with gifts. Ensures life of a Godly biblical accountability done by a team for transparency. People need encouragement, help and strength from others. Marriage needs must be taught in advance to help guide them on natural changes. Progress to grow after years of dating, marriage, settling down. A home successfully requires the input from spouse team working on same page.After marriage pressure on couples to produce children whether financially able or not becomes conversation of topics and questions. So family increases from a couple to include the childcare changes taking place.  The demand for the child for a couple without help available provide is the reason for some. Changes of conception, child care requirement needs help to meet needs of a spouse. Focus shifts on the expectant mother to celebrate baby so support can make a man feel ignored. Conception progress without difficulty is wonderful baby welcomed in family. Nurturing baby by child bearing mother is intense so cared for initially by mother who need supportive extra help. Conception affects the woman’s feelings, emotions, moods, sacrifice so highly respected. The spouse must remember a baby comes first to meet needs in a relationship children are gifts from God. It takes a whole village to raise a child but immediate person influence to nurture baby directly is a mother. Pregnancy affects hormone, mother’s morning sickness, natural body scents of man nauseating repelling smell. This causes women to reject man’s intimacy understand and help by loving response in times of pregnancy. wp-1577084627152.jpgPregnant women may feel better after getting a careful support in extreme cases. Some women move into spareroom bedroom if a man’s odour hormone too hard to deal with man makes them nauseated feel sick vomit so spouse must help wife. Their deep intimacy is affected during the pregnancy and birth changes women. Talk and discuss don’t feel resentful, sulk feeling left out on sofa without cosy body warmth of wife in the moment. A man may resent a baby taking their place in the hearts of a spouse but babies need extra attention, time and support of a spouse. A wife’s discomfort pain in pregnancy makes body swell. Threat of miscarriage affects intimacy for some. So time to apply God’s love hugs not drift apart. A man must help meet a wife’s needs and satisfy craving demands for foods at odd hours. 20190903_082952.jpgSome new mothers feel ashamed so its hard to admit difficulties faced to seek help hide their feelings. A spouse must learn to adjust to baby’s needs and come to terms to help with practical reality of lovelife and marriage. Shocking changes happen in marriage relationships, unpredictable, unforeseen prepare for safe delivery to avoid stress. The spouse can be exhausted relieved its all over spouse looking forward to restore intimacy in marriage. Only to be disappointed let down by maternal instinct of spouse kicking in. The spouse’ attention is fully switched to baby is shocked spouse not waiting for reunion of intimacy he is fantasing about.The man feels invincible feels thinks baby maker machine unhappy to be a father. Can cause rifts in relationship if the spouse becomes too deeply engrossed with only the needs of the baby more than with spouse. Trusted relatives, friends, help to support give respite care to couple to help the relationship. Current circumstances of a society means is difficult for some mothers emotionally connected to baby carried 9 months so is a part of her body. Bonding shifts attention first to care for their helpless baby dependent on the mother. As the baby grows the father shows special love unseen by his wife to their baby. Don’t be jealous of attention given the baby totally dependent on you. They grow fast and soon play with friends so make the most of precious infant early years.Don’t further isolate a spouse feeling ostracised if an immature man jealous for lack of attention given to his new-born baby. Remember your own mothers did the same to nurture you. It is crucial to help wife at home with laundry or dishes piled up. Clean home, shop for food, buy the washing powder, soap, toilet roll, kitchen tissue, shampoo and conditioners, deodorants, sanitary products, nappies, diapers essential item priorities. Baby’s arrival creates disorganised home different from couple’s lifestyle. Pressure mounts to keep it all together, spouse is sore, bloated not in mood for love, unappreciated, misunderstood. Stressed by spouse to regain old body to start exercises for the pre-conception shape best self to feel better. Be sensitive and respect her body’s natural time for healing after a baby stretches it nine months. Remember both of you wanted the children and she sacrificed her career and promotion to raise your family. Family is teamwork its not women’s job only even if you have nannies, housekeepers play with your infant children and talk to them.Some immature men in stereotype relationships accuse spouse of not being good housekeeper, not cooking on time, not up to date with duties and roles. Be a good supportive spouse step up in love to support more ensure life renegotiated involved as a father. Do things differently make room for each other. In Christian marriage, God is first, a couple second children in a third place but baby cared for takes over home. Remember despite stress run a household on requirements of family. Keep discipline not maternal instincts taking over baby needs a disciplined routine life. Spouse support gently not resent new routines. Men and women with children fully understand the strong bonds of a baby and mother’s needs. If mother travels miles away maternal antennae instincts and gut feelings kick in fixated on baby left at home. Mother knows baby in safe hands cannot switch off emotionally. A spouse operate on baby auto-pilot deeply connected to the baby  more. Help to agree to centre conversation first on baby but discuss adapting to new changes in a relationship. A mother talks about baby love to make spouse aware persistently excludes him if focus on baby damage marriage not realising it.Difficult traumatic pregnancy feel more attached than the usual long-suffering spouses. Lack of affection for intimacy if spouse not in shape or in mood for intimacy weighed down by stress of baby’s needs. If man frustrated not fully involved hands on father in some cultures children seen as women’s job men not included. Remember to meet man needs affectionately. Some men are pressured to look for relieve elsewhere in a fresh ‘undamaged’m girlfriend mistress. Forget cause changes to a spouse’ body gets new wife, abuse young girls a wife not necessarily solve problem. Bible says men love wife like Jesus loves you be willing to have quality time to help meet needs.Spouse needs fire from spouse so endeavour to adjust to changes. Believer young wives need a support, advice from experienced wives in Titus 2:4. The older women to train younger women to love their husbands and children. In dynamics of marriage extra input is wise to receive help not  feel incompetent by not being superwoman. It is wise couples don’t burn bridges during dating or marriage people met going up an aisle are same people down. Bonding with children by a spouse has good domino effect. Children grow up, leave home couple some women experience an empty nest syndrome live inclusive active family life.Dating as couple to focus on each other’s needs give attention for intimacy bonding and cleaving again. Children become the third-party involved through transition changes relationship. Before conception couple think they fully know what to do before child-birth. After childbirth they realise relationship needs new love review to cope with infant. Co-operative spouse build up a marriage to adapt to life as normal as possible. After birth of children you need God to help spouses meet needs in a masculine society. Holy Spirit dwells in your body temple intimacy be realistic, honour body in relationship understand spouse partner. Support spouse to mend rift quickly not to drift  apart to cope with new changes. Childcare issue affect family wives pay a heavy price with career profession. Feel abandoned by spouse if caring for sick child, juggling jobs, career, mortgage, or care for elderly parents. Baby needs cost money for basic necessities. If disability issue involves childcare for life affects promotions in careers.Stop vendetta to refuse to pay for their sick child but supports with new soouse ignore first family causes relationship breakdown.  The scenario of not focusing on intimacy is factor as it changes a woman’s libido after birth. Help meet spouses’ needs discuss if children entrusted to parent for a fee days for a break to lead own lives. Couple relates with adult family members on new levels so not alone. Submit to s spouse in relationship God created as gift to refill earth of life in Christ. Marriage is good because he who finds a wife finds a good thing gets prayers answered makes spouse and family happy. Children if well raised feel important and spouse respects family is the centre of focus. Children discover world needs a hardworker as parent’s teach them to do so. And friends, respect adult encountered treats them well home. Help meet need and guide children to respect spouse right from birth. Continue to seek God’s face Bible meditate on God’s Words night and day in Joshua 1:8. Encourage spouse to do well talk respectfully correct in private and share feelings with each other is more confident reassured not alone. God guarantees love, light at end of longest darkest tunnel you will rejoice.God’s words say teach, obey, submit and honour adults life is well with you. Children disciplined respect authority in a daily family decision. Seek God’s advice not reality TV drama and a secular textbook’s view on marriage. Seek commitment for life’s journey long haul till death part by God’s Grace to Help Meet Needs. Storms of changes in marriage brings a family closer together and vacation helps. Check with GP, doctors if spouse experiencing a postpartum depression. Support with love, understanding so pamper with treats. Speak affirmation words in front of mirror to use brightlight, vibrant atmosphere, play a favourite music, eat healthy meals, not any junk foods or chemicals causing depression, no coffee after 6pm. A deep refreshing sleep repairs the body to keep you in good health. So spoil yourself with a hotbath, rose petal, live life like if first found love again. Positive words builds up do not put each other down ask the LORD God to heal you. Share testimony with the world. Forgive each other, do not live in bitterness. Let God deal with all hurts under cross of Christ to deal with impact on you in Christ. Chronic illness teams to visit regularly, pray with family, provide practical help with their shopping, laundry, cook, clean visit if in hospital. Just do it don’t ask if you want help sounds like excuse not help. People under stress of illness in pain don’t let people know how they feel. They don’t want to be complaining just gets on with it its time to show true Christian love and support family in Jesus Name. Include siblings so they don’t feel left out ignored by caring for the sick. Caring is emotionally, physically draining so ask for help to rejuvenate to be stronger for family.

Courtesy; www. body
