Gods-Wrath-From-Heaven_Rev-6-thru-8Wormwood is in Bible in old Testament. In Hebrew la’anah is wormwood Artemisia absinthium botanists say its intensely bitter. Deuteronomy 29:18, Proverbs 5:4 Jeremiah 9:15, Amos 5:7 wormwood bitterness is for affliction, remorse, punishment suffering. In Amos 6:12 in Hebrew hemlock wormwood has four kinds of wormwood in Palestine is Artemisia nilotica, A. Judaica, A. fructicosa and A. cinerea. Wormwood occurs in Bible in a metaphorical sense in Jeremiah 9:15, Lamentations 3: 15; 23:15. Wormwood is a symbol of bitter calamity, sorrow set aside by God to deal with the unrighteous to judge unrepentant sinners. Wormwood judgement in Amos 5:7 typify sorrow, cruelty, calamity. The plant’s poisonous bitter nature symbolic of God’s bitter judgement. Hebrew la`anah bitter substance gall in Septuagint translate apsinthos wormwood. Ancient English texts translates to genus Artemisia Natural Order Compositae wormwood. 5 species of shrubs, herbs in Palestine’s bitter name derive from property of species anthelmintics. Varieties in manufacturing absinthe wormwood. This language of apocalypse in Revelations 8:10 -11. Stars falls on waters causes a third part of seas and rivers to turn bitter wormwood. fire-brimstoneIn Hebrew la`anah Greek word absinthion means its undrinkable. Absinthe in France distilled from species of plant southernwood or “old man, cultivated in cottage gardens as fragrance species. Plant’s bitterness likened to lips of strange narcissist woman sweet as honeycomb. Her mouth is smoother than oil but in the end bitterly destroys victims like WORMWOOD so two edged sword. Her feet leads down to death, her steps sends people to hell in Proverbs 5:3-5Wormwood star in Revelation in 8:10-11. As third angel sounds trumpet a great star blazing like a torch falls from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water, the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turn bitter people die from bitter waters third trumpet judgments in Revelation 5:4:5. Jesus opened book of Daniel sealed with a seven seals for the endtimes. God’s plan reveals prophecy of Lion of Zion of tribe of Judah who prevailed to open book loose seven seals in Revelation 5:4-5. Wormwood is prophecies of Christ in Bible in Matthew 24, Mark, Luke fulfilled in seven seals. First seal false prophets; second seal war; third famine; fourth plagues and pestilence; fifth tribulation, sixth death and heavenly signs. Seventh is seven trumpets in the end Jesus Christ returns at seventh final trumpet. Jesus Second Coming to the earth to rule is after seventh seals. A false leader’s bow and crown conquer in Revelation 6:1-2 using false religion to deceive many people.Wormwood-Prophecy-is-absolutely-amazing-revised-and-expanded-version-YouTube7 In Matthew 24 true gospel preached around the world but the false Christs come in Jesus name saying, I am Christ to deceive many in verses 4-5. Jesus says elect be alert not to be deceived as the whole world is in Revelation 12:9. Second seal is wars for peace is taken from earth to kill one another with sword in Revelation 6:4. Of wars or rumours of wars be not troubled all these things come to pass but the end is not yet Matthew 24:6. Nuclear bombs accumulated or land mine detonated kill millions yearly. So many cannot farm on the land due to wars or land mines causing famines in third Seal. Drought and famines, cause plagues, pestilence locusts, diseases so death, hell, grave, power to kill with sword, hunger, death or by beasts of earth. Fourth seals is death in Matthew 24 so nations rise against nations, kingdoms against kingdom, famines and earthquakes in many places in Matthew 24:8 “All these are beginning of the sorrows” Christ warns about. These events happen before His second return on earth. Tribulations are happening since the time of Christ continue generations. The man made victim of success intensified rapid damages to destroy earth. Mankind chose to abandon God’s command to do their own things, they destroy earth in a greedy pursuits of money, material wealth vanity. Cause huge damage to environmental natural rainforest to strip bare or dry. Ozone layer contributes to rapid damage but biggest joke is most privileged guilty few destroy environment shout most and loudest blaming others for their lavish lifestyle wasteful actions. God helps them to destroy it to rebuild the new earth and the new heaven to come down to the new earth.20210203_100613 Seven trumpet judgments and seventh seals in Revelation 8:1-5. First trumpet is hail fire destroys forests, plant life animals globally in Revelation 8:7. Second trumpet is meteor, comet heavenly objects hitting oceans cause death of one-third of sea life, Revelation 8:8-9. Third trumpet like second, affects world’s lakes, rivers as oceans in Revelation 8:10-11. A third part of fresh water on earth to turn bitter many people die from drinking it. The word “wormwood” in New Testament occur 8 times is associated with bitterness, poisons and death. Bible predicts earth’s destruction by massive pole shift and earthquakes when Sixth Seal is opened evidence shows pole’s shift occurred. This mechanism perturbs the earth’s axis planet cataclysmic interruption wobble unstable. Physical manifestations in ongoing earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, tornadoes, flashfloods and forest wildfires, mudslides and red, blue, snow, black moon, imminent chaos of birthpang pains as Jesus predicted in Matthew 24 warns in advance. 8-26Revelation confirms God using falling stars on earth Wormwood. Inhabitants of earth know bitter herb wormwood like in Bible times. Wormwood’s star effect bitter waters on earth water undrinkable. Its  not matter of bitter taste of water its poisonous so kills. If drinking water is unavailable one third of the earth’s population dehydrate starve, die. Chaos and terror will result as humans can survive a couple of days without water. The inhabitants of affected areas desperate they drink poisoned water, causing the deaths of thousands and millions of people. Prophecy is to come in last seven years of tribulation age known as 70th week of Daniel. Another natural disaster is desperate deaths usher in rise of antiChrist to world power quickly in Revelation 13. One-third of earth destroyed by God’s partial judgment full wrath is yet to be unleashed in Great Tribulation to destroy earth. Biblical interpretation is endtime sign of WRATH of God unfold. A number of Bible scholars say Wormwood is symbolic of these bitterness to fill earth in troubled times. The Wormwood artemisia absinthium mugwort  and artemis vulgaris is a Biblical metaphor for things unpalatably bitter. Wormwood is чорнобиль chornobyl Ukrainian name of a town Chernobyl nuclear disaster  destroyed parts of earth, trees, plant life, killed people. 2 Timothy 3:1 says in the last days perilous times shall come in form of floods, wildfires, droughts, locusts, plagues, earthquakes, gets worse until Rapture of Jesus. AFTER THESE THINGS THE GREAT TRIBULATION OF EVIL UNSEEN BEFORE WILL HAPPEN ON EARTH. Repent before too late so Jesus will save you in Jesus Name escape in Rapture to heaven.


Revelation 8:10-11 – A third angel sounds and there fell great star from heaven burning like a lamp fell on a third part of rivers, fountain waters. The name of star is Wormwood, third part of waters became wormwood so many men and women died of bitter waters.

Deuteronomy 29:18 – If any among you as man, woman, family, tribe turn heart away from the LORD our God to serve other gods of other nations they will be the root bearing gall wormwood.

Numbers 5:11-31 – Wormwood ordeal is bitter water given to wife to drink if husband suspects her of adultery. If no witnesses the priest gives her the bitter wormwood drink. If guilty her stomach swells is cursed and divorced. Women cruel to their husband are wormwood.

Proverbs 5:4 – The end she of the bitter woman is gall she is sharp as the double edged sword but her end is very bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged.
Proverbs 6:24-35 – Keep away from the evil bitter woman who is a wormwood.

Jeremiah 9:15 – Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel I will feed these people with wormwood and give them water of gall of wormwood to drink.

Jeremiah 23:15 – Thus saith the LORD of hosts about the prophets Behold, I will feed them with wormwood make them drink the water of gall from prophets of Jerusalem whose profaneness is gone to all the land.

Lamentations 3:15 – So filled with bitterness and drunk with wormwood.

Lamentations 3:19- Afflictions of misery is like the wormwood gall.

Amos 5:7- You turn good judgment to wormwood and leave righteousness on earth.


Matthew George, Wormwood

wurm’-wood (la’anah (Deuteronomy 29:18; Proverbs 5:4; Jeremiah 9:15; 23:15; Lamentations 3:15,19; Amos 5:7; 6:12, NKJV; apsinthos in Revelation 8:11

Easton Bible Dictionary, Masterman

E. W. G. Masterman, Woodwood

Wormwood, King James Dictionary.
Smith’s Bible Dictionary 1901.
Encyclopedias – International Standard Bible Encyclopedia – Wormwood
King James Dictionary – Wormwood
Jack Van Impe’s Prophecy Dictionary

6 thoughts on “WORMWOOD IN THE BIBLE

    • History repeats itself so most events happening today occurred in the past on a different level. Marah is bitterness fountain of Israelites in Exodus 15 : 23, 24; Numbers 33:8 the waters so bitter could not be drunk. The water is changed after Moses seeks Yahweh’s response shown a piece of wood Moses threw in water made it sweet and fit to drink. Moses by God’s Divine direction made water safe to drink. In 2 Kings 2:19 men of the city told Elisha they could not drink water it was bitter. Elisha put salt in water miracle made water sweet, drinkable and place called Marah. In 2 Kings 4:38-41 in famine, sons of prophets cooked wild herbs bitter “death in pot.” Elisha puts flour in pot stew made safe to eat. Effects of toxic gases, meteors, comets, fall like sulfur punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah burn and destroy cities, kills and water is bitter undrinkable. Thirst is not quenched, dehydration and starvation kills people by Wrath of God and wrath of Jesus for rejecting Jesus as Lord. It is punishment so waters not made sweet like God did in the past to save people. Wormwood bitter events happen randomly in places. But it is on a global scale during endtime birth pang pains of perilous times of distress. It is a wake up call to seek God before its too late or perish. Some bitter events already happened others are still happening in tribulation continues to GREAT TRIBULATION. Things get worse, life unbearable, dangerous evil things unseen happen as Jesus said in Matthew 24. All sealed by God protected, if not one third to a quarter of people on earth perish in Revelations 7:1-8. God’s people sealed are redeemed with seal on their foreheads. The seal is the name of God and Lamb Jesus. God’s mercy is in eternal life or rapture if you believe. Thank you for your comments, take care, stay safe, God bless you.

    • I think wormwood is our own sun going micronova.


      Revelation 16:8 says a fourth angel pours his bowl vial on the sun to burn people by fire. The sun will be seven times hotter in the end time is the first of 7 Seal Judgments. In Revelation 6:8 John saw “a pale horse rider death and hades was following him given power to kill a fourth of people on earth by sword, famine, plagues and wild beasts of the earth. Jesus said in Matthew 24 tribulations are going from His time on earth due to wrath of God for evil. Testimony of Jesus says trumpet judgments are repeated so earth is impacted by major solar flares from the sun cause tsunamis, climate change globally. The sun causes drought, famines, apocalyptic fires burn forests and mudslides, seas dry, fish die by comets, meteors, toxic woodworm star burns in heat waves. These plagues are worse in GREAT TRIBULATION after Rapture. Thank you for comment, take care, be safe, God bless you.

  1. Wormwood is the name of an angel, who is sent to earth to do God’s work.. and another star fell to earth and given unto HIM was the key to the bottomless pit

    • 1. Wormwood” is the name of a star rock in Revelation 8:10-11: “The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from sky on a third of the rivers and springs of water the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from bitter waters.” This is the third “trumpet judgment” in Revelation of the seven trumpets in Revelation 8:1-5. First trumpet is hail and fire destroys plant life in the world in Revelation 8:7. Second trumpet is a meteor, comet heavenly body hitting oceans and death of one-third of the world’s sea life Revelation 8:8-9. Third trumpet affects world’s lakes and rivers in Revelation 8:10-11 cause a third part of fresh water on earth bitter so many people will die drinking it. Wormwood in New Testament appears eight times and in the Old Testament on bitterness, poison and death. Revelation Wormwood star turns water bitter is undrinkable and poisonous.

      2. Revelation 9:11 says the name of the angel of the Abyss bottomless pit in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek is Apollyon the Destroyer. Thank you for your comments, God bless you. Have a blessed Christmas.

      • WE NEED TO BE THE SALT OF THE EARTH MINISTRIES~~~ If salt loses Its flavor its tossed out “Church must preach the true Gospel!! “Sidewalk ministering needs to take over again.


        Jesus said believers are the salt of the earth so reach people by sharing the word of God in Spirit and in Truth globally in many forms. A sidewalk or street ministry is important but now Church gatherings are on hold. It depends if the place you live permits street evangelism on one to one basis if appropriate to social distancing law with current events going on in the world. Some people minister online, Skype, group chat forums, TV, radio, podcast, you tube, periscope emails, newsletters, phone, etc. to share word of God. Some meet in homes like disciples did in Acts of Apostles in Bible, if safe and not in isolation. If alone, there is no distance in prayer God hears you. Bible says a time will come no one will teach another the word of God. God HIMSELF will speak, teach from Bible, Holy Spirit, Jesus so read HIS word and pray yourself. Ask God to help you understand the Bible better. Practice the Presence of God by meditating on word of God and listen deeply in your spirit. You are not alone because the father God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and angels are with you always. Ask questions, make notes, get help if you need help. Thank you for your comments, take care, stay safe, God bless you.

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